Parish Council Minutes – 14th July 2014


Present: Chairman: Mr T Heaford Vice-Chair: Mrs J Stephenson, Mrs J Jones, Mr L Seymour, Mrs L Cains, Mrs S Grimes, Cllr P Edwards,
Mr S Filer. Clerk: Mrs J Bragg.

There were two members of the public present.

1) Members of the Public attended the meeting to bring to the Parish Council concerns regarding the problems with Parking in the High Street and Hillcrest areas. Concerns are once again raised that there is not enough room for an emergency vehicle to pass through the chicanes of cars. Members of the Public were advised to send details to Traffic & Safety Department at BANES Council in support of correspondence the Parish Council has already made to them.

2) Apologies for Absence were received from Mrs J Gully.

3) Minutes of Monday 9th June 2014 after being circulated were signed as a correct record.

4) Matters Arising from the previous minutes:

  • Roadworks on A37: The lights were removed prior to the Glastonbury Festival, they are now back in place whilst the work continues.
  • Traffic Count Publow Lane: Results reported an average speed of 30mph in the Southerly direction and 28mph the opposite way. This will be queried with Traffic & Safety.
  • Cheque for Retiring Committee Members: The donation to the retiring committee members of the Memorial Hall was made too late and gifts already purchased. Parish Council agreed that the cheque should be returned.
  • Salmon & Strawberry Event: Was held at the Memorial Hall and was reported to have raised over £1,000.00 for the Memorial Hall Funds.
  • Planters: The example at the Pelican had cost £65 per planter and were made by a local carpenter. It was suggested that stone trough type planters were be longer lasting and maintenance free. Price of these will be looked into.

5) Items for Discussion:

a) Review of Housing Development Boundaries: Parish Council to await further direction from BANES after agreeing to be involved in the Review.

Chairman informed the Parish Council of a proposal recently presented to the Parish Council by a landowner proposing to build some small affordable homes on a piece of land in the Parish. All homes will benefit from their own car parking spaces. Outline sketches were presented to the Parish Council. It is proposed by the Landowner to attend a future meeting either in August or September followed by a Public Consultation. The Landowner has sought pre-planning advice from BANES.

b) Neighbourhood Planning: A meeting was held and it was agreed to re-advertise the need for people to be involved. Three more volunteers have registered their interest. A copy of the Stanton Drew Neighbourhood Plan has been circulated. Clerk to arrange a further meeting.

c) Parish Liaison Meeting Report 18th June 2014: This meeting was attended by Mrs Grimes. It was a well attended meeting with presentations being given on Health Shortages. Hydraulic Fracturing in BANES, Connecting Communities, the Energy @ Home Initiative, Parish Ranger Scheme and the Rural Broadband. Full minutes can be found on the BANES Web Site.

d) Parish Councils Airport Association Meeting 24th June 2014: The AGM & the regular meeting were held. There is to be a new Hanger on the South Side of the Airport. There has been an increase in passenger numbers and airport movements by 6.7%. There is no progress to report on the building of the Hotel as there is no partner to build it at present. A planning application will be made for a car park on the North side of the airport. Concerns have been raised by a member of the public regarding fuel smells in the neighbouring woodland.

e) Public Footpath – Church Farm: Work continues on the re-grading of the slope. All parties are happy with the progress being made. Two future items to look at will be the new footpath location once an application is made and an application for a Permissive Footpath.

f) Outcome of Parish Ranger Pilot: The Parish Ranger Pilot was extended to the end of July. The scheme has not proved to be cost neutral. It will now be ending in its present form. A new “Ranger” role will be introduced to the wider Neighbourhoods operational team to carry out jobs like mending benches, lopping branches, cleaning signs etc. Also there is a proposal to carry out with Parish Council representatives a review of the Parish Sweeping Scheme in 2015 with a view to increasing community ownership and involvement in service provision.

g) Placemaking Plan Stage 2: Details of all the next steps have been received from BANES.

h) Core Strategy Decision following 10th July 2014 Meeting: It was reported that the plan period will be 2011 to 2029 the housing requirement has increased from 11,000 to 13,000 dwellings in BANES. There will be changes to the green belt in Keynsham, Odd Down & Whitchurch (Horseworld site). Very little appears to have been studied in relation to infrastructure of roads, schools, Doctors etc.

Clerk to send out the Power Point Presentation to all Members of the Parish Council.

i) Village Green: Mr Newey & Mr Parnell would like to continue to cut the Village Green, at present the Footpaths Officer is still responsible for the cutting of the Green. The matter will be looked at.

As the Footpaths Officer has indicated that he does not have the time to commit to the position now it was agreed to advertise the position in the Chew Valley Gazette and Parish Magazine. Mr Seymour agreed to contact the Footpaths Officer and collect the equipment.

j) Chairing Effective Meetings Training: Mrs Stephenson attended this training session and reported that it was well attended. Those attending undertook role play situations and everyone got involved. Mrs Stephenson was presented with a certificate for the course.

