Parish Council Minutes – 12th October 2015

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Present: Chairman – Mrs J Stephenson Mrs L Cains, Mrs J Jones, Mrs T Jones, Mrs S Grimes, Mr P Baxter, Mr J Kelly, Mrs D Custance. Clerk: Mrs J Bragg
Members of the Public: Mr S King, Mr P Hunt, Mr A Ford, J Flower, Mrs J Bilk, Mrs R Anstey, Mrs S Jenkins, Mr & Mrs Hunt

Members of the public attending reported the problem with cars being parked on the corner outside of Lock Up Cottages. This continues to make this corner dangerous. Members of the public will welcome the Yellow Lines here if they are put down. It was confirmed to Members of the Public that work Continue reading “Parish Council Minutes – 12th October 2015”

Parish Council Minutes – 14th September 2015

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Present: Chairman: Mrs J Stephenson Vice-Chair: Mr T Heaford
Mr J Kelly, Mrs S Grimes, Mr P Baxter, Mrs T Jones, Mrs D Custance,
Mrs L Cains, Mr S Filer, Cllr P May, Mrs J Gully. Clerk: Mrs J Bragg
There were 7 Members of the public present.

Public Session: Sally Jenkins from Wild Things Farm attended the meeting to address the Parish Council. Continue reading “Parish Council Minutes – 14th September 2015”

Parish Council Minutes – 10th August 2015


Present: Chairman: Mrs J Stephenson Vice-chairman: Mr T Heaford
Mrs L Cains, Mr J Kelly, Mrs J Jones, Mrs S Grimes, Mrs T Jones,
Mr P Baxter, Mr S Filer, Cllr P May. Clerk: Mrs J Bragg
There were eight members of the public present.

Public Participation:

St Thomas a Becket Churchyard: Someone to cut the grass is needed. Continue reading “Parish Council Minutes – 10th August 2015”

Parish Council Minutes – 13th July 2015

Present: Chairman; Mrs J Stephenson Vice Chairman: Mr T Heaford
Mrs S Grimes, Mr J Kelly, Mrs J Jones, Mrs D Custance, Mr S Filer, Mr P Baxter

There were 15 members of the public present. Clerk had received a request from one member of the public to speak for 3 minutes at the meeting.Mrs Laura Baxter spoke to the Parish Council regarding her concerns in relation to the BANES proposal of Yellow Lines in Church Street. Mrs Baxter parks in front of the Churchyard gates and is concerned that by taking this space away will affect her standard of living and by taking further spaces away it will affect all residents of Church Street. Chairman reminded Members of the Public that this is a BANES decision based on public safety. Once the Consultation is open to the public then the Members of the Public can submit their response. Two further members of the public addressed the parish council reporting that the problem of parking in Church Street is getting worse and is intolerable at times. Members of the Public were concerned that by removing cars from Church Street it will increase speed along Church Street.

George & Dragon Public House: The Landlady from the George & Dragon Public House spoke regarding a proposal to provide parking at the rear of the George & Dragon. She would like the Parish Council to help with access by selling a piece of the allotment land to enable cars to drive through to park at the rear of the George & Dragon on land which will be purchased to accommodate the parking. Parish Council informed her that they have a statutory responsibility to provide allotments. Highways would have to be consulted as would the Housing Association who own the Publow Lane houses. There is also a Public Footpath which runs along this land. Parish Councils advice was to first approach the Local Authority with the proposal.

At this point of the meeting the Agenda was changed and Cllr P May invited Members of the Public to speak on the A37 concerns. Information gathering has continued in relation to any incident occurring on the A37 involving lorries, motor vehicles etc. BANES have agreed to host a meeting to discuss all incidents which have occurred. The Cabinet Member for Transport has been asked to undertake a review of the whole of the A37. The Strategic Department are looking at where the traffic comes from and where it is heading. BANES are undertaking a Transport Study.
The date of Monday 17th August was agreed for the meeting with Traffic & Safety from BANES at 4.00p.m.

1. Apologies for Absence: Were received from Mrs J Gully, Mrs L Cains, Mrs T Jones.

2. To receive notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda: Mrs Jones notified the Parish Council of her interest in item 6a). Mr Baxter declared an interest in relation to item 8) 15/02257/FUL.

3. To confirm Minutes of the previous Meeting held on Monday 8th June 2015:
Mr Baxter raised the question of the Village Logo and suggested that the Village choose its own. Mr Baxter again addressed the Voting results and stated that the “68% & 32% is wrong”. Clerk will look into this and amend if necessary.

4. To Receive an update on District Matters from Cllr P May: It was explained that the Whitchurch Master Plan could include 200 homes on the Horseworld Site. Concerns have been raised regarding Queen Charlton being used as a “Rat Run”.
Currently the Master Plan does not have formal approval. Once approved there will be different timescales from different developers. The CIL is 15% but the Neighbourhood Plan could increase this to 25%. It is hoped the Whitchurch Neighbourhood Plan will be approved by Christmas.

Cllr May reported that he is now on the West of England Scrutiny Panel for Land & Transport.

Cllr May proposed to invite a Senior Civil Servant Mr Duggan to meet with Whitchurch and Pensford Parishes.

Ward Councillors Initiative: An allowance of grant money which can be applied for over the next three years to help towards Community Projects is now available.

5. To receive any updates on matters from the last meeting:

Acker Bilk Seat: Chairman reported that the Music Festival have indicated they would like to make a donation towards the seat. Also an application will be made to the Community Trust for Grant Money. It has now been suggested that a Stone Bench (or stone and Wood) would be more favourable or Stone & Wood. A plaque will also go onto the bench. Chairman to progress this.

Memorial Hall: There has been no meeting to date. The Memorial Hall are hosting a Car Boot Sale on 2nd August 2015.

6. Matters for Discussion/Decision:

a) Bus Shelter Quotes: Clerk confirmed that local builders had been asked to provide a quote for the works but had received only two quotes. It was suggested Clerk could check on availability of builders providing the quotes. It was agreed that TC Builders from Stanton Drew would be asked to do the work. No vote was considered necessary.

b) Neighbourhood Plan Terms of Reference: The Terms of Reference have to be amended due to the resignation of the Vice Chairman. Cllr May offered a copy of Whitchurch Terms of Reference to compare.

7. Reports:

a) PCAA: Vice Chairman attended the AGM on 23rd June 2015. It was agreed there would be no increase in the subscriptions for 2015/16. Airport are opening a new extension at the East of the Terminal for passengers. There will also be an extension to the west part of the terminal for security and baggage. A new hotel is currently under construction in China and will be shipped over in containers. Concerns have been raised regarding a flight taking off at 5.30am. This is a Thomas Cook flight which cannot be changed. There is now a Thompson flight taking off around this time. These concerns will be taken to the Consultative Committee.

b) Parish Liaison Meeting: Mrs Grimes attended on behalf of the Parish Council and Mr Heaford attended in his role as Chairman of ALCA. A presentation was given by the leader of the council Councillor Tim Warren who outlined the new administration’s key commitments for the next four years which included Increased Efficiency and Reduced Spending, Transport, More Homes and Jobs, Young People, Cleaner, Healthier Communities and Dignity for older people.

Fracking: There were currently no licences to allow prospective developers to carry out explorations in the Bath and North East Somerset.

Broadband: The roll-out programme was being co-ordinated by the Connecting Devon and Somerset partnership.
The aim of the current roll-out programme had been to get 90% High Speed Broadband
coverage in the UK including Devon and Somerset; tenders had recently been
issued to increase that by an additional 5%. It was hoped that contracts would be
concluded with BT shortly. Four cabinets had recently been installed in
Batheaston and one in central Bath.

New Monitoring Officer for the Council is Maria Lucas. She said that she would be arranging to attend parish meetings to meet the councillors and speak about standards. She invited Parish Clerks to contact her if they had any queries about standards issues.

A Presentation was given by the Principal of Bath College who reported that a merger of Bath College and Norton Radstock had now taken place.

c) Neighbourhood Plan: The Grant has now been received. Hard copies of the feedback from the Open Days have been placed in 7 locations around the Village. A meeting of the sub-group to discuss the questionnaire had been postponed. Should crime be on the Questionnaire? Date of next meeting Wednesday 29th July 2015. Cllr P May suggested that the Group should consider pre-paid envelopes for the return of Questionnaires as you do not pay for those not sent back.

Flood Risk Management Workshop: Mr Baxter attended this workshop. He reported that it was a Private Company who were collating information for a central database regarding Surface Water Run Off.

d) Clerks Progress:

Village Signs: No further update at present.

Dead Trees on High Street: A member of the Public has reported a couple of dead trees near the top of the High Street, when it becomes Old Road and is concerned that the dead trees are dangerous. Clerk has reported them to Highways.

New Beat Manager for the Chew Valley: We have a new Beat Manager covering the Chew Valley area for the next year whilst PC 4343 Hill is away on maternity leave. He is PC Chris Tearle 760 and has been working as a police officer for the last 10 years, mainly in Bath and Radstock. His previous role has been one of a Response Officer. PC Tearle will be working from the Keynsham Civic Centre or Radstock Police Station over the next year whilst covering the Chew Valley area.

PC Tearle would like to attend a future Parish Council Meeting to introduce himself.

Yellow Lines: A member of public who has heard about the parking restriction proposal would like to add that she would welcome lines across the entrance to Culvery Lane. She lives in Culvery Lane and last April her son needed an ambulance, but it couldn’t get up the lane because a van was parked across the entrance to the lane. She has asked us to raise it as part of the ongoing discussions and is worried in case this happens again. Clerk has advised Member of the Public that once the Consultation goes out to the public then this would be the time to make a representation in writing to BANES, or make a representation to Parish Council Clerk who can then pass comments on to BANES.
Footpaths: An update on the possible landowner where path CL17/26 runs has been fed back to PROW Sheila Petherbridge.

Log Cabin Woollard Lane: Latest information was forwarded to Cllr P May.

Dug Outs: Concerns raised by a member of public relating to the location of the Dug Outs and the possible encouragement of Anti-Social behaviour will be passed to the Hall Committee once a meeting takes place.

Waterside Cottage: BANES have been notified about the overhanging vegetation from this property.

Pensford Hill: BANES have been asked to attend to the overhanging vegetation here.

Wick Lane: Bags of rubbish by the old Doctors Surgery remain. Highways will be asked again to remove it.

Church Street: Works are proposed to carry out surface patching works from 27th July 2015 for a maximum period of one week. However the restrictions may not be effected for the whole of the period but it is anticipated that the road will be restricted as and when traffic signs are in position and only for so long as is necessary to execute the works which it is anticipated will be for 2 Days.

A copy of the notice from Traffic Management will be placed on the notice board.

Code of Conduct: A copy of the Code of Conduct has been circulated to all Parish Councillors.

New Chairman to the BANES Council: The secretary to the Chairman of the Council has been emailed and given dates of future Parish Councils meetings in the hope that Cllr Ian Gilchrist can attend one of them.

e) Financial Report: A summary of the 3 months accounting period to the End of June 2015 was given by Mr Kelly. No queries raised.
Clerk is now the Responsible Financial Officer with Mr Kelly to oversee the accounts.

8. Planning:

Applications considered by Planning Sub-Group:

To receive comments and make a decision on: 15/02257/FUL St Thomas a Becket Church. Change of use of land from graveyard to garden and erection of boundary fence (Retrospective). Parish Council support this application.

15/02719/FUL Amercombe Bungalow. Single Storey Rear extension and loft conversion. Comments to be made by Parish Council that there is no Design & Access Statement. The proposal is possibly overdevelopment as the proposal is extending a currently 2 bedroom bungalow to a 5 bedroom dwelling. Parish Council voted 4 against this proposal, 1 in favour and 2 abstained.

Applications received to Consider and Comment:

None received to date.

