Parish Council Minutes – 13th December 2021

The Parish Council Notice Board at the Pensford Miners Welfare Institute



Present: Mr P Baxter, Mr M Daniels, Mr S Filer, Ms J Flower, Mrs S Grimes, Mr T Heaford, Mrs J Gully, Mrs T Jones, Dr L Malt, Mrs J Stephenson (Chairman) Cllr P. May (B&NES), and Mrs H Richardson (Clerk) and 7 Members of Public.

Public Submissions: A Member of Public urged the Parish Council to Object to planning application 21/00419/EFUL from Resourceful Earth raising concerns about a proposed build out on the A37 designed to mitigate the increased HGV traffic caused by the development.

23.1 Apologies: Mrs D Custance,

23.2 Declarations of Interest: None

23.3 The Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 8th November 2021 were agreed as a true and fair record and the Chairman signed them.

23.4 Planning

a. Applications to consult:

i) 21/04405/FUL: Land Adjacent To Meadow Barn Wick Lane Pensford. Erection of four new build dwellings with associated access, parking and amenity space. The Parish Council resolved to OBJECT to the application due concerns over dangerous access, new dwellings dominating the landscape and the design not sympathetic to its location on the edge of the conservation area.

b. Decision Notification:

i) 21/03948/LBA: 170 Blackrock Lane, Publow. Demolition of existing porch and garage and erection of single storey rear extension. Replacement of two windows and internal works. CONSENT

ii) 21/03947/FUL: 170 Blackrock Lane, Publow. Demolition of existing porch and garage and erection of single storey rear extension. Replacement of two windows and internal works. PERMIT

iii) 21/00606/FUL: Land Adjacent To River Chew, Hunstrete Lane, Woollard. Change of use to dual use (agricultural/commercial) and site Shepherd’s hut used ancillary to Bell Farm Alpacas and as cafe (Retrospective). REFUSE

23.5 Matters for Discussion / Decision

a) It was reported that as a result of the village CIL consultation the projects were placed in order of popularity as follows: ANPR Camera, Youth Club on Wheels, Changes to Village Green, Maintenance of Church rooms, New footpath, Fitness Equipment and additional car Parking. A Working Group was created to develop a proposal for the purchase, installation, and operation of the ANPR Security cameras and will report back in March.

b) The Parish Council Approved a grant of £40 to Dial A Ride to help towards operating costs and further expansion of the service in the area.

c) The Parish Council approved a grant of £200 to Protect our Keynsham Environment (POKE) for further funds towards the cost of a transport expert investigating planning application 21/00419/EFUL.

d) The Parish Council considered options to site a commemorative tree for the Queens Platinum Jubilee.

e) The draft budget for 2022-23 was discussed and would be amended and circulated for approval next meeting.

f) The Parish Council responded to a request from a resident to consider pedestrian safety through the Narrows, Belluton and it was agreed that the Parish Council would request a 20mph speed limit.

g) The Parish Council considered the proposed changes to the Rights of Way network to divert a section of Public footpath CL17/25, Blackrock Lane. IT was agreed that the Parish Council would SUPPORT the proposal as long as the exit onto the road is safe and not exiting straight onto the road.

h) The Parish Council approved expenditure of £10 to replace damaged bin liner for the bin at Calvary Wood.

23.6 Financial Matters

a) The Financial Report was accepted.

b) November Payments were approved.

Purpose for Expense
Mark McMullen – Footpath Officer 

Purpose for Expense
Mrs Helen Richardson – Salary December

Purpose for Expense
Mrs Helen Richardson – Reimburse for Zoom 

Purpose for Expense
Avon Local Councils Association 

Purpose for Expense
Water2 Business (Allotments)

Purpose for Expense
Janette Stephenson Reimburse 

23.7 B&NES: The Ward Councillor reported that he was disappointed with his experience with the Liveable Neighbourhoods scheme in Whitchurch due to the lack of consultation. But he has now had change to look at the results of his survey in the Parish Council would reconvene the Liveable Neighbourhoods working group. He reported that the Resourceful Earth planning application was likely to go to planning committee in January. He reported that due to the number of collisions with the bollards on eth A37 the traffic island would be removed, but he was pushing to make sure that a replacement scheme was agreed before its removal.

23.8 Reports

a) Allotments: Report Circulated

b) Climate Emergency Working group: The whole parish has now been leafletted and views on community renewable energy in Publow and Pensford are being collated by BWCE. The responses so far are encouraging with the majority of parishioners supportive with many respondents willing to be involved in projects to help the local environment which hopefully will lead to a bigger team managing a wider range of actions.

c) Memorial Hall – The committee are looking for someone to take over the safety checks of the playground.

d) PCAA: No update

e) The Clerks Report was accepted.

f) The Chairman had nothing additional to report.

23.9 Items to carry forward to the next meeting: Capital Expenditure, Right of Way at the Rising Sun

23.10 To note Future Meetings: Parish Liaison: 23rd March 2022



Parish Council Minutes – 8th November 2021

The Parish Council Notice Board at the Pensford Miners Welfare Institute



Present: Mr P Baxter, Mr M Daniels, Mr S Filer, Ms J Flower, Mr T Heaford, Mrs D Custance, Mrs J Gully, Mrs T Jones, Dr L Malt, Mrs J Stephenson (Chairman) Cllr P. May (B&NES), and Mrs H Richardson (Clerk) and 7 Members of Public.

22.1 Public Submissions: A Member of Public urged the Parish Council to Object to planning application 21/00419/EFUL from Resourceful Earth raising concerns about a proposed build out on the A37 designed to mitigate the increased HGV traffic caused by the development.

22.2 Apologies: Mrs S Grimes,

22.3 Declarations of Interest: None

22.4 The Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 11th October 2021 were agreed as a true and fair record and the Chairman signed them.

