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Parish Council Minutes – 8th January 2018


Present: Chairman: Mrs J Stephenson Vice-chairman: Mr T Heaford
Mrs J Gully, Mrs S Grimes, Mr S Filer, Mr J Kelly, Mr T Jones, Mrs D Custance, Mrs T Jones, Mr P Baxter, Cllr P May. Clerk: Mrs J Bragg

There were seven members of the public present.

1. Public Participation – Bristol Airport Representatives Mr James Gore & Mr James Shearman attended the meeting to report on the Bristol Airport Master Plan a consultation not a panning application which envisages a growth for the Airport up to 2050 to accommodate 12.5 million passengers. Documents and feedback forms had been produced to support the Consultation. The Documents include example scenarios to see how the current layout would evolve. There is currently no proposal to extend the runway. Noise & Environmental Assessments will be undertaken.
Compensation for noise – insulation funding was questioned and BANES Council will be consulted.
Clerk has copies of all documents should anyone wish to have them. The initial Consultation closes on 26th January 2018 the final Master Plan will be published Winter 2018/19.

Mr C James Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Chairman: Mr James addressed the Parish Council with his concerns that in supporting a recent Planning Application the Parish Council had deviated from the Approved and adopted Neighbourhood Plan. Chairman reminded all attending that this site is in fact a Brownfield Site outside of the Housing Development Boundary.

2. Apologies for Absence: Mr M Daniels

3. To receive notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda: No interests declared.

4. To confirm Minutes of the previous Meeting held on Monday 11th December 2017 as a true and fair record: After being circulated and read were signed as a true and accurate record proposed by Mrs T Jones and seconded by Mrs S Grimes.

5. To Receive an update on District Matters from Cllr P May: Cllr May reported that the JSP responses should be in by 10th January 2018. Clerk to circulate his reply.
Pensford A37 Works: It is hoped that after a meeting with BANES on 23rd January the works will be pushed along. These works have a protected budget.
There are to be possible redundancies within the Council.
It was reported that the Council Tax cap has now increased to 3%.
Cllr May extended congratulations to the Memorial Hall Play Area Team.

6. To receive any updates on matters from the last meeting:

i) JSP Reply from Parish Council: A reply had been sent in on behalf of the Parish Council. Details and a sample letter had been placed on the Web Site/Noticeboard and in the Post Office. Many parishioners had signed letters of objection.

ii) A37 Pollution Meeting: A meeting took place in Whitchurch. Previous monitoring had taken place outside of Pensford Post Office and Pensford Primary School. This did not show a problem with NO2. The Diffusion Tubes have now been removed. It is proposed to locate a monitor further up Pensford Hill possibly by Hillside Cottage. Clerk to chase up the data from the meeting as this had not been sent through.

7. Matters for Discussion/Decision:

a) Accounts – Precept: Item 10a

b) Affordable Housing: The Parish Council agreed that they would be interested in an Affordable Housing Scheme for the Allotment Site. A Design will be drawn up by a Member of the Parish Council.
The Parish Council agreed that residents should be given the opportunity to view proposals for the Allotment Site along with a proposal from Developer Winsley White for a different location giving them the chance to support or object to either one.

The Parish Council have a statutory right to provide Allotments.
It was suggested that Parish Councillors take time to look at the sites which have in the past been surveyed for Affordable Housing and discuss them at the next meeting.

c) Recording of Meetings: Meetings will continue to be recorded by a Parish Council Member who will record the main body of the meeting only and not the Public Forum part of the meeting.

8. Reports:

a) Clerks Progress Report:

Joint Spatial Plan: Clerk added further details to the noticeboard….a template letter was placed at the Post Office. Umang has kindly offered to post off every letter to BANES and will let the PC know how many people responded.

Council Connect: Water issue at the junction of A37 and Publow Lane were reported. Water froze causing ice hazard.

Mill Lane: BANES have been asked to assess the bad road surface and repair.

Speed Count: BANES were contacted about Old Road Speed Count and reported that they undertook a survey between 8th September 2017 and 14th September 2017 outside No.40 Pensford Old Road. The summary of this data showed the mean average southbound at 25 mph and northbound 24 mph, this would show that there is compliance with the 20 mph limit.
BANES are still making promises of the Vehicle Activated Signs.

Faded road Markings: Member of the Public asked for fading white lines to be re-instated on Publow Bridge and the SLOW and triangle road markings, along with the ‘give way’ white line markings outside The Old Rectory and by Publow Church lay by. Re-painting of the Give Way markings at the bottom of Priestdown have also been asked for. Clerk has contacted Council Connect and asked for the Markings to be re-painted.

Bench on the Common: Following recent vandalism awaits the repairs.

Bristol Airport: Representatives were invited to attend the January Meeting. Confirmation was received after the Agenda was prepared that Jacqui Mills and James Shearman will be attending.

Royal Garden Party – 5th June 2018: Clerk has returned nominations for the Royal Garden Party to ALCA.

Consultation on Public Transport Contracts: Details circulated to Parish Councillors for comment.

Peats Hill: The flooding at the top of Peats Hill has been raised with BANES Flood Management Team as a matter of urgency.

Noticeboard by Miners Café: Clerk would like to raise awareness that twice the JSP information has been put on the noticeboard and each time it has been removed along with information put up about the Bristol Airport Master Plan…..the Agenda and minutes were put up last Thursday and at present remain on the board. Why previous notices were taken down is not clear, maybe the PC should think about a small padlock so that we are the only users of the Noticeboard….your thoughts would be appreciated.

9. Planning:

Applications received Discussed:
None to report.

Planning Outcomes to Note:

17/00781/FUL Mr T Smart Old Colliery Yard Wick Lane Pensford.
Erection of 2no detached houses and residential conversion and extension of industrial building into 5no dwellings following demolition of existing industrial building. PERMIT

17/04875/FUL Mr G Cole Mainstay Woollard Lane Publow. Levelling of site for working area with associated drainage. WITHDRAWN

10. Financial Matters:

a) Accounts – Budget/Precept: Accounts were circulated. A surplus was reported due to the Community Infrastructure Money (CIL) money received from the Pensford Garage Site Building Works. The Budget for 2018/19 shows at present a small deficit/break even situation.
The Precept was discussed. Parish Council agreed to ask for a 3% rise plus two thousand pounds on the Precept to put towards the cost of installing a pavement by the Village Green as per the Neighbourhood Plan.

b) Memorial Hall: A Discussion on making a donation to the Memorial Hall took place. Making a donation to the Elderly Folk in the Parish was suggested. No decision was made.

Payments to be authorised over £100.00
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary £752.14

Payments to be authorised:
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest £24.00
Mrs J Bragg Computer Ink £21.00
Bristol Water Allotment Charge 23/5/17 – 21/12/2017 £29.53
Lexis Nexis Clerks Books £64.80
Memorial Hall Hire for Defibrillator Training £20.00

ALCA Refund for Clerks Books £64.80

11. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting: Affordable Housing.

12. To Note Future Meetings: PCAA 25th January 2018 Felton Village Hall
BANES ALCA Meeting 25th January 2018