The Parish Council notice board outside Pensford Post Office

Results of Parish Consultation

The Parish Council were delighted that so many residents took part in the village consultation.  The results will be discussed at the next Parish Council meeting on Monday 13th December when we will agree the next step for implementing the most popular project.

Following the count, the projects have been placed in order of popularity:

ANPR Cameras

Youth Club on Wheels

Changes to the Village Green

Maintenance of Church Rooms

Improved Footpath

Outdoor Fitness Equipment

Additional Car Parking

This was an extremely useful exercise for the Parish Council which has helped us to understand residents’ priorities in the Parish.  Members of public are always welcome to attend Parish Council meetings which take place in the Village Hall at 7pm on the 2nd Monday of the Month.  A public participation session takes part at the start of each meeting and residents can register to speak for a maximum of three minutes by emailing


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