22.5 Planning

a. Applications to consult:

i) 21/00419/EFUL: Resourceful Earth Ltd Charlton Field Lane Queen Charlton: Development of an Anaerobic Digester Facility (including retention of the existing Feedstock Reception Building, Digester Tank (x5), Storage Tank, CHP Engine (x4), Transformer, GRP Substation, GRP Technical Room (x5) and Gas Equipment) to produce both gas and electricity for injection into the local grid networks, alongside the restoration of the former Queen Charlton Quarry Site with ecological and landscape enhancements, The Parish Council resolved to OBJECT to the application due to the increased HGV traffic and agreed that it is inappropriate development in the greenbelt.

b. Decision Notification:


22.6 Matters for Discussion / Decision

a) Plans for the Parish Consultation on Saturday 13th November were discussed it was agreed that another two projects could be added to the options. The Consultation will help to demonstrate to the Parish Council residents’ priorities. There are still some legalities of some proposals to be investigated.

b) The 1st Draft of Budget 2022-2023 was reviewed, amendments would be made and discussed again next meeting.

c) It was agreed that the Parish Council would not set up a working group for the Queens Platinum Jubilee. A fund (£TBC) would be made available to groups of residents who wish to organise an event. Applications should be made to the Parish Council.

d) The Parish Council discussed a request from a resident to consider introducing residents parking in busy areas. It was agreed to defer the discussion until after the village consultation.

e) The Parish Council agreed that the double yellow lines needed repainting around the lock up and on Hillcrest. The Clerk would send a request to B&NES.

f) The Parish Council discussed a request from Resident to consider compulsory purchase of land to create footpath near the school. It was agreed that Compulsory Purchase was not within the powers of the Parish Council and not a route that the Parish Council wanted to pursue. If an agreement was not able to be made with the landowner then an alternative solution building a pavement around the corner from High Street to Publow Lane should be investigated.

22.7 Financial Matters

a) The Financial Report was accepted.

b) November Payments were approved.

Purpose for Expense Amount VAT Recover
Mark McMullen – Footpath Officer £80.00 £- N/A
Mrs Helen Richardson – Salary – November £694.60 £- N/A
Mrs Helen Richardson – Reimburse for Zoom £4.80 £- N/A
Mrs Helen Richardson – Reimburse for Poppies £170.00 £- N/A
DPM Lucas- Grass cutting £40.00 £- N/A
Mr Mark Goulding – Bugler £30.00 £- N/A

Total value of cheques £1,019.40

22.8 B&NES: The Ward Councillor reported that he was delighted with the responses he has received to his mailout around the parish with over 120 replies. He is compiling the results and will then meet with the liveable Neighbourhoods working group to discuss the findings. He has been working with other councillors and met with the planning officer regarding the Resourceful Earth planning application. He has arranged a meeting with senior planning officers to discuss issues of enforcement.

22.9 Reports

a) Allotments: Nothing to report
b) Climate Emergency Working group: The landowners whose fields are possibly suitable for solar or wind powered generation of electricity have been identified. BWCE have advised completing a desktop review of these 15 or more sites and whittling the number down to the most suitable before approaching any landowners.
c) Memorial Hall – Nothing to report
d) PCAA: No update – Zoom meeting this week.
e) The Clerks Report was accepted.
f) The Chairman had nothing additional to report.

22.10 Items to carry forward to the next meeting: Poppies 2022

22.11 To note Future Meetings:
Parish Liaison: 23rd March 2022


Parish Council Minutes – 11th October 2021

The Parish Council notice board outside Pensford Post Office



Present: Mr M Daniels, Mr P Baxter (Chairman), Mr S Filer, Ms J Flower, Mrs S Grimes, Mr T Heaford, Mrs D Custance, Mrs J Gully, Mrs T Jones, Dr L Malt, Cllr P. May (B&NES), and Mrs H Richardson (Clerk) and 4 Members of Public.

21.1 Public Submissions: A resident requested that the footpath between Old Road and the A37 is cleared. The agent for 21.5ai & ii presented the plans.

21.2 Apologies: Mrs J Stephenson

21.3 Declarations of Interest: None

21.4 The Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 13th September 2021 were agreed as a true and fair record and the Chairman signed them.

21.5 Planning

a. Applications to consult:

i) 21/04355/FUL: Police House, 1 Police Lane, Pensford, Erection of detached double garage with study above. The Parish Council resolved to SUPPORT to the application.
ii) 21/04301/FUL: Publow Farm, Blackrock Lane, Publow: Internal and external alterations including the relocation of the existing access gates and construction of a new stone wall and oil tank/ bin storage area. The Parish Council resolved to SUPPORT the application
iii) 2104302/LBA: Publow Farm, Blackrock Lane, Publow: Internal and external alterations including the relocation of the existing access gates and construction of a new stone wall and oil tank/ bin storage area. The Parish Council resolved to SUPPORT the application

b. Decision Notification:

i) 21/02575/FUL: Parcel 4668, Pensford Lane, Stanton Drew: Change of use of agricultural building and land to mixed agricultural and equestrian, the erection of a hay barn and the creation of an all-weather riding arena (Part Retrospective). PERMIT
ii) 21/02893/FUL: Belluton Yard, Belluton Farm, Stanton Road, Pensford. Conversion of former stables to a dwelling, extension and associated alterations. PERMIT

21.6 Matters for Discussion / Decision

a) Several unresolved planning issues were discussed, and the Parish Council expressed their frustration at enforcement issued not being followed up:
i) Caravan at Station Lane: it was agreed that the Clerk would write to the landowners to outline restrictions to occupying a caravan.
ii) Stables on Woollard Lane: Has been raised with enforcement. Ward Councillor to follow up.
iii) Yurt on High Street: it was agreed that the Clerk would write to the landowners to outline restrictions to occupying a Yurt.

b) The Parish Council received a request from B&NES regarding overgrown trees at Salters Brook which are obstructing a path, which they claim is not their responsibility as it is not a Public Right of Way and which goes through unregistered land. Several volunteers offered to clear the path and also a tree which is growing through the bridge. The Clerk would contact the Rights of Way officer to make an application to modify the definitive map to make it a Public Right of Way.

c) The Parish Council CIL consultation will take place on Saturday 13th November in the Village Hall. A number of proposals have been put forward and residents will be asked to vote on their preferred option. Proposals include; Creating a new footpath to school; Outdoor Gym Equipment & Concrete Table tennis Table; Creating additional parking for the Village Hall; New road layout at the Village Green; Funding the Playbus for a year. There is a total of £9107 to spend. It was agreed that the Ward Councillor and the Climate Emergency working group could be present to engage with residents.

21.7 Financial Matters

a) The Financial Report was accepted.
b) i) October Payments were approved.

