The Parish Council notice board outside Pensford Post Office

Parish Council Minutes – 11th October 2021



Present: Mr M Daniels, Mr P Baxter (Chairman), Mr S Filer, Ms J Flower, Mrs S Grimes, Mr T Heaford, Mrs D Custance, Mrs J Gully, Mrs T Jones, Dr L Malt, Cllr P. May (B&NES), and Mrs H Richardson (Clerk) and 4 Members of Public.

21.1 Public Submissions: A resident requested that the footpath between Old Road and the A37 is cleared. The agent for 21.5ai & ii presented the plans.

21.2 Apologies: Mrs J Stephenson

21.3 Declarations of Interest: None

21.4 The Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 13th September 2021 were agreed as a true and fair record and the Chairman signed them.

21.5 Planning

a. Applications to consult:

i) 21/04355/FUL: Police House, 1 Police Lane, Pensford, Erection of detached double garage with study above. The Parish Council resolved to SUPPORT to the application.
ii) 21/04301/FUL: Publow Farm, Blackrock Lane, Publow: Internal and external alterations including the relocation of the existing access gates and construction of a new stone wall and oil tank/ bin storage area. The Parish Council resolved to SUPPORT the application
iii) 2104302/LBA: Publow Farm, Blackrock Lane, Publow: Internal and external alterations including the relocation of the existing access gates and construction of a new stone wall and oil tank/ bin storage area. The Parish Council resolved to SUPPORT the application

b. Decision Notification:

i) 21/02575/FUL: Parcel 4668, Pensford Lane, Stanton Drew: Change of use of agricultural building and land to mixed agricultural and equestrian, the erection of a hay barn and the creation of an all-weather riding arena (Part Retrospective). PERMIT
ii) 21/02893/FUL: Belluton Yard, Belluton Farm, Stanton Road, Pensford. Conversion of former stables to a dwelling, extension and associated alterations. PERMIT

21.6 Matters for Discussion / Decision

a) Several unresolved planning issues were discussed, and the Parish Council expressed their frustration at enforcement issued not being followed up:
i) Caravan at Station Lane: it was agreed that the Clerk would write to the landowners to outline restrictions to occupying a caravan.
ii) Stables on Woollard Lane: Has been raised with enforcement. Ward Councillor to follow up.
iii) Yurt on High Street: it was agreed that the Clerk would write to the landowners to outline restrictions to occupying a Yurt.

b) The Parish Council received a request from B&NES regarding overgrown trees at Salters Brook which are obstructing a path, which they claim is not their responsibility as it is not a Public Right of Way and which goes through unregistered land. Several volunteers offered to clear the path and also a tree which is growing through the bridge. The Clerk would contact the Rights of Way officer to make an application to modify the definitive map to make it a Public Right of Way.

c) The Parish Council CIL consultation will take place on Saturday 13th November in the Village Hall. A number of proposals have been put forward and residents will be asked to vote on their preferred option. Proposals include; Creating a new footpath to school; Outdoor Gym Equipment & Concrete Table tennis Table; Creating additional parking for the Village Hall; New road layout at the Village Green; Funding the Playbus for a year. There is a total of £9107 to spend. It was agreed that the Ward Councillor and the Climate Emergency working group could be present to engage with residents.

21.7 Financial Matters

a) The Financial Report was accepted.
b) i) October Payments were approved.

Purpose for Expense
Mark McMullen – Footpath Officer
VAT Recover
£- N/A

Purpose for Expense
Mrs Helen Richardson – Salary – October
VAT Recover
£- N/A

Purpose for Expense
Mrs Helen Richardson – Reimburse for Zoom/Stationary
VAT Recover
£- N/A

Purpose for Expense
Mrs Helen Richardson – Reimburse for DBS Checks
VAT Recover
£- N/A

Purpose for Expense
DPM Lucas- Grass cutting
VAT Recover
£- N/A

Purpose for Expense
SLCC Membership
VAT Recover
£- N/A

Purpose for Expense
HMRC- August – November 4months
VAT Recover
£- N/A

Total value of cheques £1,912.67

21.8 B&NES: The Ward Councillor reported on the Local Plan Update, and Supplementary Planning Documents. He reported that he was expecting developers for the anaerobic digester to be resubmit their application. He has been speaking to residents concerned about the new fencing that has been erected at the Orchard. He has received a high volume of responses to his recent resident survey and once he has had time to process them he will report back to the liveable neighbourhoods working group and the Parish Council.

21.9 Reports

a) Allotments: Nothing to report
b) Climate Emergency Working group: The landowners whose fields are possibly suitable for solar or wind powered generation of electricity have been identified. BWCE have advised completing a desktop review of these 15 or more sites and whittling the number down to the most suitable before approaching any landowners.
BWCE have set up a draft survey for us to distribute to parishioners which we hope to do at the village CIL money meeting
c) Memorial Hall – Nothing to report
d) PCAA: The enquiry has concluded and the examiners are expected to make a decision next year.
e) The Clerks Report was accepted.
f) The Chairman sent her apologies.

21.10 Items to carry forward to the next meeting: Queens Jubilee, Residents Parking Permits, reinstate yellow lines, compulsory purchase of land.

21.11 To note Future Meetings:

Parish Liaison – 18th October