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Agenda – Parish Council Virtual Meeting – 19th April 2021 (re-scheduled)



MEETING TO BE HELD ON MONDAY 19th April 2021 (re-scheduled from 12th April)
ZOOM: Meeting ID: 921 632 8724 Passcode: 839444

You are summoned to attend a virtual meeting of the Parish Council on 12th April 2021 at 7pm on Zoom

H Richardson (Mrs) – Clerk to the Parish Council
Date: 6th April 2021

1. Public Participation – (15 minutes Maximum): Please note that prior to the official business of the meeting; members of the Parish are welcome to raise any Parish issues. Please inform the Clerk providing name, address and subject matter no later than 24 hrs prior to the meeting if you wish to arrange a speaking slot. Please keep your speech to a maximum of 3 minutes. Additionally, the applicant or their agent may verbally present planning applications. You are not guaranteed a slot if you do not book in advance. Please note the Parish Council cannot make a decision on items that are not on the agenda, but items may be put forward for the agenda for the next meeting.

2. To receive apologies for absence

3. To receive notification of any members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the agenda

4. To confirm minutes of the previous meeting held on Monday 8th March 2021 as a true & fair record

5. B&NES Ward Councillor: To receive an update on district matters from Cllr P May

6. To receive any updates on current matters:

a) Vintage Phone Box – Cllr Paul Baxter & Cllr Jenny Gully
b) Allotments – Cllr Mike Daniels
c) Climate Emergency working group– Cllr Dawn Custance
d) Dog bins –Cllr Mike Daniels
e) Memorial Hall-Cllr Paul Baxter
f) PCAA – Cllr Tony Heaford

7. Matters for discussion/decision:

a) To discuss access agreement with Pensford Social Welfare Centre for the Phone Box
b) To receive an update on the closure of the path behind the Rising Sun.
c) To consider the implications & considerations of returning to face-to-face meetings and consider recommendation to change date for annual meeting of the Parish Council to w/c 3rd May.
d) To receive update on applications for Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funds.
e) To consider grant request from Climate Emergency Working Group for Renewable Energy Audit.
f) To consider grant request from Protect our Keynsham Environment (POKE) for legal costs.

8. Reports:

a) Clerks Progress Report.
b) Chairman’s Report
c) Parish Liaison – Wednesday 24 March,

9. Planning:

a) Applications to consult:
i. 21/01165/ADCOU: Little Haven Barn, Birchwood Lane, Publow. Prior approval request for change of use of agricultural building to dwellinghouse (Use Class C3)
ii. 21/00810/FUL: Recreation Ground, Publow Lane, Publow. Replacement outbuilding.
iii. 21/01194/FUL: Jasmine Cottage, 153 High Street, Pensford. Erection of replacement rear lobby
iv. 21/01512/FUL: Laurel Lea, Pensford Hill, Pensford. Erection of a double storey side extension, porch roof changed from flat roof to tiled pitched roof, and a skylight balcony to the rear of the property

b) Decision Notification:
i. 21/04872/FUL: 155 High Street, Pensford. Erection of a detached dwelling and associated works. REFUSED

c) Other Planning Matters:
i. Report of a Stable on Woollard Lane, being used as a dwelling.
ii. Notice of Tree Preservation Order Land Adjacent to Meadow Barn, Wick Lane, Pensford

10. Financial Matters:

a) To approve the financial Report:
b) To approve Payments to be authorised at March meeting:

Payee Description Amount VAT
Mark McMullen Footpath Officer £80 N
Mrs Helen Richardson Clerk Salary (March Payroll) TBC £719.21 N
Mrs Helen Richardson Reimburse Zoom subscription(Feb) £4.80 N
DPM Lucas Garden Contractors Cut & Strim the Green x 2 £40 N
DM Payroll Services Payroll Management £120 N

11. Items of report to carry forward to the next meeting

12. To Note Future Meetings

Parish Liaison – Wednesday 14 July or Wednesday 21 July, Wednesday 13 October 2021