Purpose for Expense
Mark McMullen – Footpath Officer
VAT Recover
£- N/A

Purpose for Expense
Mrs Helen Richardson – Salary – October
VAT Recover
£- N/A

Purpose for Expense
Mrs Helen Richardson – Reimburse for Zoom/Stationary
VAT Recover
£- N/A

Purpose for Expense
Mrs Helen Richardson – Reimburse for DBS Checks
VAT Recover
£- N/A

Purpose for Expense
DPM Lucas- Grass cutting
VAT Recover
£- N/A

Purpose for Expense
SLCC Membership
VAT Recover
£- N/A

Purpose for Expense
HMRC- August – November 4months
VAT Recover
£- N/A

Total value of cheques £1,912.67

21.8 B&NES: The Ward Councillor reported on the Local Plan Update, and Supplementary Planning Documents. He reported that he was expecting developers for the anaerobic digester to be resubmit their application. He has been speaking to residents concerned about the new fencing that has been erected at the Orchard. He has received a high volume of responses to his recent resident survey and once he has had time to process them he will report back to the liveable neighbourhoods working group and the Parish Council.

21.9 Reports

a) Allotments: Nothing to report
b) Climate Emergency Working group: The landowners whose fields are possibly suitable for solar or wind powered generation of electricity have been identified. BWCE have advised completing a desktop review of these 15 or more sites and whittling the number down to the most suitable before approaching any landowners.
BWCE have set up a draft survey for us to distribute to parishioners which we hope to do at the village CIL money meeting
c) Memorial Hall – Nothing to report
d) PCAA: The enquiry has concluded and the examiners are expected to make a decision next year.
e) The Clerks Report was accepted.
f) The Chairman sent her apologies.

21.10 Items to carry forward to the next meeting: Queens Jubilee, Residents Parking Permits, reinstate yellow lines, compulsory purchase of land.

21.11 To note Future Meetings:

Parish Liaison – 18th October



Parish Council Minutes – 13th September 2021

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HELD ON MONDAY 13th September 2021 in the Memorial Hall, Pensford

Present: Mrs J Stephenson (Chairman), Mr M Daniels, Mr P Baxter, Mr S Filer, Ms J Flower, Mr T Heaford, Mrs D Custance, Mrs J Gully, Mrs T Jones, Cllr P. May (B&NES), and Mrs H Richardson (Clerk) and 3 Members of Public.
Resignation: Mr T Jones

20.1 Public Submissions: A resident reported a number of blocked drains around the parish and asked the Parish Council to request that B&NES clear them. He also suggested that the mechanical road sweeper should be requested as it hadn’t been seen for a long time.

20.2 Apologies: Mrs S Grimes,

20.3 Declarations of Interest: None

20.4 The Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 12th July 2021 were agreed as a true and fair record and the Chairman signed them. An amendment to the draft minutes was made prior to agreement.

20.5 Planning

a. Applications to consult:

i) 21/03755/LBA: 170 Blackrock Lane, Publow. Internal and external alterations for the repair of chimney stack due to cracked cement flashings causing damp on to top floor and replace with lead. Seal the coping stones with a clear solution. Sweep chimney and install new appropriately sized chimney liner for future wood burner. The Parish Council SUPPORTED the application
ii) 21/03947/FUL: 170 Blackrock Lane, Publow. Demolition of existing porch and garage and erection of single storey rear extension. The Parish Council SUPPORTED the application
iii) 21/03948/LBA: 170 Blackrock Lane, Publow. Demolition of existing porch and garage and erection of single storey rear extension. The Parish Council SUPPORTED the application

b. Decision Notification: None

c. Report of Delegated Responses submitted by the Clerk following discussions with Councillors:

i) 21/03209/FUL: Land To South Of South Bristol Motor Company New Road, Pensford. Retrospective for the demolition of existing storage buildings and erection of replacement buildings. Erection of 2.4 m high security fencing. Installation of storage containers in connection with the existing storage use. The Parish Council have no objection.
ii) 21/03207/FUL. Tyning House, Hursley Hill, Publow. Erection of detached dwelling and detached garage/home office following demolition of existing HMO property. The Parish Council have No Objection to the proposal in principle, but a question was raised about how the demolition of the original building would be enforced. The Parish Council would object to two properties on this site and so demolition of the current building would need to be a condition of approval.
iii) 21/03227/FUL. Sunny Acres, Woollard Lane, Publow: Alterations to combine two existing dwellings to create 1no.dwelling, demolition of attached garage and outbuildings. Erection of 1no. new dwelling and associated works. The Parish Council have no objection to this application.

20.6 Matters for Discussion / Decision

a) The Event Management plan for Remembrance Sunday was approved.
b) The Parish Council approved expenditure of £120 to be paid to the British Legion to purchase 30 new large poppies for lamp posts.
c) The Parish Council resolved to adopt the policy for handling DBS certificate information.
d) The Parish Council agreed arrangements for the CIL consultation, provisionally booked for the 23rd or 30th October to be confirmed once football fixtures are known to avoid congestion in the Car Park and avoiding half term. Each project to be laid out on one table top and a lead person was allocated to promote the project.

20.7 Financial Matters

a) The Financial Report was accepted.

b) i) August Payments were approved retrospectively:

Payee Mark McMullen
Description Footpath Officer
Amount £80
VAT to reclaim N

Payee Mrs Helen Richardson
Description Clerk Salary
Amount £746.80
VAT to reclaim N

Payee Mrs Helen Richardson
Description Reimburse Zoom subscription
Amount £4.80
VAT to reclaim N

Payee DPM Lucas
Description Cutting grass
Amount £40
VAT to reclaim N

Total £872.00

ii) September Payment were approved:

Payee Mark McMullen
Description Footpath Officer
Amount £80
VAT to reclaim N

Payee Mrs Helen Richardson
Description Clerk Salary + Zoom
Amount £699.20
VAT to reclaim N

Payee DPM Lucas
Description Garden Contractors
Amount £40
VAT to reclaim N

Total £839.20

20.8 B&NES:The Ward Councillor reported on the Local Plan Update, and suggested that the Parish Council make a submission regarding the changes to parking allocations for new housing. He reported that the planning application 21/00419/EFUL for the proposed Anaerobic Digester Facility had been withdrawn and would be resubmitted. He provided an update on the parliamentary review, recalculating the number of electors per MP and reported that Publow & Pensford were likely to be part of Keynsham & South Gloucestershire. The Ward Councillor reported that he had received numerous complaints about abuse of parking and that he had been approached by the developer for land opposite the village hall as they were preparing a new application for 5 houses.(previously turned down)

20.9 Reports (written reports circulated prior to the meeting)

a) Allotments: Nothing to report
b) Climate Emergency Working group: BWCE are progressing with renewables audit. They have identified about 15 sites which may be suitable. Meeting on 18th September to discuss further. The saplings planted on the playing fields have been watered and weeded. Only 3 haven’t survived out of the 60 planted so good success rate.
Next meeting TBA for last week in September.
c) PCAA: Meeting next week.
d) The Clerks Report was accepted. It was reported that an election had been called to fill the vacancy and B&NES would lead on the process. The election was likely to be held at the end of October.
e) The Chairman circulated a letter from a resident covering a number of issues including overgrown hedgerows, parking and safe route to school.

