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Parish Council Minutes – 11th December 2023


Held on Monday 11th December 2023 in the Memorial Hall, Pensford

Present: Mr P Baxter, Mr S Filer, Mr S Grimes, Mrs S Grimes (Chairman), Dr L Malt, Mrs J Stephenson, Mrs H Richardson (Clerk) and 11 Members of Public.

Public Participation: A resident representative from Avon needs Trees updated the Parish Council about planting in the Great Avon Wood, and addressed some concerns from Local Residents. Continue reading Parish Council Minutes – 11th December 2023

Parish Council Agenda – 8th January 2024




You are summoned to attend a meeting of the Parish Council on Monday 8th January 2024 at 7.00 pm in the Village Hall.

H Richardson (Mrs) – Clerk to the Parish Council
Date: 2nd January 2024

Public Participation – Members of Public are asked to inform the Clerk if you wish to attend.
(15 minutes Maximum): Please note that prior to the official business of the meeting; members of the Parish are welcome to raise any Parish issues. Please inform the Clerk providing name, address and subject matter no later than 24 hrs prior to the meeting if you wish to arrange a speaking slot. Please keep your speech to a maximum of 3 minutes. Additionally, the applicant or their agent may verbally present planning applications. You are not guaranteed a slot if you do not book in advance. Please note the Parish Council cannot make a decision on items that are not on the agenda, but items may be put forward for the agenda for the next meeting. Continue reading Parish Council Agenda – 8th January 2024

Vacancy for a Parish Flood Representative

Working as a community is a sensible way to help reduce the impacts of a shared flood risk. In view of the recent spate of wet weather, swollen rivers and flooded roads, the Parish Council is seeking to fill the vacant post of Parish Flood Representative.

Our Parish Flood Representative would be a designated individual who would work in conjunction with the Parish Council to liaise with Bath & North East Somerset Council’s Drainage & Flooding team. The individual would provide an important communication link between the whole of our Parish and the Flood Risk Management authorities on issues such as:

• land drainage
• surface water flooding
• groundwater flooding
• watercourse flooding

It should be emphasised that this position is NOT a flood emergency role. It is primarily concerned with the reporting of ongoing local land drainage and flooding issues in order to come up with practical solutions for long-term improvements.

No technical knowledge of drainage or flooding is required, what’s more important is that the Flood Representative is willing to gather information about drainage issues within our Parish and pass this on to Bath and North East Somerset Council’s Drainage and Flooding team.

The Parish Flood Representative would also make a parish flood plan, keep it up to date and provide information and advice to residents on how to keep safe during flooding.

This is a voluntary, unpaid role. The individual does not need to be a Parish Councillor or attend regular Parish Council meetings. Any member of the public is welcome to apply but the nomination would need to be agreed with the Parish Council.

If you would like to find out more about the Parish Flood Representative role please email the Parish Clerk, Helen Richardson at

Planning Notices – 7 December 2023

The Parish Council has received the following Planning Applications for consideration:

  • Reference: 23/04534/FUL (& 23/04535/LBA Listed Building Consent)
  • Address of Proposal: Bell Farm , Hunstrete Lane, Woollard, Bristol BS39 4HU
  • Proposal: Conversion of barn into ancillary living accommodation, including repairs to roof, re-opening of original windows and creation of one new window in north elevation. Lean-to structure insulated and weatherproofed for conversion. Landscaping alterations and widening of drive access.
  • Expiry Date for Consultation: 07/01/2024
  • Reference: 23/04536/FUL
  • Address of Proposal: Greenmeadow , Woollard Lane, Publow, Bristol BS14 0QS
  • Proposal: Conversion of garage raising of roof and extension behind
  • Expiry Date for Consultation: 29/12/2023

To view full details, or to comment personally on these applications, please visit the Bath and North East Somerset Council, Planning Portal.   

Parish Council Minutes – 13th November 2023


Held on Monday 13th November 2023 in the Memorial Hall, Pensford

Present: Mr P Baxter, C Dinsdale, Mr S Filer, Mr S Grimes, Mrs S Grimes (Chairman), , Mrs T Jones, Dr L Malt, Mrs J Stephenson, Mr W Tantam, Paul May (Ward Councillor) Mrs H Richardson (Clerk) and 8 Members of Public.

Public Participation: A resident suggested that the bin at the top of Pensford Hill is removed as it is being filled with bags of household waste and fly tipping. A resident asked whether repairs would be carried out on the lock up as was agreed some time ago. A resident asked if the Parish Council could help to stop inconsiderate parking by the Old Gospel Hall on Old Road. A resident reported that a 10ft section of a hedge has been removed at the top of Hillcrest and asked the Parish Council to report it on their behalf.

A letter was read out from the resident that proposed the ANPR project withdrawing his support.

44.1. Apologies: Mrs J Gully

44.2. Declarations of Interest: None

44.3. The Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 9th October 2023 were agreed as a true and fair record and the Chairman signed them.

