Category Archives: News

Local News

Crowd-funding Bristol Airport

We have been asked by the Parish Councils Airport Association to publicise the following Crowd-Funding Press release:

Crowd-funding press release – 2 July 2019

Bristol Airport is Big Enough – Help Stop Further Expansion

Help to fund a legal challenge on the planning application 

Today 2 July, a group of environmental activists and local residents launched a crowd-funding initiative via the well-regarded ‘Crowdjustice’ platform to seek funds from people who are concerned with the expansion of Bristol Airport.

The money raised will pay for a leading barrister to provide expert advice on the Bristol Airport application.  We need to raise the money quickly to stop an extra 23,600 air transport movements a year which will bring increased noise and pollution. 

The expansion will turn neighbouring green belt land into a car park and create greater congestion on local roads. The aviation sector is the fastest growing source of greenhouses gases.

 Contact:  Hilary Burn



Official Rebuttal to Parishioners from Parish Council Chair


Mr Paul Baxter is a Parish Councillor elected in 2015. He is currently circulating a document to residents wrongly alleging that Publow with Pensford Parish Council is not working in the best interests of parishioners, operating outside of government and legal guidelines and advising residents to vote to replace all existing members of the Parish Council.

Many of our existing Parish councillors have served voluntarily for many years and have given commendable service to the Parish. Apart from Mr Baxter, there are ten other Parish Councillors on the Parish Council from all walks of life and from all parts of the village. We all have differing views but it is insulting and libellous to suggest that we are somehow involved in illegal activities and not working in the best interests of parishioners. Continue reading Official Rebuttal to Parishioners from Parish Council Chair