Present:, Mr P Baxter(Chairman), Ms C Dinsdale, Mr S Filer, Mrs J Gully, Mrs T Jones, Dr L Malt, Mrs J Stephenson, Mr W Tantam, Mr Paul May (Ward Councillor), Mrs H Richardson (Clerk) and 3 Members of Public.
Public Participation: A resident asked for an update on how CIL funds had been spent,
A resident complained about Fly tipping
59.1. Apologies for absence: Mrs S Grimes, Mr S Grimes,
59.2. Declarations of Interest: None
59.3. The Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 9th December 2024 were agreed as a true and fair record and the Chairman signed them.
59.4. Planning:
a) Applications to consult:
i) 25/00026/FUL. 37 Hillcrest, Pensford: Proposal: Single storey front porch to replace current single storey front porch. First floor extension above existing garage to create annex. Single storey link building to connect main house with annex. Internal reconfigurations and larger patio area to front of house. The Parish council resolved to SUPPORT the application.
b) Decision Notification:
i) 24/04000/FUL: Lockup Cottage, Publow Lane, Publow: Replacement of two adjacent front door entrance covers with matching porches at 1 and 2 Lockup Cottage. PERMITTED
ii) 24/00539/FUL. 189 Publow Lane, Woollard: Attic conversion to include new stair from first floor, internal insulation to roof and conservation rooflights on rear elevation. Alterations to openings on the ground floor to swap existing front door and adjacent window, and to enlarge window on front elevation to width of original front door. Ground floor extension to rear that extends below garden level, with raised parapet wall above. Fence to front boundary. PERMITTED
iii) 24/00540/LBA. 189 Publow Lane, Woollard: Attic conversion to include new stair from first floor, internal insulation to roof and conservation rooflights on rear elevation. Alterations to openings on the ground floor to swap existing front door and adjacent window, and to enlarge window on front elevation to width of original front door. Ground floor extension to rear that extends below garden level, with raised parapet wall above. Fence to front boundary. CONSENT
59.5. Matters for Discussion / Decision
a) The Parish council accepted the Local Government Pay Agreement for 2024-2025.
b) The Parish Council approved the 2025-2026 budget and approved a precept request of £28,159 an increase of 12.63% which is an increase of £6.27 per Band D household.
c) The Parish Council noted the resignation of the footpath officer effective from the end of March. The Staffing working group would prepare a job description and advertisement for the position.
d) The Parish Council approved the draft response to the Bristol Airport Masterplan Consultation.
e) The report of WERN meeting and discussion on the need for a housing needs survey was deferred to the next meeting.
f) The Parish Council resolved to SUPPORT a proposal to apply for two restricted parking places outside the new premises for the post office, provided that two previously restricted parking spaces by the old premises are released to be unrestricted. It was also suggested that the restriction applies between the hours of 8am and 6pm so that post office customers can use them during the day and residents can use them at night. The Parish Council also sought clarification about the restricted parking spaces in the carpark behind the new premises.
g) The Parish Council agreed to the relocation of the central Pensford defibrillator to the new post office building when the post office moves from its existing premises.
h) The Parish Council received complaints about the smell coming from snack vans on Hursley Hill. The Advise from B&NES was for residents to complain directly to Environment Protection if the smell was offensive enough to significantly interfere with the enjoyment of their property or be prejudicial to health by contacting www.bathnes.gov.uk/report-odour-nuisance. Or to keep a diary to specify dates and times and report directly to public protection and health improvement services. The details were passed onto the residents,
59.6. Financial Matters
a) The Financial Report was accepted
b) January payments were approved.
Purpose for Expense – Amount – VAT – Recover
Mark McMullen – footpaths £85.00 £- N/A
Mrs Helen Richardson (45.5j) – Salary £894.44 £- N/A
HMRC (Month 10) £270.53 £- N/A
AED Locator (EU) Ltd – Defib £3790.74 £-631.79 Y
59.7. The Ward Councillor reported that he had been contacted by a resident concerned about dumping of waste on private land in Wick Lane. He has been concerned about the local impact of the changes to the NPPF
59.8. Reports
a) PCAA: No report
b) Allotments: No report
c) Village Hall. No report
d) Clerks Progress Report was circulated.
e) Chairman’s Report. Nothing to report
f) Police: No report
59.9. Items to carry forward to the next meeting: Suggestions for road improvements to put forward for a TRO.
59.10. To note Future Meetings
DATE OF NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: Monday 10th March 2025 at 7pm in Pensford Village Hall
The meeting closed at 20.32pm