Parish Council Minutes – 12th January 2015


Present: Chairman: Mrs J Stephenson. Mr S Filer, Mrs S Grimes, Mrs L Cains, Mr T Heaford, Mrs J Gully, Mr J Kelly. Clerk Mrs J Bragg.
Also present were two members of the public, Mr A Ford, Mr P May and Mrs T Jones.
Mrs Stephenson welcomed all to the meeting and greeted Mrs Jones who was attending the meeting with a view to joining the Parish Council. A Happy New Year was extended to all and the meeting commenced.

1) Members of the Public: Members of the Public raised problems with pot holes by Publow Church Car Park and along Peats Hill travelling towards Woollard. Clerk to inform Highways. Also Priestdown is in need of a clean as the water is not going into the gullies.

2) Apologies for Absence were received from Cllr Edwards and Mrs J Jones.

3) Minutes of Monday 8th December 2014 after being circulated and read were signed as a correct record.

4) Matters Arising from the previous minutes:

M & M Cable Works: It was reported that works in Chew Magna were due to commence on 7th February 2015 with a full closure of Chew Magna High Street between the 14th – 22nd of February.

Christmas Tree for the Village Green: Parish Council agreed to look at the provision of a Christmas Tree for this coming Christmas. Parish Council to consider a donation towards the cost of covers for the power cable if it was to be brought across the road as in past years.

Lock Up: The display of the Three Kings was reported to be very well received and created a lot of interest.

Memorial for Acker Bilk: Further discussion will take place.

Neighbourhood Planning: Mr Ford attended the meeting to collate feedback on the Questionnaire which had been produced by the Neighbourhood Planning sub-committee. It was agreed that final feedback would be collated at the February Meeting. It was agreed that some topics may be related to Parish Council and will possibly overlap with topics which are put into the Neighbourhood Plan.
A further Neighbourhood Planning meeting had taken place on Wednesday 7th January. A Chairman, Vice-chair and Secretary had been appointed. A Financial Officer position needs to be filled. The Primary School have been approached regarding producing a Logo and are happy to be involved. 22nd January 2015 will be the final designation date.

5) Items for Discussion:

a) Appointment of Vice-Chairman: As the appointment of a Vice Chair is not mandatory, it was agreed to leave it for a while before appointing someone to this position.

b) Nomination of Community Trust Representative: Mr Heaford was nominated as the Representative for the Community Trust, he will attend Community Trust meetings along with the Parish Council Chair Mrs Stephenson.

c) Wick Lane Housing Update: The Public Consultation will be taking place on Monday 19th January between 1pm & 7pm. Clerk had booked the Memorial Hall. Parish Councils comments had been sent to Mr Breach.

d) Chairman’s of the Council Community Awards: The Awards Evening will take place on Thursday 29th January 2015. Mrs Gully & Mrs Stephenson will attend.

e) Memorial Hall Charges: Clerk reported that the fees will rise from January for the hire of the Memorial Hall. The Parish Council have been asked to pay £8.50 per hour which replaces the £9 per meeting which is being paid at present. A monthly meeting charge will now be £25.50. Clerk was asked to write to the hall committee to ask for a review of these charges.

f) Church Farm – Footpaths Consultation: In addition to the consultation sent out in November that outlined the proposed changes to the right of way network at Church Farm in Publow, proposed additions and amendments had been received.
These changes had come about as a result of the initial consultation.
Initial thoughts from the Parish Council were that the changes have put Walkers off of walking the paths now as it is very confusing as to which way to go and the proposed changes have increased the number of fields to cross. It was still thought the wooden bridge installed requires some safety measures as the sides are open and wide. Trees were reported to have been planted where the original landslide occurred to try and stabilise the land, however it was reported that the land has slipped again. Mrs Stephenson will walk the path and report back to BANES.

g) Defibrillators: It was reported that in South Gloucestershire & North Bristol Defibrillators had been stolen. The ones in Pensford and Woollard have remained secure. The Advice from AED was to remove the Defibrillator from the Cabinet and
inform GWA. However the Parish Council made the decision to leave the defibrillators in the cabinets. Members of the Public are asked to be vigilant. It was reported that the Post Office are soon to have CCTV cameras installed which will be able to monitor the Defibrillator outside of the Post Office.
The Parish Council were disappointed to hear that a vegetable box had recently been stolen from outside of the Post Office during daylight hours.
Defibrillator in Woollard: A new bulb has been replaced by the guardian Mrs Stephenson.

6) Clerks Progress Report:

Memorial Hall: The AGM of the Memorial Hall will be taking place on Tuesday 3rd February at 7.00 pm followed by a normal meeting. The Memorial Hall Committee have asked that this meeting is promoted on their behalf. Any Agenda items should be submitted to the Chairman as soon as possible.

Accounts: A cheque was raised at the November meeting made payable to Gladwin Electrical Services for a total of £678.00 this was the Parish Council donation to electrical work carried out at the Memorial Hall. An email from the Treasurer on the 1st January 2015 informed the Clerk that because the works are not improvements the Memorial Hall spoke to Gladwin and they invoiced the hall direct. They had already paid this invoice and assumed that the Parish Council knew. The cheque therefore has been cancelled.

Police: I have been advised that PCSO’s no longer have the mobile numbers we have on our records. PCSO 8079 BRAGG and PCSO 6903 BAILEY will soon have new numbers, which will be provided in due course. A new number will also be provided for PC Gemma Hill once she returns from maternity leave. Contact now should be made via 101.

Clerk has notified the Web Site and Parish Mag.

Rok the Stones Marathon (24-Jan-2015)
The Parish Council have been informed of the inaugural Rok the Stones trail marathon will take place on Saturday-24-Jan 2015, to raise funds for the Pensford, Publow and the Stanton’s Community Trust. They are hoping to raise in excess of £1000 for local community projects.

The marathon consists of three separate loops, each starting from Stanton Drew Village Hall. The first loop follows the River Chew to Compton Dando, the second loop climbs onto Dundry and Maes Knoll, and the third includes the Folly Farm estate and Knowle Hill. More details can be found on the event website:

Royal Garden Party: This takes place at Buckingham Palace on Tuesday 12th May 2015. The Parish Council are asked to nominate two attendees by 2nd February 2015. Names will then go into the hat.

Redundant Bus Shelter: Quotes are still awaited for these works.

Hillcrest: No further complaints have been received regarding a car parking on the pavement in front of the Grit Bin by the Old Peoples Bungalows at Hillcrest.

Gritting: No problems have been reported to the Clerk in relation to lack of gritting.

Allotments: An advert has been created and sent to the Parish Magazine advertising vacant plots.

Quarry Lodge Woollard Lane Woollard. A CONFIDENTIAL update has been circulated.

7) Planning:

Applications to be discussed:

14/05615/ADCOU AMP Electrical Ltd Belluton Barn Belluton Farm Stanton Road. Prior approval request for change of use from Agricultural Barn to Dwelling (C3): Parish Council were minded to approve this, however clarification would be sought regarding which entrance/exit will be used. It was thought that the entrance by the Bus Stop on the A37 was quite dangerous and should have benefitted from Planning Consent for the entrance and the lighting which follows the track. Clerk to write to planning to this end.

14/05467/FUL Mr Monaghan Willow Tree Cottage Old Road Pensford. Erection of a two storey extension. Parish Council support but to bring to the attention of the Planning Department the land slips which have occurred in the past.

Planning Outcomes:

14/04165/FUL 4 Ways Pensford Ltd Development Site the Orchard, Pensford. Erection of 1no.4 bed house with garage and gardens. PERMIT

14/04164/FUL 4 Ways Pensford Ltd Police Lane Pensford. Erection of 2no. Three bedroom semi detached houses with garages and parking. PERMIT

14/04826/FUL Mr Gibbons 13 Hillcrest Pensford Erection of 2no. Bed dwelling to built to the side of 13 Hillcrest Pensford. REFUSE

14/04438/FUL Mr G Tidcombe Brambledene 5 Publow Lane, Pensford. Erection of rear extension and conservatory. PERMIT.

14/05345/TCA Mr Roberts Assured Trees. Pensford Primary School, Pensford.
1 x Willow – pruning works to high pollard effect. No Objection.

8) Financial Matters:

Payments to be Authorised:

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary December 631.32
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest 14.60
Memorial Hall Hire for 9 months to December 2014 72.00

9. Any Other Business:

Speeding Old Road/High Street: A discussion took place on the speeding issues along Old Road and what possibly can be done to slow motorists down. It was agreed that the Parish Council should contact the Traffic & Safety Department again and ask for another site visit.

Parsonage Lane: It was reported that following works by M & M Contractors the level of the bank has been taken down. The bank needs to be re-instated. Clerk to contact M&M and ask them to look at it.

Tennis Club: It was reported that £500 had been received from collecting Bristol
Evening Post Vouchers. Recommendations are being sought for the re-surfacing of the courts.

New Chairman: Mrs Gully congratulated Mrs Stephenson on Chairing her first Parish Council meeting as the new Chairman.

Sleep Lane: The Give Way Sign has been removed.

Greenspace Designation: Clerk had circulated information from BANES which asked about which Greenspace Areas the Parish Council would like to identify which are of particular importance to them for special protection through designation in the Placemaking Plan. The following were suggested: Allotment Land, Village Green, Old Down, The Common, Land under the Viaduct and Culvery Wood. Clerk and Chairman will reply to BANES.

Parking: Cars continue to park on the pavement by Lock Up Cottages and in front of the War Memorial. Parish Council considered asking BANES for yellow lines to be put at these locations and motorists are ignoring the advisory white line. A raised footpath was suggested in front of Lock Up Cottages and along in front of the Lock Up. It was suggested that a representative from BANES Highways should come out and discuss this further.

Motorists were reported to be parking all day by the Post Office. It was thought that there is a limit there but if not maybe the parking bays should have a time limit on them to deter all day parking.

