Parish Council Minutes – 11 June 2018


Present: Chairman: Mrs J Stephenson Vice-Chairman: Mr T Heaford
Mr S Filer, Mrs D Custance, Mrs T Jones, Mr M Daniels, Cllr P May, Mr T Jones, Mrs P Baxter, Mrs S Grimes, Mrs J Gully.
There were five members of the public present along with Mr C Head WERN.

1. Members of the Public:

Jane Flower – Update on 50th Flood Anniversary Celebrations: All events are in hand for Sunday 8th July 2018. The Heritage Trail will be launched on the day. The commemorative plaque will be unveiled and will show the date of the flood, the flood level and give thanks to all of the organisations who helped. It will cost approximately £350.00.

Chris Head – West of England Rural Network: WERN have been working closely with parishes in relation to commemorative events of the Great Flood. Flood Levels will be shown by ribbons on the day. An event takes place in Woollard on 7th July.

Riparian Ownership/Management: Riparian management is being responsible for the part of the riverbank which adjoins your property. WERN are to help parishes progress this. Parish Online can be used to map ownership of River Banks.

2. Apologies for Absence were received from Mr J Kelly

3. To receive notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda: None Received.

4. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 14th May 2018 as a true and fair record: After being circulated and read were signed as a true and fair record.

5. Matters for Discussion/Decision:

a) Affordable Housing – Curo Leaflet – Formation of Steering Group Representatives: The group representatives will be Mr Filer, Mr Baxter and Mr Daniels. They will arrange a meeting to discuss the design of the housing and feedback to Curo. The leaflet from Curo will be adapted and put into the Parish Magazine and onto the Web Site. Cllr May will be kept up to date on progress.

b) Staff Panel: The Staff Panel had prepared the Annual report for 2017/2018. This was circulated to all the Parish Council.

c) Clerk Pension: The Parish Council had received a fine of £400.00 due to a late submission of a Nil Return in relation to the Clerks Pension. Clerk had chosen to opt out of a Pension Scheme.

d) War Memorial: Parish Council were happy for the progression of getting the Memorial Cleaned and the addition of a name of someone from WW1 added. Clerk will progress and look at obtaining a grant from the War Memorials Trust for the Works.

6. To Receive an update on District Matters from Cllr P May:

Update on A37: A survey will be circulated to residents living on Pensford Hill to gain views on the proposals for the A37 works. The crossing is still to go ahead by Short Lane. Kelvin Packer BANES will be attending the July Parish Council meeting. Updates and proposals had been circulated.

Cllr May also reported on Fix My Street, Staff reductions at BANES and the Local Plan.

Mrs Grimes agreed to be the Parish Council Liaison for discussions between Whitchurch Queen Charlton and Keynsham works.

7. To receive any updates on current matters:

a) Allotment Site: Clerk reported there are 9 people waiting for allotment plots. Site meetings had been arranged.

The Contractor has reported that there is a dead tree which needs taking down and removing as it is unstable and hangs over two further plots. Parish Council agreed for the removal of the tree and the clearing of the two plots. A representative of the Memorial Hall will ask for the Allotments to be added to the agenda of their next meeting to discuss the possibility of relocating the allotments.

b) General Data Protection Regulation Update & Shared emails: A meeting had taken place between Clerk and Webmaster. They are now in the process of producing a Policy which will be added to the Website. The Webmaster will be asked to look into the possibility of creating Alias email addresses for Parish Councillors. Clerk reported that all Parish Councillors and the Clerk should have an email address specifically for Parish Council work and following General Data Protection Regulation advice there should be no shared email addresses.

8. Reports:

a) PCAA Emergency Meeting: An Emergency had been arranged for 28th June 2018. The consultation to increase growth at the airport to 12 million passengers continues until 7th July 2018. A feedback form is available at

b) Chew Valley Forum: Notes from the meeting had been circulated to all Parish Councillors. No further discussion.

c) Parish Liaison: Mrs Grimes had prepared notes from the meeting, the clerk circulated and there were no queries raised.

d) Update following Meeting at Pensford Primary School (Litter Pick): Chairman had visited the school to meet with the Head teacher. A future Litter Pick was discussed and it is hoped to encourage the Primary School Children to help. The areas of Church Street and the Memorial Hall will be designated to them.

e) Clerks Progress Report:

Google Maps: The GIS car will be out and about in the area over the next two weeks re-photographing our streets and getting into all the new ones. Results will be added to Parish Online. Also more river photography will be carried out this Summer.

Grass on the Common: Parishioners have been asking if the grass can be cut on a regular basis. In the past years we have questioned and never had a definite answer as to who actually owns this grass? It was reported at the meeting that it has now been cut.

Trees on Old Road: Parishioners have complained that they are very tall and over grown.

Weed Control: Clerk was notified that as per the Parish Scheme Agreement the Parish would be sprayed on 20th May 2018.

