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Parish Council Minutes – 12th March 2018


Present: Chairman: Mrs J Stephenson Vice-chairman: Mr T Heaford
Mrs J Gully, Mrs T Jones, Mrs S Grimes, Mr J Kelly, Cllr P May, Mr S Filer, Mrs D Custance,
Clerk: Mrs J Bragg
There were ten members of the Public present.

1. Welcome Winsley White: The Parish Council welcomed Sam Winsley from Winsley White Building Contractors Chilcompton, who specialise in delivering Affordable Housing to Rural Villages and Architect Josephine de Boynes from CJ architects. Mr P Baxter left the meeting at this point.
The Architect presented to the Parish Council the proposal Winsley White have for the land opposite the Memorial Hall which consisted of 10 affordable homes.

2. Public Participation: A member of the Public raised concern regarding the mess left behind on the Village Green after the Christmas tree had been taken down.
Member of the Public questioned the role of the Parish Council. An email had been sent to the Clerk raising concerns regarding trees and logs in the River. The Environment Agency had been contacted.
Minutes: Ways of how and where to read the Parish Council Minutes were discussed.

3. Apologies for Absence were received from Mr M Daniels & Mr Tony Jones.

4. To receive notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda: Mr S Filer in relation to agenda item 7iii

5. To confirm Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 8th January 2017 as a true and fair record. To confirm the Minutes of Monday 12th February 2018 as a true and fair record: The minutes were not agreed. Chairman asked for a vote on the minutes however a Parish Councillor disputed this. It was agreed to hold an extraordinary meeting of the Parish Council on Wednesday 21st March 2018.

6. To Receive an update on District Matters from Cllr P May: Updates were received from Cllr May on BANES Council tax and budget, the Joint Spatial Plan, WECA Skills Advisory Board and the Parish Charter.
Waste: There has been a 30% increase in recycling. Black bags have reduced by 28% & 60,000 wheelie bins have been handed out.
A37 Works: BANES are looking at a different contractor.
Post Office: A Temporary Parking Order has been agreed which can be enforced. Enforcement was recently carried out at Whitchurch.
Resourceful Earth: No update at present. Cllr May to follow up.

7. To receive any updates on matters from the last meeting:

i) Parking Church Street: BANES have agreed for an advisory temporary sign to be put in place until the formal Traffic Regulation Order for 30 minute bays can be processed.

ii) Fingerposts: The next fundraiser had been organised for Sunday 18th March at The Grange Belluton. The Fingerpost at Belluton has been removed for refurbishment. The Fingerpost at Priestdown Woollard Lane be removed and re-installed as it is leaning and is unsafe.

iii) Flooding Peats Hill: The Flood Team have visited and cleared out the existing highway drainage in the verge allowing the water from the road to flow into a small pipe. The Land Owner is not happy with the Flood Teams actions. Cllr May will progress this issue.

8. Matters for Discussion/Decision:

a) Affordable Housing: A plan has been drawn up for 12 properties 2 or 3 bedroom. 36 parking spaces are proposed and access to the houses will be on foot only. Another site would need to be found for re-locating the allotments. The Housing Needs Survey for Pensford is now out of date. It was agreed that the Parish Council could possibly carry out their own.

b) Signs to Tennis Courts: Photos of the sign have been taken and sent to BANES who are now looking at options on how to improve them.

c) Leasehold of Pensford Parking Area: Parish Council agreed not to progress the offer of a Leasehold of the land.

d) War Memorial: The small wall at the front of the War Memorial is in need of repair. The trees at the back of the War Memorial need cutting back. Clerk to progress.

9. Reports:

a) Chew Valley Forum Meeting: Notes to be circulated by the Clerk. Chair also reported that the Flood Project Officer had now been appointed by WERN.

b) Briefing Session on JSP, Local Plan & HELAA 6th March 2018: Attended by Chair. Report as per Cllr Mays briefing on item 6.

c) Parish Liaison Report: Report from S Grimes who attended this meeting are attached.

Clerks Progress Report: Drain Cover: The loose drain covers on the A37 at the junction of Publow Lane have been reported. The covers are the responsibility of Wessex Water and have been put on a Section 81 which has to be repaired in 28 days.

Bollards on Pensford Hill: A replacement bollard for one knocked over is still awaited. Concerns for pedestrian safety have been raised with Cllr May who has made a request again for it to be re-instated.

Traffic Enforcement: BANES have been contacted by Cllr May who requested the Enforcement of the Yellow Lines in the Parish. Clerk has emailed to BANES a list of the problem areas which were highlighted at the February Meeting.

