Notice Board Wooll

Parish Council Minutes – 8th January 2024


Held on Monday 8th January 2024 in the Memorial Hall, Pensford

Present: Mr P Baxter(Chairman), Mr S Filer, Mrs T Jones, Ms C Dinsdale Mrs J Stephenson, Mr W Tantam, Mr Paul May(Ward Councillor), Mrs H Richardson (Clerk) and 5 Members of Public.

Public Participation: A resident requested an update on the ‘metal miners’ The Clerk would chase a response from the Miners Welfare to see if they would like to be involved.

46.1. Apologies: Mr S Grimes, Mrs S Grimes, Mrs J Gully, Dr L Malt

46.2. Declarations of Interest: None

46.3. The Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 11th Decembr 2023 were agreed as a true and fair record and the Chairman signed them.

46.4. Planning:

a) Applications to consult: None

b) Decision Notification:

i) 23/02194/FUL. Agricultural Buildings and Land Blackrock Lane, Publow. Erection of 1no. 4 bed dwelling and associated works. PERMIT
ii) 23/04077/FUL. Camelot , 4 Station Approach, Pensford, Refurbishment of existing property including modifications to primary elevation. PERMIT
iii) 23/02678/FUL. Kensington House, Pensford Hill, Pensford. Erection of fence. PERMIT

46.5. Matters for Discussion / Decision

a) The Parish Council agreed to make one amendment to 12f and then approved the Standing Orders.

b) The Parish Council approved the Budget 2024-25 and set the precept request at £25,000. This equates to an increase of £1.69 per year for a Band D household, an increase of 3.53 %

c) The Parish Council considered an invitation for councillors to visit the Great Avon Wood to see the tree planting project on the site off Parsonage Lane. Several Councillors were interested and would make contact.

d) The Parish Council received information that residents in Hillcrest who had requested a bench by the bus stop have decided that they no longer want one and so the Parish Council agreed not to pursue the project.

46.6. Financial Matters

a) The Financial Report was accepted

b) January payments were approved.

Purpose for Expense Mark McMullen – footpaths
Amount £85.00
VAT £-
Recover N/A

Purpose for Expense Mrs Helen Richardson (45.5j) – Salary
Amount £895.32
VAT £-
Recover N/A

46.7. B&NES Ward Councillor reported that B&NES are currently discussing budgets and showing a £17 million overspend, however tourism and properties in Bath would help to make them break even. They are expected to announce a 4.99% increase in council tax. Resourceful Earth have gone into receivership without having carried out their obligations with regards to the building and lands on the site. This is likely to cost £1 million to put right. Local Plan options will go into consultation in February shaping development for the next 20 years.

46.8. Reports

a) PCAA: No Update.
b) Allotments: No Update
c) Parish Council Working Group – No meeting over Christmas.
d) Staffing Panel – Clerk Appraisal had been carried out and circulated to Staffing Panel. One member of the Staffing Panel said he hadn’t seen the email. They would arrange to meet this month.
e) Clerks Report – circulated.
f) Chairmans report- circulated

46.9. Items to carry forward to the next meeting: ANPR Update, Financial Regs, New Bank

46.10. To note Future Meetings
Parishes Liaison –28th Feb, 19th June, 18th September 2024
Chew Valley Forum – early 2024
ALCA Meeting 23 Jan, 11th June.

DATE OF NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: Monday 12th February 2024 at 7pm in Pensford Village Hall.
The meeting closed at 19.52 pm