Grit Bin at the top of the Orchard: Needs replacing. Clerk to pursue.

Banners on Bridge: It was noted that there are more advertising banners on Pensford Bridge. Owners will be reminded that a Licence is necessary in order to put them at the side of the Main Road.

10. Notice of Future Meetings: Chew Valley Area Forum Meeting Thursday 12th February 2015 at The Wellsway Harptree Hill.



Minutes – 08-12-14


Present: Chairman: Mr T Heaford Vice-Chair: Mrs J Stephenson
Mrs L Cains, Mrs J Jones, Mrs S Grimes, Mrs J Gully, Mr J Kelly,
Cllr P Edwards, Mr S Filer Clerk: Mrs J Bragg.
Also present were Mr & Mrs Hunt, Mr P May, Mr L Coomber.
Mr P Breach, Robin Gray from Alec French Architect, Craig O’Brian from Savills and Phillipa (Breach)

1) Welcome Peter Breach: Mr Breach and his colleagues were welcomed to the meeting to give an updated presentation further to that given in September. The proposal still consists of nine homes hoping to be affordable for the First Time Buyer Market. To enhance the affordability two units have been made larger in length. New Parking Bays have been created for the 4 unit block of homes to address the concerns raised regarding on-site parking.
Changes had been made to the proposal of the 4 unit block, two proposed views were shown one with a finish in stone and the other with a cream render finish. Local properties were taken into consideration whilst creating these finishes. Windows have been made more interesting with the introduction of stone lintels and a change of colour of frames. Garage doors have now been pulled forward to be flush with the frontage of the unit.
The Parish Council were happy with the designs however it was pointed out that there appeared to be no consideration for Dustbins or Recycling Bins.
Access into the site remains a concern, however the Parish Council are assured that the Highways Team have been consulted
It was agreed that the best way forward now would be to take the proposals to a Public Consultation. The Agent will liaise with Clerk regarding meeting dates and availability of the Memorial Hall.

2) Members of the Public had nothing to bring to the meeting.

3) Apologies for Absence were received from Mr Seymour.

4) Minutes of Monday 10th NOVEMBER 2014 after being circulated and read were signed as a correct record

5) Matters Arising from the previous minutes:

Footpaths Officer: Now has all equipment and maps. The seats by the Lock Up and on Pensford Hill had been cleared of brambles.

M & M Contractors: The cable works are reported to be on schedule. It is anticipated that works will start in Chew Magna in February.
Clerk reported that a complaint had been received from a resident in Belluton Villas regarding the mud left behind in the lay-by by his property. M & M were contacted and reported that they would be clearing this up and would apologise to the person concerned.

Allotments: Vacant plots will be advertised in the Parish Magazine.

Planning: No reply had been received from Planning regarding the Parish Councils comments in reply to garage proposal.

6) Items for Discussion:

a) Lock Up – Christmas Nativity: The Parish Council had been approached by a Member of the Public who proposed to put this years Nativity Scene inside the Lock Up. Clerk contacted English Heritage and the Insurance Company to be advised of the correct procedures. The Insurance Company requested a Risk Assessment. This was duly completed and returned to the Insurance Company allowing the Nativity to go ahead. The Three Kings were placed in the Lock Up and the Nativity was put in the Church Tower.

Mrs Stephenson confirmed that the copy Key had now been completed by Chapel Forge. The original key will stay with the Clerk and the copy Key is with Mr Newey at Popham Cottage.

Christmas Tree for Village Green: The Parish Council had been contacted by the George & Dragon in relation to putting a Christmas Tree on the Village Green, this was to enable the school children to add Christmas wishes to the tree. A donation was being sought from the Parish Council.
In past years the Parish Council made a financial contribution towards the cost of the tree and the electricity. When the electric cabling became dangerous being placed across the road the Christmas Tree project on the green ceased. Parish Council to suggest that maybe the tree could be located next to the Lock Up in future years. It was suggested that the cost of providing a Power Supply to the Lock Up could be looked into. Mrs Gully to speak with Mr Newey and Mr Heaford will speak to the owners of the George & Dragon.

b) Proposed Changes to the Rights of Way Network – Church Farm Publow: Mrs Stephenson will look at these proposals further but initially the Parish Council could not see a problem.

c) Placemaking Plan Consultation: This is a long document available online (113 pages), there is no reference to Pensford.

d) Clerk Scale Point Rise from SCP 26 to SCP 27 – new rates from NALC: Parish Council agreed the clerks SCP rise.

e) Neighbourhood Plan Update: Mrs Grimes gave an update from the recent Neighbourhood Planning Meetings. All minutes will be placed on the web site.
A meeting was held with two members of the Whitchurch Village Neighbourhood Planning Committee which was very useful. Joint issues such as the A37 were discussed.
The next meeting takes place on Wednesday 7th January 2015.
The Parish Council were asked if they would fund the cost of the Church Room Hire and further small amounts. The Parish Council agreed at the moment to fund Room Rental & Printing costs. It was also agreed that the Parish Council would fund the Clerks hours in relation to Neighbourhood Planning. Clerk to submit a timesheet to the Parish Council.

7) Clerks Progress Report:

Redundant Bus Shelter: BANES Planning have confirmed that based on the information provided to them the proposal to turn the bus shelter into a planter would not be considered development therefore permission would not be required. Builders are being asked provide quotations.
Remembrance Sunday Parade: An email of thanks has been sent to PC Gemma Hill thanking her PCSO’s Martyn Bragg and Teresa Bailey for their attendance at the Remembrance Sunday Service. The donations have been sent to the British Legion and the Bugler this year Alistair Clements from Bath.

Chairman’s Awards: Forms have been completed and sent to BANES for both nominations for Volunteer of the Year.

Acker Bilk Plaque: BANES Planning have confirmed that planning permission would only be needed to put up a plaque if the building it is going on to is a Listed Building. It was agreed at the meeting that someone could ask Jean for some suggestions.

Birchwood Lane: Overhanging Vegetation has been reported to BANES.

Council Connect: No update on overhanging trees at Orchard Leigh, New Road and the lane to the side of this property.

A further email has been sent to Highways regarding Overhanging vegetation from the centre of the village towards Chelwood on the Car Sales Side.

Clerk has again asked BANES if they can maintain the path which was uncovered along Hursley Hill and cut back a couple of years ago.

Hillcrest: Complaints have been made to the Clerk regarding a car parking on the pavement in front of the Grit Bin by the Old Peoples Bungalows at Hillcrest. Clerk has informed Parking Services at BANES and the Police Beat Team have been informed. BANES Council Connect have also been informed that the Grit Bin needs replenishing and maybe this would be a good time to review all of the grit bins in the Parish and top up as necessary.

Bristol Airport: An invitation was received from Bristol Airport to join them for their Annual Community Review on Monday 8th December, as this clashes with the next Parish Council meeting apologies were sent.

Pensford Primary School: A letter of application was received from the Primary School re-iterating their request made via Lisa Cains seeking a donation towards their numeracy square for the playground. An email has been sent back to the Finance Officer confirming that the Parish Council agreed at the November meeting to donate half of the cost of the square (less the VAT), a total of £300.00. A cheque will be raised for this amount.

Gritting of High Street: Council Connect have been emailed to make sure that the High Street is still on the main gritting list

8) Planning:

Planning Application considered by Sub-Committee:

1404892/CLEU Mr G Knight Whitley Mews Wells Road Pensford Use of Whitley Mews as a single dwelling (Certificate of Lawfulness for an existing use) Parish Council Support

Planning Outcomes:

14/04240/OUT Mr C Hill Knights Folly Farm Woollard Lane Publow Erection of at Land at Knights Folly Farm REFUSED

14/03999/FUL Mr J Rigby Bramley House Hillcrest Pensford Installation of side windows and patio doors and erection of boundary fence (Retrospective) Resurfacing of drive Installation of an air source heat pump PERMITTED

Tree Works Notification: 14/05345/TCA Assured Trees Ltd Pensford Primary School Pensford. 1 x crown removal Parish Council Support

9) Financial Matters:

Payments to be Authorised:

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary November 604.58
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest 17.42
Mrs J Bragg Computer Ink 26.98
Bristol Water Allotment Water 28.99
Primary School Donation to Playground Number Square 300.00

Payments Received:

None to report

10. Any Other Business:

Elections 2015: Mr Heaford informed the Parish Council that he is retiring from his position as Chairman with effect from the end of the December Meeting. He will be standing for re-election on the Parish Council. Mr Heaford has been Vice-Chairman from 1986 to 2002, and Chairman from 2002 to the present date. Mr Heaford proposed Janette Stephenson to take over as Chairman which was unanimously supported. An Election of Vice-Chairman will take place in January.

Parish Council Vacancy: Mrs Stephenson has a mum from the School who is interested in joining the Parish Council. She will be invited to attend the January meeting.

Tennis Club: Mrs Grimes reported that funds are good at present and members’ numbers are good. The recent quiz raised £763. The Club are still saving the Bristol Evening Post Vouchers should anyone have any they wish to donate. Contractors have been approached regarding the re-surfacing of the court.

Bridleway on Common: It was reported that the gate leading to the Bridleway on the Common was tied up. Clerk to try and find out why, and who currently owns the land.

Dog Fouling: Reports of Dog Fouling has been reported on the pavements outside of the school. Mrs Jones will contact the Dog Warden and ask for extra signage.

Councillors Retirement: Peter Edwards also reported that he will be retiring in April 2015. Mr Edwards gave a personal thank you to Mr Heaford for the way in which he had conducted and promoted the Parish Council over the years as Chairman.

11. Notice of Future Meetings:

Chew Valley Forum Meeting Thursday 12th February 2014 at the Wellsway, Harptree Hill at 6.30 pm


Minutes – 10-11-14


Present: Chairman Mr T  Heaford Vice-Chair: Mrs J Stephenson
Mr L Seymour, Mrs S Grimes, Mrs L Cains, Cllr P Edwards, Mrs J Gully, Mr J Kelly.

