Present: Ms C Dinsdale, Mrs S Grimes(Chairman), Mr S Grimes, Mrs J Gully, Dr L Malt, Mr W Tantam, Mr Paul May (Ward Councillor), Mrs H Richardson (Clerk) and 4 Members of Public.
Public Participation: The Applicant for 189 Publow Lane presented the amendments to the proposed plans
57.1. Apologies for absence: Mrs J Stephenson, Mr S Filer, Mrs T Jones,
57.2. Declarations of Interest: None
57.3. The Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 14th October 2024 were agreed as a true and fair record and the Chairman signed them.
57.4. Planning:
a) Applications to consult:
i) 24/04000/FUL: Lockup Cottage, Publow Lane, Publow. Replacement of two adjacent front door entrance covers with matching porches at 1 and 2 Lockup Cottage.
ii) 24/04090/TCA: Pensford County Primary School, Pensford Hill, Pensford. Weeping willow (068515) – Fell tree to ground level. 4no. Ash (G1) – Fell trees to ground level.
b) Decision Notification:
i) 24/03292/FUL: PENSFORD POST OFFICE, PENSFORD HILL, PENSFORD. Relocation of Pensford Post Office and retail shop (Use Class F2) to the vacant Miners Institute Coffee Shop (Use Class E) in conjunction with change of use of the existing Pensford Post Office and retail shop (Use Class F2) to a 1 bedroom self-contained flat (C3 Use Class). PERMIT
c) Appeal Decision
23/04223/PIP: Jat Environmental Reclamation Ltd, Pensford Hill, Pensford.: A Permission in Principle Planning Application for the Erection of up to 4 New Build Dwellinghouses (Use Class C3) and Associated Infrastructure at JAT Reclamation. Appeal Ref: 24/00038/RF. DISMISS
57.5. Matters for Discussion / Decision
a) The Parish Council directed the clerk to apply for an account with Unity Bank and to add Steve Grimes as a signatory along with existing signatories.
b) The Parish Council approved the Event Management Plan for Remembrance following a successful event on Sunday.
c) The Parish Council were expecting a presentation from a representative from Heart Safe regarding new defibrillators, but he sent his apologies and so he would be invited again next meeting.
d) It was reported that a light was not working by the defibrillator by the post office. LM to investigate and repair as necessary.
e) The Parish Council received a report that the life saver was missing from the box by the Rising Sun. It was agreed that it was the property of the land owner and not the responsibility of the Parish Council.
57.6. Financial Matters
a) The Financial Report was accepted
b) August & September payments were approved.
Purpose for Expense – Amount – VAT – Recover
Mark McMullen – footpaths £85.00 £- N/A
Mrs Helen Richardson (45.5j) – Salary £894.44 £- N/A
HMRC (Month 8) £270.53 £- N/A
DPM Lucas – grass cutting £50 £- N/A
Mark Goulding – Bugler £30 £- N/A
UK Umbrella Service – DBS HR Reimburse £36 £- N/A
57.7. The Ward Councillor reported that the NPPF was on hold and the Local Plan were on hold. There is no 5 year land supply and so rural areas are vulnerable to developers.
57.8. Reports
a) PCAA: Meeting 21st November
b) Allotments: Woodchip is being delivered to Allotments but they don’t know who from and don’t need it. A tap has been installed on the water butt without permission and should be removed. A tap key was considered.
c) Village Hall. No report
d) Clerks Progress Report was circulated.
e) Chairman’s Report. Chair will write article for the magazine about Remembrance.
f) Police: No report
57.9. Items to carry forward to the next meeting: Budget &Defibrillator
57.10. To note Future Meetings
DATE OF NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: Monday 9th December 2024 at 7pm in Pensford Village Hall
The meeting closed at 20.42pm