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Minutes – 10-09-18


Present: Chairman: Mrs J Stephenson Vice-Chair: Mr T Heaford Mrs Tracy Jones, Mr Tony Jones, Mrs S Grimes Mr P Baxter. Clerk: Mrs J Bragg
There were seven members of the public present.

1. Members of the Public – Mr D Lowe: The Parish Council Chairman presented Mr Lowe the Parish Councils Footpaths Officer with a Certificate of Recognition from the Rotary Club of Chelwood Bridge. Mr Lowe had been nominated by the Parish Council for a community award for an outstanding contribution within the community.
Mr Lowe attended the meeting to seek the Parish Councils view on having stones put at the entrance to the Parish similar to the Millennium Stones in other Parishes. It was thought that Pensford did not have their own Stones because of restrictions on the A37. Clerk will take this up with Highways.
Private Land Owners will be asked for alternative locations should the A37 roadside not be allowed.
The Parish Council were happy to support this idea, also the possibility of planters or stone troughs.
The Parish Council were asked to support with some funding. Mr Lowe would be happy to help with the upkeep of the planters.

2. Apologies for Absence were received from Cllr P May, Mr J Kelly, Mrs J Gully, Mrs D Custance & Mr M Daniels.

3. To receive notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda: None Received.
The meeting was recorded from this point.

4. Matters for Discussion/Decision:

a) To Agree and sign the amended part of the minutes of Monday 9th July 2018 and to agree minutes of Monday 13th August 2017 and sign as a true and accurate record: The amended July Minutes and the minutes of 13th August 2018 after being circulated were signed as a true and accurate record.

b) Litter Pick: The date for the next Litter Pick was agreed as Sunday 21st October 2018 at 9.30 am. Bags and extra Litter Picks will be obtained from BANES.

5. To Receive an update on District Matters from Cllr P May: Apologies were received from Cllr May. Building Works along Charlton Lane Keynsham were discussed and now see the third development extending as far as Parkhouse Lane, Charlton Road Keynsham. This development will include Allotment Land and a new access. The 30 mph limit will be extended.

6. To receive any updates on current matters:

a) Local Plan Briefing Session 16th August 2018: Notes from the Briefing Session had been circulated. The Local Plan is looking for 700 more houses in BANES. Potential new developers are interested in land to the right of A37 travelling South, by the junction of the B3130. This was discussed.

b) TRO Church Street Notice: The wording of the TRO was queried. Clerk to speak to Traffic and find out the location of the proposed restricted bays.

c) Affordable Housing Cut-off Date & Figures from BANES: It was reported that 8 households had registered with Homesearch all wanting 1-bed accommodation. This shows that there is presently not the need anticipated by the Parish Council. It was agreed at present to shelve the Affordable Housing Project. Mr Baxter will notify Mr Ward at BANES.

d) Peats Hill Drainage Works commencing 24th September 2018: The details of the Drainage Works had been circulated to all Parish Council, a copy had been sent to the Webmaster and a copy put on the Noticeboard. It was reported that the Diversion Signs had been located in the wrong place. This will be amended. There were no other queries raised.

e) Tennis Club: Membership numbers remain good, the Tennis Court surfaces are good. £430.00 was made at the recent Duck Race at The Rising Sun. Thanks were extended to Mike Radford & Jo Drury.

f) Finger posts Fundraiser: The next fundraising event will take place on Sunday 7th October 2018 at the Grange Belluton between 6pm & 8pm. Flyers will be produced and distributed. Chairman has applied for a grant towards refurbishing the remaining Fingerposts through the Diamond Fund, Bristol Airport.

g) Clerks Training: Clerk will be attending training with ALCA over three consecutive months. The training is Local Council Administration 1, 2, 3 and is designed to also be relevant to the CILCA Portfolio. (Certificate in Local Council Administration).

h) Variable Message Sign for Old Road: A plan for the location of the Vehicle Activated Sign proposed for Old Road had been received. The location is the best place in terms of forward visibility and it is the only accessible location to tap into an electrical supply.

7. Reports:

a) Clerks Progress Report:

Bristol Airport Summer Review: Clerk has re-circulated the details.

Bristol Water River Chew Restoration: Parish council response was that they felt the proposals are not returning the river to its natural state were submitted back to Bristol Water.

Pensford River Chew – Mink in River: Following concerns made by a member of the public a response had been received from the Biodiversity Officer at the Environment Agency. They report that funding and staff support for Shooting and conservation schemes have ran out and they are not aware of any initiatives at the moment for tackling Mink. A suggestion is to get in touch with a Wildlife Trust to find out if they run any projects.