6) Clerks Progress Report:

  • Publow Lane: Apologies were received from BANES regarding the delay in responding to the Parish Councils request for a Keep Clear Line on the Corner of Publow Lane by Lock Up Cottages. A works order was then raised for a white line to be placed around the bend to improve visibility and to ensure that vehicles do not need to proceed on the incorrect side of the carriageway, this line was put down in the incorrect place. BANES have been informed, but a further site visit has to be carried out before the line can be corrected. Parish Council agreed that Yellow Lines should be requested but in the interim the white line should be put in the correct place.
  • Back Lane: A request was put through to Anthony Davies in Highways to attend to Back Lane. The Lane needs a clear up and attention to overgrown vegetation.
  • Publow Lane junction with A37:
    • Metal Drain covers – Publow Lane: Highways have looked at the manhole covers in question, they confirm that they are showing signs of breaking up around the ironwork and will monitor closely as at present they are not posing a danger. BANES would prefer to do a large tarmac job there rather than small little patches.
    • Wall on Pensford Hill: Structures have looked at the Wall on Pensford Hill which is thought to be bowing out further into the road. They have advised that as this is a boundary of the garden of Hillside House, Building Control should be contacted to make a site visit. Clerk has emailed Building Control and a reply is awaited.
  • Village Green: Highways have confirmed that they are arranging for the metal post to be repaired on the Village Green.
  • Member of Public: A query was received from a Member of the Public putting on a concert in the memorial hall in July wondering if we had a parish magazine or web site to list the event. Clerk advised of Parish Magazine contacts and Web Master details. Clerk also advised that if a banner was to be put on the bridge then permissions should be sought from BANES Licensing.
  • Neighbourhood Planning Booklets: A request was made to CPRE for 10 copies of the booklet titled How to Shape Where you Live in relation to neighbourhood Planning. These are still awaited.
  • Church Street: A member of the Public emailed Clerk to flag up an unsightly problem in Church Street, Pensford. Church Street was reported to be dirty, untidy and full of weeds growing either side of the road against the buildings and the gutter and pavements were strewn with litter and as a Village which once won the Best Kept Village they would be grateful if the Parish Council could look into getting Church Street tidied up.
    Clerk has spoken with Anthony Davies in Highways who has advised to contact the Neighbourhoods Team in BANES. This has been done and a reply awaited.
  • Parking Services: Are still looking into the removal of unused parking bays in the village. They have requested confirmation of the location of the bays at Hillcrest which are believed not to be in use before they can proceed. Details will be sent to the Parking Service Team in due course.
  • Web Site: A list of family fun activities for the Summer Holidays from BANES have been sent for addition to the web site.
  • Signs: Signs appearing in and around the Parish on lamp posts and banners on the bridge were discussed. The Primary School will be spoken to regarding their Voucher Banner. Also the Cafe will be advised regarding their signs placed on lamp posts. The Parish Council agreed that as this is a new business time should be given for advertising. A time limit will be given to remove the signs.
    Banners at the Memorial Hall were discussed. No further action.
    An old Pub Sign had been noted ‘Ye Old Railway Tavern’, thought to be originally the ‘Dirty Duck’.

7) Planning:

Applications discussed:

14/01862/AR Enterprise Inns, George & Dragon High Street Pensford. Display of 1no. Externally illuminated fascia sign, 1 no. Externally illuminated hanging sign and 2no. Hoarding signs. PC Support.

Planning Outcomes:

14/01123/LBA Mr & Mrs Clouting Newbridge House 198 Hunstrete Lane. External work to facilitate erection of a conservatory. CONSENT.

14/01106/FUL Mr & Mrs Clouting Newbridge House Erection of a rear conservatory. PERMIT

Planning Appeal:

Application 14/01844/FUL Mr Gibbons 13 Hillcrest, Pensford Bristol. Parish Council will write to Planning re-iterating original comments made on this application in relation to the Highway & parking concerns and the overdevelopment of the site. Clerk to re-iterate the original comments made by the Parish Council regarding the Parking & Highway Concerns.

Planning Enforcement Case

14/00602/UNDEV Mr Rigby Holly House Pensford. Clerk reported to the Parish Council the ongoing Enforcement Case at this address. A recent visit has been made by the Enforcement Officer and photographs taken. Retrospective Planning applications will be requested by the Home Owner in relation to side windows French Windows and fences installed. Further direction will be awaited until notification is received from BANES as to how to proceed.

8) Financial Matters:

Payments to be authorised:

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary June 604.58
Mrs J Bragg Computer Ink & Imprest 25.99

Payment Authorised:

Gladwin Electrical Memorial Hall electrical work 1169.76

Receipts to Note:

Memorial Hall Donation to Electrical Work 974.80
BANES Footpaths Agency Agreement 805.71

Any Other Business: Verges around the Village are reported to be in need of cutting. Also the footpath on the A37 is in need of a sweep and has overhanging brambles and such. Clerk to report.

Parish Sweeper Scheme: There are a couple of interested parties in taking up this position. Clerk has notified BANES that the Parish Council would like to opt back into this Scheme. There is a review of the Schemes at present.

Defibrillator: The electricity feed to the Defibrillator at Hillcrest was tripped. This has now been sorted. The installation bill has now been received from the Electrician Mogford Prescott Ltd at a total of £354.00 The Painting work will now be arranged.

Lock Up Key: A Blacksmith has been instructed to undertake the making of a new key for the Lock Up. This will cost approximately £168.00; previous quotes had been in the region of £300.00

Mill Pond: A nude bather in the Mill Pond, Woollard was reported to the Police, who dealt with the matter promptly.

Log Cabin, Woollard: This matter is ongoing.

Railway Bungalow: Following a complaint made to Cllr Richardson of the Chew Valley North. A meeting was held with Parish Clerk to study photos and planning applications of the site. Railway Bungalow appears not to have been constructed in compliance with the permitted planning application. An Enforcement Officer from the BANES Council will be undertaking a site visit.

10. Notice of Future Meetings:
Chew Valley Area Partnership will take place on Thursday 24th July at 6.30pm in Whitchurch Village Hall. This will also be the inaugural meeting of both the Keynsham Area Forum and the Chew Valley Area Forum.


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