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Annual Police Report for Chew Valley and Pensford

Crime figure comparison for Chew Valley

Offence                                            Apr 15 – Mar 16   Apr 16 – Mar 17
Theft and handling                           82                                   81
Dwelling/non-dwelling burglary  66                                   57
Violence against the person          59                                   81
Criminal damage                              28                                   27
Arson                                                    3                                       5
Robbery                                               0                                       1

As you can see, the crime statistics are very similar for the last couple of years and as expected are low when compared to busier places like Bath.

Theft and handling offences cover anything from a minor shop theft to the theft of a vehicle.

Dwelling and non-dwelling burglaries have decreased overall since last year which is great news. We have however suffered a small series of dwelling burglaries over the last couple of months in and around the Chew Valley area. This is unusual for us and as such we have worked hard to identify offenders. I have managed to identify an offender for one of the burglaries and have recovered and returned some sentimental property to its owner. Investigations into this are ongoing but it is likely that this offender and associates are responsible for this series. Since we have been focusing on them, the number of dwelling burglaries has reduced significantly.

Violence against the person offences have increased slightly. This may appear alarming at first but it is important to realise that this category includes a large number of offences from low level public order offences (shouting and swearing) to physical assaults. Out of the 81 offences, only 14 of them involved assault with injury. The other offences primarily cover issues such as neighbourhood issues, ASB, domestic incidents and road rage incidents.

Arson offences were all either burnt out vehicles or ASB related.

The robbery was at a commercial premise and at this time 2 suspects have been identified and are under investigation.


We are working hard to maintain a visible police presence in the Chew Valley and surrounding areas. We continue to encourage members of the community to contact the police to report any suspicious activity. We rely on intelligence and information from those around us to assist in keeping our communities safe.
Summer is just around the corner (hopefully) so we would encourage everyone to think about their security, even when at home. All doors and windows should be left secure when out and when at home, consideration should be given to the parts of the house which are not occupied (for example if you are in the back garden and the front windows are open). Advice is available on home security if required. Please feel free to contact your local beat team.

Chew Valley and Pensford Beat Officers

PC 4343 Gemma LINDOW – Beat Manager

PCSO 8079 Martyn BRAGG – Police Community Support Officer

The above contacts are for information and non-urgent enquiries only. If officers are on rest days, leave or sick there may be a delay in responding.

If you wish to report an incident or a crime or need to speak to a Police Officer you should contact 101.

For all emergencies call 999.

We hope you all have a lovely summer.