Parish Council Minutes – 9th May 2022



Present: Mr P Baxter, Mr M Daniels, Mr S Filer, Mrs S Grimes, Mrs J Gully, Mrs T Jones, Mr A Lyon, Mrs J Stephenson (Chairman), Cllr P. May (B&NES) and 4 Members of Public.

28. 1 Janette Stephenson was elected as Chairman. Tony Heaford was elected as Vice Chairman

28. 2 The Chairman signed her declaration of acceptance of office. It was resolved that the Vice Chairman could sign his declaration of acceptance of office prior to the start of the June meeting.

Public Submissions: A resident asked the Parish Council to reject the proposal to ask the Church to consider opening the church car park to the public.

28. 3 Apologies: Ms J Flower, Mr T Heaford, Dr L Malt.

28. 4 Declarations of Interest: None

28. 5 Appointments were reviewed and agreed as follows:
a) Memorial Hall Committee: Paul Baxter
b) Parish Council’s Airport Association: Tony Heaford
c) Parish Liaison Meetings: Sue Grimes (Janette Stephenson in reserve)
d) ALCA Meetings: Janette Stephenson (Sue Grimes in reserve)
e) B&NES Local Council Group: Janette Stephenson
f) Chew Valley Forum: Sue Grimes / Tony Heaford/ Janette Stephenson
g) Flood Representative: None
h) Guardians for Defibrillators: Janette Stephenson, Tracy Jones, Mike Daniels
i) Staffing Panel: Tracy Jones, Sue Grimes & Steve Filer
j) Climate Emergency Working Group: Jenny Gully, Dawn Custance, Alex Limburg, Roderick Black, Paul May, Jo Mcgagan, Steff Clements.
k) Allotments: Mike Daniels
l) ANPR Working Group: Tracy Jones, Dom Lowe, Steve Grimes, Layla Malt, Dean Jones, Steve Filer, Janette Stephenson, Paul May, Simon King

28. 6 The Standing Orders were reviewed and adopted unchanged.

28. 7 The 2022/23 schedule of meetings were agreed.

28. 8 The Renewal of the Parish Council insurance policy was agreed

28. 9 The Risk assessment was reviewed and adopted unchanged.

28. 10 The Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 11th April 2022 were agreed as a true and fair record and the Chairman signed them.

28. 11 The Ward Councillor gave his annual report for the Annual Village Meeting.

28. 12 Matters for discussion
a) The motion to support the unofficial proposal to open the church car park for public parking was withdrawn by the proposer and so it was not necessary to go to a vote.
b) The structure of the Annual Village Meeting was discussed, and it was agreed that the Parish Council would contact community groups to invite them to take part in next year’s annual meeting.

28. 13 Reports
a) Allotments: Bills still need to be issued
b) Defibrillators: It was reported that a search for an illuminated key pad had been unsuccessful. Other solutions were being investigated.
c) ANPR Working Group: It was reported that an extension had been granted to spend the first allocation of CIL funds by the end of December, however the allocation of funds should be agreed by the original deadline in June.
d) Clerks Report – circulated
e) The Chairman- Nothing in addition to Annual meeting report.

28. 14 Planning

a) Applications to consult:
i) 22/00765/FUL: Devon House, Pensford Hill: Conversion of loft space into living space with raised gable roof, 1no. gable dormer to front, removal of lean-to to rear and creation of sliding doors to rear. Addition of solar panels to south elevation. The Parish Council resolved to SUPPORT the application.
ii) 22/01742/FUL: The Field Old Road, Pensford. Repairs and refurbishment of existing former agricultural buildings (part retrospective) The Parish Council resolved to SUPPORT this application.

b) Decision Notification: None

28. 15 Financial Matters

a) The Financial Report was accepted.

b) The May Payments were approved

Purpose for Expense Mark McMullen Footpath Officer 
Amount £85 
Recover N

Purpose for Expense Mrs Helen Richardson Clerk Salary (May Payroll 
Amount £719.21 
Recover N

Purpose for Expense Mrs Helen Richardson Reimburse Zoom (April) 
Amount £4.80 
Recover N

Purpose for Expense DM Payroll Services Ltd 
Amount £180 
Recover N

Purpose for Expense DPM Lucas Garden Contractors Cut & Strim the Green 
Amount £40 
Recover N

Purpose for Expense Zurich Insurance-Renewal 
Amount £772.74 
VAT £82.79 
Recover Y

Purpose for Expense Woollard Village Social Committee Jubilee Grant(26.5c) 
Amount £100 
Recover N

Purpose for Expense Pensford Evergreens Jubilee Grant (25.5f) 
Amount £100 
Recover N

Purpose for Expense Dial A ride Grant approved 23.5b 
Amount £40 
Recover N

28. 16 Items to carry forward to the next meeting: None

DATE OF NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: Monday 13th June 2022 at 7pm in the Memorial Hall

The meeting closed at 8.33 pm

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