20.10 Items to carry forward to the next meeting: Enforcement (Caravan Wick Lane, Stables Woollard Lane & Yurt on High Street)

20.11 To note Future Meetings: tbc


Parish Council Minutes – 12th July 2021

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HELD ON MONDAY 12th July 2021 in the Memorial Hall, Pensford

Present: Mrs J Stephenson (Chairman), Mr M Daniels, Mr P Baxter, Mr S Filer, Ms J Flower, Mrs S Grimes, Mr T Heaford, and Mrs H Richardson (Clerk) and 8 Members of Public.

19.1 Public Submissions: A representative from the Rising Sun raised concerns about the manner in which they were approached regarding music playing for a recent wedding. The resident concerned denies the claims.

19.2 Apologies:, Mrs D Custance, Mrs J Gully, Mr T Jones, Mrs T Jones, Cllr P. May (B&NES)

19.3 Declarations of Interest:

19.4 The Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 28th June 2021 were agreed as a true and fair record and the Chairman signed them.

19.5 Planning

a. Applications to consult:

i) 21/02971/FUL. The Limes Publow Lane Publow: Bungalow renovation including ridge raise, loft conversion with dormers and single storey rear extension. The Parish Council agreed to SUPPORT the application.

ii) 21/02893/FUL. Belluton Yard Belluton Farm Stanton Road Pensford: Conversion of former stables to a dwelling, extension and associated alterations. The Parish Council agreed to SUPPORT the application as it improved the appearance of the building.

b. Decision Notification:

i) 21/02692/TCA Bramley Cottage Publow Lane Woollard: Willow(T3) fell as deceased. NO OBJECTION.

19.6 Matters for Discussion / Decision

a) Following an inspection of the Lock-up, it was reported that the following was required to maintain its condition; Cut back trees and undergrowth; repointing required on the dome, and some of the oak on the door is deteriorating and needs replacing. It was agreed that the Clerk should contact Historic England to ensure that correct procedure is followed as it is a grade II listed building. Councillor Steve Filer volunteered to help with clearing the greenery and Cllr Paul Baxter volunteered to make the repairs to the pointing and wood.

b) The Parish Council resolved to support the request from the Village Hall for parking restrictions opposite the entrance to the car park. The Clerk contact Highways to make the request. It was suggested that double yellow lines should be applied to both sides of the road either side of the entrance.

c) The Parish Council received reports of an altercation between a resident and staff at the Rising Sun over volume of music playing and concerns about music playing in the evenings, albeit within the current music licence. The Parish Council encouraged dialogue between neighbouring residents and the Rising Sun, so that residents could be for-warned of events that had booked live music.

d) The Parish Council agreed that the consultation event would be arranged for a Saturday afternoon in September, to consider how to spend the CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) Funds.

19.7 Financial Matters

a) The Financial Report was accepted.

b) July Payments were approved.

19.8 B&NES:The Ward Councillor sent his apologies.

19.9 Reports (written reports circulated prior to the meeting)

a) Allotments: No update
b) Climate Emergency Working group: Meeting has been held with BWCE to commence the renewables audit.
c) Memorial Hall: No update
d) PCAA: The appeal commences on 20th July Bristol Airport has recommenced work on the Airspace Change proposals, which would affect flight paths by using more modern equipment. The PCAA have responded to North Somerset’s proposals for changes to the A38 traffic flows between the Airport & Bristol.
e) The Clerks Report was accepted.
f) The Chairman reported that she had attended the Parish Liaisons Committee meeting.

19.10 Items to carry forward to the next meeting: None

19.11 To note Future Meetings: Parish Liaison -14th July; Chew Valley Forum 26th July

Parish Council Minutes – 28th June 2021

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Present: Mrs J Stephenson (Chairman), Mrs J Gully, Mr M Daniels, Mr P Baxter, Mrs D Custance, Mrs S Grimes, Mr T Heaford, and Mrs H Richardson (Clerk) and 6 Members of Public.

Presentation from Young Bristol – Youth Club on Wheels. They have been running sessions in Pensford over the last year and had registered 23 young people between 8-15 years of age providing a safe space to play sport and games and discuss issues such as Mental Health, drugs, alcohol and careers. Initial funding is coming to an end and so they would like to work with the Parish Council to secure funding to continue working in Pensford.

18.1 Public Submissions: The applicant for planning application 21/02575/FUL Parcel 4668, Pensford Lane offered to answer any questions on her planning application and clarified that the proposed facilities were for personal use and not commercial use. A resident requested that the Parish Council carried out some maintenance on the Lock up, he also asked the Parish Council ask B&NES to cut the grass verges and complain to B&NES regarding the recent A37 road closure as it did not appear to be properly signed or prior warning given.

18.2 Apologies: Mr S Filer, Ms J Flower, Mr T Jones, Mrs T Jones, Cllr P. May (B&NES)

18.3 Declarations of Interest: None

18.4 The Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday 6th May 2021 were agreed as a true and fair record and the Chairman signed them.