Conservative Candidate Mr Paul May was present along with Mr & Mrs Hunt & Mr S Roberts Assured Trees.

1) Members of the Public:

Management of 1 x Weeping Willow at Pensford Primary School. Mr Roberts attended the meeting to run through the options available for the management of the Weeping Willow tree in the playground at the Primary School. Three options were discussed 1) to reduce the crown of approximately 2 – 3 metres 2) Crown removal to create a high pollard effect and 3) total crown removal to create a low pollard effect. The tree was reported as being approximately 80 years old and by pruning the tree it would prolong its life in a good way to 30+ more years. There were no concerns raised with the root system of the tree. On further discussion the Parish Council were of the opinion that option 2 would be more acceptable. Clerk will write to Jane Brewer at BANES with the Parish Councils preference.

2) Apologies for Absence were received from Mrs J Jones.

3) Minutes of Monday 20TH OCTOBER 2014 after being circulated and read were signed as a correct record.

4) Matters Arising from the previous minutes:

Footpaths Officer: Mr Holmes has been appointed as the new Footpaths Officer. The first priorities will be to cut the Village Green and tidy overgrown brambles away from the seat on Pensford Hill. The Parish Council had received correspondence from a Pensford resident who takes pride in the Village Green asking when it will be cut.

Chew Valley Forum Meeting: Chairman will be on holiday. It is hoped that another member of the Parish Council can attend in his absence.

Primary School Donation: The Primary School are to be reminded that the correct procedure for seeking a donation would be through the Parish Council Clerk. Parish Council had previously agreed to donate half the cost of the Number Square excluding VAT.

5) Items for Discussion:

a) Parish Liaison Meeting: Chairman had attended this meeting. A briefing on Connecting Communities was given. This is now known as the Chew Valley Forum.
Fracking was discussed. No applications or licences in our area had been applied for.
A presentation was given by Richard Stott who is now in charge of Planning Enforcement in BANES. There are currently 5 officers in the department working on 500/600 enforcement cases. A supporting paper is awaited from Ann Swabey but clerk confirmed it had not been received to date. Cllr Edwards to follow up.

b) M & M Contractors – Broadband Road works: Disruptions and diversions were reported for Pensford and Woollard due to the works being undertaken by M & M Contractors. Chairman had held recent meetings with a representative from M & M regarding diversion routes and concerns. The diversion of traffic from Woollard, Hunstrete & Compton Dando through Smallbrook Lane behind Bell Farm was raised as a major concern as this lane is a non-vehicular access route. This will be raised with BANES & M & M Contractors. No Entry Signs will be put up which will hopefully deter motorists from using the lanes as a ‘Rat Run’.
It was reported that Chew Magna High Street will probably be closed in January and more work is planned for Belluton Narrows. Further details will be posted on the Parish Council Web Site in due course.

c) Neighbourhood Plan Update: Mrs Grimes, Mrs Stephenson & Mrs Bragg had attended the Neighbourhood Plan meeting held on 29th October 2014. It was agreed that all meetings should be well documented and clear and precise minutes taken. It was agreed to defer a public meeting until a much later date. Parish Council Chairman had completed the application form and this was submitted.

A six week consultation period will now commence. Funding was reported to be in the region of 9k to cover venue hire, stationery. There will be a link on the Web Site to keep everyone informed. A further meeting was held with Julie O’Rourke from BANES on 6th November 2014. She advised that all Parish Groups should be approached to help. The Neighbourhood Plan will take 1 – 2 years to complete but it is important to get the whole community involved.

A Logo is needed.

Display Boards can be borrowed from BANES.

Drop In sessions will be organised.

A questionnaire will be produced. Maybe a prize could be offered to encourage completion and return of the form.

A referendum will be held and if 51% return in favour then the Plan will be adopted.

Future meetings will possibly be held in the Church Room.

Parish Council have offered support.

d) Remembrance Sunday – Donation to Bugler/Poppy Wreath: Although the Service went smoothly some parishioners felt that it was a little rushed. The Police were in attendance and halted the traffic for the two minute silence. Donations to the British Legion and the Bugler will remain as last year and an email of thanks will be sent to the Police.

e) Defibrillator Hillcrest: This has now been fixed with no extra charges and is back in service again.

f) Chairman’s Awards: Two nominees were agreed and Clerk will send in the Nomination Forms.

g) Bus Shelter Pensford Bridge: BANES have asked for photographs of the bus shelter as it is at present and details of the proposals to turn it into a planter before they make their decision regarding pre-planning advice. Mrs Cains had taken the photographs and Clerk had emailed them to BANES. A decision is awaited.

h) Allotments: The Allotments have been cleared and tidied. A large amount of rubbish including old sheds, chicken coops, scraps of carpet and metalwork have been removed from site. There are still plots which are overgrown and tenants have obviously left without informing the Parish Council. Clerk will chase these tenants. Parish Council will advertise the vacant plots. It was suggested that the Environmental Health Department should be contacted due to the amount of vermin which were living in the redundant sheds.

Affordable Housing: A resident in Pensford has contacted Curo independently regarding Affordable Housing on the Allotment Site. Should Affordable Housing be built on the Allotment Site the Parish Council have an obligation to provide Allotments elsewhere. Currently the Parish Council have been unable to find any land suitable to purchase for re-location of the Allotment Site hence no further developments on Affordable Housing.

i) Acker Bilk: Following the sad loss of Acker Bilk the Parish Council would like to commemorate his life in Pensford by placing a plaque or similar in the village. The best location was discussed. Clerk will look into the permissions needed to put up a Plaque on the side of a building.

6) Clerks Progress Report:

Redundant Bus Stop: Clerk has emailed BANES Planning and re-iterated proposals to turn the Bus Stop into a feature Planter for the centre of the Village and questioned if Planning consent is required to do this. BANES have asked for photos of the Bus Stop and a drawing of the proposal.

Photos have been sent with a description of the proposal.

Woollard Bridge: The Parapets on Woollard Bridge have been looked at (Progress!!), it is BANES intention to include Woollard Bridge on a Parapet repainting package with other sites to be carried out in the New Year. Clerk has emailed BANES back asking for the bridge to be prioritised with the re-painting works as the Parish Council first asked for it to be repainted in February 2013.

Housing Proposal – Wick Lane: Mr Breach & his Architect will be attending the December meeting with an update. Clerk has asked for details in advance of the meeting to allow the Parish Council to consider updates.

Defibrillator: The Defibrillator at Hillcrest is now working again.

Updates from Council Connect: Updates have been requested on overhanging trees at Orchard Leigh, New Road and the lane to the side of this property.
A further email has been sent to Highways regarding the Overhanging vegetation from the centre of the village towards Chelwood on the Car Sales Side. Clerk has again asked BANES if they can maintain the path which was uncovered along Hursley Hill and cut back a couple of years ago.


14/04240 Mr Hill Knights Folly Farm Woollard Lane. Erection of a new dwelling. Clerk has written to BANES with the Parish Councils objections to this application.

14/03999/FUL Mr Rigby Bramley House. Installation of side windows and patio doors and erection of a boundary fence (retrospective). Clerk has written to BANES with objections from the Parish Council in relation to the retrospective application.

7) Planning:

Applications discussed by Sub-Committee:

14/04165/FUL 4 Ways Pensford Ltd Development Site the Orchard Pensford. Erection of 1 No. 4 bed house with garage and gardens. It was commented that the entrance is now better situated. Parish Council Support.

14/04164/FUL 4 Ways Pensford Ltd Police Lane Pensford. Erection of 2 no. Three bedroom semi detached houses with garages and parking. Parish Council Support and comments were that the vision splay is improved.

14/04771/FUL Mr & Mrs P Sessford Birchwood Lodge Wells Road Pensford. Erection of double garage (Resubmission). Parish Council supported this application but were asking for clarification as to the correct position for the garage. Clerk to write to BANES.

Application to discuss:

14/04826/FUL Mr T Gibbons 13 Hillcrest Pensford Erection of a dwelling to be built to the side of 13 Hillcrest (Resubmission). Previously a 3 bedroom property had been applied for and refused by planning and dismissed at an appeal. This application was confirmed to be for a 2 bed dwelling with a parking area to the rear of the house. Parish Council objected to this application and reported to BANES with the following. “The Main issue concerning this application is the effect the proposal will have on the character and appearance of the area. Now it is reduced in size the appearance is not in-keeping with the surrounding properties. The proposal will still have an adverse effect of highway safety”.

Planning Outcomes:

There were none to report.

8) Financial Matters:

Payments to be authorised:

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary October 604.58
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest 16.25
Post Office Donation to Electric for Defibrillator 20.00
ALCA Finance Training Course 75.00
Mr N Tibbs Allotment Works 680.00
Chapel Forge Copy of Key for the Lock Up 168.00

Accounting Training Course: Mr Kelly attended this Training Course which focussed on the 2015 and the demise of the Audit Commission. This will affect the Parish Council accounting year 2016/2017. Councils with an income below 25K will be exempt from an external audit but the internal audit will be more in depth. New finance regulations were discussed. Internet Banking was discussed and it was agreed that cheques with two signatories were to be kept as long as possible. VAT and its pit falls were discussed. It was well attended by 40 people.

9. Any Other Business:

Defibrillator Electric charge at Post Office: An offer of a donation towards the Electricity feed for the Defibrillator was made to Mr Patel which he has refused. The Parish Council extend their thanks to his generosity.

Lock Up Key: The Copy Key for the Lock Up has now been completed and is ready for collection. The cost is £168.00 Clerk raised a cheque for payment.

Lock Up: Clerk reported that there is ivy growing on the side of the Lock Up and that maybe it is time to have the condition of the Lock Up Surveyed. Clerk to contact English Heritage for their advice.

