Parish Sign Outside Garage 700x233


neigh-plan-logoWelcome to the Neighbourhood Planning section of our website which explains and summarises the process involved in the development of our Neighbourhood Plan.

This process began in October 2014 with the setting up of the Steering Group and lasted two years – until October 2016 when our Plan was submitted to BANES for statutory consultation and examination.

The area covered by our Plan is the civil Parish of Publow with Pensford and was designated on 11 February 2015.

Why develop our Neighbourhood Plan?

Our Neighbourhood Plan gives everyone in the designated area (the civil Parish of Publow with Pensford) a chance to give their views on what they like about the area, what they would like to keep, what they would like to change and what they do not have but would like to have.

Our Plan is also a way of bringing people together so that we all feel involved in decisions that affect us and our families.

It is firmly based on public engagement and consultation and reflects the wishes and aspirations of residents. It is a legal framework for guiding and promoting the future sustainable development, regeneration and conservation of our area and enhancing and protecting what we value as a community: it is about shaping our future.

Vision and Objectives

Our Neighbourhood Plan provides a flexible framework for the sustainable development of our Parish over the next 20 years. It sets out the views of the community on how best to preserve the rural and distinctive character of the Parish and at the same time encourage social, environmental and economic development for the benefit of all.

Our Plan seeks to ensure that our Parish continues to thrive and remains an attractive place to live, work and visit. We wish to ensure that future generations will benefit from improved and sustainable facilities and that the distinctive rural nature of the Parish is maintained and protected.

Four key areas were identified through the community consultation process:

• Housing and Development
• Business and Technology
• Environment and Leisure
• Traffic and Transport

Delivery and Implementation

Our Neighbourhood Plan will be implemented over a long period and will involve the Parish Council and other local groups, the Local Authority and other stakeholders and partners. Some policies may be carried through locally; some may require regional or national support.

Our Plan is not rigid and flexibility will be needed to respond to new opportunities and challenges in the future. The Parish Council will, therefore, review the Plan at regular intervals.


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