Bristol Airport Noise Consultation: Clerk circulated to all PC Members. No comments have been received back.

Affordable Housing: Results from BANES had been received regarding the amount of Homesearch
Registrations and the type of accommodation need. Clerk has circulated details prior to the update to be given at the meeting.

Allotment Relocation: Clerk asked Gary Ward how many allotment plots would the Parish Council need to relocate should Affordable Housing go ahead. Gary suggested setting up a meeting with the Allotment Officer as it is out of his knowledge. There are currently 24 plots on the site and 23 of them are being worked. Clerk has measured one plot and it measures approximately 12 metres x 4 metres.

Culvery Wood: A new wooden bench has been installed.

Trees High Street/Old Road: No update.

West of England Rural Network AGM: The Parish Council has received notification that this takes place on Tuesday 18th September 2018. Clerk has details should anyone wish to attend.

Defibrillator Hillcrest. Clerk has sent the cheque for £ 176.40 in respect of the Tag Monitoring for the three defibrillators in the Parish. Guardianship of the Hillcrest one is to be taken over by Mr Daniels. Clerk has made contact with the current Guardian and asked her to replace the bulb in the light.
Community First Responder: A letter has been received from South Western Ambulance Service extending their gratitude for the donation made to the Chew Stoke Community First Responder Scheme.

Pensford Air Quality Update: No update on Air Quality, Cllr May was to ask Lucy Bolton to attend a future meeting.

Training Session: BANES are arranging a training session for Parish/Town Councils on the 9th October from 10.00 a.m. – 12 noon in the Guildhall, Bath on the revised NPPF that has recently been released. The training session will focus on the changes between the old NPPF and the new one. One representative from each Council can attend. Return attendee name by 28th September…..

Chairs Community Awards: Nominations for the awards 2018/19 have been launched. Nominations have to be made by Friday 21st December with presentations in February.

WW1 Battles Over – Beacons of Light: Parishes in the area will be participating in the “Battles Over – A Nations Tribute commemoration on 11th November. There is a page on the BANES Web Site to promote and record activities and events taking place. Clerk has sent details to the Webmaster for inclusion on the Parish Council Web Site.

War Memorial: No update on Cleaning quotes, without these an application for Listed Building Consent can’t be made as materials being used have to be listed, the grant application end date for the War Memorials Trust is 30th September 2018.

Planning: Clerk contacted the Case Officer and asked if a Design and Access Statement was necessary in respect of Planning Application 18/03343/FUL The Laurels High Street Pensford. Erection of extensions, rear first floor balcony and relocation and design change of a dormer window. It was confirmed that a D&A Statement would not be necessary as they are only required for extensions over 100 square meters. Clerk circulated this information and subsequently sent in the Parish Councils Support to this application. Clerk also emailed the owner of the property to inform them of the Parish Councils decision.

Quarry Lodge (Log Cabin) Woollard Lane: Clerk has received a telephone call from a concerned resident who reported that they understand Planning Consent has been granted for the Log Cabin namely Quarry Lodge to remain in Woollard Lane. This has been an enforcement issue since before February 2015. Updates from the Planning Officers have were that the authority were to initiate legal proceedings back in April 2017. Clerk has asked for an update on this situation.

8. Planning:

Applications Consulted or to Consult:

There were no applications.


18/02761/FUL Ms S Tremlett 49 Hillcrest Pensford. Erection of two-storey dwelling. REFUSE

18/02696/FUL Mr Macleod The Mead Stables Blackrock Lane Publow. Erection of detached single storey dwelling and ancillary works. REFUSE

9. Financial Matters:

Payments to be authorised over £100.00

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary as per NJC Scale Point 27 £757.72
Friends of …….. Donation to Church Tower St Thomas a Becket £100.00

Payments to be authorised:

Mrs J Bragg Imprest, Ink Cartridge, Stationery £ 44.00
Mr D Lucas Village Green Grass Cutting 23/8/18 £20.00
DCM Computers Remote Service Renewal £72.00
D M Payroll Payroll Services D Malley £36.50
Mr D Lowe July Footpaths Hours 10 hours @ £8 per hour £80.00
Mr D Lowe August Footpaths Hours 10 hours @ £8 per hour £80.00

Receipts to note: None to note

10. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting:

11. To Note Future Meetings:

BANES ALCA Meeting Wednesday 19th September 2018 Saltford Village Hall at 7.10 pm
Bristol Airport Summer Review Thursday 13th September 2018 at 6 pm for 6.30 pm
ALCA AGM 6th October 2018 Conygre Hall Timsbury at 10 am for 10.30 start.