Category Archives: News

Local News

Air pollution in Temple Cloud exceeds national and EU limits

An air quality survey of Temple Cloud has revealed Nitrogen Dioxide levels are more than double national and EU set limits.

Bath & North East Somerset [B&NES] Council informed Cameley Parish Council that all five of the air quality monitors installed along the A37 stretch of Temple Cloud are above the nationally set annual objective of 40 micrograms per metre cubed (µg/m3).

Read more …..

[Source: Chew Valley Gazette]



Our Ward Councillor Paul May has organised a public meeting in Pensford to follow-up villagers’ concerns with Kelvin Packer from Bath & North East Somerset Council Traffic and his team.

The meeting is on Wednesday 19th July  at 2.00 pm in the Memorial Hall and Paul May will be in the chair.

The meeting will be in two parts (a) Pensford Hill and other improvements plus (b) a separate discussion about the A37 / Belluton junction.

The meeting  is intended  to bring ideas for local discussion but not a specific scheme that cannot be changed. Kelvin wants to be positive and is willing to change to suit the local community views.

Please save the date and try to attend if you can.  Also, as the Parish Council  can’t contact everyone individually, please do pass on this announcement to other residents.

Thank you

Sue Grimes
Publow-with-Pensford Parish Council

N.B.  All local residents are urged to sign-up to receive our automatic email announcements.  There is a form for this on our Home Page.

Annual Police Report for Chew Valley and Pensford

Crime figure comparison for Chew Valley

Offence                                            Apr 15 – Mar 16   Apr 16 – Mar 17
Theft and handling                           82                                   81
Dwelling/non-dwelling burglary  66                                   57
Violence against the person          59                                   81
Criminal damage                              28                                   27
Arson                                                    3                                       5
Robbery                                               0                                       1

As you can see, the crime statistics are very similar for the last couple of years and as expected are low when compared to busier places like Bath. Continue reading Annual Police Report for Chew Valley and Pensford