Pensford Memorial Hall is run and managed by volunteers under the guidance of the Hall Committee

We are always looking for more people to help with everything from bar duties and building maintenance to organising and running fund raising events

If you would like to help or would like further information please contact:

Steve Wilcox on mobile: 07970 722774

Or contact any of the committee members:

All regular user groups are represented on the committee. Please address any questions to the groups who regularly meet at the hall:

  •   Toddlers every Tuesday morning
  •  Guides every Wednesday evening (7.45pm)
  •   Evergreens every Thursday evening
  •   WI 2nd Monday each month
  •   Football senior home games Saturday afternoons, training Wednesday evening
  •   Junior football home games Sunday morning and training Wednesday and Saturday.
  • Also represented are:-
  •   Pensford 10k
  •   Chaos Pantomime

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