Category Archives: News

Local News

Coronavirus Pandemic: Requirement for Premises to Display NHS generated QR code

The Government has introduced new requirements as part of the response to the Coronavirus pandemic. One of these requirements is for premises to display a NHS generated QR code which enables users of the premises to scan the code using the NHS Covid-19 App. This will assist the tracing of coronavirus and stop its spread. Continue reading Coronavirus Pandemic: Requirement for Premises to Display NHS generated QR code

Building work to start on new Healthy Living Centre for Radstock

The opening of a new Healthy Living Centre offering local people access to expanded GP services, a Children’s Centre and health and wellbeing support is set to take a step forwards when building work on the project starts in Radstock in September.

The Hope House Healthy Living Centre will provide a new home for the town’s Hope House GP surgery and Children’s Centre services as well as offering a range of other services such as minor operations, chronic disease management and family planning. It will also offer diabetic eye screening, physiotherapy, a diabetes prevention programme and counselling services which local people would otherwise need to travel to Paulton Hospital or the Royal United Hospitals in Bath to access.

The Healthy Living Centre incorporates a Community Health and Wellbeing space supported by the Radstock and Westfield Big Local Partnership, with a Big Local grant administered on behalf of the Big Lottery Fund. This is in partnership with local voluntary organisations such as Bath Mind and Southside Family project which will provide additional mental health support, child and parent groups, access to exercise programmes, family support and general health improvement programmes.

The building work is expected to take around 12 months with the centre targeted to open in the summer or autumn of 2021.

Download the full press release here


Pay and Play for Non-Members at Pensford Tennis Club

“Pay and Play” for Non-Members is now available once again at Pensford Tennis Club

Pensford Tennis Club is a community tennis club.  The courts on the Memorial Hall sports ground are financed privately by the club membership, but they are a village amenity, available to be enjoyed by all residents.

Visitors (non-members) are welcome to play at the club

The “Pay and Play” facility was suspended during the coronavirus emergency, but is now fully open once again. 

How to book

The hire charge for non-members is  £6 per hourly session on Court Number 1.   

Just visit the club website then click on the ‘Booking’ tab and follow the instructions to choose your time slot, reserve a court and make payment on-line.  You will need to complete details of all the people playing and make payment by credit/debit card.  

An automated email will be sent to you to confirm your booking and this will provide an access code for the padlock. The entrance to Court 1 is from the field.  

Most importantly – enjoy your game!

If you have any queries, or if you would like to find out more about membership please contact the Tennis Club Membership Secretary, Alison Patey on 07714 948596 or email:

Staff Vacancy – Footpaths Officer


The Parish Council are looking for a dedicated passionate person who would like to take on the Footpaths Officer position under the direction of the Parish Council.

You will be required to keep the Footpaths in the Parish of Publow with Pensford and Woollard open and clear to walk.

The position is completely flexible. All we ask is that the Footpaths are kept open!

If you are interested please e-mail Clerk: Helen Richardson

All Applications should be received by Monday 17th August.

Terms of Reference Climate Emergency

Publow with Pensford Parish Council

Climate Emergency Working Group
Terms of Reference (Approved 9th March 2020)

In order to take forward the Parish Council’s Decision to recognise the existence of a Climate Emergency, the Working Group is asked to:

• Work with local residents, community organisations, businesses, B&NES Council, other parish councils, neighbouring authorities and organisations to establish specific local initiatives that will contribute to achieving the area wide objective of becoming carbon neutral by 2030.

• Attend meetings, forums and training days on behalf of the Parish Council to gather information and advice from partner organisations.

• Call for experts or interested community members to input into and support the working party;

• Draft an Action Plan and create targets to help deliver carbon neutrality by 2030

• Hold a parishioners’ meeting to share information and generate ideas.

• Report back to this Parish Council on September 14th

The Working Group has not been given any delegated powers, and so will need to refer back to the Parish Council for all decisions that requires any expenditure.

Reopening of Keynsham Recycling Centre

Keynsham Recycling Centre will be reopening to Bath & North East Somerset residents on Wednesday 27 May 2020. Residents are being advised to only visit Keynsham Recycling Centre if it is essential to do so and they cannot safely store their waste at home. Due to social distancing measures we need to limit the number of cars unloading at any one time, so expect long queues. We are asking residents to continue to store their waste at home if safe to do so, until social distancing has been relaxed. Continue reading Reopening of Keynsham Recycling Centre