Minutes – June 2024


Held on Monday 10th June 2024 in the Memorial Hall, Pensford

PastedPresent: Mr P Baxter, Ms C Dinsdale, Mr S Filer, Mrs S Grimes(Chairman), Mr S Grimes, Mrs T Jones, Mrs J Stephenson, Mr W Tantam, Mrs H Richardson (Clerk) and 3 Members of Public.

Public Participation: A resident asked for the footpath from Old Road to Birchwood Lane to be cut back, and also
reported the broken kissing gate on Birchwood Lane.
The Police attended to give their monthly report and to give an update on the work on the viaduct to prevent youths
from gaining access.

52.1. Apologies for absence: Mrs J Gully, Dr L Malt, Mr Paul May (Ward Councillor)

52.2. Declarations of Interest: None

52.3. The Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 13th May 2024 were agreed as a true and fair record and the Chairman signed them.

52.4. Planning:

a) Applications to consult:

i) 24/01737/FUL.140 High Street Pensford: Installation of replacement front and rear external doors, all windows to rear elevation and installation of 8no. solar panels. The Parish council resolved to OBJECT to the proposals as solar panels and a UPVC door are not appropriate on the front of the house in a conservation area.

ii) 23/02251/FUL. 48 Hillcrest, Pensford: Erection of 2no. bungalows-Revised Information. The Parish Council resolved to OBJECT to this application again as they could not see anything that would cause them to change their previous resolution that this is overcrowding and the site is more suited to one new dwelling.

b) Decision Notification: None

c) Notification of Appeal:

23/04030/FUL Appeal Ref: 24/00021/RF. The Teasel Barn Stanton Road, Pensford: Demolition of existing detached single storey garage to be replaced with a two storey, two bedroom detached dwelling (annex). The Parish Council resolved that no further comment was needed.

52.5. Matters for Discussion / Decision

a) Following the problems encountered with the installation of the ANPR cameras, the withdrawal of support from the original proposer and the results of a public consultation, the Parish Council resolved to cancel the ANPR project.

b) The Parish Council agreed that they would request a contribution form the Ward Councillors empowerment fund towards the following: £500 towards the cost of extending/improving the Water supply on the allotments and £500 towards the cost of repointing the lock up.

c) The Parish Council approved expenditure of £50 for flower bulbs.

d) The Parish Council reviewed the NALC model financial regulations, and any suggested amendments should be sent to the clerk.

52.6. Financial Matters

a) The Parish Council accepted the internal auditors report
b) The Parish Council approved the accounting governance statements.
c) The Parish Council approved the annual return for Year End 31 March 2024 (Unaudited)
d) The Parish Council agreed that there were no conflicts of interest with BDO LLP
e) The Financial Report was accepted
f) June payments were approved.

Purpose for Expense – Amount – VAT Recover
Mark McMullen – footpaths £85.00 £- N/A
Mrs Helen Richardson (45.5j) – Salary £900.74 £- N/A
Zurich Insurance £932.87 £- N/A
DPM Lucas – grass cutting £50 £- N/A
Water2Business – Allotments £50 £- N/A
Titan Internet secure hosting £48 £8 Y
Christine Wilkins – Internal Audit £200 £- N/A

52.7. Paul May sent his apologies due to the pre-election period.

52.8. Reports

a) PCAA: AGM ON 27TH June
b) Allotments: The Parish Council discussed the allotments and agreed that the perimeter hedge had been
neglected and would ask for quotes to maintain it. They would also ask for a grant from the ward Councillor to
extend the water supply.
c) Double Yellow lines on Publow Lane – The Parish Council would monitor the situation to see if the anticipated problems with parking are shifted to another area of the village.
d) Planning Policy: Working with Parishes on Rural Strategy (4th June). B&NES will be in contact to arrange a meeting which is more specific to the Parish.
e) POKE: Addressing Queen Charlton Quarry Contamination (5th June). Two councillors attended and reported on the meeting.
f) Clerks Progress Report was circulated.
g) Chairman’s Report. The request for a basket ball hoop was passed to the Village Hall Committee and they said no.
h) Parish Council Working Group discussed the main issues facing the Parish and how to progress.
They discussed the problems with parking around the gospel hall and agreed that the builders were making the problem worse, but that would not be long term There was a possibility that the hedge could be cut back
to provide enough road width for additional parking.

52.9. Items to carry forward to the next meeting: none .

52.10. To note Future Meetings
Parishes Liaison –18th September 2024
DATE OF NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: Monday 10th July 2024 at 7pm in Pensford Village Hall
The meeting closed at 20.38 pm

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