Planning Outcomes to Note:
15/01672/OUT Mr & Mrs Fear 31 Hillcrest 1 no.dwelling with associated parking (Resubmission). REFUSED

15/02049/FUL Mr Britton Emndale 9 Police Lane. Single Storey Extension. PERMITTED

15/01415/FUL Mr Baber 85 Hillcrest Pensford. Single Storey Rear Extension. PERMITTED

9. Financial Matters:

Payments to be authorised over £100.00

Mrs J Bragg Clerk June Salary 637.32
Community Bus Donation 500.00

Payments to be authorised:

K C Printing Neighbourhood Plan Open Meeting Results 10.75
K C Printing A37 Accident Results/ Members Interests Printing 8.88
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest 23.51

To note Payments Received:

Allotments Rentals 80.00
Groundwork UK Neighbourhood Plan – Grant 2464.00

10. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting:

None raised.

11. To Note Future Meetings:

Neighbourhood Planning Meeting Wednesday 29th July 2015 7.30 p.m. Memorial Hall Publow Lane.

MONDAY 10th AUGUST 2015 AT 7.15p.m.

Parish Council Minutes – 8th June 2015


Present: Chairman: Mrs J Stephenson Vice-chairman: Mr T Heaford
Mrs J Gully, Mrs L Cains, Mrs J Jones, Mrs T Jones, Mr P Baxter, Mrs S Grimes, Cllr P May, Mr S Filer, Mrs D Custance

Clerk: Mrs J Bragg

There were Ten Members of the Public Present.

1) Welcome Sally Jenkins – Greenfeasts: The Parish Council welcomed Sally Jenkins who attended to introduce Wild Things Farm which has evolved from the original “Greenfeasts”. Sally has for the last couple of years been developing plans for a new community supported farm on Stanton Lane, along with her partner Tom. After much consultation with the communities of Stanton Drew and Pensford, along with plenty of research and site observation, they have now planned how they hope to develop the farm. They will be producing vegetables, eggs, beef and pork, with the physical support of local volunteers.

They also intend to provide activities for children/teenagers, adult workshops and occasional community events. Recently they were given approval for building a barn to create essential facilities for this enterprise. Work on this is due to start soon. Sally showed the Parish Council a map of the land which Wild Things Farm now own. It is an area of 17.3 acres to the West of the Viaduct. Part of it is known locally as The Downs and has important community history as SNCI – Site of Nature Conservation Interest. A Consultation was undertaken with over 80 households from 2 neighbouring parishes completing a survey. The Farm Plan is to provide Weekly Veg and Seasonal Fruit plus occasional meat & Honey. Also Employment and Training. The approved Barn will provide storage for machinery. Working & Office space. Hatching/brooding room, propagation space and a Hygienic food processing room. Managing the Farm will need long working hours 365 days a year and the next stage will be an application for a temporary dwelling for 3 – 5 years leaving no permanent mark on the landscape.

A Member of the Public attending the meeting said that The Downs used to be open land and she would like to see footpaths used frequently years ago adopted and that it was a shame The Downs was not registered as Common Land. Sally confirmed that she would look at the possibility of a permissive path, but focus at the moment would be on restoring the land.

Avon Wildlife Trust have been spoken to, there is no direct involvement with Folly Farm which is not far from Pensford.

Member of the Public re-iterated comments made previously that this appears to be a an easy way of getting a property to live in.

2) Members of the Public: A member of the Neighbourhood Planning Committee reported to all at the meeting that the Committee is made up of volunteers who spend a lot of time on the Plan. He firstly asked the question can the Committee continue to enjoy 100% support from the Parish Council and secondly if there are any concerns regarding the Neighbourhood Plan can they please be directed to the Neighbourhood Planning Committee. At this point of the meeting a member of the Parish Council said that he wished to speak to the Neighbourhood Planning Committee. He was invited to attend the next meeting on July 1st 2015.

3) Apologies for Absence were received from Mr J Kelly.

4) Minutes of an Annual & Monthly Meeting held on Monday 18TH MAY 2015 after being circulated and read were signed as a correct record.

5) Matters Arising from the previous minutes:

At the May meeting Mr Baxter informed the Parish Council that “Your Vote” achieved 48% of the votes at the Elections. Chairman reported that the correct figures from BANES were 4000 votes cast existing members 68%, Your Vote candidates 32%.

Presentation of Community Award Certificate: A date is still needed.

Community Bus Donation: Donation to be arranged.

6) Items for Discussion:

a) Update on District Matters: Cllr P May: Cllr May reported that BANES for the first time controlled by a single party. “The Conservatives”. Cllr May is the Joint Chair for the Whitchurch Neighbourhood Planning Committee and is the District Councillor for Publow & Whitchurch.

Cllr May as a new Councillor has not had any Executive Role but has been accepted for the Committee which looks at Health & Well being. Cllr May has been given a Cabinet Assistant role with the specific task of looking at finances and corporate efficiency.

Issues: It is too early for anything formal to have emerged from the Council as yet. However at Local level there has been a number of complaints about the Traffic on Pensford Hill. Cllr May has spoken to the new Transport Cabinet Member requesting an A37 review of the transportation and infrastructure. It has been confirmed by the Leader of the council that earlier requests made by Cllr May were in the manifesto. Cllr May obtained accident figures from the Council and these have been passed to the Clerk. Cllr May has also spoken with Peter Dawson Cabinet Member and Strategic Lead Officer of Highways.

Vice-Chairman felt it important to consult with parishioners regarding concerns regarding the A37. Cllr May confirmed that in a meeting with the Leader of the Council he was advised that the A37 will be put into the manifesto to be dealt with by a Cabinet Member.

b) Traffic & Safety Pensford Hill & A37: Clerk reported that traffic accident reports for the A37 over the last three years had been received from the Police.

On the A37 Hursley Hill at the “No Right Turn” into Hursley Lane an operation was undertaken on Friday 5th June 2015 to issue Fixed Penalty Notices to motorists not complying with the No Right Turn. The operation was organised by PCSO Bragg and Special Constable Sergeant Phil Davis along with two other assisting Special Constables and one PCSO Between 16.20hrs and 17.25hrs six offending motorists were dealt with by issuing Non Endorsable Fixed Penalties with a £50 Fine attached to each.

Chairman reported that a Speed Camera will be located at the 40mph on Pensford Hill.

c) New Signs for Village: Mr S Chiffers has emailed Mrs Cains asking if the Parish Council can offer assistance to the cost of new signs for the Village. It was suggested that the RFO should be spoken with. A suggestion was made that the children at the Primary School could design a Logo for the new signs. It was pointed out that they had previously designed a logo for the Neighbourhood Planning leaflets and maybe this design could be used. Mrs Cains will progress this.

d) Footpaths Update: Footpaths Officer has cleared footpath CL17/14 from the High Street to the field adjacent to the School. Concerns were raised regarding the start of the path from Priestdown at Publow and the path going to Woollard is not numbered. Steep step access from the road is in bad condition and requires re-stepping and a rail or barrier at the start to prevent falling or coming to quick on to the road. Also the path between Bluebell Cottage and The Old School House had been cleared. All concerns have been passed to Sheila Petherbridge in PROW who has confirmed that she will look at the Blackrock Lane and Priestdown Lane Area. Sheila asked the Parish Council for help with Landowner in relation to a path in Blackrock Lane CL17/26. Parish Council believe the landowner could be Richard Flower. Clerk to pass details on.

e) Church Street: Chairman reported that cars continue to turn into Church Street at the No Entry by the Post Office. There are two No Entry in situ. Also cars have still been seen to come out of Wick Lane and turn right up to the A37 in the wrong direction. This was pointed out at the recent meeting with BANES. Clerk will raise the issue again. It was noted that the ivy has been cut back around the signs by Waterside Cottage.

Clerk reported that she had responded to the Informal Consultation from BANES in relation to the Proposed No Waiting at Any Time Markings around the Village.

A Parish Councillor asked who made the decision regarding the reply. Clerk reported that based on comments made at the last meeting she formulated the reply, copied it to the Chairman and sent it back to BANES. A copy of the reply to BANES will be circulated to the Parish Council.

f) Acker Bilk Seat: Benches looked at by Mrs Gully and Mrs Stephenson at Fountain Forestry were not thought to be of good construction. Cameley Parish Council had been contacted regarding their bench which has metal legs and wooden struts to sit on. It was suggested that maybe would could get a Blacksmith to make a metal frame. Matter to be progressed.

Seat in Woollard: It was confirmed that this seat is in need of repair. Mr Holmes will be asked to take a look at it.

g) Banes ALCA AGM: The AGM of the BANES Area Group was held on the 27th May 2015 and attended by Mr Heaford. Tribute was paid to the recent death of Peter Duppa-Miller. Mr Heaford was nominated and elected as Chairman. The Vice-Chairman position remains vacant. ALCA Secretary Deborah White will stand in until a Secretary is appointed. The next Parishes Liaison Meeting takes place on Wednesday 17th June 2015 and a request has been made for all Cabinet Members to attend. Mrs Grimes will attend the Parishes Liaison Meeting on behalf of Mr Heaford.

Mr Heaford confirmed to Cllr May that there is no Parish Council in Bath City at present although it has been suggested in the past that parts of Bath should be “Parished”.

h) Planning Sub Committee: Prior to the meeting Mr Baxter had emailed the clerk to say that he would like to be on the Planning Sub Committee. Chairman informed him that at the Annual Meeting representatives had been appointed and they will form the Planning Sub-Committee for the next year. Mr Baxter reported he has an interest in Planning as he has worked as Vernacular Conservation Builder.

At this point in the meeting the question arose again as to why the Parish Council “Don’t Vote” on representatives but chose to appoint them.

Mr Baxter pointed out that Mrs Cains should have declared an interest when reporting that the Community Bus were seeking a donation from the Parish Council as her children attend the Bus.

It was pointed out that Mr Baxter should have declared an interest when discussing the BANES proposal for Yellow Lines in Church Street.

At this point of the meeting Cllr May made the suggestion that “Declarations of Interest” should be added as a standard item at the beginning of each meeting. This will give protection to all who may have a direct pecuniary interest in any item on the Agenda.

i) Neighbourhood Planning Update & Approval of Terms of Reference: Two successful Open Drop In Sessions had been held. There were lots of suggestions put on Post It notes under each Topic Heading. All of the post it notes had been collated and a spreadsheet of all comments produced. A copy of this will be made available around the Parish. The comments will help re-shape the Questionnaire which it is hoped will go out in September/October 2015. New members have joined and there are now 20 members to move the Plan forward. The next meeting takes place on Wednesday 1st July 2015.

Terms of Reference: The Terms of Reference had been sent to the Parish Council for their approval. Chairman had read them and suggested amendments were the meeting dates of the Committee and to change Mr Kelly’s position from Treasurer to Responsible Financial Officer.

j) Memorial Hall: The Committee are in need of a Plan to move forward with fund raising. It was suggested that the Memorial Hall apply to The Community Trust for a grant for a specific project namely a new boiler or improvements to the building. Comments made by the Parish Council were that the facade of the building is not welcoming from the main road.

The recent Quarterly Inspection of the Children’s Play Area had been undertaken with recommendations and repairs which need action. Hire costs were discussed by the Parish Council and it was reported that the hire costs are high compared with other village halls. Many hirers also choose to use other Village Halls because of the Bar Set Up and the fact that they can run their own bar has an impact on any fund raising event. A suggestion was made to add £1 per household on the Parish Precept. This cannot be done as the Precept has been frozen for the past two years.

The Parish Council will continue to support the Memorial Hall and a meeting will be arranged with the Memorial Hall Chairman.

k) Being a Good Councillor Course Update: Mr Baxter attended this course on Saturday 6th June 2015 and reported an interesting meeting.

