Minutes of Neighbourhood Planning Meeting – 26th November 2014


PRESENT: Chris James, Alan Ford, Umang Patel, Colin Taylor, Julie Bragg, Sue Grimes

1. Apologies were received from Janette Stephenson, Jacqui Haigh and Simon King.

2. Chairman’s remarks: Chairman welcomed all to the meeting along with new member Umang Patel. It was agreed that Julie would now take the minutes of the meeting. Future minute taking and extra hours incurred by Julie would be discussed at the next meeting.
a) Minutes of previous meetings: a) 29th October 2014: Apologies were given for the omission of colin Taylor who was present at the meeting. Apologies from Tony Heaford and Umang were added. The minutes were then signed as a correct record.
A discussion took place on how the minutes should be recorded. It was agreed that draft minutes should be submitted to all and feedback given to the Chairman.
Publication of the minutes will take place once they have been agreed. Minutes will be placed on the Parish Council Web Site which has a link to the Neighbourhood Plan.
What is a Neighbourhood Plan? Chris James has written and submitted an article for the Parish Magazine to raise awareness of the Neighbourhood Plan and to inform the Parishioners about the Application and the Designated Area. The Neighbourhood Plan application has been signed by the Chairman of the Parish Council and submitted to B&NES. A confirmation e.mail has been received and the application should be live by the end of November. All members present at the meeting were happy with this.
5 November (with Julie O’Rourke): A successful meeting was held with Julie O’Rourke with much information gleaned. The recording of all details and the minuting of every meeting is paramount in the recording of the Neighbourhood Plan process. Matters Arising: Suggestions of an Outstanding List of items to do was suggested along with maybe a numbering system of each paragraph on the minutes to help with an audit trail. An up to date Parish Map is needed. Julie circulated the one which is held by the Parish Council which is adequate for the needs of the Neighbourhood Plan. An example of a questionnaire is awaited from Julie O’Rourke.

3. Feedback from Parish Council Meeting 10 November: Full support from the Parish Council has been given. Mr Paul May Chairman of Whitchurch Neighbourhood Planning Committee was present at the Parish Council and offered to attend a future meeting with Pensford Neighbourhood Plan Committee.

4. Items for Discussion
– Raising awareness: The Parish Magazine article will start people thinking. A copy of the article will be added to the web site. The Webmaster will work out how many hits that the Neighbourhood Plan Section of the Web Site is receiving.
– Logo: It was agreed that we should have a Logo. Chris James has spoken with one of the School Governors who will ask the School Council to discuss this. All members of the Committee were happy to accept the school involvement.
– Posters were suggested to raise public awareness. Umang offered the help of the Post Office for distribution of the leaflets. It was thought that maybe a leaflet drop could coincide with a questionnaire in Late January. Julie O’Rourke implied that maybe a leaflet drop should be done after the elections? Chris James summarised the points by suggesting a meeting in January where we can discuss further advertising in the Parish Magazine. We can then inform the public that we are now designated and give more information on key areas and make reference to the Web Site and encourage recruitment.
– Key areas: Key Areas were defined very similarly to the Stanton Drew Neighbourhood Plan i.e. Environment & Landscape, Facilities & Services, Planning & Development, Transport & Movement. It was thought that maybe Transport would be defined in a different way. Parking issues were discussed.
– Consulting the community: Colin Taylor, Sue Grimes and Alan Ford will hold a meeting to draft out a questionnaire and work out a structure for Drop In sessions. These open meetings will be crucial. Display boards will need to be well organised, then as a result of these meetings the questionnaire will then be defined.
– Community involvement: Volunteeers are needed to help be part of the Neighbourhood Plan. It is hoped that the article in the Parish Magazine will help and maybe the Public Meetings will be a good source to find volunteers.The School will be asked to produce a letter alongside the Logo to raise awareness of the need for volunteers. Sue Grimes will ask members of the Tennis Club. Regular Members of the Public who attend the Parish Council meetings will be asked. Alan Ford will flag this up at the Memorial Hall meetings.
– Timescale: To be discussed at the next meeting. Initial thoughts were Open Meetings followed by the Questionnaire.
– Funding:
o Sources of funding: Until the area is designated we cannot apply for funding. The next lot of Government Funding will be released in April 2015. Funding will be placed on the agenda for discussion at the next meeting. The Parish Council will be asked for help with funding. Costs which will need to be covered are Hall Hire for Public Meetings initially. A budget will be prepared. Sue Grimes, Alan Ford & Colin Taylor will discuss a budget and how much we may need.
o How much do we need? SG, AF, CT to discuss.
o Applying for funding: January Agenda

5. AOB. Structure: It was suggested by Julie O’Rourke to draw up an Organisation Chart and add names to it.
Chris James explained that we need to formalise who we are. This can be done at a later stage when enough volunteers have come forward.
Colin Taylor suggested that a catalogue of ideas should be kept. At previous meetings ideas have been suggested for pavements, green triangle, flooding in Church Street. All these ideas need to be kept. Also the Conservation Area, Coal Mining History of the Village, the problem of the A37. It was agreed that these items should be called Topics and that Colin Taylor would be the guardian of the list of Topics.

6. Date and venue for next meeting. Thanks were extended to Alan for once again accommodating us in his home. It was felt now that meetings should be held at a different venue which will hopefully be the Church Room.
The Parish Council will be asked to help fund the hire of the room.
CT, SG & ALF will meet on 11th December 2014 to discuss timetable, budget & Surveys.
A future meeting with Julie O’Rourke was suggested for early February and if suits a Friday was suggested. Julie will obtain some dates from JOR.
Julie will obtain a Best Practice Survey sample from JOR.
A meeting will be arranged with Paul May from Whitchurch for the 4th December 2014.
Julie to book the room at the Rising Sun.
Next Group Meeting: Wednesday 7th January 2015 at The Church Room, Church Street, Pensford at 7.30p.m.
Further details of the Neighbourhood Plan can be found at https://www.publow-with-pensford-pc.gov.uk/pc/index.php/neighbourhood-planning/


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