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Minutes – 09-10-17


Present: Chairman: Mrs J Stephenson, Mr P Baxter, Mrs J Gully, Mrs T Jones, Mrs S Grimes, Mr K Kelly, Mr S Filer, Cllr P May. There were four members of the public present.

1. Members of the Public: Nothing to report.

2. Apologies for Absence were received from Mr T Heaford & Mrs D Custance.

3. To receive notification of any Members’ personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the Agenda. None received.

4. Matters for Discussion/Decision:

a) To agree minutes of Monday 11th September 2017 and sign as a true and accurate record. After being circulated and read the minutes were signed as a true and accurate record.

5. To Receive an update on District Matters from Cllr P May:

Libraries: A study of libraries is being undertaken and the structure for rural libraries is being looked at. Mobile Libraries are under discussion with suggestions that having more services on board the Mobile Library would be more beneficial to the Community.

Budgets: Budget cuts continue within the Council to the tune of 39 million. 80% of the budget is used up by Child & Adult services. Foster Carers are difficult to obtain now.

A37 Proposals: No word from Kelvin Packer to date. Cllr May will now speak with Mark Shelford.

JSP: Will be presented to the council on 9th November. There is no good news for Whitchurch or Pensford with proposals for a new Park and Ride remaining. Cllr May will update as soon as information is received.

Ward Councillor Allowance: Cllr May proposed that he split this years WCI Money equally between the Memorial Hall Play Area and the Primary School to help them improve Play Equipment. Parish Council supported this unanimously.

6. To receive any updates on current matters:

a) Acker Bilk Bench Unveiling: The unveiling was well attended. A video was taken and has been uploaded onto YouTube. It is hoped a copy can be put onto the Parish Council Web Site.

b) Tennis Club: Following the successful resurfacing of the courts the membership continues to grow.

c) Fingerposts Update: The first Fingerpost has been completed and re-instated. A picture will be taken of it and put onto the Web Site. The next Fingerpost to be refurbished is the one at the Belluton Junction. Chew Magna Fingerposts will be compared before works start between metals used and cost. Another fundraising event will take place in January/February 2018.

d) Litter Pick: 8 Volunteers helped and 25 bags of rubbish collected. Jacob Rees Mogg passed through Blackrock Lane and complimented the Litter Pickers on their work. It was commented that there is a lot of rubbish in Hursley Hill Lay By.
Member of the Public offered to pick Stanton Lane as far as Wild Things Farm. Mr Daniels will pick the pavement out of the village up to Chelwood.

e) Village Green: The Green was cut in time for the unveiling ceremony. Mr Lucas has now been contracted to cut the green between March & October and to take the grass away. He has his own Liability Insurance.

f) Woollard Bench: The slats on the bench have broken. Mr Stevenson has offered to replace all of the slats with Oak and will only charge the Parish Council for the materials. All agreed this.

g) Update on Reply to Gary Ward BANES: Gary Ward and the Developer have been invited to the November Meeting.

h) Remembrance Sunday: A full closure of the A37 is not possible for the Remembrance Service it would cost a huge amount of money. A closure on Church Street has been obtained. Parish Council are responsible for putting up signs a week prior to the closure with details of closure on it and on the day provide a red “Road Closed” sign to be put at the entrance to Church Street. Clerk has this in hand and will complete the Risk Assessment. Clerk will collect the wreath from the British Legion and arrange the Bugler as usual.

7. Reports:

a) Chew Valley Forum Meeting Report: Chairman & the Clerk had attended the Forum meeting which focussed on Transport in the Chew Valley. A presentation was given by students from the 6th Form at Chew Valley who reported on the problems they face with the lack of transport. They reported on the cost of transport to school and how transport has been a limiting factor when considering further education.

Hilary Burn from the PCAA provided facts and figures on passenger numbers and projections at Bristol Airport.

A presentation was given by Transport & Highways in BANES which was rather hurried.

Consultation of the Chew Valley Strategy Document will commence on the 9th October and run until the 30th November.

Cllr Mark Shelford Cabinet Member of Transport & Highways attended the meeting and answered questions.