Mr Baxter reported that the Course was very specific about Parish Council Voting procedures.

Parish Council agreed that if there were a contentious issue on the Agenda they would undertake a Vote however normal practice voting has not been necessary.
Chairman confirmed that she would seek clarity regarding the rules on Voting at Parish Council. ALCA will also be contacted.

D.P.I’s need to be defined.

7) Clerks Progress Report:

Register of Members Interests: All have been copied. One Copy placed on PC Files and the other has been sent to Returning Officer at BANES.

Traffic & Safety: An email has been sent to Stefan Chiffers asking if the White Lines can be highlighted in Church Street and further NO ENTRY signage put up anywhere.

Hursley Hill: Another incident of fly tipping occurred this was reported to Highways at BANES.

Highways Issues:

Rubble in Publow Lane: A further email has been received from a Member of Public as the rubble remains. Anthony Davies Highways Inspector has been contacted about it.

Wick Lane: Bags of rubbish by the old Doctors Surgery were reported

Wick Lane Sign (outside of Waterside Cottage): Covered in Ivy. Highways will take a look and if necessary raise an order for it to be cleared

Policeman’s Lane: Reported to Highways as it is overgrown.

Bus Stop – Hillcrest adjacent to the main A37: The large cracks in the wall by the bus stop and the fact that they appear to be getting worse was reported.

Footpath from Garage to Nursery Corner and up to Whitley Batts: Highways Inspector has again been asked if this path can be cleared and the foot way improved. Also responsibility of the wall has been raised.

Highways Inspector has confirmed that he will take care of all of the above.

Flood Risk Management Strategy Briefing Workshop: This takes place on Wednesday 17th June 2015 at the Civic Centre, Market Walk, Keynsham 10am till 12pm. Mrs Gully & Mr P Baxter will be attending. Clerk has confirmed their attendance.

Flood Representative: Clerk replied re: Flood Representative Position to BANES informing them that Mrs Gully & Mr Baxter wish to be the Flood Representatives for the Parish. BANES have replied with the following “To let you know that we are only assigning one Flood Rep per Parish in order to simplify our communications. Obviously if you want to have two people within the Parish looking at Flooding issues this is great but it makes our job a little simpler if we just have one point of contact. I hope you can appreciate our position? I was going to suggest that I just record Jenny Gully’s details.

This shouldn’t stop Paul carrying out the role and working alongside Jenny, as this is really important, but we would prefer to liaise with just one contact). Mrs Gully will therefore be the point of contact.”

Redundant Bus Shelter: Quotes are being prepared.

Quarterly Play Area Inspection Report: The latest operational play area inspection report has been received from BANES and forwarded to the Chairman of the Memorial Hall who has asked if Clerk can contact BANES Parks & Green Spaces Officer and ask them to carry out the work and invoice the Memorial Hall accordingly.

St Thomas a Becket Churchyard: Re: Notification from the PCC in relation to the Insurance Policy being cancelled as of 15th May 2015 and the responsibility will now be passed to the Council Clerk is trying to make contact with Tracey Mock at Haycombe to clarify the current position of ownership. Telephone messages had been left but so far no update received.

Clerk reported that contact had in fact been made prior to the meeting and transfer of ownership to the Local Authority is in hand. A risk assessment will be carried out before Council Staff can undertake any work on the Churchyard.

8) Planning:

Applications to be discussed:

15/02049/FUL Mr Britton Emndale 9 Police Lane Pensford. Erection of single storey rear extension. The application has been reduced from a two storey extension to a single storey. Parish Council Support.


15/01128/FUL Hareclive Properties Ltd Redevelopment of Car Sales Site. WITHDRAWN.

15/01759/TCA Mr & Mrs Baxter The Former St Thomas a Becket’s Church, Church Street. 1 x Holly – Fell. NO OBJECTION

9) Financial Matters:

Payments OVER £100.00 to be authorised:

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary May 637.52
Memorial Hall Neighbourhood Planning Events 125.50
Parish Magazine Neighbourhood Planning Adverts 144.00
KC Printing Neighbourhood Planning Printing 190.80

Payments to be authorised:

Church Room Neighbourhood Planning Room Hire 50.00
Alan Ford Stationery Items N/Planning Events 26.62
ALCA Good Councillor Training 60.00
ALCA File Dividers for Councillors 5.50
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest+ 2 x Ink Cartridge 51.78
PCAA Subscription 50.00
Paul Holmes Footpaths Clearance 9.5 Hours 76.00

Receipts to Note:

BANES Public Rights of Way 821.82

Neighbourhood Planning Payments: All payments in relation to Neighbourhood Planning were not signed. It was reported that costs in relation to Neighbourhood Planning cannot be backdated therefore until formal approval of the Grant Application has been made Parish Council stated that payments cannot be authorised.

The Payment for the Parish Magazine will also be questioned as advertising the Neighbourhood Plan is a Community item and not an advert. Clerk to follow up with the Neighbourhood Planning Committee.

10) Any Other Business:

Log Cabin, Woollard Lane: A member of the public has asked for an update on this. Clerk to forward Cllr P May latest correspondence received before the Election.

Dug Outs on Memorial Hall Playing Field: A member of public has spoken to a Parish Council Member with concerns that the dug outs are too close into the field and they are therefore being used for anti-social behaviour. It was suggested that this matter be taken up with the Football Club or the Memorial Hall Committee.

Village Day: Cllr L Cains is organising a Village Day through the PSA at the Primary School. It will be held on July 18th at 12 Noon. Any help or donations would be most welcome.

Tennis Club: The re-surfacing of the courts is not finished yet, however matches continue to be played.

High Street: It was confirmed that the High Street and Old Road still remains as a short cut through the village. Clerk informed Cllr May that Traffic & Safety have verbally confirmed to a Parish Council member that a 20mph will be granted. No confirmation has been received so far.

Waterside Cottage: Problems with overhanging vegetation along the pavement from this property were reported. Clerk to follow up.

Pensford Hill: Overgrown brambles are pushing pedestrians to the edge of pavement walking up the hill. Clerk to notify Highways.

Junction A37: BANES are reported to have been digging in various locations of the village. Also the junction of the High Street and the A37 continues to deteriorate. Clerk to contact Highways.

New Chairman to the Council: The new Chairman of the Council is Cllr Ian Gilchrist. Cllr Gilchrist will be invited to attend a future Parish Council Meeting.

Tea Party in the Tower: Jane Flower is organising this.

11) Notice of Future Meetings:

CPRE AGM Thursday 11th June at 7.30 pm Bath City Football Club Twerton Park BA2 1DB
West of England Rural Network AGM 25th June 2015 at 3pm
Neighbourhood Planning Meeting Wednesday 1st July 7.30 pm at Memorial Hall



Parish Council Annual & Montlhy Minutes – 13th April 2015



a) Chairman’s Report (attached) – Retired Chairman Mr Tony Heaford gave his Chairman’s report for the nine months to December 2015. Following which current Chair Mrs Janette Stephenson gave her report for January to March 23015. Mr Heaford extended thanks to Cllr P Edwards for his twelve years as our Ward Councillor and all of the work and assistance which he has given to our Parish Council over those years. Cllr Edwards will be retiring at the end of April.

b) Financial Report (attached): The Responsible Financial Officer, Mr Kelly circulated the Financial Report. Mr Heaford commented that it is “Indicative of the amount of time spent on it”.

c) Memorial Hall Report: An update from the Memorial Hall Chairman will be requested. It was understood that a meeting held recently was not well attended. The Play Area is again suffering with problems. The last two fundraising events were thought to be well attended.

Miners Welfare Institute: Mrs Gully gave an update on the Miners Welfare Institute and reported the Cafe is trading well and the building is well maintained. The owners are currently considering how they can further benefit the community.


1) Members of the Public: Members of the Public were concerned that potholes reported 2 months ago had not been filled in. Clerk will follow this up. The Sign at the end of Birchwood Lane is still missing. Clerk to follow up. The metal seat in Woollard is reported to be in need of attention as the rails are now quite old.

2) Apologies for Absence were received from Mrs Jones & Mr Filer.

3) Minutes of Monday 9th March 2015 after being circulated and read were signed as a correct record.

4) Matters Arising from the previous minutes: There were no matters arising.

5) Items for Discussion:

a) Response to Member of the Public -”Question”: The Chairman reported that the member of the public who posed the question about a Parish Referendum has been given the information sought and had not responded. Therefore there was no need to discuss this matter further.

b) Pensford 10K – Sunday 26th April 2015: There had been a good number of entries received. Marshalls had been recruited. Social Media has been used to advertise the event. Road Closures had been confirmed and advertised. The route incorporated a lane to allow normal running of the Public House in Compton Dando.

c) Neighbourhood Planning Meeting Update: Mrs Grimes gave an update from the last meeting held on Wednesday 1st April 2015. Six logos had been produced by the school and one was chosen. It was amended slightly to include the wording “Publow with Pensford.” Renewable Energy was discussed. Including Solar Panels for the Viaduct and a Micro Hydro Scheme. Mr Ford & Mr James will meet to adapt and submit the grant application form. Information Leaflets and posters and a draft banner had been produced by Mr King. Display Boards for the Open Meetings were discussed. Some will depict Pensford through the Ages. The Questionnaires will be going out after the Open Meetings. Parish Council members have offered help of delivering the questionnaires. The next meeting takes place on Wednesday 22nd April 2015.

d) Elections 2015: Disappointment and surprise was expressed that no prospective candidates had attended the public session in order to learn about the processes of the Parish Council and also to discuss how they would benefit the Community.
Several councillors had been asked by parishioners about the significance of ‘Your Vote’ in the Candidate Description column of the list of persons nominated. Advice was that while this was misleading it was nevertheless still compliant.

e) Update following Meeting with Highways Representatives Wednesday 11th March 2015: A walk around the village was undertaken with Parish Council members and Sadie Cox & Stefan Chiffers from Traffic & Safety Team BANES. Prior to the meeting a scheme had been drawn up by BANES as to where they advised would be best to put double yellow lines to help with the current problems in the village regarding parking. BANES Traffic propose Double Yellow Lines in front of Lock Up Cottages to stop parking at this dangerous corner. Double Yellow Lines will also be put where the current advisory keep clear lines are leading down to the A37 from the High Street. Double Yellow Lines will be put by the War Memorial.
Because of the safety concerns due to the narrow bridge, it is proposed to put Double Yellow Lines by the Church Rooms where there is already advisory No Parking Lines in place. Cars consistently park by the Church Room and in front of the Church Gates. This does not allow for picking up and dropping off of visitors to the Church Room and also prevents wheelchair access. Church Street will also have double yellow lines along where the existing lines are. A public consultation will be undertaken in relation to the scheme before anything goes ahead and the Parish Council can ask for changes to the scheme to be made but BANES Traffic insisted that Public Safety was paramount.

No Entry: It was noted that the No Entry road markings in Church Street which you should note when exiting Wick Lane have worn away. BANES will replace these as traffic is often seen coming the wrong way out of the One-Way system. The Post Office owner remains concerned regarding the amount of traffic which enters the One Way System the wrong way and have asked for extra signage.
Time restricted spaces will be followed up as reports have been made about a car which often parks outside of the Post Office for long periods of time.
Clerk to contact BANES and ask for details regarding the proposed timescale for the public consultation.

Register of Concern re: Parking: A letter was given to the Parish Council regarding the issues of parking outside of the Post Office on Church Street. The concern was raised regarding placing a time limit on the parking bays outside of the Post Office as there is “little residential parking on Church Street. Many people park on Church Street for example walkers, users of the Church Rooms, Pensford School Teachers, parents collecting their children from school. It is often the case that residents have to park in the parking bays near the post office in order that they can park anywhere near their own home.”
The Parish Council appreciate the parking problems and have suggested in the past that the Memorial Hall is used for Walkers, Teachers etc. All matters will be discussed with BANES during the consultation period.

f) Annual Civic Reception held on 17th March 2015: Chairman and her husband attended the Civic Reception which was again held in the Pump Rooms in Bath.

g) Local Flood Representative Nomination: Parish Council agreed that a representative should be nominated. Mrs Gully offered to be the representative. Clerk to forward details to BANES.

