Warer Logo 2020

Bristol Avon WaterBlitz 2020

Bristol Avon Rivers Trust (BART) is an environmental charity working across the Bristol Avon catchment to improve our freshwater environments for people and for wildlife through community-led initiatives and on the ground projects.

BART is excited to announce the launch of this year’s Bristol Avon WaterBlitz.

Taking place throughout August, the annual citizen science event enables participants to help monitor the health of their local river or stream and contribute towards developing a snapshot of water quality across the Bristol Avon catchment.

BART is aiming to get many people involved in the River Chew catchment to help investigate water quality and direct future conservation projects.

Citizen scientists will be able to sample their chosen river or stream using free and simple-to-use water testing kits which will be provided when they sign up to the project. They can upload results to the Freshwater Watch website or app, contributing to a map demonstrating water quality across the catchment. Results could help to identify areas for further investigations and future conservation efforts, helping to improve our rivers for people and wildlife.

Citizen scientists can sign up now through the BART website here

Thank you for helping to make the #BAWaterBlitz the most successful one yet and helping us work together for rivers.

BART are on Twitter @bristolavonrt and Facebook and LinkedIn as ‘Bristol Avon Rivers Trust’.