It was noted that cars continue to Park on the Keep Clear line which has recently been put down in front of Lock Up Cottages.

War Memorial: Trees are again overhanging the War Memorial. Concerns were also raised regarding parking in front of the War Memorial. The question of having Yellow Lines put down was mentioned.

Birchwood Lane is suffering with overhanging vegetation.

Tennis Club: Three quotes are being obtained for re-surfacing. An ‘Evening Post’ Grant has been applied for and the Tennis Club are shortlisted. Mrs Grimes asked members of the Parish Council to collect the vouchers please.
A Quiz night was planned and an AGM was to be held.

Village Green: Cars have been noted to be parking on the Village Green. All issues with Parking will be reported to Traffic & Safety at BANES.

Christmas Fair at Memorial Hall: Chairman reported that this event raised £762.00

Primary School Firework Display was reported to be really good and an event well organised.

10. Notice of Future Meetings: Annual Parish Online Meeting Bath Spa University Campus Wednesday 10th December 2014



Neighbourhood Plan Minutes – 29-10-14

Meeting held at Summercourt, Old Road, Pensford, BS39 4BB October 29th 2014


Julie Bragg (JB), Alan Ford (AF), Sue Grimes (SG), Chris James (CJ), Simon King (SK), Janette Stephenson (JS) Colin Taylor (CT)


Jacqui Haigh (JH)

1. Chairman’s Welcome
CJ agreed to chair the meeting again
JS note taker / secretary for this meeting

2. The minutes from the previous meeting were agreed

3. Matters Arising:

SG & JB reported back to Parish Council and had a positive response

Julie O’Rourke from BANES will attend a meeting in the Miners Coffee Shop on Thursday 6th November at 2pm. She will brief us on the expectations of the plan.

There were suggestions of getting younger members of the community involved.

The Parish Council will liaise with The Neighbourhood Planning team

BANES will be approached about the removal of the roof of the bus shelter. This will allow for it to be an attractive feature in the village.

We need to tell the residents of the parish what the Neighbourhood Plan is and that we would welcome comments and help.

4. Defining the Area

It is the whole of Publow with Pensford Parish Council. A map defining the area is needed.

Housing development was raised and Belluton is outside of this because it is green belt.

Neighbourhood Planning Sheet to be signed by the Chairman of Parish Council and sent to BANES. This will take approx. 6 weeks until we get a response

A suggested 6 week consultation period… AF will customise a survey. This should not be too lengthy.

5. Identify Key Areas.

Housing – where can more development take place? Possibly some infilling
Planning and development and infrastructure to go with it.
Environment & Landscape – Protect and enhance what we have – e.g. The Lock Up, The Viaduct, the bridge by the Rising Sun, the churches.
Look at the risks of flooding and how to prevent.
Protect and enhance biodiversity.
Fracking – a policy on how to deal with it
Facilities and services – commercial life of the village, lighting
Provision for safety of the young and old.
Mobile Library.
Transport and Movement – this will probably generate much interest.
Traffic Lights at the Narrows (Belluton)

5. Decide Headings.

Possibly more – bring to next meeting. Remember the whole community is to be involved

6. How do we inform the community?

Questionnaire – AF, CT, SG to think of what can be included in it
Speak to the local organisations – Evergreens, the church
Drip feed, public meeting, drop ins
Leaflets – CJ to bring ideas to the next meeting

7.Parish Council Website

Have a page specifically for the Neighbourhood Plan.
Publish the minutes on it. SG to speak to the web master

8. Suggested Timings

Leaflets to possibly be distributed with the parish magazine.
Leaflet 1 – Information re the Neighbourhood Plan – beginning of February
Leaflet 2 – dates of meetings – beginning of March
Public Meeting – middle of April
Organisation visits between leaflet 1 & leaflet 2
April, May and June to collate

9. Recruitment – who?
Barbara Bowes – Heritage, Local History Group, Jane Flower, Rae Kelly.
We need some of the younger members of the community.

10. Funding?

Date of Next Meeting:
Wednesday 26th November 2014 at 7.30pm Summercourt, Old Road, Pensford

Minutes – 20-10-14


1) Present: Chairman Mr T Heaford. Mrs S Grimes, Mr J Kelly, Mr L Seymour. Clerk: Mrs J Bragg. There were two members of the public present.

2) Members of the Public attended the meeting to report on Planning Application 14/02948/FUL Detached Dwelling. This is a re-submission of an already permitted application which has no changes to it. Planning procedure now requires a full application in relation to applications which have/or are about to expire and not a Planning Renewal.

3) Apologies for Absence were received from Mr S Filer, Mrs J Gully, Mrs J Jones, Mrs J Stephenson & Cllr P Edwards.

4) Minutes of Monday 8TH SEPTEMBER 2014 after being circulated were signed as a correct record.

5) Matters Arising from the previous minutes:

Meeting: A further meeting needs to be convened with Mr Breach and his Architect. Clerk to arrange.

Ringspit Lane: Clerk had spoken to a member of public regarding issues at Ringspit Lane. Parish Council support has been offered. All in hand at present.

Allotment Site: Clerk has arranged a site meeting for Wednesday 22nd October to look at clearing work needed.

6) Items for Discussion:

a) ALCA AGM Sat 4th October 2014: Mrs Grimes attended to represent the Parish Council. The meeting was well attended by BANES, North Somerset & ALCA representatives. A new Constitution had been circulated and was adopted. The AVON title is also to be retained. Sue was thanked for attending.

b) Appointment of Footpaths Officer/Allotment Site: All applicants had been considered and a decision made. Chairman and Vice-Chair to complete process.

c) BANES Community Infrastructure Levy: Known as CIL relates to a Levy placed on large building projects. It is thought that this would not affect Publow with Pensford Parish at present.

d) Chew Valley Forum Meeting: Clerk attended the first meeting of the Forum held at The Wellsway, Harptree Hill on Thursday 9th October. The meeting was led by Chairman Mr Richard Curry and assisted by Sara Dixon who explained that the CVAF aims to be realistic and focus on common issues amongst Parishes to help and improve collaboration and involvement. There will be four meetings per year. The Forum area covers 14 villages and four council wards. There will be representatives from the Fire Service, Police and other interested parties on a regular basis. Parish & Community Issues were discussed where issues of common interest were raised. Not individual parish issues. Prior to future meetings submissions will be requested from each Parish the most common issues will then form the Agenda for the next meeting.
A presentation was given by Richard Daone on the recently adopted Core Strategy. The Placemaking Plan was discussed and the Community Infrastructure Levy explained. A group discussion looked at priorities for the next Forum meeting. A Community Safety Update was given by Beat Manager PC Stu Peard and
PC Gemma Hill.
It was reported that there is now a Clinical Commission Group which meets every two months on a Thursday evening. The Chairman from each Forum Group will attend this meeting.
Mark Hayward gave a brief report on the forthcoming Budget Fairs being hosted by BANES in Bath Keynsham & Radstock.
Members of the Public will be encouraged to attend open sessions at the beginning of each Forum Meeting.

e) Neighbourhood Planning Meeting: Mrs Grimes and Clerk attended the first meeting of the Steering Committee for the Neighbourhood Plan, five others attended. The need for a Plan for the Parish was agreed. The Parish includes Pensford, Publow and part of Woollard villages. More Volunteers will be needed. It was agreed that a member from BANES Council should be invited to a future meeting to give advice. Maps were distributed of the Housing Development Boundary. Examples of Surveys from other Parishes were discussed and a plan for the way forward made. The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 29th October 2014.

f) Chairman’s Awards Nomination: Further nominations were discussed. Clerk to circulate the nomination forms once more. Nominations to be in by 28th Nov 2014

g) School Grant Request: The Primary School had written to Parish Council via Cllr L Cains to seek a donation towards the cost of a Number square for the school playground. The total cost of the square is £615.00 plus VAT. It was agreed that the Parish Council would donate £300.00

h) Accounts – Quarter to 30/6/2014 & 30/9/2014: The Responsible Financial Officer Mr Kelly circulated the accounts and reported that the 6 months are all in line with budget. The Income and Expenditure Sheet showed that the Allotment Rents are lower this year. 6 months of Footpaths Officers income has been accrued to date. The annual Insurance is cheaper this year due to a change to Zurich Insurance Company. All Annual Subscriptions are in line. Administration costs included repairs to Notice boards, Councillor Training and Computer Services Renewal. The Balance Sheet was circulated which gave a snapshot of assets and liabilities. There were no questions raised. Mr Kelly was thanked for his presentation. Monies had been accrued in relation to the purchase of Planning Equipment Software and an accrual had been made in relation to the Ward Councillors Initiative Grant for £250.00 for flowers and planters for the village. Chairman & Mr Kelly to hold a meeting in relation to the accounts.

i) Remembrance Sunday 9th November 2014: Clerk reported that this was all in hand. The Police had been contacted and confirmed their assistance on the day. BANES have been asked about putting traffic cones around the War Memorial to deter parking.

7) Clerks Progress Report:

Overhanging Trees: Large trees in close proximity to a property called Orchard Leigh, New road Pensford have been reported to Council Connect. They are causing concern to the occupier as they are close to electricity cables. The condition of the lane which runs next to this property was also questioned by the resident as he is not sure who owns it and his wife had recently had a fall in the lane.

Wall on Pensford Hill: Following concerns raised with Development Control regarding the wall bowing belonging to Hill House. Development Control have made a site visit and taken photographs of the wall to enable them to compare any deterioration. An engineer has reviewed them and little has changed in the last 5 Months. The owners of Hill House have been advised to seek professional advice of an engineer themselves regarding surveying the condition of their wall. An update on this has been requested by Development Control.

Chapel House: The owners were asked to remove the loose stones from the top of the wall.

Footpaths: A footpath blocked by a field of Maize to the right of Mill House was reported to Sheila Petherbridge. A letter will be sent to the landowner regarding this.
Seat on Pensford Hill: Will be cut back by the new Footpaths Officer when in place.