6) Clerks Progress Report:

Redundant Bus Shelter: Matter still ongoing. Traffic & Safety Team confirmed that the footpath would not have to be closed as there are metal railings in front of the bus stop which would protect passing pedestrians from the A37 traffic.

Highways: Council Connect have been reminded about the Pot holes in Church Street also there are bad potholes in Belluton which have now been reported to Council Connect.

Church Street: The white No Entry Sign has worn away in Church Street outside of Waterside Cottage. This was pointed out to Traffic & Safety during their site visit. It has since been noted that cars are entering the No Entry by the Post Office. Highways will be asked to highlight the No Entry and the One Way system.

Bus shelter Pensford Hill: A box of bottles & cans has been dumped in the Bus shelter. This has been reported to Council Connect for clearing.

Your Care Your Way: The consultation event in conjunction with BANES Council, NHS BANES Clinical Commissioning Group and the Village Agents takes place on Tuesday 14th April 10.00am to 12.00noon at the Conygre Hall, North Road, Timsbury.

Rotary of Chelwood Bridge Community Award: Clerk had emailed asking for details of the results of the Community Awards. Unfortunately the Parish Councils nomination for the Miners Welfare Coffee Shop, Sally Daniels had not won an award. However a certificate will be sent in due course to mark Sally’s worthy role in the Community.

Pensford Viaduct: Clerk has been researching who now owns the Viaduct. BRB Residuary has now been abolished and its continuing functions have been dispersed to various successor bodies. The ownership of the viaduct is with the Department for Transport. The Historical Railway Estate team is responsible for the structure on behalf of the Secretary of State.

Woollard Bridge: Once again BANES Council have been asked when the Bridge is likely to be painted. Compton Dando Parish Council have also asked the same question. BANES report that the painting works will be carried out “during the warmer months of the year to
ensure the paint can cure as per manufactures recommendations. Therefore we aim to have the works carried out before the end of summer 2015.”

Chew Valley Crime Report: PC Gemma Hill is now on maternity leave for approximately 12 months. We are advised that someone is likely to be covering her beat whilst she is off but this has not yet been confirmed. In the meantime, PCSO 8079 BRAGG and PCSO 6903 BAILEY should be our points of contact by calling 101. A Crime Report from PC Hill for the Chew Valley is attached to my Progress Report.

Planning: Further to an email received from a resident in Gibbett Lane raising concerns regarding the former Railway Bungalow, Cllr Liz Richardson has looked into the planning permissions on site. It is reported that the property is now known as “Stonewell”. The application for the new barn recently erected was made under the new property name in March last year and was permitted under the Permitted development rights. Cllr Richardson has written to the resident in Gibbett Lane and explained this.

St Thomas a Becket Churchyard Closure: Clerk has written to the Secretary of the PCC and BANES Council representative confirming that the Parish Council have proposed to resolve not to take on the Maintenance Obligation

7) Planning:

Application to discuss:

15/01128/FUL Hareclive Properties Ltd Pensford Garage New Road Pensford. Redevelopment of car sales site to include erection of 3no. new buildings to provide 6 no. 3 bedroom houses. Conversion of garage workshop with associated works to provide 2 no. 3 bedroom cottages and demolition of existing showroom. The owner of the site attended the Parish Council Meeting and gave the Parish Council further details regarding the proposal. It was explained that there is no change of use application because there is a “Clause in legislation which allows the move of Light Industrial to Residential without an application. The site has been owned by the same person for 13 years and it has been a long term plan to build houses here. No-one locally is employed on the site. The housing proposal will be for affordable housing with the option to Rent or to Buy. The Parish Council supported this application.

15/01239/FUL Mr & Mrs A Smart Sunningdale Woollard Lane. Single Storey rear extension. Parish Council concerned that this is a property which has been largely extended over the years. The proposal is mostly glass and concerns were raised regarding the reflection it will cause. Clerk to reply to Planning.

Application discussed by Sub-Committee:

14/05884/FUL Summerhouse. Old Stables Stanton Road. Change of use of three existing bedrooms and a reception room in the Old Stables from residential to bed and breakfast. Use of sun/garden room as a lounge in the Old Stables for guests and as a breakfast room. Use of swimming pool, Jacuzzi, steam room and fitness equipment in The Granary as ancillary to bed and breakfast. Parish Council support this but note that it should be a retrospective application.

15/01165/TCA: Hill House Pensford Hill. Ash Saplings, Beech, Hazel, Field Maple – Reduce in Height. Beech & Laurel reduce to hedge height. Parish Council Support.

Planning Outcomes:

15/00548/FUL Mr Baber 85 Hillcrest Pensford. First floor extension to rear and side with sky light in roof. Wall to be built on boundary. Porch at front of the house. WITHDRAWN
15/00820/OUT Mr & Mrs Fear 31 Hillcrest Pensford. Erection of 1 no. Dwelling (Outline application). WITHDRAWN

15/00853/FUL Mr D Lowe Sunningdale Hillcrest Pensford. Erection of Detached Garage. PERMITTED


Appeal Ref: 15/00018/HOUSE Mr & Mrs Sessford Birchwood Lodge Pensford. Erection of Detached double garage.

Tree Works: 15/01445/TCA Chew Cottage Mill Lane Woollard. Fell 6 x conifers forming hedge.

8) Financial Matters:

HMRC tax-free allowance – Clerk Use of Home as Office: The RFO of the Council explained that through budget information received from ALCA it was learnt that the Clerk should be claiming for a portion of her “home as office”. The amount recommended is £16 per month. The Responsible Financial Officer suggested a separate meeting should be convened to discuss the timescale of back pay for this claim.
As there were now minor changes to be made to the quarterly accounts it was agreed that they would now be tabled at the May Meeting.

Payments to be authorised over £100.00
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary March 637.52

Payments to be authorised:
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest £15.98 + Ink Cartridges £26.98 42.96
Mrs J Bragg New Printer 81.98
CPRE Subscription 2015/16 36.00
ALCA External Audit Process/Annual Return 15.00
P Holmes Footpaths 7.5 Hours + £38.19 Equipment 98.19

Payments Received:
BANES 1st Part Precept 5500.00
BANES Parish Grant 345.00

9) Any Other Business:

Mrs Gully had a catalogue of wooden benches. Two prices for benches were from Fountain Timber and were £227.45 and £246.00 for a larger bench. Mrs Gully will speak with Mrs Bilk.

Primary School: It was noted that the school will be celebrating its Centenary this year in October/November 2015.

Scarecrow Trail: It was thought to be a good idea to have Pensford included in the Winford Parish Council Scarecrow Appeal next year. Mrs Jones will progress this.

Tennis Club: Are very grateful for the recent donation from the Community Trust. The courts can now be repaired to a deeper level than expected.
The Memorial Hall have agreed to allow the small children to use the hall in bad weather.

Date of Next Meeting: Mr Heaford proposed that the date of the next meeting should be changed to the 18th May 2015. Parish Council supported this.

9) Notice of Future Meetings:
DATE OF NEXT MEETING MONDAY 18th May 2015 AT 7.15 pm
This will be the ANNUAL MEETING & A MONTHLY Meeting of the Parish Council.
Tower Friends ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING- Church Room Tuesday 21st April at 8pm


Parish Council Minutes – 18th May 2015


Present: Mrs J Stephenson, Mr T Heaford, Mrs J Gully, Mrs L Cains,
Mrs D Custance, Mr S Filer, Mr J Kelly, Mrs T Jones, Cllr P May, Mr P Baxter.
Clerk: Mrs J Bragg.
There were 12 Members of the Public present.
Clerk welcomed everyone to the Annual & Monthly Meeting. Clerk then asked for proposals for the position of Chairman.

1. Election of Chairman, Vice-Chairman & Parish Councillors: Chairman: Mrs Janette Stephenson was proposed for the position chairman by Mr Heaford. This was seconded by Mrs Gully and Mrs L Cains. Vice-Chairman: Mr Tony Heaford was proposed for the position of Vice-Chairman by Mrs Gully and seconded by Mr Filer. All other members attending were elected to their position of Parish Councillor. At this point Mr Baxter informed the Parish Council that “Your Vote” achieved 48% of the votes. The official figures will be obtained and reported under Matters Arising at the June meeting.

2. Signing of Declaration & Acceptance of Office Book: The Declaration & Acceptance of Office Book was duly signed by the newly elected members of the Parish Council.
Clerk circulated a Register of Members Interests to all for completion and return to the Council within 28 Days.
Clerk circulated a copy of the Standing Orders of the Parish Council.

3. Members of the Public: First Member of the Public to speak informed the Parish Council that she had lived on Pensford Hill for 30 years and is now very concerned about the Accident Rate on the A37 and urges the Parish Council and the Local Authority to take action. There have been numerous accidents in the past months with fatalities. Lorries have been reported to have brushed a pedestrian whilst walking up Pensford Hill. Lorries have mounted the pavement on Pensford Hill damaging bollards. Parents have been reported to have moved their children to different schools in the local area to get them away from the main A37.

Suggestions on how to improve the current road layout were discussed with ideas such as a Roundabout at the turning for the B3130 at the top of Pensford Hill. Traffic Lights and Traffic Calming measures. A concern was that if too much traffic calming was undertaken then traffic may start using the smaller side roads as a cut through. A Member of the Public asked the Parish Council to find out what Criteria apply for formal Traffic Calming on Speed Limits.
Cllr Paul May was very supportive to all concerns and is happy to support in any way he can. Parish Council will pursue Traffic Incident Reports from the Police & Highways. Evidence from Members of the Public will also help put together a report for Highways.

Proposed Yellow Lines for Church Street: A member of the Public who lives in Church Street raised his concerns regarding the proposed restrictions and the detrimental effect it will have on the current parking problems which exist in the village. The Chairman informed members of the public that this is currently an informal consultation led by BANES who are firstly consulting with the Parish Council. The next stage will be a formal consultation during which Members of the Public can send in their comments to BANES. It was noted that there is a proposal to put Yellow Lines where a current Keep Clear Line is outside of Church House. The proposed Yellow Line would go across the Garage of this property. Clerk will notify BANES that the line should not go across the garage.

Church Street: Signs are overgrown with vegetation. This was pointed out at a recent meeting with BANES and should be in hand.
4. Apologies for Absence were received from Mrs S Grimes & Mrs J Jones

5. Minutes of Monday 13th April 2015 after being circulated were signed as a correct record.

6. Matters Arising from the previous minutes: There were no matters arising which were not covered on the Agenda or on the Clerks Progress Report.

7. Appointment of Representatives for: Memorial Hall Committee: Jenny Gully, Julie Bragg & Tracy Jones. Parish Council’s Airport Association: Tony Heaford & Sue Grimes. Parish Liaison Meetings: Janette Stephenson & Sue Grimes.  ALCA Meetings: Tony Heaford. Mr Heaford also attends the ALCA Executive Committee Meetings. Chew Valley Forum: Tony Heaford & Sue Grimes. Flood Representative: Paul Baxter & Jenny Gully. Planning Sub Committee: Tony Heaford, John Kelly, Janette Stephenson & Lisa Cains. Guardians for Defibrillators: Hillcrest: Lisa Cains & Dawn Custance. Post Office Pensford: Jennie Jones. Woollard: Janette Stephenson. Allotments: Steve Filer.

8. Parish Council Charity Donation: There had been no requests for donations it was therefore agreed that requests will be dealt with as and when they are received.

