Minutes – Neighbourhood Planning Meeting 10th February 2016


Present: Mr C James, Mr C Bishop, Mr P Tyson, Mrs S Grimes, Mrs J Drury, Miss C Batten, Mr C Reddy, Mrs J Bragg

1) Apologies were received from Mrs J Stephenson, Mr C Wookey, & Julie O’Rourke B&NES.

2) Chairman’s Remarks:

Mr James informed the Group that Lydia had resigned but is willing to help on an ad hoc basis. Chairman to ask Lydia if she is willing to stay on the e.mail distribution list.

3) Minutes of Previous Meetings:

a) The minutes of Wednesday 13th January 2016 were altered on Item 4, abbreviation for Charlie Bishop CBB changed to CVB. The minutes were then signed by the Chairman as a true record.

4) Matters Arising:

A card had been sent to Cleo Newcombe-Jones and acknowledgement received.
A discussion on where the Questionnaire Results should be advertised. The PC Website was agreed. Work is being undertaken on the Neighbourhood Plan section of the Website. A copy of the minutes will be sent for inclusion on the Website.
Julie & Charlie to put together the hard copies of the results. One to be ready for the Open Day.

5) Items for Discussion:

Policy Writing: Everyone was thanked for being part of their Focus Groups and the subsequent meetings they had held as part of their group.
Progress reports from Interest Groups: Housing: CT, JS, SG & FF….first question asked was are we bound by the questionnaire as far as policy writing is concerned.
It was agreed that Policies should be evidence based and therefore the views expressed through the consultation and questionnaire process should form the Policy Statements.
Taking the results from the questionnaire in relation to question 10d) We should seek to: Negotiate to provide a safe footpath from Pensford Primary School to the Memorial Hall. There was a large amount who strongly agreed with this. A discussion took place regarding how to provide this. Possibly with access through Wesley Terrace and through the ground behind the gardens. Land Ownership will need to be established.
A discussion was undertaken regarding providing a policy for Affordable Housing and where it should be built. The allotment land South of the Allotments being the suggested option.
A small strip of land by Guys Farm was also suggested which is above the Flood Level and within the Village Boundary. Copies of the Housing Needs Survey carried out through the Parish Council have been looked at which showed the definite need for Affordable Homes.
Should there then be a Policy for development of Affordable Homes only for Local People. How would these conditions be imposed.
It was agreed that the Chairman should take advice from Julie O’Rourke to find out how to put these conditions down as a policy in order to maintain a Village for Local People long term.
All were agreed that each Policy for Housing needs to be evidence based it doesn’t need to identify a solution but it needs to reflect the questionnaire results and not too detailed.
Can we identify specific areas if we wish?
Can we include in the Policy that it would support smaller applications within the village boundaries? Other Village Neighbourhood Plans will be looked at.
Environment Focus Group: Meg Thomas, Caroline Batten, Chris Reddy & Jo Drury:
The Environment Focus Group circulated a set of minutes from their meeting held on
20th January. Lydia Robinson had kindly produced maps for greenspaces.
During their discussions it was suggested that a point of contact at B&NES Council would be good for Environmental Issues such as flooding. Clerk reported that there is a Flood Representative in the Parish and has details of Riparian Ownership of watercourses.
A Dog Fouling Policy?
Could the Village Hall and the Primary School swap locations. If so which Policy should this come under.
It was suggested that the Parish Council should take forward a request to measure pollution levels outside of the Primary School. Simple Test equipment can be purchased to carry out this.
Business Focus Group: Gas is a non starter for the Parish. Broadband – not an issue for everyone as some achieve higher speed than others.
Business Expansion in the Parish: Where would it go? Garage site was suggested.
Maybe a Policy could be a general one to encourage local business expansion to build commercial on brownfield sites. Parking Policies? Access? Pollution? Noise Policy – is it possible to have one?
Can there be a link from the Parish Council web site for a small fee to a Directory of Local Business’s..
Tourism: Information Board for the Village, leaflets, history, walks, heritage trail. The ideal place could possibly be the Churchyard to put information. An idea suggested to take forward through the Parish Council.
Traffic & Transport: Charles Wookey & Sue Grimes. Traffic reports. Maybe employ someone to look at traffic problems. Other Neighbourhood Plans have been looked at i.e. Freshford.
Moving towards our Draft Plan: Chairman reported that we had six weeks to the open days. A Draft Plan will not be ready by this time. It was suggested that a document be produced and bits which have been done from each Focus Group can be taken and included. Focus Groups will continue to meet prior to the open days.
Chris Reddy, Chris James and Charlie Bishop to meet to put together an introduction for the Open Days.
Open Days 18th & 19th March 2016: Banners will be produced again with the format similar to last time. Display boards will be used. Maps will be available, copies of the questionnaire available along with the copy of the comments and the analysis. The process so far of the Neighbourhood Plan will be on display.A Topic Area will be on each board.
It was agreed no more leafleting would be required. Posters will be displayed around the Parish. Banners will go up two weeks before.
The Centre for Sustainable Energy will be invited to bring along their Model Village Display.
Meg Thomas will invite the Woodland Trust to come along.

6) Any Other Business:

Meg invited anyone interested to help plant trees on Saturday 13th February 2016 in memory of her late husband Stephen. 500 saplings of oak and hornbeams will be planted in a one acre area.
Finger Post Fundraiser: Will take place on 1st May 2016 tickets £10.00

7) Date of Next Meeting:

Wednesday 9th March 2016 at The Memorial Hall Pensford.


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