Parish Council Minutes – 14th February 2022



Present: Mr P Baxter, Mr M Daniels, Mr S Filer, Ms J Flower, Mrs S Grimes, Mr T Heaford, Mrs J Gully, Mrs T Jones, Dr L Malt, Mrs J Stephenson (Chairman), Cllr P. May (B&NES), and Mrs H Richardson (Clerk) and 6 Members of Public.

Public Submissions: None

25.1 Apologies: None

25.2 Declarations of Interest: Mrs J Stephenson (25.6b), Mr M Daniels (25.6b)

25.3 The Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 10th January 2022 were agreed as a true and fair record and the Chairman signed them.

25.4 Planning

a. Applications to consult:
i) 21/05455/FUL: Coombe House, Church Street, Pensford, Change of use, restoration and extension from commercial and residential storage to one dwelling (Use Class C3). The Parish council resolved to SUPPORT the application as it was sympathetic to the surroundings and history of the site.

b. Decision Notification:
i) 21/03207/FUL: Tyning House, Hursley Hill, Publow. Erection of detached dwelling following demolition of existing HMO property. REFUSED.

25.5 Matters for Discussion / Decision
a) A representative from the Climate Emergency Working Group reported that the final analysis of the land suitable for community energy was underway and being discussed with Western Power. There is a slight delay in commencing the next stage as the Governments Rural Community Energy Fund has come to an end and they are waiting to see the government introduces an alternative fund to pay for a feasibility study. They asked for a councillor to join the working group in place of Dawn Custance who has resigned from the Parish Council. This will be discussed at the next meeting. The Parish Council agreed to write a letter of Support for the project, to accompany the next stage of funding.
b) The Parish Council approved expenditure of £59.50 for printing of flyers for the Climate working group.
c) It was reported that the electronic updates had been repaired on the Bus Shelter on the A37. The structure is still damaged but was not considered dangerous and so would be repaired at a later date.
d) Expenditure of £119.99(inc VAT) was approved for replacement defibrillator pads.
e) The Parish Council agreed to increase the payment to the Footpath officer to £85 per month starting from 1st April 2022,
f) The Parish Council approved the grant request of £100 from the Evergreens for the Queens Platinum Jubilee event in the Village Hall.

25.6 Financial Matters

a) The Financial Report was accepted.

b) February Payments were approved.

Purpose for Expense Mark McMullen – Footpath Officer
Amount £80.00 
VAT £-
Recover N/A

Purpose for Expense Mrs Helen Richardson – Salary – February
Amount £711.50
VAT £- 
Recover N/A

Purpose for Expense Mrs Helen Richardson – Reimburse for Zoom
Amount £4.80
VAT £- 
Recover N/A

Purpose for Expense Number One Electrical 
Amount £131.94 
VAT £21.99 
Recover Y

Purpose for Expense Mike Daniels Reimburse for Black Sacks
Amount £56.02
VAT £9.34 
Recover Y

Purpose for Janette Stephenson Reimburse for Defib Pads
Amount £119.99 
VAT £20.00 
Recover Y

25.7 B&NES: The Ward Councillor thanked the councillors who had attended the site meeting with Paul Garrod to look at possible solutions following the removal of the traffic island on the A37. Paul Garrod agreed to produce some alternative proposals for the Parish Council to consider. Visibility to be improved by cutting back vegetation on the bend.
The Ward Councillor had also talked to traffic officers about the layout of the giveways signs on Pensford Hill as lorries are impacting a resident’s driveway who is planning to erect gates to stop this. Officers are proposing to move the giveway sign to make it safer for pedestrians and introducing some bollards. An additional giveway sign up from the shop, but this was ruled out, but they will consider additional bollards coming into the village.
The WECCA SDS (Strategic Development Strategy) is due to be published based on technical data already published and the Ward Councillor has concerns about out vulnerability to inappropriate development.
The A37 has been identified as a Strategic Route
The Resourceful Earth Application is due to go to committee in March.
B&NES are proposing a 5% increase in Council tax.
The Ward councillor is chasing the installation of a dedicated parking space / loading bay for the school.

25.8 Reports
a) Allotments: Two plots came available and have been filled.
b) Climate Emergency Working group: Report given in 25.5a
c) Memorial Hall – There are vacancies on the Management Committee for a treasurer, Vice Chair, events manager and someone to look after the playground. They are planning an event for the Friday of the Jubilee weekend.
d) PCAA: The inspector decided in favour of the airport expansion. North Somerset Council may start a Judicial Review but it will be very expensive.
e) Clerks Report – circulated
f) The Chairman expressed her thanks to Dawn Custance who has resigned from the Parish Council. The Chairman reported that when the Defibrillator was used, the cabinet was damaged and needs some repairs so that it can lock properly, the Parish Council approved expenditure, up to a limit of £250 to repair the cabinet as soon as possible. SF & JS to look at the repair. A light would also be investigated to enable users to operate the defibrillator more easily when its dark.

25.9 Items to carry forward to the next meeting: Invite Paul Garrod regarding traffic island. Hursley Hill Layby.

25.10 To note Future Meetings:
Parish Liaison: 23rd March 2022



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