Parish Council Minutes – 9th December 2013


Present: Chairman Mr T Heaford Vice-Chair: Mrs J Stephenson
Mrs J Jones, Mrs J Gully, Mr S Filer, Mrs L Cains, Mr J Kelly, Mrs S Grimes,
Mr L Seymour. Clerk Mrs J Bragg.
There was one member of the Public present.

1) Members of the Public: Member of the public attending the meeting asked for the Parish Councils help in having the anti skid surface re-instated on Nursery Corner. Complaints have been submitted to Highways and telephone calls have been made to Traffic & Safety without success. Parish Council to follow this up and request that something is done.

Objections were raised in relation to a current planning application. Parish Council advised the member of public to submit their own comments to the Planning Authority and that once a discussion amongst the Parish Council has taken place their comments will also be submitted.

2) Apologies for Absence: None received.

3) Minutes of Monday 18th NOVEMBER 2013 after being circulated and two points clarified were signed as a correct record.

4) Matters Arising from the previous minutes:

Bus Shelter: Clerk to progress this matter by contacting the Structures Department at B&NES.

Stowey Quarry: This matter has now been resolved.

Horseworld Proposals: The Development Control Department rejected the application. Further details will now be awaited.

5) Items for Discussion:

a) Placemaking Plan: All Character assessments of the village were now complete. Photos had been placed on the intranet part of the Web Site. Clerk to progress and send assessments to B&NES. It was thought that this could possibly be delayed until after the Christmas period because of delays in the Core Strategy process.

b) Defibrillator: An update on amounts raised to date were given. A very successful coffee morning was hosted by the Toddler Group. This raised £480.00, the Toddler Group will be keeping £50.00 for their Christmas Party and funds. £430 will be donated to the Defibrillator Fund. This may be more with the Gift Aid added. Clerk confirmed that £20.00 had been raised at the Christmas Fair. Many who attended the Fair had also attended the Coffee morning. Pensford 10K will be confirming their donation following their next meeting. An amount of £500 has been suggested. Parish Council will be making a donation also.
Cllr Edwards reported that Norton Malreward have purchased a new defibrillator at a cost of £975.00 + VAT. This amount will increase by £179.00 before 15th December 2013. Clerk to speak to Mr Setter regarding the purchase price.

c) Visit to Re-Organics: Mrs Gully attended the site to have a look at the proposals. Parish Council comment is only that they hope all planning applications if permitted are complied with. Parish Council had submitted a letter in support of the recent application made by Re-Organics and in support of Compton Dando Parish Council.

d) Neighbourhood Plan: Three volunteers have come forward to help with the Neighbourhood Plan. They will be contacted shortly.

e) Core Strategy: Cllr Edwards reported that this subject at present takes up 85% of his time. A survey carried out in Whitchurch Parish had a return rate of 90% of residents not wanting to accept the proposed 200 houses. There is an opportunity to submit a report to the Inspector by the 20th December, which states that the resident submitting it does not accept the change to the RA1 to RA5 Village. Does not accept the proposed amount of houses. Does not accept the Area and does not accept that B&NES have the right to alter the Green Belt. This all relates to Whitchurch Parish.
Delays are reported to be likely on the final decision of the Core Strategy and an outcome is not expected until late 2015/early 2016.

f) Enforcement: A meeting took place between the Chairman, Mrs Jones, Mr Pegler & Mr Philip Miller to discuss an ongoing Enforcement Issue in Pensford. An update from the meeting was promised for the end of November. So far to date nothing has been received.
Discussions took place regarding the Enforcement Case regarding the Log Cabin in Woollard Lane. A reply has now been received from Mr Pegler to the Parish Council.
It was reported that this Enforcement Case is now being dealt with by Mr Richard Stott.
Chairman brought to the attention of the Parish Council a document headed Local Enforcement Plan, dated April 2013. The Plan sets out how alleged cases of unauthorised development will be investigated. Clerk to keep a copy on file.

6) Clerks Progress Report:

Peats Hill: A follow up email was sent to Kathryn Yeo at B&NES Council seeking an update regarding Peats Hill. The following reply was received.

Thank you for contacting me about this and I have some very good news to share with you about the progress that has been made at this site.
The source of the problem has been determined as a Bristol Water leak. Bristol Water have now been in and affected a repair to their apparatus and reinstated the carriageway. In addition to this we have determined that there is a drainage grip that runs in to the hedge line that is to be reinstated – I have raised a works instruction for our new Inspector (Anthony Davies) to get his gang to complete.
Thank you so much for your patience during this time and hopefully now we can report that the problem is nearing solution.

Log Cabin Woollard Lane: An email was sent to Andy Pegler just asking for an update on the current situation. No reply was received. Clerk then submitted a more detailed email listing dates and emails dating back to October 2010 to Andy Pegler. A reply was received. Clerk replied to Mr Pegler. Parish Council were given details at the meeting.
Copies of correspondence have been sent to Compton Dando Parish Council and Cllr Edwards.