Lay-By Hursley Hill: Clerk has had further conversations with a landowner experiencing problems with 4 x 4 owners entering land without permission and causing damage to fencing and the land. Support from Parish Council has been reported to BANES & Police by the Clerk.

Land at Wick Lane: Mr Breach has contacted the Clerk to ask for a further meeting with himself and his Architect. Mr Breach has suggested Monday 17th November, or any day of the same week.

Rural Speed Limit Programme: Clerk has written in response to the outcome of the programme and the decision not to implement the 20mph limit on Old Road or Publow Lane.

Housing Development Boundary Maps: Still awaited from BANES.

Verges & Overhanging Vegetation: The reply from Highways is as follows:-
The Overhanging Vegetation along the car Sales needs cutting back, I need to find out who owns the land. (Do you know??). The tarmac in places is showing signs of deterioration, I will monitor it.

Hursley Hill: The footpath along Hursley Hill is very overgrown. It looks like it hasn’t been maintained for years. Clerk has followed up to see if BANES have identified landowner and awaits a reply.

Church Street: On 8th September BANES reported that they would be sending the Cleansing Team out to clean Church Street. Any further problems should be reported to Wayne Honey.

Hall Bookings: Clerk has received notification that temporarily Laura Baxter is undertaking the role of bookings clerk for regular hirers of the Memorial Hall.
It is reported that hire charges have been reviewed. From January 2015 the Parish Council will be charged £8.50 per hour, which will equate to £21.25 not £9 per session as we pay at present.

Back Lane: Still awaits attention although it has been reported many times to BANES.

Woollard Bridge: A further email has been sent requesting for the bridge to be painted. No response back.

Planning/Enforcement: A letter has been sent to BANES Planning in relation to the Chapel Woollard and the issues raised at the last meeting regarding the lack of an Emergency Escape and the proximity of a Septic Tank to the river.

Bus Stop: At a recent Neighbourhood Planning Meeting Clerk suggested that maybe alterations to the Bus Stop on the Bridge could be put into the plan.
Lock Up Key: Clerk reported that the Old forge were not responding to telephone messages left enquiring as to when the Lock Up Key will be ready for collection. Clerk to pursue with Mrs Stephenson.

Training: 10th November 2014: Finance Statutory Requirements & Proper Practices takes place at Saltford Village Hall. Clerk to book Mr Kelly on to this course.

Emails & Correspondence:

CPRE ‘Countryside or Concrete’ – Special Event on October 2014. All Parish Council members have had an email regarding this event.

8) Planning:

Applications to Discuss:

14/03999/FUL Mr J Rigby Bramley House Hillcrest Pensford. Installation of side windows and patio doors and erection of a boundary fence, Retrospective. Resurfacing of drive. Parish Council Strongly object to this retrospective application. Clerk to write to BANES Planning.

14/04240/OUT Mr C Hill Knights Folly Farm Woollard Lane Publow. Erection of 1no. New dwelling at land at Knights Folly Farm Woollard Lane Publow Hill (Outline application with all matters reserved). Parish Council strongly objected to this application due to the location in the Green Belt and the objections that Parish Council had made to other applications in the same area. Also there was no supporting evidence from Police Authority regarding theft and vandalism which was reported to have occurred on site. There is no sustainable agricultural business which would justify the need for a dwelling on site.

14/04438/FUL Mr G Tidcombe Brambledene 5 Publow Lane Publow. Rear Extension and Conservatory. Parish Council Support.

14/02948/FUL Mr & Mrs G Hunt 39 Hillcrest Pensford. Detached Dwelling.
Parish Council Support.

Planning Outcomes:

14/00931/FUL Mr J Beacham Chapel Mill Lane Woollard. Change of use from building to use as office/business. PERMITTED

14/03492/ADCOU Amp Electrical Belluton Farm Stanton Road Pensford. Prior approval request for change of use from Agricultural Building to Dwelling (C3) REFUSED

Appeal Decision:

14/01844/FUL Mr Gibbons 13 Hillcrest Pensford. 3 Bed Dwelling. Appeal Dismissed.

9) Financial Matters:

Payments to be authorised:

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary September 604.58
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest 23.70
Underwood Lamb Internal Audit 240.00
Grant Thornton External Audit 2013 – 2014 210.00

Payments Received:

BANES Precept 2nd Part Payment 5500.00
BANES Parish Grant Oct 14 345.00

10. Any Other Business:

Tennis Club: The Tennis Coach has not been attending Classes.

Defibrillator: Problems have been experienced with the Electricity Tripping out. This has an adverse affect on the lights and the heater to the Defibrillator. The Defibrillator has now been temporarily taken out of service. Repairs have been carried out but further repairs are likely to be necessary. The Emergency Services are aware that the Defibrillator is out of action.

Bungalow Publow Lane: Concerns were raised regarding the colour of UPVC Fascia and Windows.

Banners on the Bridge: Banners are appearing on the bridge again. Those advertising should be made aware of the need for a license.

Signs: Signs around the village have been reduced.

November Meeting: Cllr Edwards will be retiring in May 2015. The Conservative Candidate Mr Paul May would like to attend the November meeting.

11. Notice of Future Meetings: Annual Parish Online Meeting Bath Spa University Campus Wednesday 10th December

Parishes Liaison Meeting Wednesday 22nd October6.30p.m.Council Chamber Keynsham



Parish Council Minutes – 8th September 2014


Present: Chairman Mr T Heaford Vice-Chairman: Mrs J Stephenson
Mrs J Jones, Mrs S Grimes, Mr L Seymour, Mrs J Gully, Mrs L Cains, Mr S Filer

Clerk: Mrs J Bragg

Mr P Breach, Mr Breach’s Sister, Architect & Property Advisor were present along with three further members of the public.

1) Members of the Public: A member of the public attended the meeting to bring to the attention of the Parish Council problems being experienced with 4 x 4 vehicles coming onto land without permission and causing considerable and costly damage. A metal fence was put up by the landowner to stop this problem but this was consequently removed by the 4 x 4 group using a JCB digger. The Police have been informed of the problems here. It was mentioned that the bollards put at the entrance to Ringspit Lane may have created this problem and have diverted the 4 x 4 people onto the private land. Parish Council will assist by supporting the Police & BANES in their suggestions to secure the land.

2) Welcome Mr Breach: Mr Breach (Landowner), an Architect from Alec French & a Property Advisor from Savilles attended the meeting to present to the Parish Council proposals for a piece of land on Wick Lane. A previous meeting had been held with a sub-committee of the Parish Council. Mr Breach gave a brief history of the Breach Family who once owned Guys Farm in Stanton Lane and surrounding land around it. After the sale of land and property this one piece of land in Wick Lane remained. The land is of no agricultural use. The proposal is for 9 homes, 6 of which will be starter type homes and 3 maybe of a higher value. At present the land is overgrown and the site is split into two parts and upper and lower area. One part of the site will be kept for green space. All car parking will be contained on site and four homes will benefit from underground car parking. There will be additional space at the top of the site for extra parking. A major concern has been safe access and the Highways Department of BANES Council have been consulted and have been on site to look at the Vision Splay which they appear to be in favour of. The proposal is within the Housing Development Boundary.

The Parish Council were presented with a slide show showing the location and proposed style of the finished houses. All comments made in relation to style, car parking, & access will be taken away and looked at.

A full Public Consultation will take place although it has not been arranged yet.

Pre-Planning Advice has been sought with BANES Planning Department.

3) Apologies for Absence were received from Cllr P Edwards and Mr J Kelly

4) Minutes of Monday 11th AUGUST 2014 after being circulated and read were signed as a correct record.

5) Matters Arising from the previous minutes: There were no matters arising.

6) Items for Discussion:

a) Allotments: An update was given on the recent thefts from the allotment site and it is hoped that this has now been resolved. Allotment holders have been informed. Allotment holders have shown an interest in forming a committee to meet quarterly. PCSO Martyn Bragg has offered to sit on a committee. Parish Council agreed to proceed with a clean up on site as a starting point. The school will be contacted to find out if they still wish to use their plot along with others who do not appear to be cultivating their plots.

b) Footpaths Officer Position: Applications had been received and further discussion will take place with the Chairman and interviews arranged.

c) Closed Church of Pensford St Thomas: It was reported that there had been one objection received following plans to close the Churchyard. The objection gave concerns in relation to insufficient protection to the existing graves. The Church Commissioners are now likely to insist on a Covenant being put into their documentation. The Parish Council had no further representations to make and confirmation had been emailed to the Church’s Commissioners.

d) Rural 20mph Speed Limit Programme Outcome: Recently the Parish Council had applied for Old Road to be included in the Rural 20mph Speed Limit Programme. BANES reported that the “Mean average vehicle speeds in Pensford were found to be above 26mph according to recent speed surveys undertaken following on from the initial expression of interest from the Parish Council. Pensford therefore does not meet the criteria for a self-enforcing 20mph speed limit at this time and will not be prioritised for funding this year. Parish Council are to challenge this outcome and request a scheme for Old Road.

e) Chairman of BANES Council Community Awards 2014/2015: Chairman asked the Parish Council to consider their nominations for this year’s awards.

f) A37/ Park & Ride: Chairman reported that Cllr Edwards has exchanged e.mails with BANES regarding traffic calming in Pensford and the suggestion again of a traffic light system at both ends of the village. Cllr Edwards suggestions appear to have been met with little interest by BANES and the help of the local MP is now being sought. A Park & Ride suggestion has also been made with the location being land at Whitchurch or Chelwood. Parish Council to support this suggestion.

g) Accounts: The accounts were still at the Internal Auditors.

7) Clerks Progress Report:

Trees in Woollard: Trees in Woollard planted by the Parish Council to celebrate winning the Village of the Year Competition are in need of pruning as they are quite overgrown. Mrs Stephenson has received Quotes.

