Category Archives: News

Local News

Public Meeting – Local Plan

Bath & North East Somerset Council is considering the next Local Plan which will determine where development will take place within our district over the next 20 years. The government has set a target of another 14500 new homes.

Our ward councillor Paul May is holding a public meeting to hear the views of residents in our ward so that he can feed these back to Bath & North East Somerset council. 

The public meeting will be:
Date: 4th March 2024
Time: 7:30 PM
Venue:  British Legion, Staunton Lane, Whitchurch, BS14 0QF
Open to all residents.

A New Consultation on the Local Plan

Bath and North East Somerset council has launched a consultation on our Local Plan and future development. 

Options for addressing future development needs, including the delivery of new homes and jobs across Bath and North East Somerset, as well as policies addressing a range of issues including the climate and ecological emergencies, are included for your consideration and comment. 

Residents and stakeholders are encouraged to share their thoughts on the proposed options by responding to an interactive version of the Local Plan online at, as well as taking part in a series of in-person events. 

Representations can be made through the Bath and North East Somerset Council website or by post to Planning Policy, Bath and North East Somerset Council, Lewis House, Bath, BA1 1JG. Please note that Bath and North East Somerset council will not be accepting representations by email. 

Find out more 

Videos on the council website will give step-by-step guidance on ‘How to Comment on the Local Plan’ and explain ‘What is a Local Plan’ as well as outlining how the various options will help to deliver the council’s priorities on housing, the climate emergency and sustainable transport. A second set of videos discuss specific locations identified in the Options report, as alternatives or options for potential development.

Printed copies of the plan are available at Bath Central Library; Keynsham Library; Midsomer Norton Library; Bath Housing, Welfare and Advice Services and community libraries.

Consultation dates

The consultation opens on 12th February and runs for eight weeks until 8 April.

You can respond online on the council website:

Next steps 

Following the consultation, the issues raised in all comments and feedback will be carefully considered, and a Draft Local Plan will be produced, which will be subject to further consultation. It will then be submitted to the Secretary of State and examined by an independent planning inspector in 2025. If approved, it will be adopted by the council. 

For more information about the development of the new Local Plan please visit the council’s website.

Vacancy for a Parish Flood Representative

Working as a community is a sensible way to help reduce the impacts of a shared flood risk. In view of the recent spate of wet weather, swollen rivers and flooded roads, the Parish Council is seeking to fill the vacant post of Parish Flood Representative.

Our Parish Flood Representative would be a designated individual who would work in conjunction with the Parish Council to liaise with Bath & North East Somerset Council’s Drainage & Flooding team. The individual would provide an important communication link between the whole of our Parish and the Flood Risk Management authorities on issues such as:

• land drainage
• surface water flooding
• groundwater flooding
• watercourse flooding

It should be emphasised that this position is NOT a flood emergency role. It is primarily concerned with the reporting of ongoing local land drainage and flooding issues in order to come up with practical solutions for long-term improvements.

No technical knowledge of drainage or flooding is required, what’s more important is that the Flood Representative is willing to gather information about drainage issues within our Parish and pass this on to Bath and North East Somerset Council’s Drainage and Flooding team.

The Parish Flood Representative would also make a parish flood plan, keep it up to date and provide information and advice to residents on how to keep safe during flooding.

This is a voluntary, unpaid role. The individual does not need to be a Parish Councillor or attend regular Parish Council meetings. Any member of the public is welcome to apply but the nomination would need to be agreed with the Parish Council.

If you would like to find out more about the Parish Flood Representative role please email the Parish Clerk, Helen Richardson at

Planning Notices – 7 December 2023

The Parish Council has received the following Planning Applications for consideration:

  • Reference: 23/04534/FUL (& 23/04535/LBA Listed Building Consent)
  • Address of Proposal: Bell Farm , Hunstrete Lane, Woollard, Bristol BS39 4HU
  • Proposal: Conversion of barn into ancillary living accommodation, including repairs to roof, re-opening of original windows and creation of one new window in north elevation. Lean-to structure insulated and weatherproofed for conversion. Landscaping alterations and widening of drive access.
  • Expiry Date for Consultation: 07/01/2024
  • Reference: 23/04536/FUL
  • Address of Proposal: Greenmeadow , Woollard Lane, Publow, Bristol BS14 0QS
  • Proposal: Conversion of garage raising of roof and extension behind
  • Expiry Date for Consultation: 29/12/2023

To view full details, or to comment personally on these applications, please visit the Bath and North East Somerset Council, Planning Portal.