18.5 Planning

a. Applications to consult:
i) 21/02399/FUL: Lordswood, 7 Station Approach, Pensford. Erection of single-storey rear extension with covered patio following demolition of existing conservatory /extension. The Parish Council resolved to OBJECT to this application due to concerns about the negative impact on the neighbours privacy and amenity.
ii) ii) 21/02692/TCA: Bramley Cottage, Publow Lane, Woollard. Willow(T3) – fell as deceased. The Parish Council resolved to SUPPORT the application as the tree is deceased.
iii) 21/02575/FUL: Parcel 4668, Pensford Lane, Stanton Drew. Change of use of agricultural building and land to mixed agricultural and equestrian, the erection of a hay barn and the creation of an all-weather riding arena (Part Retrospective). The Parish Council resolved to SUPPORT this application as the facilities are for personal use and not commercial use and will result in reduced vehicle movements on Pensford Lane as the applicant will not need to take her horses to train at other facilities.

b. Decision Notification:
i) 21/01512/FUL: Laurel Lea. Pensford Hill, Pensford. Erection of a double storey side extension, porch roof changed from flat roof to tiled pitched roof and a skylight balcony to the rear of the property. PERMIT
ii) 21/01194/FUL: Jasmine Cottage, 153 High Street, Pensford. Erection of Replacement rear lobby. PERMIT

18.6 Matters for Discussion / Decision

a) Youth Club on Wheels: Following the presentation at the start of the meeting, the Parish Council suggested a number of funding options for the Youth Club on Wheels to enable it to continue operating in Pensford. It was also suggested that it could be another option for the CIL consultation to be held once Covid restrictions are lifted.

b) Donation of Defibrillator: A resident has offered to purchase and maintain an additional defibrillator to be sited at the Village Hall. The Parish Council supported the suggestion, however the decision would need to be made by the Village Hall committee if it was to be sited at the Village Hall.

c) The Queens Green Canopy: The Parish Council supported the planting of a tree to commemorate the Queens Jubilee in June 2022. It was agreed that the Climate Emergency Working Group should be consulted as part of their tree planting scheme and a location was still to be agreed.

d) Insurance cover for the phone box: The Parish Council agreed that it was not necessary to the insurance premium to cover the phone box for damage. It was already covered for public liability at no additional cost.

e) Litter at Publow Pond and misuse of parish bins: Due to increased popularity of the pond excessive litter is being left after busy/sunny days. The owner of Church Farm has been clearing the litter, but is concerned about pollution in the river, lack of toilet facilities and dogs not being kept on leads. Bins are left overflowing from the people who are trying to clear up after themselves. B&NES have been contacted to see if they can offer any help or advice. Other bins around the Parish are being filled by some householders rather than using their domestic bins, evidence of their contact details have been retained and it was agreed that repeated offenders should be written to and asked to stop.

f) BWCE Renewables audit: Further to the work of the Climate Emergency Working Group who have secured £3050 in grants to cover the cost, the Parish Council resolved to commission the BWCE Renewables Audit costing £3250 + VAT. (Vat to be reclaimed)

18.7 Financial Matters
a) The Internal auditors report was accepted.
b) The Annual Governance Statements were approved & Signed by the Chairman and the Clerk
c) The Annual Return Accounting Statements for YE31 March 21 (Unaudited) Section 2 was approved & Signed by the Chairman.
d) The Certificate of Exemption was approved and signed by the RFO and the Chairman
e) The Financial Report was accepted.
f) June Payments were approved.

18.8 B&NES:The Ward Councillor sent his apologies, but circulated a written report. The application for liveable neighbourhoods would be taken forward in the second phase of funding. The Ward Councillors allowance has been given to the renewables audit. The waste collection team seems to be having major problems.

18.9 Reports (written reports circulated prior to the meeting)

a) Allotments: No update
b) Climate Emergency Working group: The Renewables Audit is ready to progress.
c) Memorial Hall: No update
d) PCAA: The timetable for the appeal has been extended, adding additional legal costs.
e) The Clerks Report was accepted.

18.18 Items to carry forward to the next meeting: Maintenance of Lock up, Music Licence at the pub

18.19 To note Future Meetings: Parish Liaison – 6th July; Chew Valley Forum 26th July

Parish Council Minutes – 6th May 2021

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Present: Mrs J Stephenson (Chairman), Mrs J Gully, Mr P Baxter, Mrs D Custance, Mr S Filer (Part), Mrs S Grimes, Ms J Flower, Mr T Heaford, Mr T Jones, Mrs T Jones & Cllr P. May (B&NES) and Mrs H Richardson (Clerk) and 2 Member of Public

17.1 Janette Stephenson was elected as Chairman and signed her Declaration of Acceptance of office.

17.2 Paul Baxter was elected as Vice Chairman

Members of Public: None

17.3 Apologies for Absence: None

17.4 Declarations of Interest: None

17.5 Appointments were reviewed and agreed as follows:
Memorial Hall Committee: Paul Baxter
Parish Council’s Airport Association: Tony Heaford
Parish Liaison Meetings: Janette Stephenson (Sue Grimes in reserve)
ALCA Meetings: Sue Grimes (Janette Stephenson in reserve)
B&NES Local Council Group: Janette Stephenson
Chew Valley Forum: Sue Grimes / Tony Heaford/ Janette Stephenson
Flood Representative: Paul Baxter
Guardians for Defibrillators: Janette Stephenson, Tracy Jones, Mike Daniels
Staffing Panel: Tracy Jones, Sue Grimes & Steve Filer
Climate Emergency Working Group: Dawn Custance, Jenny Gully, Alex Limburg, Roderick Black, Paul May, Jo Mcgagan, Steff Clements.
Allotments: Mike Daniels

17.6 The standing Orders were reviewed and adopted.

17.7 The 2021/2022 schedule of meetings were approved.

17.8 The renewal of the Parish Council insurance policy was accepted.

17.9 The Risk assessment was reviewed and approved.

17.10 The Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 19th April 2021 were agreed as a true and fair record. The Chairman will sign them at the next available opportunity.

17.11 An update on District Matters. – B&NES Council annual meeting took place this week, a new leader and two deputy leaders have been appointed. He reported that the Resourceful Earth application will be considered by Planning Committee and he will meeting with planners & other local councillors once the responses to some queries have been received. It was reported that some highways work was planned on Peats Hill. The Ward Councillor has suggested a weight limit on Publow Bridge.

17.12 Updates on current matters:
a) Vintage Phone Box – The Miners Welfare are no longer want the phone box on their land due to concerns over planning permission. A planning officer has been consulted for further advise. It became necessary to move it to a temporary location.
b) Allotments – Nothing to report.
c) Environmental & Climate Emergency working group – An application has been made to Chelwood community fund for the remaining £1000 needed for the BSCE renewables audit. An article publicising the group has been put in the Chew Valley Gazette with thanks to Paul May. There is a Chew Valley Climate group, Cross Transport survey on the Parish Council website.
d) Dog/Litter bins – There have been further incidents of fly-tipping and misuse of the wastebins.
e) Memorial Hall – No update .
f) PCAA – AGM will take place on the 24th June

17.13 Matters for Discussion / Decision
a) Update on Legislation on virtual meetings: The temporary legislation allowing Parish Council meetings to be held on-line expires on 6 May at midnight. The Clerk has tried to book the Village Hall for the June meeting, but not had a response. It was suggested that the June meeting is delayed until after June 21st after restrictions are lifted and approach Publow Church if the Village Hall is not available. It was agreed to meet on Monday 28th June.
b) Delegation Scheme: The Scheme of Delegation was reviewed and extended for 12 months in case the Parish Council is unable to meet in person.
c) Parish Maintenance: The Clerk was asked to contact Curo regarding the condition of the wall at the end of their land, adjacent to the A37.