Alarms at Pensford Garage: Nuisance car alarms at the Car Sales on New Road were reported to be going off during the night. Members of the Public had tried talking to the garage owner but were told that it was cats triggering the alarm and nothing further could be done. Clerk’s advice was to get in touch with the Environmental Protection department of BANES. An e.mail reply to the Clerk read “Thank you so much, you have been really helpful.”

Housing Development Boundary Maps: Julie O’Rourke at BANES has been contacted and larger maps with a key have been received and will be distributed.

Footpath at Church Farm: Sheila Petherbridge has given Parish Council photographs and a news paper cutting relating to the installation of the Wooden Bridge at Church Farm. Clerk has placed them on file.

Church Street: Cleansing Management were asked in July to attend to the problems of litter, weeds and overhanging vegetation in Church Street. Clerk has emailed Wayne Honey to find out if this has been dealt with.

Parking – Post Office Church Street: The Post Office were experiencing problems with inconsiderate parking on the Keep Clear sign and parking across the Post Office Vans Parking Bays. The Police were informed and a visit from the PCSO’s was undertaken.
Pavements: A request has been made to BANES to tidy and clear the pavement from the Car Sales up towards Whitley Batts. This pavement has become overgrown and parts of the pavement are broken up and need resurfacing.

Also BANES have been asked to cut back and uncover once again the pavement which runs alongside Hursley Hill on the right hand side as you go up the hill. This was cleared a couple of years ago but has become overgrown again.

Verges: A request was made in July for the verges to be cut.

Wall on Pensford Hill: A follow up e.mail has gone to Development Control regarding the Wall belonging to Hillside House and the concerns that it may be bowing out into the road.

Kier Recycling, Unit 4 Ashmead Lane: On Saturday 13th September 10.00am – 2pm you can get the chance to see what happens behind the scenes following the collection of your recycling. If anyone wishes to go along please book a place through Council Connect on 01225 394041


Holly House Hillcrest: There has been no sight of a Retrospective Planning Application to date. Clerk has e.mailed the Enforcement Officer in charge to find out when it is likely to receive the application.

Belluton Farm, Stanton Road: Parish Councils concerns have been returned to BANES Planning regarding over development of the site and Highway Access issues this could create for the B3130.

Items following consideration of the Progress Report:

Back Lane: This area still needs attention. Clerk to pursue with BANES.

The Chapel, Woollard: Parish Council have been asked to write to Development Control regarding issues at The Chapel in relation to the lack of an Emergency Escape to the First Floor of the building and the issues with the Septic Tank and proximity to the river.

New Printer: Parish Council supported that a new Printer should be purchased for the Clerk.

Trees in Woollard: Parish Council agreed for Mrs Stephenson to instruct TH Baker Garden Maintenance to prune the Cherry & Oak Tree at a cost of £60 to include the Planning Application.

8) Planning:

Outcomes: 14/00931/FUL Mr J Beacham Chapel, Mill Lane, Woollard. Change of use from building (Chapel) to use as office/business. PERMIT

Tree Works Notification: 14/04046/TCA Former St Thomas a Becket’s Church.
The Churches Conservation Trust. 1 x Sycamore, fell. 1 x Sycamore – crown lift and prune. Parish Council Support.

9) Financial Matters:

Payments to be authorised:

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary July £604.58
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest £12.00
DCM Computers Remote Support Service £72.00

10. Any Other Business:

Signs around the Village: The problem of the amount of signs advertising business’s in the area were discussed. It was reported that there are some on the roundabout at Chelwood; many are appearing in the village and at bus stop locations. It was reported that the owners of the cafe had been spoken to in relation to the amount of signs for the cafe but as this is a new business and needs support the signs will stay in situ for a while.

Woollard Bridge: Still in need of re-painting. Clerk to chase up.

Pavement by Lock Up Cottages: Cars continue to park on the pavement. Ignoring the advisory Keep Clear Line. Parish Council to pursue Double Yellow Lines.

Seat on Pensford Hill: The seat is completely covered in brambles and needs clearing. Clerk to ask BANES.

Tennis Court: A break-in at the Tennis Court had occurred.

Parish Council Web Site: Has been re-built, take a look!!

Community Trust: Are to be giving the Memorial Hall, Security Equipment including CCTV cameras.

Parking Bays: Parish Council agreed for the removal of the Disabled Parking Bay outside of Schumack House. The Parking Bays at Hillcrest will be questioned as to whether or not they are in use.

Change in Date of Next Meeting: Due to holidays, it was agreed to change the date of the next Parish Council meeting to Monday October 20th 2014.

ALCA AGM: Mrs S Grimes kindly offered to attend this meeting.

11. Notice of Future Meetings:

ALCA AGM Saturday 4th October 2014 10.30am at the Jubilee Centre Bradley Stoke

Chew Valley Area Forum Thursday 9th October at 6.30 pm venue to be confirmed


Parish Council Minutes – 11th August 2014


PRESENT: Chairman: Mr T Heaford Vice-Chair: Mrs J Stephenson
Cllr P Edwards, Mrs S Grimes, Mrs J Jones, Mr J Kelly, Mr L Seymour.

There were four members of the public present.

1) A member of the public wanted to know what was happening to the piece of land on Stanton Lane. He had heard there was a possible housing development and there had been previous attempts to develop it. His concerns were the vehicular access, narrowness of the lane and also the condition of the lane. The chairman explained there would be a public consultation on this. He was asked how many and how big would the properties be, and were there drawings available. He was told that at the moment there were only talks with BANES re the possibility of it happening.

A further three members of the public wanted to know why there was so little help for the Village Hall. They asked about the running costs and whether the Parish Council could help out with the electricity or oil costs. Local organisations are reluctant to have their fees increased. The Chairman suggested they put forward a business plan taking into consideration what it earns and what it needs. Cllr Edwards agreed that this was the way forward.

2) Apologies for Absence were received from Mrs J Bragg, Mrs L Cains, Mr S Filer and Mrs J Gully. Best wishes were expressed to Mrs Bragg who was recovering from an operation.

3) Minutes of Monday 14th July 2014 were circulated and Mr J Kelly stated he was present at that meeting. This would be amended and were signed as a correct record.

4) Matters Arising from the previous minutes:

Neighbourhood Planning – Cllr Edwards asked re involvement of Whitchurch Parish Council with Publow with Pensford. The Chairman said we wanted to go alone.

The white line outside the Lock – up houses has been put in place.

5) Items for Discussion:

a) Chew Valley Forum Meeting: members elected were Chairman: Richard Currie (Compton Martin), Vice Chairman: Tony Heaford, BANES: Louise Fradd.

b) Housing Development Boundary: Maps to be distributed when copied – initially too small a scale.

c) Financial: Mr Kelly said there was no change. The accounts are with Underwood Lamb. Hopefully available at the next meeting.

d) Allotments: There has been a complaint from one of the allotment holders concerned that vegetables had been dug up and removed. A possibility suggested was that it might be deer. There was considerable discussion about the state of the allotments. It was suggested that a meeting was convened with the allotment holders. An advertisement to go into the Parish Magazine about vacant allotments.

e) Footpaths Officer: He has met with Mr Seymour and has handed over the equipment. He was asked for his action plans and time sheets. He doesn’t want paid because he hasn’t done much of the work.

An advertisement is going into the Parish Magazine and Chew Valley Gazette for a replacement.

6) Clerks Progress Report: None

7) Planning:

Footpath at Church Farm. The work is ongoing. Mrs Stephenson walked the path with Sheila Petheridge

Railway Cottage: Cllr Edwards said Andy Pegler was involved with it now. There has been an objection to this by Cllr Edwards and Liz Richardson.

Holly House: There have been more complaints with Mrs Morgan and Mr Rigby Philip Miller replacing Meg Reyham. A planning application for retrospective work to be in by the 1st September.

Gypsy and Traveller DPD: It will have to go

Windy Willows, Publow La

ne: Seems very large. Supplementary plans may have been submitted. This needs checking.

The Log Cabin, Woollard Lane: No further development

A late Planning Application:

Belluton Farm: There are already 3 houses. Access and overdevelopment were discussed.

8) Financial Matters:

Payments authorised in August:

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary July £604.58
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest £15.90
Mogford Prescott Installation of Defib at Hillcrest £354.00

Payments Received:


9) Any Other Business:

Footpaths Officer when appointed to do The Green, Pensford. At present a local resident is doing it.

Travellers: Cllr Edwards said they are at Hartcliffe and Hengrove

Trees in Woollard: By the Bridge. They need some work as overhanging the seat. Mrs Stephenson to get 3 quotes.

Large Lorries: 2 have been reported coming into Woollard and have got stuck. Possibly more signage needed.

Bank: Badly eroded on the (L) side coming towards Woollard at the junction of Priestdown / Woollard

Defibrillator: A cheque for £100 has been received from Pensford PSA as a donation to the defibrillator at Hillcrest


Parish Council Minutes – 14th July 2014


Present: Chairman: Mr T Heaford Vice-Chair: Mrs J Stephenson, Mrs J Jones, Mr L Seymour, Mrs L Cains, Mrs S Grimes, Cllr P Edwards,
Mr S Filer. Clerk: Mrs J Bragg.

There were two members of the public present.

1) Members of the Public attended the meeting to bring to the Parish Council concerns regarding the problems with Parking in the High Street and Hillcrest areas. Concerns are once again raised that there is not enough room for an emergency vehicle to pass through the chicanes of cars. Members of the Public were advised to send details to Traffic & Safety Department at BANES Council in support of correspondence the Parish Council has already made to them.

2) Apologies for Absence were received from Mrs J Gully.

3) Minutes of Monday 9th June 2014 after being circulated were signed as a correct record.

