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Minutes – Neighbourhood Planning Meeting 13th January 2016


Present: Mr C James, Mr C Bishop, Mr C Reddy, Mrs J O’Rourke, Mrs J Stephenson, Mr C Wookey, Mr C Taylor, Miss A Daniels, Mr P Tyson, Miss C Batten, Mrs M Thomas.

1. Apologies for absence were received from, Mrs J Drury, Mrs S Grimes, Mrs F Farquar, Mrs J. Bragg, Ms L. Robinson

2. Chairman’s remarks:

Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. He introduced Julie O’Rourke from BaNES who was replacing Cleo Newcombe-Jones. Following a suggestion, it was agreed to send a thank you card to Cleo for her work on the committee: the Chairman to action.

3. Minutes of previous meeting (09 December 2015):

Were agreed.

4. Matters Arising:

Clarification: Charlie Bishop commented that the abbreviation used on the minutes failed to distinguish between himself CB and Caroline Batten CB. All future abbreviations for him should be CVB. Julie Bragg requested to note.

5. Items for Discussion:

Publication and distribution of Questionnaire results. The Chairman asked that each steering group member prepare the letters provided, ensuring that the covering letter is uppermost, and distribute them using the same distribution breakdown provided for the Questionnaire. Spare copies were available to take away and the surplus ones would be held in the Post Office. The original collated questionnaire comments, now anonymous, would be placed on the PC website: Charlie Bishop to action. Hard copies to be collated into files and placed in the Rising Sun, George & Dragon, Post Office, Memorial Hall, Hairdresser and if open, the Café. Julie Bragg requested to action.

Agreement on a template and timeframe and way of working for our draft Plan/policies: The format of the Open Day days to be held on 18th & 19th March was discussed. A similar style to the ones held last year was suggested. It was important to understand the rationale for them and so the next 2 meetings were vital to ensure that the display outlined the way forward. It could either be a draft plan or more options for comment. Whatever was used, it was important to produce evidence based policies ie using population studies, facilities audit, housing surveys etc. Each Topic Group should start to produce relevant policies for their topic. It was essential that the Topic Groups got together before the next meeting to start their work because of tight timeline already agreed for producing the NP. Julie O’Rourke
would provide hard copy maps, links to different evidence phases, a NP template and send them to the Chairman. She explained that it was very important to keep records of all evidence used in NPs and, she suggested that local NPs previously produced may already contain some evidence suitable for our NP.

Having an agreed layout for the plan was important. Charlie Bishop has produced a word template: each Topic Group can send their word documents to him and he will add it to the template to ensure uniformity throughout the final version. It was agreed to use the Stowey/Sutton NP as the style for the NP. Images for use in the NP could be obtained from Julie Bragg using the Place Making Plan 2013 or if given exact requirements, Charlie Bishop would take the images himself.
Each Topic Group should include:
A short background
What is to be achieved? (objective)
How it is going to be achieved – the policy
Why are we doing it – rationale/reason?
When is it going to happen? (if possible/relevant)
Julie O’Rourke strongly encouraged a full bibliography to be maintained throughout. Topic Groups should send their first drafts to Charlie Bishop, to insert into his template prior to the next meeting, so that it can be discussed. The Chairman and Vice Chairmen’s draft general introduction to the NP would be emailed to all committee members. Chairman to action.

5. AOB:

No other Business

6. Date and venue for next meeting. Wednesday 10th February 2016 Pensford Memorial Hall at 7.30pm. It was also agreed that the March meeting should be on Wednesday 9 March.