17.14 Reports
a) The Clerks Report was accepted
b) The Chairman had nothing in addition to report.

17.15 Planning

a. Applications to consult:
i) 21/01859/FUL: 40 Hillcrest, Pensford: Demolition of existing double garage and erection of a new 2/3 bedroom dwelling (resubmission). The Parish Council resolved to SUPPORT the application

b. Decision Notification:
i) 21/00810/FUL: Recreation Ground, Publow Lane, Publow. Replacement Building. PERMIT

17.16 Financial Matters

a) The Financial Report was accepted.

b) May Payments were approved.

Payee Mark McMullen
Description Footpath Officer
Amount £80
VAT to reclaim N

Payee Mrs Helen Richardson
Description Clerk Salary
Amount £712.40
VAT to reclaim N

Payee Mrs Helen Richardson
Description Reimburse Zoom subscription
Amount £4.80
VAT to reclaim N

Payee DPM Lucas Garden Contractors
Description Cut & Strim the Green
Amount £40
VAT to reclaim N

Payee Zurich Insurance
Description Renewal
Amount £761.37
VAT to reclaim £81.57

Payee Protect our Keynsham Environment
Description Grant approved 16.7e
Amount £200
VAT to reclaim N

Payee Renewable Energy Audit
Description Grant Approved 16.7f
Amount £200
VAT to reclaim N

17.17 Items to carry forward to the next meeting: Footpath at the end of Salters Brook, if it hasn’t been previously resolved. Apologies for the next meeting were received from Jane Flower and Steve Filer.

17.18 To note Future Meetings:
Parish Liaison – Wednesday 14 July or Wednesday 21 July, Wednesday 13 October 2021

Parish Council Minutes – 19th April 2021

Logo thumb

Present: Mrs J Stephenson (Chairman), Mrs J Gully, Mr P Baxter, Mrs D Custance, Mr S Filer (Part), Mrs S Grimes, Ms J Flower, Mr T Heaford, Mr T Jones, Mrs T Jones & Cllr P. May (B&NES) and Mrs H Richardson (Clerk) and 2 Member of Public

16.1 Public Submissions: A resident and member of Protect Our Keynsham Environment (POKE) asked the Parish Council to support her grant application for a contribution towards costs associated with their campaign to oppose planning application 21/00419/EFUL: Resourceful Earth, specifically in relation to the increased vehicle movements.
A resident spoke in support of the Tree Preservation Order (16.9cii) and asked the Parish Council to support it becoming a permanent TPO.

16.2 Apologies: Mr M Daniels

16.3 Declarations of Interest: None

16.4 The Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 8th March 2021 were agreed as a true and fair record. The Chairman will sign them at the next available opportunity.

16.5 An update on District Matters – Cllr.May reported that Richard Samuel had taken over from Dine Romero as B&NES Council Leader until they elect a new Leader in May. The Ward Councillor is meeting with the new leader on 20th April as he is concerned about potential development around the Parish in the Spatial Development Strategy (SDS). Under current Legislation B&NES meetings will have to return to face-to-face meetings after the 6th May. He has made a video in support of the action taken by POKE as he is concerned about lorries travelling to and from the Resourceful Earth site, through the parish.

16.6 Updates on current matters:
a) Vintage Phone Box – The Miners Welfare and the owner of the phone box have agreed to pay for the legal access agreement. The Clerk has asked for advice on whether the planning permission was required but was waiting for a response. It was recommended that the move should proceed.
b) Allotments – It was reported that one plot became vacant but has been filled.
c) Environmental & Climate Emergency working group – The report previously circulated was accepted
d) Dog/Litter bins – Bags of household waste are being dumped in two of the bins – one of the people responsible has been contacted and asked to stop.
e) Memorial Hall – No update on Hall, the playground is being used well.
f) PCAA – The enquiry is due to begin on the 20th July and estimated to take 40 days. Nearly £50,000 has been raised towards the cost of the enquiry. Three new Parishes have joined the Association. A separate application has been made for a Park & Ride Carpark with over 3000 parking spaces near the M5. A request has been made for the inspector to visit Publow/Pensford/Woollard as one of the Parishes impacted by the airport.

16.7 Matters for Discussion / Decision
a) Telephone Box Access Agreement: It was reported that the legal cost of the Access agreement was being paid for by the Miners Welfare & the current owner of the Phone Box, so no further discussion was needed.
b) Path Behind the Rising Sun: An application to modify the definitive map had been made by a group of residents who have contacted the Brewery regarding the ownership of the bridge, however the Brewery confirmed that they wish to retain ownership.
c) It was agreed that the May meeting would provisionally be moved to the 6th May on zoom, depending on any changes to the understanding of current legislation following court hearing on 21st April, which may allow virtual meetings to continue after 6th May. The that occurs the meeting will be held on Zoom on the 10th May as scheduled.
d) It was reported that no new projects have been put forward for the CIL Consultation.
e) The Parish Council approved a grant of £200 for the Climate Emergency Working Group towards the Renewable Energy Audit.
 Cllr Steve Filer Joined the meeting
f) The Parish Council approved a grant of £200 for POKE towards the cost of expert reports for the Appeal for planning application 21/00419/EFUL: Resourceful Earth
 Cllr Paul May Left the meeting

16.8 Reports
a) The Clerks Report was accepted
b) The Chairman reported that the renovation of the finger posts should be completed within 8 weeks. A Resident’s letter regarding several current matters had been circulated to all Councillors. The Chairman sent a letter of Condolences to Buckingham Palace, mentioning the Duke of Edinburgh’s visit to Pensford in 1968.
c) The report of the Parish Liaison meeting on 24th March was accepted