4) Matters Arising from the previous minutes:

  • Roadworks on A37: The lights were removed prior to the Glastonbury Festival, they are now back in place whilst the work continues.
  • Traffic Count Publow Lane: Results reported an average speed of 30mph in the Southerly direction and 28mph the opposite way. This will be queried with Traffic & Safety.
  • Cheque for Retiring Committee Members: The donation to the retiring committee members of the Memorial Hall was made too late and gifts already purchased. Parish Council agreed that the cheque should be returned.
  • Salmon & Strawberry Event: Was held at the Memorial Hall and was reported to have raised over £1,000.00 for the Memorial Hall Funds.
  • Planters: The example at the Pelican had cost £65 per planter and were made by a local carpenter. It was suggested that stone trough type planters were be longer lasting and maintenance free. Price of these will be looked into.

5) Items for Discussion:

a) Review of Housing Development Boundaries: Parish Council to await further direction from BANES after agreeing to be involved in the Review.

Chairman informed the Parish Council of a proposal recently presented to the Parish Council by a landowner proposing to build some small affordable homes on a piece of land in the Parish. All homes will benefit from their own car parking spaces. Outline sketches were presented to the Parish Council. It is proposed by the Landowner to attend a future meeting either in August or September followed by a Public Consultation. The Landowner has sought pre-planning advice from BANES.

b) Neighbourhood Planning: A meeting was held and it was agreed to re-advertise the need for people to be involved. Three more volunteers have registered their interest. A copy of the Stanton Drew Neighbourhood Plan has been circulated. Clerk to arrange a further meeting.

c) Parish Liaison Meeting Report 18th June 2014: This meeting was attended by Mrs Grimes. It was a well attended meeting with presentations being given on Health Shortages. Hydraulic Fracturing in BANES, Connecting Communities, the Energy @ Home Initiative, Parish Ranger Scheme and the Rural Broadband. Full minutes can be found on the BANES Web Site.

d) Parish Councils Airport Association Meeting 24th June 2014: The AGM & the regular meeting were held. There is to be a new Hanger on the South Side of the Airport. There has been an increase in passenger numbers and airport movements by 6.7%. There is no progress to report on the building of the Hotel as there is no partner to build it at present. A planning application will be made for a car park on the North side of the airport. Concerns have been raised by a member of the public regarding fuel smells in the neighbouring woodland.

e) Public Footpath – Church Farm: Work continues on the re-grading of the slope. All parties are happy with the progress being made. Two future items to look at will be the new footpath location once an application is made and an application for a Permissive Footpath.

f) Outcome of Parish Ranger Pilot: The Parish Ranger Pilot was extended to the end of July. The scheme has not proved to be cost neutral. It will now be ending in its present form. A new “Ranger” role will be introduced to the wider Neighbourhoods operational team to carry out jobs like mending benches, lopping branches, cleaning signs etc. Also there is a proposal to carry out with Parish Council representatives a review of the Parish Sweeping Scheme in 2015 with a view to increasing community ownership and involvement in service provision.

g) Placemaking Plan Stage 2: Details of all the next steps have been received from BANES.

h) Core Strategy Decision following 10th July 2014 Meeting: It was reported that the plan period will be 2011 to 2029 the housing requirement has increased from 11,000 to 13,000 dwellings in BANES. There will be changes to the green belt in Keynsham, Odd Down & Whitchurch (Horseworld site). Very little appears to have been studied in relation to infrastructure of roads, schools, Doctors etc.

Clerk to send out the Power Point Presentation to all Members of the Parish Council.

i) Village Green: Mr Newey & Mr Parnell would like to continue to cut the Village Green, at present the Footpaths Officer is still responsible for the cutting of the Green. The matter will be looked at.

As the Footpaths Officer has indicated that he does not have the time to commit to the position now it was agreed to advertise the position in the Chew Valley Gazette and Parish Magazine. Mr Seymour agreed to contact the Footpaths Officer and collect the equipment.

j) Chairing Effective Meetings Training: Mrs Stephenson attended this training session and reported that it was well attended. Those attending undertook role play situations and everyone got involved. Mrs Stephenson was presented with a certificate for the course.

6) Clerks Progress Report:

  • Publow Lane: Apologies were received from BANES regarding the delay in responding to the Parish Councils request for a Keep Clear Line on the Corner of Publow Lane by Lock Up Cottages. A works order was then raised for a white line to be placed around the bend to improve visibility and to ensure that vehicles do not need to proceed on the incorrect side of the carriageway, this line was put down in the incorrect place. BANES have been informed, but a further site visit has to be carried out before the line can be corrected. Parish Council agreed that Yellow Lines should be requested but in the interim the white line should be put in the correct place.
  • Back Lane: A request was put through to Anthony Davies in Highways to attend to Back Lane. The Lane needs a clear up and attention to overgrown vegetation.
  • Publow Lane junction with A37:
    • Metal Drain covers – Publow Lane: Highways have looked at the manhole covers in question, they confirm that they are showing signs of breaking up around the ironwork and will monitor closely as at present they are not posing a danger. BANES would prefer to do a large tarmac job there rather than small little patches.
    • Wall on Pensford Hill: Structures have looked at the Wall on Pensford Hill which is thought to be bowing out further into the road. They have advised that as this is a boundary of the garden of Hillside House, Building Control should be contacted to make a site visit. Clerk has emailed Building Control and a reply is awaited.
  • Village Green: Highways have confirmed that they are arranging for the metal post to be repaired on the Village Green.
  • Member of Public: A query was received from a Member of the Public putting on a concert in the memorial hall in July wondering if we had a parish magazine or web site to list the event. Clerk advised of Parish Magazine contacts and Web Master details. Clerk also advised that if a banner was to be put on the bridge then permissions should be sought from BANES Licensing.
  • Neighbourhood Planning Booklets: A request was made to CPRE for 10 copies of the booklet titled How to Shape Where you Live in relation to neighbourhood Planning. These are still awaited.
  • Church Street: A member of the Public emailed Clerk to flag up an unsightly problem in Church Street, Pensford. Church Street was reported to be dirty, untidy and full of weeds growing either side of the road against the buildings and the gutter and pavements were strewn with litter and as a Village which once won the Best Kept Village they would be grateful if the Parish Council could look into getting Church Street tidied up.
    Clerk has spoken with Anthony Davies in Highways who has advised to contact the Neighbourhoods Team in BANES. This has been done and a reply awaited.
  • Parking Services: Are still looking into the removal of unused parking bays in the village. They have requested confirmation of the location of the bays at Hillcrest which are believed not to be in use before they can proceed. Details will be sent to the Parking Service Team in due course.
  • Web Site: A list of family fun activities for the Summer Holidays from BANES have been sent for addition to the web site.
  • Signs: Signs appearing in and around the Parish on lamp posts and banners on the bridge were discussed. The Primary School will be spoken to regarding their Voucher Banner. Also the Cafe will be advised regarding their signs placed on lamp posts. The Parish Council agreed that as this is a new business time should be given for advertising. A time limit will be given to remove the signs.
    Banners at the Memorial Hall were discussed. No further action.
    An old Pub Sign had been noted ‘Ye Old Railway Tavern’, thought to be originally the ‘Dirty Duck’.

7) Planning:

Applications discussed:

14/01862/AR Enterprise Inns, George & Dragon High Street Pensford. Display of 1no. Externally illuminated fascia sign, 1 no. Externally illuminated hanging sign and 2no. Hoarding signs. PC Support.

Planning Outcomes:

14/01123/LBA Mr & Mrs Clouting Newbridge House 198 Hunstrete Lane. External work to facilitate erection of a conservatory. CONSENT.

14/01106/FUL Mr & Mrs Clouting Newbridge House Erection of a rear conservatory. PERMIT

Planning Appeal:

Application 14/01844/FUL Mr Gibbons 13 Hillcrest, Pensford Bristol. Parish Council will write to Planning re-iterating original comments made on this application in relation to the Highway & parking concerns and the overdevelopment of the site. Clerk to re-iterate the original comments made by the Parish Council regarding the Parking & Highway Concerns.

Planning Enforcement Case

14/00602/UNDEV Mr Rigby Holly House Pensford. Clerk reported to the Parish Council the ongoing Enforcement Case at this address. A recent visit has been made by the Enforcement Officer and photographs taken. Retrospective Planning applications will be requested by the Home Owner in relation to side windows French Windows and fences installed. Further direction will be awaited until notification is received from BANES as to how to proceed.

8) Financial Matters:

Payments to be authorised:

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary June 604.58
Mrs J Bragg Computer Ink & Imprest 25.99

Payment Authorised:

Gladwin Electrical Memorial Hall electrical work 1169.76

Receipts to Note:

Memorial Hall Donation to Electrical Work 974.80
BANES Footpaths Agency Agreement 805.71

Any Other Business: Verges around the Village are reported to be in need of cutting. Also the footpath on the A37 is in need of a sweep and has overhanging brambles and such. Clerk to report.

Parish Sweeper Scheme: There are a couple of interested parties in taking up this position. Clerk has notified BANES that the Parish Council would like to opt back into this Scheme. There is a review of the Schemes at present.

Defibrillator: The electricity feed to the Defibrillator at Hillcrest was tripped. This has now been sorted. The installation bill has now been received from the Electrician Mogford Prescott Ltd at a total of £354.00 The Painting work will now be arranged.

Lock Up Key: A Blacksmith has been instructed to undertake the making of a new key for the Lock Up. This will cost approximately £168.00; previous quotes had been in the region of £300.00

Mill Pond: A nude bather in the Mill Pond, Woollard was reported to the Police, who dealt with the matter promptly.

Log Cabin, Woollard: This matter is ongoing.

Railway Bungalow: Following a complaint made to Cllr Richardson of the Chew Valley North. A meeting was held with Parish Clerk to study photos and planning applications of the site. Railway Bungalow appears not to have been constructed in compliance with the permitted planning application. An Enforcement Officer from the BANES Council will be undertaking a site visit.