Highways/Parking Issue on Publow Lane: Still no word had been received from Stefan Chiffers regarding the problem of cars parking on the pavement on the corner of Publow Lane. Clerk submitted a chase up email to Nick Jeanes, who has now issued a reminder to Stefan. Still no word back from Stefan at present.
Clerk received an email from one of the residents from Lockup Cottages in Pensford who reported that it is not the residents of Lock Up Cottages responsible for the parking on the pavement. They use their designated spaces to the rear of house. The residents of Lock Up Cottages are in support of having Keep Clear Lines put down.

Re-Organics Site: Jo Downes has invited members of the Parish Council to arrange a group visit or alternatively can drop in individually on a casual basis anytime. Email

Memorial Hall: Terry Phillips has informed the Clerk that there are two individuals who would be interested in taking position of Chair and Vice Chair to carry on when he & Geoff retire next March. These individuals would certainly meet with Geoff, Terry’s and in their opinion the Parish Council’s approval. Terry has suggested therefore that unless the Council feel they HAVE to advertise the vacated positions, they feel it is no longer necessary.

Memorial Hall Floor works: Clerk took up with the Memorial Hall the reason for not obtaining three quotes for the recent floor works. The reply from the Memorial Hall was as follows:- Moran Floors were recommended to us at a Community Centre Network meeting, as not only being the least expensive of quotations sought, but had also carried out work in other halls which had been entirely satisfactory. We are thrilled at the outcome of with the work carried out on our floor.
However I do take your point, and as we are always extremely grateful for any financial help from the Parish Council, we will ensure that where we feel the need to ask for financial assistance for hall

Pensford Post Office, Church Street, Pensford
Application Ref:13/03345/LAPRE – Mr Patel
Clerk wrote to the Licensing Department at B&NES regarding the Licence Application. A comprehensive reply was received from B&NES running through the procedures for the Licence Application and the decision making process.

Gritting High Street: Members of the Public have again asked if the High Street is on the gritting route, as it appears it is not being gritted. Clerk has emailed George Bottin who once again confirmed that the High Street is on the route but was to get some feedback as it is narrow in places and B&NES have encountered access issues in the past. Last year B&NES said that if there were access issues then a leaflet drop would be carried out. Clerk has reminded them of this.

Pensford Hill: Overhanging Vegetation again has been reported to B&NES Council Connect.

Parish Ranger Scheme: No further details have been received.

Primary School: Clerk has emailed the Head teacher at the school regarding their request for a donation to the Brian Watson Garden. Details of fundraising towards this project has been sought.

Centenary of the Start of World War 1: Clerk also asked if the school would like to put together a joint project with the Parish Council to celebrate this. Clerk has looked online at the War Memorials Trust and there is a lot of information for Primary School teaching and projects which could focus around the centenary and War Memorials. Clerk has forwarded the relevant links to the school.

Parish Council Sweeper Scheme: A third email has been sent to Wayne Honey at B&NES who we believe is the person to speak to regarding opting back into this scheme. No reply to date,

Planning: Planning Appeal Mill Lane Woollard Bristol. The appeal in relation to the change of use from dilapidated building to detached annex to Whispers Cottage was dismissed.

7) Planning:

Application to discuss:

13/05079/FUL Mr & Mrs D Jones Nursery Farm New Road Pensford. Erection of detached garage with ancillary accommodation above. Parish Council considered this application and were of the opinion that the materials proposed are not in keeping with the surrounding properties. The views of the neighbouring properties must not be compromised. Wood cladding would be considered more sympathetic and appropriate.

Application considered by Sub Committee:

13/04969/FUL Mrs Chilcott Windy Willows 3 Publow Lane Pensford. Erection of Single Storey Front Extension. Parish Council support this application.

Planning Outcomes:

13/04262/FUL KC Printing Pensford Hill Pensford. New two storey workshop & office, renovation of existing works premises, returning them to original use as a two bed dwelling following demolition of existing single storey workshop and lean-to extensions to print works premises. PERMITTED

Financial Matters:

Payments to be Authorised:

Mrs J Bragg Clerk Salary November 597.18
Mrs J Bragg Clerk Imprest & Computer Ink 31.99
Mrs J Bragg Whitehall Vouchers Gift 100.00
British Legion Donation to Poppy Wreath 50.00
Bugler Donation 30.00
KC Printing Placemaking Plan Printing 25.34
KC Printing “ “ “ “ 6.00
HMRC Clerk Tax & NI 120.55

Payments Received:

None to report

9. Any Other Business:

Wall on Corner of Publow Lane: Concerns were raised regarding a Stone Wall, which has replaced a hedge along the edge of the Highway on the corner of Parsonage Lane/Publow Lane. Chairman will speak to the residents and raise the concerns. Reference to Planning Consents will be recommended.

Church Farm Footpath: The footpath around Church Farm is still messy and the footpath to Woollard along the river is still blocked by the landslide. Clerk to email Public Rights of Way. The river is reported to have tyres in it and the Leat has rubbish dumped in it.

Footpath at rear of Mill House: Where the bank was collapsing has all been made safe now.

Woollard Lane: There is a post box in Woollard Lane, which Parish Council are unsure if it is still in use. It is not sealed but has no number on the front. Clerk was advised to contact Keynsham Post Office.

10. Notice of Future Meetings:

Bristol Airport Open Evening Wednesday 11th December at 6.00 pm– 6.30 pm

Parish Cluster Group Meeting, Saltford Hall, Saltford on Wednesday 22nd January 2014.



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