16.9 Planning

a. Applications to consult:
i. 21/01165/ADCOU: Little Haven Barn, Birchwood Lane, Publow. Prior approval request for change of use of agricultural building to dwellinghouse (Use Class C3). The Parish Council resolved to SUPPORT the application.
ii. 21/00810/FUL: Recreation Ground, Publow Lane, Publow. Replacement outbuilding. The Parish Council resolved to SUPPORT the application.
iii. 21/01194/FUL: Jasmine Cottage, 153 High Street, Pensford. Erection of replacement rear lobby. The Parish Council resolved to SUPPORT the application
iv. 21/01512/FUL: Laurel Lea, Pensford Hill, Pensford. Erection of a double storey side extension, porch roof changed from flat roof to tiled pitched roof, and a skylight balcony to the rear of the property. The Parish Council resolved that they had NO OBJECTION to this application.

b. Decision Notification:
i. 21/04872/FUL: 155 High Street, Pensford. Erection of a detached dwelling and associated works. REFUSED

c. Other Planning Matters:
i) It was agreed that the matter of the Stable on Woollard Lane (Quarry Lodge), being used as a dwelling should be pursued with enforcement.
ii) It was reported that notification have been received of Tree Preservation Order on Land adjacent to Meadow Barn, Wick Lane.

16.10 Financial Matters
a) The Financial Report was accepted.
b) April Payments were approved.

Payee Description Amount VAT
Mark McMullen Footpath Officer £80 N
Mrs Helen Richardson Clerk Salary (March & Reimbursement for Zoom)  £748.71 N
DPM Lucas Garden Contractors Cut & Strim the Green x 2 £40.00 N
DPM Payroll Services £120.00 N
Avon Local Councils Association Subscription (approved last month) £278.51 N

Total value of cheques: £1267.22

16.11 Items to carry forward to the next meeting: Road Clearing A37. Crack in Wall A37. Wick Lane burning Rubbish.

16.12 To note Future Meetings:
Parish Liaison – Wednesday 14 July or Wednesday 21 July, Wednesday 13 October 2021
DATE OF NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: Monday 6th or 10th May 2021

Parish Council Minutes – 8th March 2021

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Present: Mrs J Stephenson (Chairman), Mrs J Gully, Mr P Baxter, Mrs D Custance, Mr M Daniels, Mr S Filer, Mrs S Grimes, Ms J Flower, Mr T Heaford, Mr T Jones, Mrs T Jones & Cllr P. May (B&NES) and Mrs H Richardson (Clerk) and 5 Member of Public

15.1 Public Submissions: A resident spoke in opposition to the planning application 21/00419/EFUL: Resourceful Earth, specifically in relation to the increased vehicle movements. Two residents spoke in opposition to the Planning Application 21/00606/FUL Land Adjacent to River Chew, Huntstrete Lane.

15.2 Apologies: None

15.3 Declarations of Interest: Mr M Daniels (15.10b)

15.4 The Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 8th February 2021 were agreed as a true and fair record. The Chairman will sign them at the next available opportunity.

15.5 An update on District Matters. – Cllr. May reported that B&NES have approved a 5% increase in council tax. 14% has been put aside to tackle climate emergency and £2.6 million has been cut from adult services. Tourism Bath has been removed and put under Bristol. Concern has been raised that WECA are not planning to consult further on the Spatial Development Strategy (SDS) during the process.

15.6 Updates on current matters:

a) Vintage Phone Box – The Miners Welfare have been advised to put an access agreement in place and so they will send a draft for the Parish Council to approve.
b) Allotments – There are still some outstanding payments to chase and the bills will be sent out for 2021-22 this month.
c) Environmental & Climate Emergency working group – Report previously circulated. The Working Group sought clarification from the Parish Council regarding the proposed Volunteer Tree Champion Role. It was agreed that the proposed role should be an informal role guiding activities with trees and not concerned with insurance / safety of trees. The Climate Group has been formed for a year now and the Parish Council expressed their thanks to all members of the working group for their time and efforts.
d) Dog/Litter bins – Have been installed a local business has paid for an additional 4 bins making a total of 10.
e) Memorial Hall – the committee have not met as the hall is closed.
f) Clerks Appraisal – The Staffing Committee reported that they had held and appraisal for the Clerk
g) Liveable Neighbourhoods – The Ward Councillor had consulted with the Liveable neighbourhoods working group and submitted an application to B&NES. The Application had previously been circulated.
h) PCAA – A case management conference is taking place which will determine how the Inspectors examination will go.

15.7 Matters for Discussion / Decision

a) The Parish Council have received 6 suggestions for the use of the CIL Funds. It was agreed that all proposals should be put forward to a parish consultation in the Village Hall once lockdown is lifted. The options so far, are: Extending the village green; a new public car park area on the village hall playing fields; Renewables Energy Audit; Outdoor Gym Equipment; Creation of a footpath between the Village Hall and the School; Improvements to the Village Hall Kitchen. It would be publicised that any alternative suggestions should be submitted to the Parish Council by April 30th.
b) The Parish Council resolved to instruct the Clerk to sign the Parish Paths Agency agreement.
c) The Parish Council reviewed correspondence between B&NES Highways Officers and Mr Andrew Hillman of Birchwood House regarding a proposal to install bollards on Birchwood Lane to prevent anti-social parking obstructing the Lane. Mr Hillman has agreed to install the bollards and maintain them at his cost, for as long as he lives in Birchwood House. As requested by B&NES, the Parish Council agreed in principle to take responsibility for the future maintenance of the bollards (subject to the Parish Councils approval for the final design and layout) in the case of Mr Hillman moving out of the Parish.

15.8 Reports
a) The Clerks Report was accepted
b) The Chairman reported that she had attended a meeting which gave an update on vaccines.

15.9 Planning

a. Applications to consult:
i) 21/00419/EFUL: Resourceful Earth Ltd, Charlton Field Lane, Queen Charlton: Development of an Anaerobic Digester Facility (including retention of the existing Feedstock Reception Building, Digester Tank (x5), Storage Tank, CHP Engine (x4), Transformer, GRP Substation, GRP Technical Room (x5) and Gas Equipment) to produce both gas and electricity for injection into the local grid networks, alongside the restoration of the former Queen Charlton Quarry Site with ecological and landscape enhancements.
The Parish council resolved to OBJECT to this application on the basis that the vehicle movements will have a detrimental impact on residents and the proposals in Greenbelt will cause environmental harm.
ii) 21/00606/FUL. Land Adjacent To River Chew, Hunstrete Lane, Woollard: Change of use to dual use (agricultural/commercial) and site Shepherd’s hut used ancillary to Bell Farm Alpacas and as cafe (Retrospective). The Parish council Resolved to OBJECT to the planning application due to the negative impact reported by residents as a result of this retrospective application, and the sensitive location of the site.

b. Decision Notification:
i) 20/04269/FUL. 51 Hillcrest, Pensford: Erection of two storey side extension following demolition of existing single storey side extension and conservatory. APPLICATION PERMITTED

c. Other Planning Matters:
i) A Stable on Woollard Lane, being used as a dwelling was raised as it was subject to enforcement a few years ago, but the situation had not been resolved – The Ward Councillor would get an update.