9. Items for Discussion:

a) Neighbourhood Plan Update: Parish Council were reminded of the Dates and Times for the Open Drop in Sessions. Display Boards for comments will be put up around the room with supporting information and pictures from around the village. There will also be pictures of Past Pensford. It is hoped that the Questionnaire will go out sometime in September. A Grant process is in hand. Funding is available for three years. Parish Council are funding expenses at the moment. Cllr May reported that Whitchurch Neighbourhood Planning Committee have received 190 questionnaires back out of 450 sent out.

b) Pensford 10K Update: The whole event went well. The total amount of runners entering was slightly down on last year. The date for next year is 26th April 2016.

c) New Signs for Village: Progressing this had been put on hold until the Elections had taken place. Pictures of the Farrington Gurney Signs will be obtained. It was reported that they cost in the region of £750.00 each and Traffic & Safety will be looking for a donation from the Parish Council. It was agreed that if the signs were purchased the word “Publow” has to be on the sign. i.e. Publow with Pensford Parish

d) Accounts: After the April Meeting small changes had been made to the accounts. The Annual Return had been completed and all now ready to go to Audit. Mr Kelly the Responsible Financial Officer read out an updated Financial Report. Mr Heaford proposed that the Accounts were agreed and signed. This was unanimously supported.

Number Square for School: Previously the Parish Council had donated £300.00 to the Primary School for a Number Square in the Playground. It was noted that the Number Square has not been put down, but in fact further fundraising is being undertaken to add additional items to the number grid. £350.00 was raised at the 10K. Mrs Cains will update Parish Council on the progress of this.

e) Presentation of Community Award Certificate: A certificate has been awarded to Sally Daniels of the Miners Coffee Shop for her contribution to the Community. Parish Council to arrange a date for presentation of the certificate.
f) Traffic & Safety on the A37 – Pensford Hill: Discussed under Members of the Public.

g) The Community Bus: An application had been received from the Community Playbus seeking funding to run further play schemes in Pensford. The Community Bus is a holiday play scheme, which is provided for five to 12-year-olds in Pensford. It was a huge success in April with 21 children attending the morning session and 24 the afternoon. The Organizers have to pay £70.00 for the hire of the Memorial Hall. On discussion the Responsible Financial Officer proposed that £500.00 should be donated. A request for details of Accounts will be made for future years.

h) Proposed Traffic Regulation Order – BANES Highways & Traffic: The existing tensions in relation to parking in Church Street were discussed. Parish Council Chairman re-iterated that this consultation has been prepared by BANES. BANES had determined the areas where there was a need for safety. It is proposed to replace the existing white Keep Clear Lines with Double Yellow Lines outside of the Church Room to allow Wheelchair Access. The Church Room is used frequently. A resident in Church Street is of the opinion that Yellow Lines will not stop residents parking in front of the Church Room.

The Primary School recently had a visit to the Church Room and the children had to walk in the road because of cars parked on the pavements outside of their homes.

10. Clerks Progress Report:

Redundant Bus Shelter: Matter still ongoing.

Highways: Council Connect have again been reminded about the Potholes in Church Street.

Hursley Hill: Clerk has reported two separate incidents of Fly Tipping which have occurred in the Lay By at the bottom of Hursley Hill.

Church Street: Highways have been asked to highlight the white No Entry Sign in Church Street outside of Waterside Cottage. This was pointed out to Traffic & Safety during their site visit. It has since been noted that cars are entering the No Entry by the Post Office. Highways will be asked to highlight the No Entry and the One Way system.

Traffic Regulation Order: Item 9 h) on the Agenda. Clerk has spoken with the Traffic Management Team who welcome the Parish Councils comments after tonight’s meeting and report that the Public Consultation would take place about 3 weeks after the end of the Informal Consultation so towards the end of next month and it will run for a period of 21 days.

Tennis Club: Tennis courts are in use but final surface/painting needs to be done once the league matches are completed. This has been deliberately delayed to enable league matches to go ahead.

Footpaths: A Complaint was received by Sheila Petherbridge at PROW regarding an overhanging hedge at Bluebell Cottage. Sheila has visited and this has now been cut back a footpath. Clerk has asked the Footpaths Officer to attend to surface vegetation on the path.

Rubble in Publow Lane: The Highways Inspector has been notified about the rubble in Publow Lane lay by. Members of the Public have complained to the Clerk. A follow up call to Highways was made.

Neighbourhood Planning Banners: Highways confirmed that they were happy for these banners to be displayed on the railings on Pensford Bridge.

St Thomas a Becket Churchyard: Notification has been received from the PCC in relation to the Insurance Policy being cancelled as of 15th May 2015 and the responsibility will now be passed to the Council.


15/01759/TCA Mr & Mrs Baxter The Former St Thomas a Becket Church. Fell Holly tree – no intention to replace. Parish Council have queried with BANES the current ownership of the land, and if transfer is not complete have the Church of England been notified of the intention to remove this tree. The Arboriculture Officer has confirmed that “The ownership of the tree is not a material consideration in how the council determines a notification for tree works, however, an advisory note will be added to indicate that the permission of the land owner would need to be obtained.”


Flood Risk Management Strategy Briefing Workshop: An invitation has been received to attend a briefing workshop/session on Local Flood Risk Management which will take place on Wednesday 17th June 2015 at Keynsham Civic Centre, Market Walk, Keynsham. 10am till 12pm

Footpaths Agency Agreement: Public Rights of Way have confirmed that the amount for the Footpaths Officer 2015/2016 is £821.82. Clerk has raised an invoice for this amount.

Greenfeasts: Parish Council have received an email from Sally Jenkins who for the last couple of years has been developing plans for a new community supported farm on Stanton Lane. Sally attended a Parish Council meeting in October 2013 to introduce herself and the project. Sally would like to attend a future Parish Council meeting to give an update. Permission has just been granted for Sally to build a barn to create essential facilities for this enterprise. Details can be found under the Planning section in BANES 15/01172/AGRN Wild Things Farm Old Down Pensford Lane Stanton Drew.

Planning Question:

Paul Baxter Public Session Meeting of 9 February. In response to a question from Mr Heaford Mr Baxter stated that he stood by the statement he made in the Public Session of the Meeting of 9 February that he had been offered and turned down monetary inducements related to planning. He said he had not informed the police and declared that he did not wish to say any more about the matter. Mr May commented that in many years working in the public sector he was unaware of anything similar taking place. He did warn that while members of the public were to a large extent free to report or not to report the offer of inducements parish councillors had an absolute duty in such circumstances to immediately inform the police.

11. Planning:

Applications to be considered: 15/01672/OUT Mr & Mrs Fear
31 Hillcrest, Pensford. Erection of 1no. Dwelling with associated parking (Resubmission). Parish Council could not see any major difference in the resubmission and gave their support to the application.

Applications considered by Sub-Committee: 15/01415/FUL Mr Baber 85 Hillcrest Erection of single storey rear extension. Parish Council Support.

Tree Works Notification: 15/01759/TCA Mr & Mrs Baxter The Former St Thomas A Becket’s Church. Fell Holly tree. No intention to replace. Parish Council submitted comments. An interest should have been declared. However, Mr Baxter reported that the land on which the Holly Tree stands has now been transferred to himself.

Planning Appeal Lodged: 14/05615/ADCOU AMP Electrical Belluton Barn Belluton Farm, Stanton Road. Prior approval request for change of use from Agricultural Barn to Dwelling (C3).

Planning Appeal Decision:

14/04771/FUL Mr & Mrs Sessford Birchwood Lodge. Detached Double Garage (Resubmission). Appeal Dismissed.

14/04826/FUL Mr T Gibbons 13 Hillcrest Pensford. 2 Bed Dwelling to be built to the side of 13 Hillcrest. Appeal Dismissed.


15/00329/LBA Parsonage Farm, Parsonage Lane. Internal Works. Consent.

15/00598/FUL Mr & Mrs Radford The Rising Sun. Alteration of existing first floor window openings to create a new escape door access to new external fire escape. PERMIT.

15/01165/TCA Hill House Pensford Hill. Tree Works in Conservation Area. No Objection.

15/01445/TCA Mr P Clouting Chew Cottage Mill Lane Woollard. Tree Works in Conservation Area. No Objection.

12. Financial Matters:

Payments to be Authorised over £100.00

Mrs J Bragg April Salary Net 637.32
Zurich Insurance Cover 732.31

Payments to be Authorised:

National Allotment Soc Membership Renewal 25.00
Mrs J Bragg Imprest 31.50
Mr S King Neighbourhood Plan Banners 72.26

Payments Authorised:

Mrs J Bragg Use of Home as Office 416.00

Insurance: An insurance comparison had been carried out in the last Financial Month and the Parish Council Insurance had moved from AON to Zurich at a saving in excess of £200.

13. Any Other Business:

Footpath needing clearing: The footpath which runs from Leigh Farm to Lordswood was reported to be in need of clearing. Mrs Stephenson will mention it to the footpaths officer.

The Footpath from the Garage up towards Nursery Corner and up to Whitley Batts is still in need of attention. BANES will be asked again to clear it. The responsibility of the wall will be questioned.

Policeman’s Lane: Is reported to be overgrown.

Bus Stop, Hillcrest: Concerns were raised regarding the wall by the bus stop. There are large cracks in the wall which look to be getting worse.

Pre-School Provision: Cllr P May asked if there was pre-school provision in the Parish. He was informed that there is Stanton Drew & Pensford Pre-School at the Village Hall in Stanton Drew. The Pre-School is currently seeking funds to help keep it running.

Publow Lane: Dumped brickwork is understood to be ongoing. It was noted that there is a lack of signage for Publow. Clerk reported that the sign on the fingerpost on A37 giving directions to Publow was removed for repairs and never put back by BANES. Clerk to follow up.

Wick Lane: There are bags of rubbish dumped at the side of the road by the “Old Doctors Surgery”, in Wick Lane. Clerk to report and get it removed.

Waterside Cottage: The ivy is overgrowing the No Entry sign. The rubbish around the property makes an unsightly Conservation Area.

Employees Pension: Clerk was reminded about this new initiative. Clerk has details from ALCA.

14. Notice of Future Meetings:




Parish Council Minutes – 9th March 2015


Present: Chairman: Mrs J Stephenson, Mr S Filer, Mr J Kelly, Mr L Seymour, Mr T Heaford, Cllr P Edwards, Mrs J Gully, Mrs L Cains, Mrs T Jones, Mrs S Grimes.
Clerk: Mrs J Bragg PCSO Bailey & PCSO Hambridge Mrs D White ALCA Secretary
Mr & Mrs Hunt, Mr P Baxter and 8 further members of the public.

1) Members of the Public:

At the beginning of the Public Session the Chairman reminded the Parish Council and members of the public attending that at the February meeting a member of the public attending the meeting had asked the Parish Council to vote “on an issue by a show of hands”. The member of public was asked to put in writing “the issue” and return to the March meeting of the Parish Council. The issue was defined thus – “If a properly held referendum was held would the Parish Council support the result?” Then two members of the public addressed the Parish Council from written notes. Both made reference to historical events which have influenced democracy in the United Kingdom.

A third member of the public informed the Parish Council that he was unhappy to be told at a recent Public Consultation that the proposed, but not yet submitted, housing scheme for Wick Lane which adjoins his property had the “backing” of the Parish Council. He was concerned that that any development would devalue his property, which he intended to sell. The Parish Council Chairman informed the meeting that this proposal did not have the “backing” of the Parish Council and the Parish Council indeed could be acting unlawfully if they commented on an application which has not yet been submitted.

