Agenda – 13th May 2024




TO ALL PARISH COUNCILLORS: You are summoned to attend an Annual & Monthly meeting of the Parish Council on Monday 13th May 2024 at 7.00 pm, following on from the Annual Village Meeting

H Richardson – Clerk to the Parish Council Date: 7th May 2024
Public Participation: (15 minutes Maximum): Please note that prior to the official business of the meeting; members of the Parish are welcome to raise any Parish issues. Please inform the Clerk providing name, address and subject matter no later than 24 hrs prior to the meeting if you wish to arrange a speaking slot. Please keep your speech to a maximum of 3 minutes. Additionally, the applicant or their agent may verbally present planning applications. You are not guaranteed a slot if you do not book in advance. Please note the Parish Council cannot make a decision on items that are not on the agenda, but items may be put forward for the agenda for the next meeting.

51.1. Election of Chairman & Vice-Chairman
51.2. Signing of Declaration & Acceptance of Office

Members of the Public

51.3. Apologies for Absence

51.4. To receive notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the agenda.

51.5. Appointment of Representatives for:
a) Memorial Hall Committee:
b) Parish Council’s Airport Association:
c) Parish Liaison Meetings:
d) ALCA Meetings:
e) B&NES Local Council Group:
f) Chew Valley Forum:
g) Flood Representative:
h) Guardians for Defibrillators:
i) Staffing Panel
j) Climate Emergency Working Group
k) Allotments
l) ANPR Working Group

51.6. To review Standing Orders

51.7. To agree 2024/2025 schedule of Meetings

51.8. To review Risk Assessment

51.9. To confirm the Minutes of Monday 8th April 2024 and Monday 6th May as a true and fair record.

51.10 Planning:

a) Applications to Discuss:

i) 24/01178/LBA. Publow Farm, Blackrock Lane, Publow: Internal and external alterations for the existing ground levels to accommodate drainage system and repair of west facing wall of kitchen

ii) 23/02251/FUL. 48 Hillcrest, Pensford: Erection of 2no. bungalows-Revised Information.

b) Decision Notification: None

51.11. Matters for Discussion/Decision:

a) To receive the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) report 1 24-009 Publow Lane, Pensford (proposed 20mph speed limit).
b) To review the use of the Parish Council Notice boards and consider the proposal to restrict public notices.
c) To review proposal from resident for road safety improvements on the A37 at the junction with Parsonage Lane.
d) To demand B&NES take action to secure the remediation of the land at Queen Charlton Quarry.
e) To demand B&NES take action to replace the unsightly retaining wall on the A37 which was installed as a temporary measure to prevent landslide.
f) To approve expenditure of up to £151 for a strimmer to maintain the communal areas of the allotments.
g) To address concerns about parking by the lockup.
h) To raise a complaint about the condition of the bridge on the A37

51.12. Financial Matters:

a) Finance Report

b) Payments to be authorised

Payee Description Amount VAT TO RECLAIM
Mark McMullen Footpath Officer (april) £85 N/A
Mrs Helen Richardson Clerk Salary (April Payroll) £869.24 N/A
Zurich Insurance Annual Premium £932.87 N/A
L Malt Reimburse The Defib Pad replacement kits x2 29.26 Y
DPM Lucas Garden Contractors Cutting the Green £75 N/A
KC Printing Litter poster £12 Y
PCAA Subscription £95 N/A

51.13. Reports:

b) Allotments
c) ANPR:
d) Defibrillators
e) Clerks Report
f) Chairmans report-

51.14. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting:

51.15. To Note Future Meetings:
Parishes Liaison – Wednesday 19 July 2023, Wednesday 18 October 2023

DATE OF NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: MONDAY 10th June 2024 AT 7pm In the Memorial Hall

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