Bollards on Nursery Corner: Clerk has emailed a request to Kelvin Packer to have these replaced as part of the A37 Works.

Old Road: A resident sent an email of concern regarding the speed limit at Old road currently a National Speed Limit a small lane with no pavement which she regularly walks along. A problem of speeding motorists exacerbated by the A37 Landslide has been encountered whilst walking along here. Additionally this person expressed concern regarding the speed limit on the A37 from the entrance to Old Road where it meets the A37 to Chelwood, an addition of a sign which says no overtaking along here was also requested. This person often gets off of the bus at the North Bound Whitley Batts stop and has to walk with fast cars coming towards her and also at night in the pitch black as there is no streetlights or pavement. A copy of the email was sent to Cllr May and Kelvin Packer at BANES. A response to all of these concerns is awaited, although it is noted that the lights on the A37 works have now gone but the problems still remain.

Bin Woollard: Still await an update on this.

Road Repairs Mill Lane: Still await repairs to the potholes and poor road surface.

Access to viaduct: A botanist who has a special interest in Lichens has asked the Parish Council about access to the viaduct to study the track surface and parapet as it is an ideal habitat for lichens. Clerk has given him details of the Historic Railways Estate as the viaduct is their responsibility.

Bristol Airport Master Plan Consultation Stage II – Item 8a on the June Agenda. Clerk had to drive up to the Airport to collect copies of this consultation document.

Banking: All of the Nat West Banks in the area have closed now, including Chew Magna and Keynsham. The nearest Bank for the Parish Council is Knowle. However, cheques and cash can be paid in at the local Post Office.

CPRE are saying that they have not received the Parish Councils cheque to renew their membership. Clerk is looking into this. A cheque was raised on 12th March 2018 and sent to them. Once the Bank Statements arrive Clerk can check this.

Footpaths: An invoice was raised in respect of the Parish Council Agency Agreement for 2018/19 in relation to the Footpaths Officer Agreement. The total of £855.10 has been received from BANES.

New Chairman of BANES Council: Clerk circulated details of the new Chair Karen Walker and a new Vice-Chair Eleanor Jackson.

Training: The next training session being offered by ALCA is Social Media for Parish Councils which gives advice on such things as Setting up a Twitter account and creating a Facebook Page for your Parish/Parish Council. This takes place on the 23rd June 2018 10am – 12.30pm at Saltford Village Hall.

Parish Council Insurance: The Premium of £729.25 was paid this is for a five-year tie in period with Zurich.

9. Planning:

Applications to Consult:

18/01825/OUT Mr Budd Broadoak Sidings Wick Lane Pensford. Outline application for the erection of 1no dwelling. Comments submitted in relation to past Enforcement issues at this site.

18/01951/FUL Mr Garry Cole Parcel 5001 Woollard Lane Publow. Creation of horse ménage measuring 38m x 45m. Parish Council Object.

18/02076/LBA Mr & Mrs Smith Chew Cottage Mill Lane Woollard. External alterations for the erection of single storey extension, demolition of garage and alterations to access. Parish Council support but note the same reservations regarding parking.

18/02075/FUL Mr & Mrs Smith Chew Cottage Mill Lane Woollard. Erection of single storey extension, demolition of garage and alterations to access. Parish Council support but submitted reservations regarding parking.

Planning Outcomes:

18/01450/FUL M Sivier Woodcroft Barn Woollard Lane. Erection of summerhouse and garden store. PERMIT

18/01178/LBA Mr A Ringer Cottles Farm House Blackrock Lane Publow. Internal and external alterations for the installation of 3no. roof lights and timber casement window in kitchen following removal of existing ceiling. CONSENT

10. Financial Matters:

Payments to be authorised over £100.00

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary as per NJC Scale Point 27 £747.58
Neil Tibbs Garden Machinery – Allotment Clearing/Rotavating £708.00

Payments Authorised between May/June Meeting:

Zurich Insurance Parish Council Insurances Renewal £777.33
SLCC Membership Renewal £128.00
Allotment Society Membership Renewal £30.00
Mr D Lucas Cutting of village green x 2 cuts £40.00
ALCA GDPR Training £40.00
Memorial Hall Hire for Curo Meeting £20.00
K C Printing GDPR Toolkit Printing £27.60
Pension Regulator Clerks Pension £400.00

Payments to be authorised:

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest £34.80
Mrs J Gully Plants for War Memorial £20.00
PCAA Membership Renewal £50.00
Mr D Lucas Cutting of Village Green 18/5 & 25/5/18 £40.00

Receipts to note:

Mr D Lowe Donation to Fingerposts £130.00
Various Member of Public Donation to Fingerpost £20.00
Various Allotment Rents £140.00

12. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting:

Mrs Grimes gave her apologies for the July Meeting.
Mrs Jones queried the extra storage container on the football field.

13. To Note Future Meetings: DATE OF NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: MONDAY 9th July 2018 AT 7.15 pm