Regarding the “issue” the Solicitor to the Council had, in the interim, been consulted on the question “If an individual takes it upon himself to hold a referendum, is this legally binding and if the Parish Council as the representatives of the people disagree with what is put forward is the Council within its rights to give an opposing point of view.” The advice was that it is up to the Council and the Council alone to decide on its procedure within the legal framework. Any referendum or poll of residents is not binding on the council. The member of the public stated that he was aware of this but his question remained as irrespective of the legal position would the Parish Council support ‘a properly held referendum’.

It was again asked what was the question or issue to be contained in the referendum and the answer from the floor was “anything”. The Chair informed members of the public that if the question/issue is in relation to the Wick Lane proposal then the most effective action at this stage would be to take up any concerns with the agent.

The Chair then informed members of the public attending that the 15 minute Public Session had ended. She stated that the question “If a properly held referendum was held would the Parish Council support the result?” would be on the agenda for the next Parish Council meeting. She reminded those present that while members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting they will only be permitted to speak during the Public Session.

2) Apologies for Absence were received from Mrs J Jones.

3) Minutes of Monday 9th FEBRUARY 2015 after being circulated and read were signed as a correct record.

4) Matters Arising from the previous minutes: It was reported that a Planning Application at the Old Colliery Site Wick Lane for 7 houses has been submitted. Clerk to obtain a copy of the planning application. Parish Council will submit their comments as an adjoining Parish.

5) Items for Discussion:

a) Update from ‘Being a Good Councillor’ Course: Mrs Stephenson and Mrs Grimes attended the Course. Notes brought from the Course were:

A Single Councillor cannot make a decision. Apologies for absence must be given to the Clerk along for the reason of the absence. A Responsible Financial Officer is not a member of the Parish Council. It is quite often the Clerk. The Agenda is the Clerks’ Agenda. There should be no A.O.B on the Agenda. Everything to be discussed should be an agenda item.

Chairman suggested that the layout of the Agenda is altered in the future.

It was a useful course with 8 other Parish Council members attending from various Parish Councils.

b) Parish Liaison Meeting – 25th February: A Presentation took place on the Implementation of the Care Act 2014 by Nick Willmore Programme Manager Care act Adult Social care. April 2015 sees new legal changes. April 2016 new funding changes. There is a new website my care my support website being developed.

Carers will be able to ask for an assessment of their needs and if eligible they can receive services in their own right. Service users will do as much of the planning for themselves and information and advice will have to be provided by councils as a lot of people get the wrong sort of care. Direct Payments will be the default where the person has a cash payment to use themselves to buy in services’. The increase in the funding for local authorities to support their new duties is about 3% of current spend – the total gain for people is expected to be modest. 50% people in BANES care homes are self funding.

From April the current arrangement that allows people to defer their care cost in a care home becomes a statutory duty. This is essentially a loan, with costs, that is repaid out of the person’s estate. This avoids people having to sell their home in their own lifetime

From April 2016 the personal contribution towards care will be limited to £72,000. It is estimated that it would take nearly 3 years to reach the cap as board and lodging of £247 per week and nursing contribution £105 will be subtracted from the amount.

The level of capital when the local authority starts to contribute is to increase from the current £23,500 to £118,000

Local Development framework:

Placemaking Plan: Consultation options closed end of January. Draft will be prepared for consideration banes cabinet Sept 2015 and then submission for examination.

Housing development boundaries review deadline was 27th Feb

Designation of local green Spaces: The government gave the opportunity for green spaces with special community importance to qualify for a new protection status.

Community infrastructure Levy: A tax on development comes into being 6 April. Any decisions thereafter or approved thereafter will be CIL liable.

BANES budget 2015/6 approved. No Council Tax increase. Funds received from government reduced but cost reductions made… number of offices reduced, improved IT, saving heating costs new Keynsham offices’

Briefing note performance Planning delegation Scheme Statistics given on decisions made at officer level. Lisa Bartlett justified decisions made at officer level. It was agreed that if the Parish Council would like more information they can contact case officer direct.

Provision of improved broadband: 2/3 villages in BANES are not covered by superfast broadband. A Map of BANES was circulated showing broadband coverage given. It was mentioned that in order to get traffic off road and get people homeworking that improved broadband is needed in rural areas. Parishes requested a ½ day seminar in summer to get more information. It was agreed to take this to cabinet member for a date.

Parish Sweeper: A review of the parish sweeper scheme will be undertaken.

Energy at |Home: There will be a new energy at home advice service … how to use less energy, get grants etc.

c) St Thomas a Becket Churchyard: The Parish Council had received notice from the Parochial Church Council that it was their intention to transfer maintenance obligation to the Parish Council. The Parish Council proposed to resolve not to take on the Maintenance Obligation, therefore the Town Council must take over the maintenance of the Churchyard. The Parish Council have three months in which to give written notice of their resolution to the town Council and the PCC.

d) Neighbourhood Planning Workshop: A Neighbourhood Planning Workshop had been attended by Mrs Stephenson, Mr C James, Mrs S Grimes. It was reported that Backwell have just completed their Neighbourhood Plan which has taken 5 years to complete with a lot of work involved. A Planning Lecturer attended the Workshop from UWE. There are 60 students who have to do a 5 week work placement. It was suggested that possibly 3 students could be provided to progress 3 subject items in the Neighbourhood Plan.

Neighbourhood Planning Update: New Funding is now being released for Neighbourhood Planning. The Dates for the Open Meetings are Friday 22nd & Saturday 23rd May. Banners will be put up in Pensford and Woollard. Posters will be put up. A maildrop will be undertaken to all households in the Parish. Display boards will be on show at the Open Meetings. It is hoped to display Pensford as it was, Pensford as it is now, then have a section for Members of the Public to add Pensford “What they would like to see” at the end.
The Neighbourhood Planning Committee are looking at a Prize Draw Incentive for the return of questionnaires. Sources of Renewable Energy were discussed. Mr Ford gave a slid show presentation on how the end results of the questionnaires will be analysed.

e) Chew Valley Forum Meeting: Mr Heaford attended this meeting. The meeting was in two sections with the first section for the Public then second was a detailed presentation from the Health & Well being Board who introduced their review of community health and social care services. It was discussed how access to services can be improved for rural areas. There was a report from the Police who reported the latest crime figures for the whole of the Chew Valley. It was reported that many thefts and burglaries could be avoided if Members of the Public took more care. A presentation was received from Radstock HQ Fire Brigade.

f) Bench for Acker Bilk: The Family of Acker Bilk support the Parish Councils suggestion of a Bench in his memory. Mrs Gully is looking at suitable Benches at present. It was agreed that it could be placed next to the Lock Up and maybe re-locate the iron bench elsewhere in the Parish, maybe the Memorial Hall.

Mrs Cains is progressing the idea of new signs for the Village. Contact has been made with Caroline Roberts, Cabinet Member for Transport who has been involved with new signs for Farrington Gurney as part of a project to ‘de-clutter’ the A37, reducing unnecessary signage and replacing damaged signs, focusing on A37 from Farrington Gurney to Whitchurch. It is hoped that Pensford will meet this criteria.

g) Elections 7th May 2015: Parish Councillors were asked by show of hands if they wished to re-stand for the Elections. All members of Parish Council wished to be re-elected.
Clerk reported that nomination papers had been received. A meeting will be convened to complete the papers. A nominated person will deliver them to the Guildhall.

h) Allotments & Footpaths: A meeting had taken place with the Footpaths Officer on the Allotment Site. He will tidy the pathways and strim where necessary to keep the overgrowth down. A meeting between the Footpaths Officer and Public Rights Of Way Inspector from BANES had taken place. Ringspit Lane issues had been looked at.

A letter was received from an allotment tenant who said that he was delighted to see the vacant plots next to his and the path along the bottom of the allotments had been strimmed. However it was unfortunate that a wheelbarrow has disappeared from the site.

i) Pensford Tennis Club: A meeting was held on 17th March 2015. It will cost approximately £14,000 to have both courts re-surfaced. The Tennis Club do not wish to use all their reserves on the courts as the fencing also needs replacing. An application of £3,000 has been made to the Community Trust to help with resurfacing one court and refurbishing another.

Tennis Coaching has started now. The After School Club is well attended. Costs of using the Memorial Hall in bad weather is being looked into. The cost per 1.5 hours is £4.50 at present.

j) Donation from Parishioner: A member of the Parish and a group of volunteers who were responsible for planting the daffodils around the village have a pot of money which they would like to donate to the Parish Council to put towards the work around the village or the Bus Shelter Project. They will keep money to purchase more daffodil bulbs and donate the rest to Parish Council.

6) Clerks Progress Report:

Redundant Bus Shelter: Matter still ongoing. One local builder has shown an interest in carrying out the works. Notification awaited from BANES in relation possibly closing the footpath whilst works are undertaken.

Gritting: Woollard had been missed off of the gritting route recently. This was reported to Council Connect.

Transportation & Highways: Further to my email sent to this department of BANES no response was received. A copy of my email was sent to Council Connect and Nick Jeanes. Nick passed the email to Sadie Cox who would like to arrange a meeting in Pensford to look at all problem areas with Members of the Parish Council.

Speeding: In relation to concerns regarding speeding Clerk has written to BANES Mr Tom Hayward challenging the Capital Schemes Programme Rural 20mph Speed Limit Programme. No reply has been received to date.

War Memorial in Church Street: Cars and vans are reported to still park up tight to the wall around this monument. This will be discussed during the meeting with BANES representative.

Highways: Potholes in Church Street have been reported to Council Connect.

Your Care Your Way: Extra Leaflets have been requested. Further to this an invitation has been received from the Village Agents to a consultation event, Introducing “Your Care, Your Way” on Tuesday 14th April 10.00am to 12.00noon

The Conygre Hall, North Road, Timsbury. The Village Agents are hosting this event, in conjunction with BANES Council and NHS BANES Clinical Commissioning Group.

Sign damaged by Hedgecutter: Damaged signs by Church Farm have been reported to Council Connect.

Birchwood Lane Sign: Council Connect have been informed that this sign is in need of repair.

Woollard Lane: A sign was damaged by the Hedgecutter, Clerk has reported this to Council Connect and asked for a replacement.

Pavement from Garage to Whitley Batts: This has been reported to Council Connect and Highways Inspector. Clerk has asked for all overgrown vegetation to be dealt with and for a litter pick to be undertaken. Also the condition of the footpath in places requires attention.

Rotary of Chelwood Bridge Community Award: The Parish Councils nomination for this award has been sent. The closing date for nominations is the end of March. The Rotary described our nomination as “very Worthy”…

Planning: An email has been received from a resident in Gibbet Lane which looks over the property Railway Bungalow. The concerns raised are in relation to the agricultural barn which has been put up recently and asks the question “why planning permission was given to this huge property and equally large industrial warehouse, in this; an area of outstanding natural beauty which we understand implies no property development. We live on Gibbet Lane and we all have this now as our view. We note that industrial machinery and vehicles frequent these buildings which are obviously being used as business premises”. Clerk is in touch with Cllr Liz Richardson regarding this.

Winford Parish Council: Clerk was contacted by Winford Parish Council who were asking for a contact for M & M Cable Works.

Winford Parish have also suffered with damaged banks not being reinstated following recent works by this company.

New Bus Service for Whitchurch: There is a new bus service operating the 637 service which starts at Keynsham, Somerdale travels through Keynsham along Charlton Road, it stops at Whitchurch Maes Knoll before travelling to Oatlands Avenue, Whitchurch (by Asda), then terminates at the South Bristol Hospital.

Council’s Annual Civic Reception at the Pump Rooms, Bath: Parish Council Chairman and her Husband will be attending the Civic Reception. Clerk has sent a reply.

7) Planning: Applications to discuss:

15/00598/FUL Rising Sun Church Street Pensford. Alteration of existing first floor window openings to create a new escape door access to new external fire escape stair. Parish Council Support

15/005548/FUL Mr M Baber 85 Hillcrest Pensford Erection of first floor extension to rear and side with sky light in roof. Erection of wall to be built on boundary. Erection of Porch at the front of the house. Parish Council Support.