44.4. Planning:

a) Applications to consult:

i) 23/03847/FUL: Publow Oak Barn , Blackrock Lane, Publow. Proposed Solar panels. The Parish Council resolved to SUPPORT the application.
ii) 23/03848/LBA: Publow Oak Barn , Blackrock Lane, Publow. Proposed Solar panels The Parish Council resolved to SUPPORT the application.
iii) 23/04077/FUL: Camelot, 4 Station Approach, Pensford. Refurbishment of existing property including modifications to primary elevation. The Parish Council resolved to SUPPORT the application.

b) Decision Notification:

i) 23/02214/FUL: 13 Hillcrest, Pensford: Erection of two storey side extension and internal alterations, provision of rear decking area, formation of new vehicular access and replacement part of rear boundary hedge with timber fence (Resubmission). PERMITTED

44.5. Matters for Discussion / Decision

a) The Parish Council agreed to extend the role of the footpath officer, to include additional jobs around the parish as agreed on a month-by-month basis at an agreed rate of £15 per hour.
b) The Parish Council agreed to appoint Steve Grimes as the representative to the Parish Council Airport Association.
c) It was agreed that the Parish Council would adopt the new model standing orders and amend them to include some details from the Parish Councils old Standing Orders. Steve Grimes would compile the new amended standing orders for approval next meeting.
d) The Parish Council nominated Steve Fluke to be put forward for the Chelwood Bridge Rotary Club Community Award
e) The Parish Council considered advice to replace defibrillator cabinets (cost £1000 each) as they were out of warranty as they are now 15 years old. LM to get a second opinion. A bleed Kit has been donated to the cabinet at the post office and others could be purchased at £190 each. It was agreed that if Bleed Kits were deemed to necessary, they could be bought cheaper online.
f) The Parish council considered the request to install a bench on Hillcrest by the post box & bus stop. The Parish Council agreed that they would be happy to consider the request if the resident could demonstrate that they have support from the wider community.
g) A request to repair a planter was considered but a volunteer stepped forward to repair the planter. The planters are not owned by the Parish Council.
h) The Parish Council reviewed the consultation on district & polling places 2023 and had no recommendations for change.
i) £35 was approved to purchase a plaque for the Jubilee Tree, (LM)
j) The Parish Council reviewed the first draft of the budget and amendments put forward would be circulated in draft 2.

44.6. Financial Matters

a) The Financial Report was accepted
b) November payments were approved.

Purpose for Expense Mark McMullen – footpaths 
Amount £85.00
VAT £-
Recover N/A

Purpose for Expense Mrs Helen Richardson (33.5f) – Salary
Amount £826.26
VAT £-
Recover N/A

Purpose for Expense British Legion Poppies (Reimburse H Richardson)
Amount £75.00
VAT £-
Recover N/A

Purpose for Expense Post Office – Special Delivery (reimburse H Richardson)
Amount £7.35
VAT £-
Recover N/A

Purpose for Expense DPM Lucas – Grass Cutting
Amount £75.00
VAT £-
Recover N/A

Purpose for Expense Mark Goulding (Bugle Player)
Amount £30.00
VAT £-
Recover N/A

Purpose for Expense ALCA Training
Amount £30.00
VAT £-
Recover N/A

Purpose for Expense Cable Ties(Reimburse S Grimes)
Amount £7.49
VAT £1.25
Recover Y

Purpose for Expense SLCC Membership
Amount £80.91
VAT £-
Recover N

44.7. B&NES Ward Councillor reported that he was pleased to be able to help with a grant for the Clocktower project. He is holding a public meeting in Whitchurch regarding the Local Plan due to the proposal for 2500 extra homes near horseworld. The budget is about £6.5 million short, but early in the process. There will be a series of events to combat Knife crime throughout B&NES following 3 deaths in the last 12 months.

44.8. Reports

a) PCAA: Meeting this week – Minutes circulated.
b) ANPR: Installation date Friday 17th, if no show, contract will be cancelled.
c) Allotments: Plots available
d) Remembrance: was well attended with over 100 people. All went well.
e) Clerks Report – circulated. Local Government Pay Agreement 2023 was noted.
f) The Chairman- The Working group looked at safe routes to the playing fields and looked at the land by the allotments. The Chair of the Community Trust has asked if they could help financially with any projects.

44.9. Items to carry forward to the next meeting: Budgets, Standing Orders.

44.10. To note Future Meetings
Parishes Liaison –28th Feb, 19th June, 18th September 2024
Chew Valley Forum – early 2024
ALCA Meeting 23 Jan, 11th June.

The meeting closed at 21.35pm

Parish Council Agenda – 11th December 2023




You are summoned to attend a meeting of the Parish Council on Monday 11th December 2023 at 7.00 pm in the Village Hall.

H Richardson (Mrs) – Clerk to the Parish Council
Date: 5th December 2023

Public Participation – Members of Public are asked to inform the Clerk if you wish to attend.
(15 minutes Maximum): Please note that prior to the official business of the meeting; members of the Parish are welcome to raise any Parish issues. Please inform the Clerk providing name, address and subject matter no later than 24 hrs prior to the meeting if you wish to arrange a speaking slot. Please keep your speech to a maximum of 3 minutes. Additionally, the applicant or their agent may verbally present planning applications. You are not guaranteed a slot if you do not book in advance. Please note the Parish Council cannot make a decision on items that are not on the agenda, but items may be put forward for the agenda for the next meeting. Continue reading Parish Council Agenda – 11th December 2023

Planning Notices – 5 December 2023

The Parish Council has received notification of the following Planning Applications relevant to our Parish:

  • Reference: 23/04465/FUL
  • Address of Proposal: 6 Hillcrest, Pensford, Bristol, BS39 4BE
  • Proposal: Erection of first floor extension and alterations
  • Expiry Date for Consultation:21/12/2023
  • Reference: 223/04223/PIP 
  • Address of Proposal: Jat Environmental Reclamation Ltd Pensford Hill Pensford Bristol BS39 4JF
  • Proposal: A Permission in Principle Planning Application for the Erection of up to 4 New Build Dwellinghouses (Use Class C3) and Associated Infrastructure at JAT Reclamation
  • Expiry Date for Consultation:22/12/2023

To view full details, or comment individually on these applications, please visit the Bath and North East Somerset Council, Planning Portal.