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Parish Council Minutes – 9th April 2018


Present: Vice-chairman Mr T Heaford, Mr P Baxter, Mr J Kelly, Mr M Daniels, Mrs S Grimes, Mrs D Custance, Mrs T Jones, Mr T Jones, Cllr P May. Clerk: Mrs J Bragg.
There were nine members of the public present.

1. Public Participation:

Jane Flower – Parish Council fully supported an idea from Member of Public to celebrate and remember those who helped Pensford following the Great Flood. Costings awaited.

Pensford Hill Issues: Chair of the Governors to Pensford Primary School attended the meeting to raise two issues. Firstly the bollards which were removed from Pensford Hill have not been replaced. When will they be replaced? And secondly the promised safety improvements have not been progressed. When is this likely to happen?
The safety of the school remains a concern. A car recently crashed into the wall of the school and large pieces of stone fell into the school playground.
Cllr May will arrange a meeting with the Headmaster at the School and follow up the concerns raised with Kelvin Packer at BANES.

2. Apologies for Absence were received from Mrs J Gully, Mrs J Stephenson & Mr S Filer.

3. To receive notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda.

None Received.

4. To confirm Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 12th March 2018 as a true and fair record. To confirm the Minutes of Wednesday 21st March 2018 as a true and fair record. The Minutes of Wednesday 21st March 2018 were agreed and signed as a true and fair record. The minutes of Monday 12th March 2018 were disputed. Once agreement was reached it was proposed that the minutes were signed as a true and fair record by Mr J Kelly and seconded by Mrs T Jones.

5. To Receive an update on District Matters from Cllr P May: An update was given on Resourceful Earth Site, Parking Regulations by the Post Office in Church Street Pensford, Developments in Whitchurch & Bath Clean Air Zone.

6. To receive any updates on matters from the last meeting:

i) Fingerpost Fundraiser: A fundraiser was held at The Grange on 18th March. 25 people attended. An amount in the region of £530.00 was raised with further donations being received. £17.00 was raised through the sale of the Postcards. An application to Tesco has been made for a grant of £4,000. It will take 6 months for a decision to be made.

ii) 10K Update: Takes place on Sunday 29th April at 11am and will be a 10K Trail Run. Marshalls are still needed. The Fun Run will be held on the Memorial Field.

7. Matters for Discussion/Decision:

a) Affordable Housing: A set of plans for Housing on the Allotment Site had been drawn up. The drawings propose 12 Affordable Housing Units, 8 x 2 bedroom and 4 x 3 bedroom. Mr Baxter asked the Parish Council if they are prepared to put both his and Winsley Whites sets of plans in front of the village and support the preferred plans. It was agreed that a vote would be the appropriate way forward.
1st Vote – Will the Parish Council support the Residents Choice from a Statutory Consultation. Unanimous decision from Parish Council Members present to support.
2nd Vote: Do the Parish Council agree with Mr Baxter drawing up the plans for free?
Against: Mr Daniels, Mr Kelly. For: Mr Heaford, Mr T Jones, Mrs S Grimes.
Abstained: Mrs T Jones and Mrs D Custance.
The Parish Council agreed that Mr Gary Ward from BANES should be contacted and a meeting with him arranged.
WECA will be approached for funding.
It was agreed that the costs in relation to this Plan is to be picked up by the Parish Council subject to any contribution by WECA.
A list of Consultations will have to be undertaken. Mrs Jones to undertake the administration of these Consultations.

b) Signs to Tennis Courts:

Parish Council agreed on a sign for the Tennis Courts at Publow Lane. There is currently no sign and many are not aware of the location of the Courts.

c) Rotary Community Award Nominations:

Parish Council will be submitting four nominations.

8. Reports:

a) Parish Councils Airport Association Meeting: Vice chairman gave an update on the Formal Consultation. Letters expressing concern regarding the development of the airport have gone to MP’s in the area. There is a new Web Site for Parishes called Airport Watch.

b) Planning in Plain English: Clerk & Chairman attended a very detailed and informative presentation which was unfortunately disrupted by technology faults.

c) Clerks Progress Report:

Drain Cover: The loose drain covers on the A37 continue to be a problem and still have not been repaired by Wessex Water.

Parking Problems by Post Office: Further problems were experienced by the Post Office owner.
It has been suggested that “No Waiting at any time” should be put in place. Comments from PC members are that it may cause further lack of custom. Clerk has emailed Cllr Tim Warren but has had no reply to date. Clerk has also asked Parking Team that if a No Waiting at any time was put in place how this would be enforced?