15.10 Financial Matters
a) The Financial Report were accepted

March Payments were approved.

Payee Mark McMullen
Description Footpath Officer
Amount £80.00
VAT to reclaim –

Payee Mrs Helen Richardson
Description Clerk’s Salary + Jan reimbursement for Zoom
Amount £748.71
VAT to reclaim –

Payee HMRC
Description 4th quarter PAYE
Amount £637.10
VAT to reclaim –

Payee Parish News
Description Grant approved 14.7a
Amount £200.00
VAT to reclaim –

Payee Avon Local Councils Association
Description Subscription
Amount £278.51
VAT to reclaim –

Payee Sally Daniels
Description Reimburse Waste Bins and Allotment Gate
Amount £435.00
VAT to reclaim –

Total value of cheques: £2379.32

15.11 Items to carry forward to the next meeting: Footpath through the Rising Sun.

15.12 To note Future Meetings:
Parish Liaison – Wednesday 24 March, Wednesday 14 July or Wednesday 21 July, Wednesday 13 October 2021
West of England Mass Transit Project: Transforming the region’s transport network. Thurs 11 March at 1:30 – 2:30pm.
B&NES Rural Landscape Character Assessment Review and Landscape Strategy. Stakeholder Consultation Workshop : Tuesday 16th March.



Parish Council Minutes – 8th February 2021

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Present: Mrs J Stephenson (Chairman), Mrs J Gully, Mr P Baxter, Mrs D Custance, Mr M Daniels, Mr S Filer, Mrs S Grimes, Ms J Flower, Mr T Heaford, Mr T Jones, Mrs T Jones & Cllr P. May (B&NES) and Mrs H Richardson (Clerk) and 1 Member of Public

14.1 Public Submissions: – A resident asked the Parish Council for support as he is experiencing problems with inconsiderate parking on Birchwood Lane blocking access to and from his home. He is frequently blocked from getting to his home and has to help rescue stranded vehicles that have got into difficulties in the muddy verges. (Discussed in 14.7b)

14.2 Apologies: None

14.3 Declarations of Interest: None

14.4 The Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 11th January 2021 were agreed as a true and fair record. The Chairman will sign them at the next available opportunity.

14.5 An update on District Matters. – Cllr.May reported that having read more of the Local Plan Update the Parish Council may wish to make representation regarding the greenbelt and the village boundary when the first draft comes out in May. He has been speaking to a resident on the A37 who believes that pollution levels are increasing, but B&NES are saying that levels have dropped. B&NES are proposing a 2% rise in council tax plus 3% for adult services and the Ward Councillor is pressing for more investment in Rural areas. Recent Covid reports of 800 cases per 100,000 has improved and the latest report shows 250 cases per 100,000. The Ward councillor will be working with the working group to produce the liveable neighbourhoods document.

14.6 Updates on current matters:
a) Vintage Phone Box – The Parish Council agreed to purchase the phone kiosk for £1 and therefore take responsibility for the insurance.
b) Allotments – Invoices are ready to send out. .
c) Environmental & Climate Emergency working group – Report previously circulated.
d) Dog bins – Ready to install. Agreed to pay for emptying bin at Village Hall @ £18 +VAT each time while the Village Hall is not using the bins. A lock is being added to the bin store.
e) Memorial Hall – the committee have not met as the hall is closed.
f) Litter picks – Bags and litter picks have been delivered, and arrangement has been made with B&NES to collect gold bags. The whole of the Parish is covered by volunteers, however it was noted that the verges of the A37 on Hursley Hill was still a mess- The Ward Councillor will raise this with B&NES
g) PCAA – minutes of the meeting on 28th January have been circulated. A consultation on night flying is running currently as the airport have submitted an application to increase flying at night.

14.7 Matters for Discussion / Decision
a) The Parish Council approved a grant of £200 towards the printing costs for the Parish News
b) The Parish Council discussed the issues experienced in Birchwood Lane due to inconsiderate parking. The Ward Councillor agreed to speak to the relevant Cabinet Member with the support of the Parish Council. The Ward Councillor also suggested that Birchwood lane and the Junction with the A37 should be raised in discussions about Liveable Neighbourhoods (14.7c)
c) The Parish Council agreed to form a Liveable Neighbourhoods working group to consider the main issues to raise and report back to the Ward Councillor. The members of the working group are Sue Grimes, Mike Daniels, Paul Baxter and two residents.
d) It was reported that ongoing investigations were being carried by out by B&NES as a resident is repeatedly putting dog poo bags down the drains along Hillcrest.

14.8 Reports
a) The Clerks Report was accepted
b) The Chairman reported that she had received a quote for the proposed parking at the Memorial Hall and it would be discussed next month
c) It was reported that the Chairman attended the ALCA meeting on 3rd February. There is a vacancy for an assistant to the Chief Officer of ALCA. A presentation on what ALCA does for Parish Councils will be given at the next ALCA meeting.

14.9 Planning
a. Applications to consult: None
b. Decision Notification: None
c. Other Planning Matters: None

14.10 Financial Matters

a) The Financial Report were accepted

February Payments were approved.

Purpose for Expense Chq No. Amount VAT Recover
Tudor Environmental Litter Pickers (Retrospective) £118.80 £19.80 Y
Mark McMullen – Footpath Officer £80.00 N/A
Mrs Helen Richardson – Clerk’s Salary – Jan& Reimbursement for Zoom £724.01 N/A
H Richardson Reimburse Titan Internet Domain Registration and Hosting £360.00 £60.00 Y
Total value of cheques £1282.81

14.11 Items to carry forward to the next meeting: Options for the CIL Funds

14.12 To note Future Meetings:
Parish Liaison – Wednesday 24 March, Wednesday 14 July or Wednesday 21 July, Wednesday 13 October 2021 ALCA – 3rd February 2021.

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