
Consultation – Somer Valley Links Project

The West of England Mayoral Combined Authority is working with local councils to improve transport across our region. They want to provide better and more sustainable transport to help people move around more easily, lower carbon emissions and improve the environment we live in.

Thery are working on several projects with Bath & North East Somerset Council to put in place the infrastructure to improve bus services and walking, cycling and – if you use a mobility scooter or wheelchair – wheeling opportunities. This is part of their vision for a “greener, better connected transport network” in the West of England.

One of these projects is the “Somer Valley Links “ which covers travel between Midsomer Norton, Westfield and Radstock and Bath /Bristol along the A37, A362 and A367.

The proposals include:

• Improved bus stops
• Extended bus lanes and improved junctions
• New cycling and walking routes
• Mobility hubs – where people can switch between different types of transport easily.

The changes are intended to bring practical benefits like more punctual, quicker buses and more sustainable travel options. But there will also be challenges such as reduced car parking in some places.

We have limited space on our roads, and the solutions won’t be perfect for everyone. There will be tough choices to make along the way.

Feedback from local residents will help them understand whether they’ve got the initial proposed changes right and understand what matters to them most as they consider the options available.

The consultation runs for six weeks from Monday 26 June, and people can take part on several ways, including:

A consultation website which outlines the proposals in detail. People can have their say by completing a digital survey. Webinar – Thursday 6 July, 6.30pm – 7.30pm

Drop-in events

• Wednesday 12 July, 2pm-7pm: Trinity Methodist Church, Radstock, BA3 3XA

• Wednesday 19 July, 3pm-8pm: St Luke’s Church, Hatfield Road, Bath, BA2 2BD

• Monday 24 July, 2pm-7pm: Memorial Hall, Church Lane, Farrington Gurney, BS39 6UA