Garage Site: There were no objections raised to the naming of the eight new houses currently under construction at New Road, Pensford as “King’s Court Cottages”.

Affordable Housing – Winsley White: A reply has been sent back to Winsley White thanking them for sharing their proposals with the Parish Council but asking them to note that for obvious reasons the Parish Council does not comment on proposals only on applications.

Culvery Wood Footpath: Our footpaths Officer has identified the need for some chippings to be put down at the beginning of the footpath as it is very boggy and wet. He is happy to progress this. PROW Officer Sheila Petherbridge at BANES has confirmed that if the PC purchase the chippings she will re-imburse us from her budget. Parish Council agreed for this to be progressed.

Titan Internet: After many phone calls our Web Hosting has been renewed. An overpayment was made last year of £240.00 as Titan informed us they had not received their payment. A second payment was made and both cheques were actually cashed. The next Hosting payment will need paying in 2020 and not 2019 as we are now in credit. All recorded in the accounts book.

Australia: Clerk received an email from a gentleman who lives in Canberra Australia, he says he was “Pleased to hear that we have erected a memorial seat in the village in memory of Acker Bilk”. This gentleman heard Acker play and was fortunate to have met him over 70 years live with the Paramount Jazz Band on tour in Australia.

Allotments: A local person who has cleared the Allotment Site for us in the past has been asked to have a look at repairing the gate post at the Allotment Site. Reply awaited.
An allotment holder has asked to take over an extra plot on the site.
Clerk to send out the invoices for the allotment rentals for the next year.

War Memorial: Clerk trying to get quotes for the wall at the front of the Memorial.

50th Anniversary of the Great Flood: Clerk has been in touch with Ruth Coleman the Flood Project Officer at WERN. Guidance for dealing with Riparian Ownerships within her role will be offered.

Local Plan/HELAA Assessment Training: A Training Session facilitated by Place Studio is now confirmed as 3rd May 2018. It will take place from 3.00 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. in Timsbury.

General Data Protection Regulations: These come into effect from 25th May 2018.
A lot of information is being produced by ALCA/NALC there is a training course on Monday 30th April 2018 which Clerk is booked onto. The cost of the training course is £40.00 per delegate.

Planning Applications: Parish Council decisions regarding Planning Applications on the Agenda were returned to the Planning Department by the Clerk after the March Meeting giving time for comments to be made on them at the Parish Council Meeting.

9. Planning:

Applications received & Circulated for Comment:

18/01178/LBA Mr Alistair Ringer Cottles Farm House Blackrock Lane Publow. Internal and external alterations for the installation of 3no. roof lights and timber casement window in kitchen following removal of existing ceiling. Parish Council Support

17/06068/LBA Mrs M Thomas The Grange Stanton Road Pensford. External alterations for the installation of oil tank and base and associated pipelines, following removal of existing oil tank from garage (Regularisation). Parish Council Support

17/06067/FUL Mrs M Thomas The Grange Stanton Road Pensford. Installation of oil tank and base and associated pipelines, following removal of existing oil tank from garage (Retrospective)

18/01342/FUL Mr & Mrs Reed The Sheiling Woollard Lane Publow. Erection of a Porch. Parish Council Support.

Planning Outcomes to Note:

18/00410/FUL Mr K Sheehan The Orchard Gibbet Lane Norton Malreward. Erection of an infill front extension, removal of the conservatory and erection of a raised platform and decking with a hot tub. PERMIT

18/00702/TCA Mr Garner The Old Bakery High Street Pensford. Red Oak (T1) Crown reduction of up to 3m. No Objection.

18/00441/CLEU Mr G Cole Parcel 5001 Woollard Lane Publow. Use of the land for equestrian use. (Certificate of lawfulness for an existing use). LAWFUL

Planning: It was reported that a porch is being added to a property in Priestdown and should it need planning permission.

Quarry Lodge: The Planning issues on this site are being referred to the Planning Committee.

10. Financial Matters

Payments to be authorised over £100.00

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary £747.58

Payments to be authorised:

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest £42.00
ALCA Planning in plain English £100.00
Memorial Hall Extraordinary Meeting Hire of Hall £5.00
Mr D Lowe Footpaths Officer £88.00


None to note

11. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting: Saturday 12th May 2018 will be an event to celebrate the new Play Equipment at the Memorial Hall.

12. To Note Future Meetings: DATE OF NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: MONDAY 14th May 2018 AT 7.15 pm. This will be the Annual General Meeting and the Annual & Monthly Meeting