Cllr May reported that the Chew Valley Transport Plan had been sent out for comments however Whitchurch & Pensford were excluded. As a Parish Pensford need to be responding.

b) Clerks Progress Report: In addition to the circulated report Clerk reported that a “Rural Facilities Audit” had been completed and returned to BANES, This information will be fed into the New Local Plan.

Grant Thornton: The External Audit had been completed and a copy of the Annual Return will be added to the Web Site.

c) Flood Representative Meeting Report & 50th Anniversary of the 1968 Floods: Chairman & Clerk attended the meeting at The Civic Centre in Keynsham. The Drainage and Flooding Team were disappointed not to have had a response from many Parish Councils. Mr Baxter reported that he had previously stated he did not wish to be a Flood Representative.
Flood Representatives will need to be appointed.

Chairman reported to the Drainage Team at the meeting problems which still occur at Peats Hill and a problem in Woollard. It was suggested that photos should be taken and sent in to the Drainage Team as this is not classed as Highways problem. Riparian Ownership was discussed and those in the Parish with a responsibility to keep the river clear will be notified by a letter from the Parish Council.

The Anniversary of the 1968 Floods takes place next year. Clerk reminded the Parish Council that there is a lot of information on the Parish Council Web Site and an informative booklet put together by the Environment Agency.

d) Defibrillator: Chairman reported that an email had been received with concerns following an incident in Siston. A call had gone to 999 and access to the Defibrillator needed. The call handler reported that they did not have the code for the Defibrillator and the Police couldn’t help either. Chairman suggested that as we have three defibrillators in the Parish we should be making sure that the code is known by the emergency services. Clerk to write to Arrhythmia Alliance.

e) Memorial Hall Committee Meeting Update:

A grant of £701 has been received from Miners Welfare for kitchen refurbishment. The hot water provider is leaking.
The Ploughman’s lunch on 25th October is being held to raise funds for the playground. Raffle prize donations needed. Nothing to report from Guides, PTA.
Toddlers had some one comment on the state of the toilets – this has been fed back to the cleaner. Tennis club are having a fund raising event on 18th November. A Halloween event will take place on 20th October. Carols by Candlelight – date to be arranged, Quiz – 10th Nov & Christmas Fayre 25th November. Bookings last year was £2,835 so far this year it is £5,202. A copy of the accounts will be sent to Julie. Playground fund is £5,637 so far towards £14,000 needed. £8,059 in current account – all bills paid for so far, so hoping to break even. £7,053 in reserve account for boiler.

f) ALCA AGM Meeting: Chairman attended the ALCA AGM. Subscriptions will be increasing next year by 2.5% Next year’s meeting will take place on 6th October 2018.

8. Planning:

Applications Consulted or to Consult:

17/04807/FUL Mr & Mrs Hunt 39 Hillcrest Pensford Erection of detached single dwelling with associated works on land adjacent to 39 Hillcrest (Resubmission of 14/02948/FUL). Parish Council supported this application.


None to report

9. Financial Matters:

Payments to be authorised over £100.00

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary as per NJC Scale Point 27 £752.14
Kelston Forge First Fingerpost Restoration £1412.50
Strachey Conservation Works to Lock Up £633.90
Flippin Dog Ltd Buffet for Acker Bilk Bench Unveiling £150.00
Mr D Lowe Footpaths Officer £118.00

Payments to be authorised:

Mrs J Bragg Imprest, Ink Cartridge £35.00
J Stephenson Stationery for Acker Bilk Signature Board £3.65
DCM Computers Remote Support for Clerks PC £72.00
Mr D Lucas Village Green Grass Cutting x 1 Cut £20.00
ALCA Good Councillor Training – Mr Daniels £60.00
ALCA Books £76.70

Receipts to note:

BANES 2nd Part Precept £5720.00
BANES Parish Grant £135.00

10. Items of Report to carry forward to the next Meeting: Nothing to carry forward.

Cllr May reported that the Whitchurch Neighbourhood Plan had been approved and was now going on to the next stage of a Referendum.

11. To Note Future Meetings: