Held on Monday 5th August 2024 in the Memorial Hall, Pensford
Present:, Mr S Filer, Mrs S Grimes(Chairman), Mr S Grimes, Mrs J Gully, Mrs T Jones, Dr L Malt, Mrs J Stephenson, Mr W Tantam, Mrs H Richardson (Clerk) and 10 Members of Public.
Public Participation: The applicant for Planning Application 24/01202/FUL, The Hollies addressed the Parish Council to ask them to support the application.
Several residents spoke in support of the application and pointed out the special circumstances regarding the unique heating system and architectural design.
Several Residents spoke in opposition to the application because it is outside the Housing Development boundary, inside the greenbelt and contravenes the Neighbourhood Plan.
54.1. Apologies for absence: Ms C Dinsdale, Mr P Baxter Mr Paul May (Ward Councillor)
54.2. Declarations of Interest: None
54.3. Matters for Discussion:
a) Planning Applications to consult:
i) 24/01202/FUL The Hollies, Hillcrest, Pensford. Erection of 3 bedroom bungalow on the gardens of The Hollies. The Parish council resolved to SUPPORT to the proposal. Although it is sited outside the Housing Development Boundary and in Greenbelt, the unique heating system could provide a revolutionary way to heat homes and so this is a special circumstance.
ii) 24/02616/FUL Birchwood Lodge, Wells Road, Pensford. Erection of single storey side extension to create entrance porch. The Parish Council agreed that they could not comment as there was insufficient information on the planning portal.
iii) 24/00539/FUL 189 Publow Lane ,Woollard. Attic conversion to include new stair from first floor, internal insulation to roof and conservation rooflights on rear elevation. Alterations to openings on the ground floor to swap existing front door and adjacent window, and to enlarge window on front elevation to width of original front door. Ground floor extension to rear that extends below garden level. Existing garage demolished and rebuilt at lower ground level, with raised parapet wall above to make garden behind safe from falling. New garden room above kitchen to provide access to rear garden at higher level.
24/00540/LBC 189 Publow Lane, Woollard. Attic conversion to include new stair from first floor, internal insulation to roof and conservation rooflights on rear elevation. Alterations to openings on the ground floor to swap existing front door and adjacent window, and to enlarge window on front elevation to width of original front door. Ground floor extension to rear that extends below garden level. Existing garage demolished and rebuilt at lower ground level, with raised parapet wall above to make garden behind safe from falling. New garden room above kitchen to provide access to rear garden at higher level.
The Parish Council reviewed the revised information for the 24/00539/FUL and 24/00540/LBC, 189 Publow Lane and resolved to OBJECT to the proposals. They Parish Council had previously objected to the original plans as the extension represents a 100% increase in floor area and the design is not in keeping with the properties in the surrounding area. The revised plans did not change this objection.
b) The Parish Council considered B&NES request for Parishes to carry out a site survey on HELAA sites, as Parish of the development of the new local plan. It was agreed that the Parish Council should take on the Site surveys and would ask for a meeting with a planning officer to discuss.
c) The Parish Council considered B&NES request for parishes to carry out a housing needs survey as part of the development of the new local plan and agreed that with B&NES support and the provision of a relevant grant, the Parish Council would undertake the housing needs survey.
DATE OF NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: Monday 9th September 2024 at 7pm in Pensford Village Hall
The meeting closed at 20.22 pm