15/0820/OUT Mr & Mrs Fear 31 Hillcrest Pensford. Erection of 1no.dwelling (Outline application with access and layout to be determined all other matters reserved). Parish Council Support.

15/00853/FUL Mr D Lowe Sunningdale Hillcrest Pensford. Erection of a Detached Garage.

Parish Council support this application. However Planning will be asked to note that a member of the public has reported to the Parish Council that there is possibly a business operating from this address.

Planning Outcomes:

15/00187/TCA 1 The Old School House High Street Pensford. Reduce end weight on tow limbs overhanging on Himalayan Birch. 1 x Lawson Cypress fell to ground. NO OBJECTION

15/00120/TCA Rosemere Publow Lane Woollard. 1 x Bramley Apple – prune overall reduction 15% NO OBJECTION

15/00119/TCA Woollard House Mill Lane Woollard. 1 x Pine – Fell. NO OBJECTION

14/04771/FUL Mr & Mrs Sessford Birchwood Lodge Wells Road. Erection of detached double garage (resubmission). REFUSED.

8) Financial Matters:

Payments over £100.00 to be Authorised:

Mrs J Bragg Salary February + 20hrs Neighbourhood Planning Work 801.52
ALCA Annual Subscription 2015/16 200.86
HMRC Clerk Tax & NI to 31/3/2015 208.44

Further payments to be authorised:

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest 15.60
ALCA Being a Good Councillor Course – SG 60.00
ALCA Being a Good Councillor Course – JS 60.00

Payments Received:

None to Report

9. Any Other Business:

Community Trust: The AGM takes place on 23rd March 2015 at the George & Dragon, Pensford. All Welcome.

Bus Service 637: This new bus service commences on 29th March 2015 and is run hourly.

10. Notice of Future Meetings:

DATE OF NEXT MEETING: ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING followed by the Monthly Parish Council Meeting will take place on MONDAY 13th APRIL 2015 AT 7.15 pm


Parish Council Minutes – 9th February 2015


Present: Chairman Mrs J Stephenson, Mrs J Jones, Mrs L Cains, Mr S Filer, Mr J Kelly, Mrs T Jones, Mrs S Grimes, Mr T Heaford.
Members of the Public attending were Mrs R Anstey, Mr & Mrs Hunt, Mr L Comber, Mrs J Flower and Mr P Baxter.

At the start of the meeting the Chairman reminded all attending that the first quarter of an hour is dedicated to Members of the Public, each Member of the Public having three minutes to speak. The rest of the meeting will be a closed Meeting during which the Members of the Public cannot comment on what the Parish Council discuss.

1) Members of the Public: A Member of the Public attended the meeting to ask the Parish Council to vote “on an issue by a show of hands”. Parish Councillors were not happy to vote as they were not informed what “the issue” they would be voting on was. The Member of Public continued to ask that “if a vote was taken and a Referendum was held would the Parish Council be happy to back the outcome of the referendum or try to undermine it?” Member of Public was told by the Chairman that items needing discussion at a meeting should be given to the Parish Council in advance of the next Parish Council Meeting. The Member of Public was advised to put in writing to the Parish Council details of “the issue” which needs further discussion.

Birchwood Lane: The sign was reported to be coming off of the post. Clerk to advise Highways.

2) Apologies for Absence were received from Cllr P Edwards and Mr L Seymour.

3) Minutes of Monday 12th JANUARY 2015 after being circulated were amended to include Mr Seymour as absent from the meeting. The minutes were then signed as a correct record

4) Matters Arising from the previous minutes:

Memorial Hall Charges: Clerk has raised the Parish Councils concerns regarding the rise in Hire Charges. Memorial Hall Committee have reported that the Pavillion Room will not be hired separately in the future. However the Parish Council Meetings can still continue. Parish Council have arranged to half the cost of the Hire of the Hall with the Women’s Institute. The cost will therefore be £4.25 per hour.

Church Farm Footpaths: A reply is still to be sent to B&NES in response to the recent consultation. The safety of the bridge will be reported. However the ground works are all thought to be ok.

Footpaths Officer: The Footpaths Officer has been asked to strim the edge of the Allotment Site on a regular basis and to strim between beds to keep pathways clear. A meeting will be held with Mrs Stephens and the Clerk to define the allotment plots clearly. The Footpaths Officer has been asked to submit his invoice at the end of each quarter a month before the Parish Councils quarter.

Ringspit Lane: The Footpaths Officer has raised concern regarding Ringspit Lane. There is a lot of work needed along the Lane. Horse Owners are reported to be blocking the footpaths with Electric Fencing. Clerk to contact Sheila Petherbridge and ask for her help. Contact will also be made with the owner of the Snack Wagon and inform him of our intentions.

M & M Contractors – Cable Works: It was reported that the anticipated works and road closures have now been changed and will start in Chew Magna in March. There will only be full closures during the four weekends of the month of March.

5) Items for Discussion:

a) Co-option of Mrs Tracy Jones: Mrs Stephenson proposed that Mrs Jones is co-opted onto the Parish Council, this was seconded by Mr Kelly.

b) Update on Housing Proposal for Wick Lane following the Public Consultation: The Agent informed the Parish Council that they are in the process of reviewing the comments received from residents who attended the consultation event. Only 6 responses were received and the comments generally related to height and design of the terrace to the centre of the site, density and parking. The architects are currently looking into what they can do to address these points. It is likely that an application will be submitted at the end of the month / early March 2015. A member of the public interjected the meeting and reported that the Mail Shot appeared to have been restricted to the bottom of Wick Lane and the High Street and it should have been mailed out further. Member of the Public raised concerns regarding the Drainage but was advised by the Parish Council that the finer details will be down to the Developer who will obviously be advised by a Structural Engineer. Member of the Public raised concerns regarding the access to the site. Further concerns were raised regarding the large vehicles which may be passing a Grade II Listed Building. Members of the Public were advised to pass all comments to the Agent or the Architect and when the application is received there will be the statutory three week period of consultation during which comments can also be submitted. Clerk to forward details of the Agent to Member of the Public.

c) Quarterly Accounts to 31/12/2014/Budget/Precept 2015/2016: Mr Kelly had prepared the Accounts for the Nine Months ended 31st December 2014 and a forecast for the whole year. These showed a near breakeven situation and contrasted with a surplus of £1256 for 2013/14 so running a 2014/15 deficit would be acceptable. The Balance Sheet showing the assets and liabilities of the council was discussed. The new situation was virtually unchanged from 2014. The Debtors relates to the pre-paid part of the Parish Council Insurance. The Current Liabilities include the Precept and Grant which has been paid in advance. While included in the Creditors is the Clerks Salary, nine months of the Audit Fees and Room Hire.
The Budgeted Income & Expenditure Account for the Year Ended 31st March 2016 was circulated this showed a surplus of £882 prior to donations etc. The total budgeted income was explained and Clerk reported that confirmation had been received from B&NES in relation to the £11,000 Precept Money and £690.00 grant money. The Allotment Income is slightly down on previous years as there are available allotment plots. An amount of £150.00 has been put into the accounts expenditure for the Defibrillator to cover an expense of New Pads if necessary, while £500 was allocated for further work if necessary on the allotments. Parish Council supported the Accounts and Mr Kelly was thanked.

d) Neighbourhood Planning Update: No news to date as to whether we have been designated as yet. It was agreed that Local Groups would be spoken to in order raise awareness of the Neighbourhood Plan.

Grant Money: It was reported that any Grant Money received will be paid directly to the Parish Council and has to be controlled by the Parish Council. Mr Kelly kindly agreed to be in charge of this. Two members of the Committee had attended a meeting at B&NES with Cleo Newcombe-Jones regarding the Questionnaire. Some really useful help came out of this meeting. The name of a Traffic Advisory Jacqui Ashman was given. The dates for a drop-in session were agreed as the 22nd & 23rd May 2015. The questionnaire will follow the drop in session with a month to return the questionnaire. Data will be analysed during the July and August holiday period.

e) Update from Community Trust Meeting: Mrs Stephenson and Mr Heaford attended this meeting. The Community Trust have achieved Charitable Status. The AGM will take place on the 23rd March at 8pm. The Community Trust now has 100 members and 13/14k has been raised. Grants have been given to Stanton Drew Primary School garden project and CCTV has been provided for the Memorial Hall. Local Groups are being encouraged to apply for grants. A Grant Making Policy is currently being written and a form will be available to download. A write up will be in the Chew Valley Gazette and the Parish Magazine. The recent Rok the Stones Marathon raised £600 and added this to the funds.

f) PCAA meeting held on 27th January 2015: Mr Heaford attended this meeting. There were thirteen parishes in attendance. As there is money in the bank in the region of 3.5K and no Consultancy Assistance required a Subscription holiday was suggested. This will be debated at the AGM. The Airport is now expanding on the Silver Zone side of the Airport.

g) B&NES ALCA Meeting 29th January 2015: A well attended meeting by 20 parishes. The ALCA Secretary gave a report from the AGM.

In 2016 Employees of the Parish Council will have to have a Pension Scheme. This includes Parish Council Clerks.
Mr Heaford suggested a Training Session for the Parish Council would be a good idea.
Transparency Act: New rules report on how meetings can be filmed and how activities have to be recorded. Payments over £100.00 have to be disclosed publicly. Clerk reported that all payments needing authorisation are put on the Agenda and also added to the minutes.
An open day will be held at the Bath World Heritage Site on 19th April 2015.
A contact from B&NES in relation to Allotments Virginia Williamson was at the meeting.
A discussion took place on Electronic Payments – not widely used.
It was unanimously rejected that the Parish Liaison Meeting will be discontinued.
Mrs Grimes will attend the next meeting on 25th February 2015.

h) BT Infinity Broadband: An email had been received from Compton Dando regarding this. Clerk to circulate the email which has a link to click if interested in BT Infinity Broadband.

i) Woollard Lane – Speed Limits: Concerns have been raised by Members of the Public to the Parish Council Chairman regarding the apparent speed of cars entering Woollard from Hunstrete. The country lanes are the national speed limit which is 60mph. The Parish Council agreed on discussion that it would be desirable to have a lower Speed Limit through Publow, Woollard and parts of Pensford. It is also arguable that 30mph could be too fast in places. Parish Council will challenge the outcome of the recent consultation seeking areas to be designated 20mph limits which refused to include Old Road and Publow Lane as a 20mph Limit.
It was reported that recently a member of the Public was walking on the Pavement coming down Pensford Hill and was clipped by a Wing Mirror of a vehicle. This was extremely distressing for the person involved.

6) Clerks Progress Report:

Litter: A member of the public complained to the Clerk about the amount of litter in and around the Bus Stop at the top of Pensford Hill. Clerk contacted Council Connect and the cleansing team were out litter picking shortly after.

Lordswood: A member of the public contacted the Clerk concerned that notices had been put up in Lordswood asking for Dogs to be kept on leads. Clerk emailed Mr Hillman asking for clarification as to who is in charge of the woods now and what the position is. A reply from Mr Hillman reported that sometimes there are the occasional boisterous dogs in the woods and, as we may imagine, dogs rampaging through the undergrowth etc do not help the wildlife! The management have put up signs at the main access points requesting the public to keep to the paths and to control dogs. A contact telephone number is also provided and it is understood that it was the gamekeeper whom has posted signs requiring that dogs be kept on a lead. It was agreed that the signage will be discussed with the Gamekeeper and the shoot management.

Redundant Bus Shelter: Clerk is struggling to obtain three quotes for the alterations to the bus shelter. One local builder has shown an interest in carrying out the works. Further queries have been raised in relation to the positioning of a skip, also would it be necessary to close the footpath and what permissions are needed from B&NES. Clerk will clarify all of this with B&NES Highways Department.

