Category Archives: News

Local News

Pensford Playground Upgrade

Pensford playground is managed by Pensford Memorial Hall.

The Committee would like to improve the playground as some of the equipment is now quite dated and tired.

A survey of the playground users was undertaken to find out what changes they would like to see to the playground. Children from Pensford Primary School visited the playground with the school and came up with some very exciting ideas including a roller coaster and an ice cream shack. The Committee would like to thank the Headteacher, Mr Barton, for agreeing to take the children and asking them to complete the survey. The survey was closed in November 2016. Based on the responses the Memorial Hall Committee have decided to install an activity trim trail. Planning permission has now been granted for the installation of the new equipment. Permission is also held to extend the playground into the woodland area behind the swings. This will be a wild area for the children to explore. A new bin and better signage will also be added.

During the summer of 2017 the plant border in the playground, which was entirely overgrown and looked dreadful, was given a new lease of life. The border was prepared ready for new planting in June 2017. The new planting was done by 11 thoroughly enthusiastic employees from Bath & North East Somerset Council as part of Volunteers’ Week. The volunteers were just brilliant and the end result is such an improvement. The playground looks a lot more inviting already. The Committee would like to thank all the volunteers for their amazing help.

The Memorial Hall now has successfully raised all the money required for the upgrade. The Memorial Hall are very grateful for all the generous donations and grants received which have funded the new equipment and also will contribute to the ongoing running costs of the playground. These include:

•   Our fantastic Ward Councillor Paul May has given £5,250 from his Ward Councillors Initiative

•   £1,000 was raised at a very enjoyable summer garden party event organised by the lovely Guilly and Tony Jones

•   £400 has been raised from donations by individuals and local businesses with a further £250 received to match fund these from Local Giving.

•   The Pensford Miners Coffee shop kindly donated the funds from their Christmas raffle.

•   A Magic Little Grant of £500 has been received through the partnership between Local giving and the Postcode Community Trust. The Postcode Community Trust is a grant-giving charity funded entirely by players of People’s Postcode Lottery. For more information on these organisations visits their websites at and

•  Burges Salmon, an independent law firm with an office in Bristol, has donated £150 towards the cost of a new bin.

•  Thank you to Meg Thomas for allowing us to use her fantastic home to raise money with a Ploughman’s Lunch. This event raised £492 each for the playground and the hall itself.

•  The final piece of income came from a fantastic grant of £4,673 from the Big Lottery Fund. The project is shown on the Big Lottery website at

If you would like to contribute towards the cost of maintaining the playground please donate through Local Giving here or contact the Memorial Hall.

The works are due to be completed in Spring 2018. We will be holding a fun day to celebrate the upgrade to the playground which will be advertised soon. Please come and celebrate with us.

If you would like more information about any of the above please email

View this page on the Memorial Hall website at ound-upgrade/


Emergencies: Parish Defibrillator Information

Following the Defibrillator Awareness Evening which was very much appreciated I have been asked to give some further information for those who were unable to attend.

There are 4 Defibrillators in the Benefice – Locations are:

  • By the mail box at the Post Office in Pensford
  • In the telephone kiosk in Hillcrest
  • In the telephone kiosk in Woollard
  • In the telephone kiosk in Compton Dando

In the case of a collapsed person – possible cardiac arrest – call for help from somebody around. Ring 999 and ask for an ambulance – person collapsed and not responding.

State where you are.  You will be given instructions to get the defibrillator and what to do. STAY ON THE PHONE. Once you have phoned 999 then an ambulance or Paramedic will be on their way to you.

The Parish Council will organise refresher sessions from time to time.

Janette Stephenson


Acker Bilk memorial bench revealed – video

A memorial bench to Pensford’s most famous son the jazz musician Acker Bilk MBE has been unveiled in Pensford just two months before the third anniversary of his death. Commissioned by Pensford, Publow and the Stantons Community Trust in conjunction with the Parish Council and Pensford Music Festival the bench was crafted by local man George Tyler out of granite and wood. The bench was unveiled by leader of Bath and North East Somerset Council, Tim Warren and local councillor Paul May.

For more on this news item see the full story in Chew Valley Gazette

View the You Tube video here

Bristol Airport noise from night flights over villages to increase next year

According to an article in the Chew Valley Gazette,  Bristol Airport is set to exceed the imposed limits for its night flights next year.  A letter from the Department of Transport to a local MP,  seen by the Gazette, has revealed that Bristol Airport’s operator ‘expected traffic growth over the next year means that the night flight limit will be exceeded in the summer 2018 season (April-October 2018).’

You can read more here 

A reminder that you can complain about noise, disruption or frequency of aeroplanes over your property through the Bristol Airport website at or alternatively you can phone them on 01275 473799


Pensford residents say more needs to be done after traffic incidents on A37

An article has appeared in the Chew Valley Gazette regarding three road incidents in one week during August. These have reignited calls from our residents that more needs to be done to improve road safety on the A37 through Pensford village.

Read more here … 

If  you would like to comment on any aspect of traffic management in Pensford you can now do so on the Parish website. using the link below:




Have Your Say – Pensford Roads and Traffic Forum

Following the recent public meeting called to discuss traffic problems in Pensford, we have posted some shorthand notes for information of residents.

If  you would like to comment on any aspect of traffic management in Pensford you can now do so on the Parish website.

This is not an “official” forum. Its function is to provide a useful record of local opinion for future reference.  No password is required to make an comment but all comments you make will be visible to anyone who views this website.

All comments are moderated and will not appear immediately. Please be polite and courteous.  Offensive comments will not be permitted. All or part of any comment may be removed.

Please use the correct form to record your comment.

There are separate comment forms for:

Old Road and High Street

Pensford Hill


A37 Pensford South 


Traffic Meeting on Wednesday 19 July 2017

On Wednesday 19th July  residents attended a meeting  at Pensford Village Hall chaired by our ward councillor Paul May.

Kelvin Packer, Bath & North East Somerset Council Group Manager Highways and Traffic spoke at length concerning the issues surrounding roads and road safety in the Pensford area.

Councillor Sue Grimes and two other residents took notes at this meeting.  A consolidated summary of these notes can be downloaded from the link below.

Download notes from Traffic Meeting on Wednesday 19 July 2017

The notes are not official minutes but they may be useful as an aide memoire.

To comment on any aspect of Traffic Management in Pensford please go to