Parking problems at the Post Office and Church Street: Clerk has reported the issues being experienced by the Post Office and the detrimental effect on business that inconsiderate parking is having to Sara Dixon Locality Manager Strategy and Performance at BANES. Sara brought the issue to Chew Valley Forum Meeting.
30 minute timed waiting bays have been agreed by BANES. Temporary signs will be put in place until a Traffic Regulation Order has been raised and agreed. The times will reflect the Post Office opening hours.
Fix My Street: A new system that BANES Council are implementing. https://www.fixmystreet.com/
Precept Form: Acknowledgement of our Precept request of £13780.00 has been received.
VAT Return: Remittance Advice has been received from HM Revenue & Customs for the claim amount of £3,247.71
Training: Clerk & Chairman will attend “Planning in Plain English” on Saturday 17th March 2018 in Long Ashton.
Chairman’s Annual Civic Reception: Chairman will attend.
Parish Councils Airport Association: Reported that the airport are making an additional fund of £60,000 for parishes further afield such as Congresbury, Dundry, Yatton and others. This funding is additional to the existing BA Local Community Fund. Further details are being published soon on the BA website. A Community Website has now been set up and can be found at http://www.bristolairportwatch.org.uk/
Crime: Unknown person(s) have climbed a wall to enter the back garden of a home in The Orchard, Pensford. They have then forced the shed padlock to gain entry and have stolen various items from within. This occurred sometime between Sunday 4 March and Monday the 5th. If you contact the police about this incident, please quote Reference number: 5218047365
Another shed was broken into between 6 and 8.45pm on Sunday 4 March. This occurred in Police Lane, and a mountain bike was stolen after the lock was forced from the shed. If you contact the police about this incident, please quote Reference number: 5218047226
A shed was broken into just off the High St and garden tools were taken. Please ask people to be aware, check their security and report anything suspicious on 101/999/
Web Site; Steve has been inputting new material onto the Parish Council web site.

10. Planning:

Applications received & Circulated for Comment:

18/00921/FUL Mr & Mrs Barnes 117 Hillcrest Pensford. Erection of elevated single storey rear extension. Parish Council Support

18/00702/TCA Mr J Garner The Old Bakery High Street Pensford. Crown reduction of a Red Oak. Parish Council Support.

Planning Outcomes to Note:

17/05538/FUL Nickel Scaffolding Ltd Land to the South of South Bristol Motor Company New Road Pensford. Demolition of existing commercial structures and the erection of 6 no. semi-detached four bedroom dwelling houses, including access on to New Road, 12 no. off street parking spaces and an additional 6 no parking spaces and associated soft/hard landscaping. REFUSE

11. Financial Matters

Payments to be authorised over £100.00

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary £737.74
ALCA Subscription 2018/19 £217.42
Underwood Lamb Internal Audit for accounts 2017 £240.00

Payments to be authorised:
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest £46.00
Mrs J Stephenson Resusi – Anne £98.89
CPRE Membership Renewal £36.00
Mr D Lowe Footpaths £80.00

Receipts: None to note

12. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting:

13. To Note Future Meetings:



Notes SG took Parishes Liaison Meeting 28 February 2018

Charles Gerrish gave a report on behalf of leader council.
JSP..going to inspection…all comments will be looked at …plan should be submitted end of March
WECA West of England Combined Authority presentation
Established Feb 2017. Facilitates more decision making at local level. ..Transport, housing, skills. Has potential to bring £1 billion investment to region over 30 years. West of England Structure… Paul May is on one of the boards.
One of funding streams….New Bridge across river Avon …Bath Quays. Think by Green Park.
Weca funding …transport infrastructure …Weca priorities infrastructure fit for purpose. Weca priority A4-Whitchurch & Joint Transport Study Highway Infrasture.
Charles Gerrish Finance
80% budget going to adult social care/children’s services. Looking to make efficiencies, 15% staff reduction.
£3.1m highway maintenance
Looking at implementing tourism tax…asking permission Government
CT increase 1.95% could have gone as high as 3%
Cost of by-elections PCs?… difficult to quantify
Cllr Paul Myers Cabinet Member Economic & Community Regeneration …he visited us
Lisa Bartlett clarified that if a parish has strong views contrary to officer recommendation on planning application.. Parishes can email case officer or can speak to the planning case officer before decision is made. It can go to committee at request of Ward Councillor
Parish Sweeper…huge discussion/criticism as Banes hasn’t yet decided whether or keep it going. There was going to be a meeting 5 March which would include some PC representatives which would report to banes. A lot of criticism as no decision yet. Representatives said dreadful amount of litter around. Banes will be looking at number plates very soon to determine which people are chucking litter from cars.
The Community Empowerment Fund 54 projects allocated funds…17 parishes didn’t.. We received money for fingerposts
Fix my street going to be tested before it goes live…log things that were wrong
Conference to mark 20th Anniversary of Parish Liaison …looking options autumn
Update Parish Charter…Cllr Paul Myles and Rosemary Naish chair banes alca
Consultation with parishes on draft…nearly ready. A framework working together …went into consultation 43 of 51 parishes responded. Important Banes understand the role of PCs …improved communication. Hope to be adopted at Banes ALCA AGM 19/9…link to it will be sent to parishes
Update Modern Libraries
Improvement Midsomer Norton library
New Saltford library…lost PO and new PO going into library. Talking to CV school to see if can accommodate library. Mobile library not perfect, vehicle old…I driver…looking at options inc more stops
Planning CIL Allocation and Processes
CIL …tax on development…must be spent on new infrastructure…not to remedy pre-existing deficiencies.
PC with NP get 25% CIL
Can use CIL for affordable housing
Needs to be used within 5 years of goes back to Banes.
Examples inc flood risk management, leisure
Compton Dando …wider impact…development in other parishes. Banes said are looking into this & approaching you as to how you are affected.
There is a link on website how to spend CIL inc CIL training.
Public Rights of Way