Gritting: The gritting of the High Street has been included during the recent cold weather.

The Orchard: Clerk has asked for a Grit Bin to be replaced at The Orchard.

Allotments: An advert has been placed on the notice board and a further advert sent for inclusion in the next Parish Magazine the advert has also been added as a news item and also a static page on the web site under the Village Life Tab.

Transportation & Highways: An email has been sent to this department of B&NES as follows: – Parking problems on the corner of Publow Lane in front of Lock Up Cottages. There is an advisory white line but motorists ignore it and park on the pavement in front of the new houses. This area is on a blind bend and you face oncoming cars head on if they are avoiding the cars parked on the pavement. Cars continue to park in front of the Ancient Scheduled Monument the Lock Up causing obstruction. The Parish Council would like the consideration of yellow lines being put down and maybe a raised pavement put in too high for cars to park on. This may alleviate the problem without the lines. A site visit to discuss this would be very much appreciated.

Speeding: Cars are reported to be travelling at speed along Publow Lane and through Woollard Village. We would be grateful to know if you are entering Woollard Village from Compton Dando where their 20mph limit ends and a new limit starts? If it is the national speed limit through Woollard Village then the Parish Council would like this reviewed.

Speeding is another issue which is constantly raised along Old Road in Pensford. It has been discussed many times. The Parish Council asked for it to be considered for a 20mph limit but were refused. Please can some sort of traffic calming be considered, in the form of a chicane? Speed humps? Again, a site visit to look at our options would be appreciated.

War Memorial in Church Street: Cars and vans are reported to still park up tight to the wall around this monument. The Parish Council would like to see some sort of deterrent to stop the cars parking here. Suggestions would be appreciated.

Clerk has received no reply or acknowledgement to the email sent to Transportation & Highways.

Highways: Pot holes have been reported to Council Connect for repairs by Publow Church Car Park and the Peats Hill, Priestdown areas of Publow. Council Connect were also informed that there has been a great deal of work carried out in the area by a Cable Company and the roads have suffered through the many lorries and equipment which have travelled them. Clerk asked for a thorough clean and a sweep of the lanes.

Closure of Wick Lane: A Notice has been received from B&NES to report that works are being carried to the disused Railway Bridge and resurfacing of the carriageway from 23rd February 2015 for one week. The road will only be restricted as and when traffic signs are in position and may not be effected for the whole of the period. This is anticipated to be for only 1 Day. Clerk has circulated to all Parish Council and will add a notice to the notice board and the web site.

Chairman’s Community Awards: Unfortunately our nominations were not successful in winning an award for their nominated category. They did however report an enjoyable evening.

Memorial for Acker: Further suggestion has been a village sign or signs somehow incorporating a type of memorial in some creative way with artwork or wording on it.

7) Planning:

Applications discussed:

15/00329/LBA Dr Tricks Parsonage Farm Parsonage Lane Publow. Internal alterations to ground floor south facing rooms. Works to include changes to the fireplace, restoration of a window bay, update radiators and repairs to lath and plaster ceiling. Parish Council Support.

14/05885/AR Summerhouse, Old Stables, Stanton Road, Pensford. Display of 1 number double-sided oak board sign at end of driveway. Parish Council support this application although it is retrospective.

Planning Outcomes:

14/04771/FUL Mr P Sessford Birchwood Lodge Wells Road Pensford. Erection of detached double garage (Resubmission). REFUSED

Planning Appeal Lodged:

14/04826/FUL Appeal Ref: APP/F0114/W/14/3001688
Mr T Gibbons 13 Hillcrest Pensford Bristol. 2no. Bed dwelling to be built on the side of 13 Hillcrest (Resubmission).

Tree Works Outcome: Mr S Raper Bramley Cottage Publow Lane. NO OBJECTION

Tree Works Applications: 15/00119/TCA Woollard House Mill Lane. 1 x Pine Fell. Paris Council Support.

15/00120/TCA Rosemere Publow Lane Woollard. 1 x Bramley Apple – prune overall reduction 15% Parish Council Support.

15/00187/TCA 1 Old School House High Street. 1 x Himalayan Birch – reduce and weight on two limbs overhanging by 2 metres. 1 x Lawson Cypress – fell to ground level. Parish Council Support.

8) Financial Matters:

Payments to be Authorised:

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary January 631.52
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest 12.13
Memorial Hall Hire for Public Consultation 51.00
Titan Internet Services Renewal 240.00
Church Room Hire for Neighbourhood Planning Meetings 20.00

Payments Received:

Mr P Breach Donation to Hire of the Memorial Hall 51.00

9. Any Other Business:

Defibrillator at Hillcrest: A bill had been received from the Electrician. The bill was for a new bulb. This has been questioned as the Parish Council had not been told about a replacement bulb. It was thought that this bill was an error.
Mrs Stephenson will check.

Memorial Signs: A suggestion of Memorial Signs for the Village in Memory of Acker Bilk had been put forward by a Parish Council Member. Clerk to speak to B&NES and see what they come up with. Mrs Gully will have further conversation with Mrs Bilk for any ideas which she may have.

Your Care Your Way: This is a new project launched for B&NES Council by the Clinical Commissioning Group. It is a consultation about Community Health and Social Care Services, the way these services are organised and delivered and how they can be delivered in a better and more efficient way. It gets started between January 2015 and April 2015. The Launch will be 2017. Further details and leaflets can be obtained from the Village Agents. Clerk to organised Leaflets for Parish Council.

Car Parking: Cars continue to park outside of the Lock Up Cottages and on the pavement in front of Lock Up Cottages. Parish Council to push for Double Yellow Lines to be put down.

Church Farm Sign: Was damaged by the Hedge Cutter recently.

Pavement: Past Garage and up towards Whitley Batts, the pavement is very overgrown it is littered with rubbish and needs repairing in places.

Tennis Club: The Coach will be starting After School Club for Juniors and Improvers. Also Cardio Tennis will be starting. Three Contractors have looked at the courts. The Tennis Club will meet on 15th February to discuss the works.

Road Closures: Mrs Stephenson reported that the recent road closure in Compton Dando had no signage at all from the A368 two headed man towards Marksbury.

Hill House Wall: Further concerns have been raised regarding the wall at this property. Parish Council are still awaiting a report from the Engineers survey/advice that the owners were asked to obtain for Building Control at B&NES.

Pensford Bridge: Member of the Parish Council still has concerns regarding Pensford Bridge.

Banners on the Bridge: Owners of the Banners put up on Pensford Bridge have been advised regarding the necessity of a Licence to display them.

Gritting: There has been no gritting in Woollard or Hunstrete during the recent cold weather. Clerk to follow up.

10. Notice of Future Meetings:

Chew Valley Area Forum meeting on Thursday 12th February 2015 at 6.30pm – 7.30pm (For members of the public) at The Wellsway, Harptree Hill, West Harptree, BS40 6EJ. The formal part of the meeting will commence at 7.30 pm


Minutes of Neighbourhood Planning Meeting – 7th January 2015


Present: Mr C James, Mr C Taylor, Mr A Ford, Mr S King, Mr J Cogan, Mrs S Grimes, Mrs J Stephenson & Mrs J Bragg.

1) Apologies were received from Jacquie Haigh and Helen Stockwell

2) Chairman’s Remarks: Mr James, welcomed new member Mr James Cogan to the meeting.

3) Minutes of Previous Meetings: a) The minutes of 26th November 2014 after being circulated and read were signed by Mr James as a true record.

b) The minutes of 4th December 2014 a meeting which was held with two representatives from the Whitchurch Neighbourhood Planning Group were also signed as a true record.

4) Matters Arising: Draft Minutes: It was agreed that the Draft Minutes would only be submitted to the Chairman who will make any amendments necessary. Once the minutes have been agreed by all members and signed as a true record at the next meeting they will be made available on the web site.
Logo: The Primary School have said that they would like the children to be involved in the creation of a Logo. The Primary School Council made up of school pupils will take this on as one of their projects.
Whitchurch Neighbourhood Planning Group are keen to keep links with Pensford. It was agreed that they would be invited to meet with Pensford every couple of months. It was agreed that we share one common problem which is the A37. We could also share advice with each other on how to get the best advice from B&NES Council. It was agreed to meet as an information sharing meeting rather than a formal meeting. Parish Council members to speak with Paul May.
One matter arising from the 4th December minutes, Mr Taylor had raised a query in relation to the possibility of a Bristol Ring Road. There had been no reaction to this and was dismissed.
5) Feedback from the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 8th December: It was reported that the Parish Council are happy to lend Financial Support to the Neighbourhood Planning Group for items such as Printing, Room Hire and other smaller costs.

6) Items for discussion: a

) Composition and Membership of the Neighbourhood Planning Committee: Mr James explained that there is now a need to clarify how we want the structure of the group to be. It must be Parish Council lead. However after holding 8 meetings, formalisation of the group is needed. It was confirmed that up until now Mr James
02/15 had chaired all of the meetings, and as the Parish Council have agreed to fund the Parish Council Clerk, Mrs Bragg, she will remain the minute taker. The group Proposed Mr James as Chairman, this was unanimously supported. Mr King was proposed as Vice-chairman and this too was unanimously supported by the other members. A Finance Officer will need to be appointed. Mrs Stephenson will ask the Parish Councils Responsible Financial Officer if he would like to hold this position. The correct procedure for opening a Bank Account will be checked with Julie O’Rourke as will the role of the Parish Council in the funding issue.
Mr James explained that at present we potentially have ten members who will regularly meet to push forward with the Neighbourhood Plan. Therefore what structure would everyone like? It was agreed that we would meet as before and try to recruit other members maybe once the questionnaire has been circulated. Awareness of the Neighbourhood Plan still needs to be achieved. The Public Meetings will hopefully be the next stage in raising awareness and maybe recruiting further members.
Publicity: Further reports will be included in the Parish Magazine.
Draft Timescale/Draft Questionnaire/Draft Budget: A meeting had been held between Mr Ford, Mr Taylor and Mrs Grimes who produced a timescale, questionnaire and budget. Research had been carried out by looking at neighbouring parishes questionnaires. The second questionnaire was brought to the table for the members to discuss. A discussion on the questionnaire took up the bulk of the meeting and changes were suggested. It was agreed that Mr Ford would take away the questionnaire and circulate back to all. Any further responses were again to go back to Mr Ford. Clerk was to circulate the questionnaire to the Parish Council prior to their next meeting and ask them to trial filling it out and bring their feedback to the meeting. Mr Ford would make himself available at the meeting for any comments.
Distribution of the Questionnaire: It was noted that the Post Office had kindly offered to help distribute the questionnaires. It was agreed that a box for responses would be put in the Post Office but also offer a collection service for those who could not get to the Post Office with their form.
It was agreed to avoid the Election Period, and that it would be better to delay the questionnaire going out and get it right.
It was agreed that Public Meetings are going to be vital in the whole process. Initial thoughts were to hold the Public Meeting in April/mid-May onwards. The Consultation will also be a good opportunity for recruitment.
Budget Application: Is now pressing in terms of timescale. It was agreed that Julie O’Rourke would be asked for advice on the budget. Mr Ford & Mr James would visit Julie in Bath if it made things easier for her as she had informed the clerk that the earliest she could visit would be the 20th or 27th February.
Funding: The Parish Council will be asked for a Terms of Reference in respect of funding. There will be referendum costs and a B&NES Inspector which are costs paid by B&NES.
National Money is available in April for which the detailed budget will need to be ready.
Next meeting with Julie O’Rourke: Clerk to ask for a meeting sooner than the end of February.

7) Any Other Business:

Mr Cogan offered assistance with an Air Quality Survey/Traffic Management Survey through his employment.

8) Date of Next Meeting: Wednesday 4th February 2015 at The Church Room, Church Street, Pensford.

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