10. Notice of Future Meetings:
Chew Valley Area Partnership will take place on Thursday 24th July at 6.30pm in Whitchurch Village Hall. This will also be the inaugural meeting of both the Keynsham Area Forum and the Chew Valley Area Forum.


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Minutes – 09-06-14


Present: Chairman Mr T Heaford Vice-Chair: Mrs J Stephenson Mrs J Gully, Mrs S Grimes, Mr J Kelly, Cllr P Edwards. Clerk: Mrs J Bragg
There were two members of the public present.

1) Members of the Public:

Member of the Public raised concerns regarding the increase of traffic at speed along Old Road since the installation of the traffic lights on the A37. Parish Council confirmed that there has been a Police Presence along here and also an application for the area to be made a 20mph Zone has been applied for through the BANES Council.
Concerns were also raised regarding the Parking of cars on the Corner of Publow Lane outside of Lock Up Cottages.

2) Apologies for Absence were received from Mrs J Jones, Mr S Filer, Mr L Seymour & Mrs L Cains

3) Minutes of an AGM/Annual & Monthly Meeting held on Monday 12TH MAY 2014 after being circulated and read were signed as a correct record. It was noted that the Accounts for the 10K would be available in November.

4) Matters Arising from the previous minutes:

Car Parking: Concerns have been expressed regarding the parking restrictions in Church Street and the possible affect it is having on the businesses in Church Street. Parish Council agreed that School ‘Pick Up’ times are busy and parking is difficult. Other times parking was thought to be no problem.

Neighbourhood Planning: It was agreed to hold a preliminary meeting on Wednesday 11th June. Chairman reported that there are lots of information and advice available on how to apply for Grants or Financial Assistance towards making a Neighbourhood Plan. A presentation on neighbourhood Planning was given to Whitchurch Parish Council by a lady from Clutton. Cllr Edwards to give details to the Clerk.

5) Items for Discussion:

a) Financial – Agree Sign Annual Return: Responsible Financial Officer had prepared the Accounts and completed the Annual Return. The Income & Expenditure Account amounts were explained and a Surplus of £1256 reported.
A much improved Balance Sheet was circulated. Parish Council agreed the Accounts and the Annual Return was signed by the Clerk & Chairman.

b) Church Farm Footpaths: Two meetings have been held with the Public Rights of Way Officer and the Landowner. Work had been carried out to remove the Manure Heap which was on the Footpath Line. Plans are to re-grade & re-build the riverbank where the Landslide has occurred. This will be carried out when weather allows.
Once all of the works are satisfactory it is likely that BANES will agree to the change in line of the footpath. The new wooden bridge will form part of the footpath line.
On the South Side of the River land has been offered for a footpath.
Mr Graeme Stark from the Public Rights of Way will take a look.

c) Traffic Count Publow Lane: This was damaged by a vehicle after installation and has now been removed.

d) A37 Roadworks: It is likely that the Roadworks will be in place until at least the end of June. Unfortunately nothing can be done prior to the Glastonbury Festival.

e) Memorial Hall – Invoice for Electrical Works/Swing Seats at Play Area: An invoice has been received from Gladwin Electrical Services Limited for a total of £1,169.76 in relation to Lighting installation, Hand Dryer Installation, Disabled Alarm Installation and additional electrical works. Parish Council to Pay this invoice upon receipt of the donation from the Memorial Hall for the net amount.
Works at the Play Area have been quoted by BANES to be £273.35 + VAT, this invoice is awaited.

f) Electronic Planning: Parish Council agreed to pursue the Electronic Planning Procedure. Hardware will need to be purchased in the form of a Screen, Projector and Laptop. Sources of funding have been offered by BANES. Clerk to circulate the link sent by Sarah Jeffries from the Development Team in BANES.

g) Chew Valley Forum: The meeting of this newly formed group takes place on the 24th July 2014. Terms of Reference have been produced.

h) Re-organics Site – Re-profiling of Land: Chairman reported that the site has been granted permission for the Anaerobic Digestion Facility. There are a number of Conditions to be adhered to prior to the start of Work. These include landscaping, and Risk Assessments.
Concerns have been raised by Compton Dando Parish Council and supported by Publow with Pensford Parish Council regarding the three construction projects which could be running concurrently and the vehicle movements involved with these projects.
An email has been sent to Planning in support of Compton Dando Parish Councils comments and as a Neighbouring Parish Council with Parishioners living in Woollard Lane.

6) Clerks Progress Report:

Man Hole Covers at High Street & Pot Holes: BANES have been reminded about the need to repair this area.
An email has again been sent to Council Connect reminding them of these pot holes etc. A copy has gone to Anthony Davies the Highways Inspector. Anthony reported that these should have been completed on 7th June 2014 but will be reviewing the area.

Verge Cutting: An email has been put through Council Connect to try and find out who is responsible for the Verge Cutting. A reply is still awaited. The question has also been put to Anthony Davies the Highways Inspector.

Parking: No update from Parking Services following Clerks enquiry regarding the current use/or lack of use of Disabled Parking Bays in the village. Parking services have now been emailed for the third time. A request has also gone to Parking Enforcement in the hope that they can help with this.

Publow Lane: There has still been no word back from Stefan Chiffers in relation to putting Keep Clear or Double Yellow Lines outside of Lock Up Cottages. Clerk has emailed and flagged the lack of response to Nick Jeanes, Gillian Rice and many others in the Highways and Traffic & Safety Department. A reply from Nick Jeanes reported that the request has been passed to Stefan’s assistant.

War Memorial: Quotes awaited for cleaning the Memorial. Quotes still awaited.
The Primary School have now confirmed that they would like to do something in relation to the WW1 Centenary. Clerk to follow up.

Planning: Parish Council comments have been submitted in relation to the Planning Application for Staney Lodge Ringspit Lane.

Footpaths: The Footpaths Officer has been reminded again that we need his hours in order to finalise payment. He informed Parish Clerk that he no longer has the time to concentrate on the Footpaths. A colleague of his is interested in the position. Clerk to arrange a meeting with Chairman. The Parish Agency for this year has been received. £805.71.

Planters for the Village: It is planned to ask The Pelican Chew Magna about their planters and the cost.

Allotments: A new tenant has just taken an allotment plot. However, one tenant has just given up a double plot. During a visit to the allotment site it was noted again how untidy the site is and there appears to be many plots which are not in use anymore. One allotment tenant has overgrown plots either side of him and has requested that they are cut before he pays his allotment tenancy rent. Clerk is in the process of chasing those tenants who appear not to be working their plots. There is also outstanding rents.

Bollard around the Triangle at the bottom of High Street: Council Connect have been asked to put this right.

Overgrown Foliage outside of Mousehole was reported. This has been reported to Council Connect.

Pensford Hill: Following the concerns raised regarding the wall bowing out by Hillside House, Clerk has put in a request for the Structures Department asking if they are able to have a look at this. The Highways Inspector reported that Structures should be going out today to look at the wall (9th June).

Mobile Library Dates: The new dates have been circulated to the Parish Mag and Web Site for Publication. A copy will go on the notice board. As the Post Office have been extremely helpful in printing a copy of the A37 Roadworks for the shop a copy has been sent to them as well.

Items raised following Clerks Report:

Back Lane: Four pot holes have been filled in and four not. Clerk to report this.

Footpaths: It was agreed that the Footpaths Officer should be given a timescale to the end of July to submit his time sheets and finalise handing back his equipment to the Parish Council.

Allotments: Clerk to liaise with Mr Filer and to arrange to have the site cleared.

Mousehole: Overgrown vegetation remains.

7) Planning:

Applications to be discussed by Sub Committee:

14/01883/FUL Mr Barker & Ms Hales Staney Lodge Ringspit Lane Publow. Erection of one and two storey side extension following demolition of entrance porch and internal and external alterations. Parish Council have reservations regarding the size of the extension but agreed to support the application.

Planning Outcomes:

14/00214/FUL Mrs S Sheppard Blannings Blackrock Lane, Publow. Installation of a ménage 20mx40m to replace existing grass ménage (Retrospective) PERMIT

13/04126/MINW Resourceful Earth Ltd Parcel 5319 Charlton Field Lane Queen Charlton. Construction of facility to process food waste via anaerobic digestion to create electrical energy for export to grid, heat for wood drying and digestate for fertiliser, control building and education centre and ancillary facilities, roads and hard standings, revised junction to Charlton Field Lane. PERMIT

14001844/FUL 13 Hillcrest Pensford: Chairman reported that he had received a telephone call from a Member of Public regarding this application.


14/01767/FULL Mr & Mrs P Sessford Birchwood Lodge Wells road Pensford. Detached Double Garage. BANES Planning have refused this application.

8) Financial Matters:

Payments to be authorised:

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary May 604.58
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest 12.00
PCAA Subscription 50.00
ALCA Chairing Meetings Training – JS 40.00
PCC Donation to All Saints Church Organ 250.00
Bristol Water Allotment Water Costs 19.29

Receipts to Note:

Allotment Rental 40.00

9) Any Other Business:

Tennis Coach: A new Tennis Coach Peter Coniglio has started weekly training for the Juniors.

Woollard Lane: Clerk to report overgrown vegetation by the Triangle.

Paint for Telephone Kiosk has been kindly donated by Mr Filer. It is hoped that
Mr Holmes & Mr Clouting will paint the Woollard Kiosk. Volunteers will be needed to help paint the Hillcrest Kiosk.

Lock Up Key: The spare key situation will be followed up.

Back Lane: Overgrown Vegetation is to be reported to BANES.

10) Notice of Future Meetings:

PCAA including AGM Meeting 26th June 2014 – Mrs Grimes to attend in the absence of Mr Heaford.

Neighbourhood Planning Meeting Wednesday 11th June 2014

Training: Chairing Effective Meetings Tuesday 10th June 2014


MONDAY 11TH AUGUST 2014 AT 7.15 pm


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