Crowd-funding Bristol Airport

We have been asked by the Parish Councils Airport Association to publicise the following Crowd-Funding Press release:

Crowd-funding press release – 2 July 2019

Bristol Airport is Big Enough – Help Stop Further Expansion

Help to fund a legal challenge on the planning application 

Today 2 July, a group of environmental activists and local residents launched a crowd-funding initiative via the well-regarded ‘Crowdjustice’ platform to seek funds from people who are concerned with the expansion of Bristol Airport.

The money raised will pay for a leading barrister to provide expert advice on the Bristol Airport application.  We need to raise the money quickly to stop an extra 23,600 air transport movements a year which will bring increased noise and pollution. 

The expansion will turn neighbouring green belt land into a car park and create greater congestion on local roads. The aviation sector is the fastest growing source of greenhouses gases.

 Contact:  Hilary Burn