Parish Council Minutes – 13th September 2021


HELD ON MONDAY 13th September 2021 in the Memorial Hall, Pensford

Present: Mrs J Stephenson (Chairman), Mr M Daniels, Mr P Baxter, Mr S Filer, Ms J Flower, Mr T Heaford, Mrs D Custance, Mrs J Gully, Mrs T Jones, Cllr P. May (B&NES), and Mrs H Richardson (Clerk) and 3 Members of Public.
Resignation: Mr T Jones

20.1 Public Submissions: A resident reported a number of blocked drains around the parish and asked the Parish Council to request that B&NES clear them. He also suggested that the mechanical road sweeper should be requested as it hadn’t been seen for a long time.

20.2 Apologies: Mrs S Grimes,

20.3 Declarations of Interest: None

20.4 The Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 12th July 2021 were agreed as a true and fair record and the Chairman signed them. An amendment to the draft minutes was made prior to agreement.

20.5 Planning

a. Applications to consult:

i) 21/03755/LBA: 170 Blackrock Lane, Publow. Internal and external alterations for the repair of chimney stack due to cracked cement flashings causing damp on to top floor and replace with lead. Seal the coping stones with a clear solution. Sweep chimney and install new appropriately sized chimney liner for future wood burner. The Parish Council SUPPORTED the application
ii) 21/03947/FUL: 170 Blackrock Lane, Publow. Demolition of existing porch and garage and erection of single storey rear extension. The Parish Council SUPPORTED the application
iii) 21/03948/LBA: 170 Blackrock Lane, Publow. Demolition of existing porch and garage and erection of single storey rear extension. The Parish Council SUPPORTED the application

b. Decision Notification: None

c. Report of Delegated Responses submitted by the Clerk following discussions with Councillors:

i) 21/03209/FUL: Land To South Of South Bristol Motor Company New Road, Pensford. Retrospective for the demolition of existing storage buildings and erection of replacement buildings. Erection of 2.4 m high security fencing. Installation of storage containers in connection with the existing storage use. The Parish Council have no objection.
ii) 21/03207/FUL. Tyning House, Hursley Hill, Publow. Erection of detached dwelling and detached garage/home office following demolition of existing HMO property. The Parish Council have No Objection to the proposal in principle, but a question was raised about how the demolition of the original building would be enforced. The Parish Council would object to two properties on this site and so demolition of the current building would need to be a condition of approval.
iii) 21/03227/FUL. Sunny Acres, Woollard Lane, Publow: Alterations to combine two existing dwellings to create 1no.dwelling, demolition of attached garage and outbuildings. Erection of 1no. new dwelling and associated works. The Parish Council have no objection to this application.

20.6 Matters for Discussion / Decision

a) The Event Management plan for Remembrance Sunday was approved.
b) The Parish Council approved expenditure of £120 to be paid to the British Legion to purchase 30 new large poppies for lamp posts.
c) The Parish Council resolved to adopt the policy for handling DBS certificate information.
d) The Parish Council agreed arrangements for the CIL consultation, provisionally booked for the 23rd or 30th October to be confirmed once football fixtures are known to avoid congestion in the Car Park and avoiding half term. Each project to be laid out on one table top and a lead person was allocated to promote the project.

20.7 Financial Matters

a) The Financial Report was accepted.

b) i) August Payments were approved retrospectively:

Payee Mark McMullen
Description Footpath Officer
Amount £80
VAT to reclaim N

Payee Mrs Helen Richardson
Description Clerk Salary
Amount £746.80
VAT to reclaim N

Payee Mrs Helen Richardson
Description Reimburse Zoom subscription
Amount £4.80
VAT to reclaim N

Payee DPM Lucas
Description Cutting grass
Amount £40
VAT to reclaim N

Total £872.00

ii) September Payment were approved:

Payee Mark McMullen
Description Footpath Officer
Amount £80
VAT to reclaim N

Payee Mrs Helen Richardson
Description Clerk Salary + Zoom
Amount £699.20
VAT to reclaim N

Payee DPM Lucas
Description Garden Contractors
Amount £40
VAT to reclaim N

Total £839.20

20.8 B&NES:The Ward Councillor reported on the Local Plan Update, and suggested that the Parish Council make a submission regarding the changes to parking allocations for new housing. He reported that the planning application 21/00419/EFUL for the proposed Anaerobic Digester Facility had been withdrawn and would be resubmitted. He provided an update on the parliamentary review, recalculating the number of electors per MP and reported that Publow & Pensford were likely to be part of Keynsham & South Gloucestershire. The Ward Councillor reported that he had received numerous complaints about abuse of parking and that he had been approached by the developer for land opposite the village hall as they were preparing a new application for 5 houses.(previously turned down)

20.9 Reports (written reports circulated prior to the meeting)

a) Allotments: Nothing to report
b) Climate Emergency Working group: BWCE are progressing with renewables audit. They have identified about 15 sites which may be suitable. Meeting on 18th September to discuss further. The saplings planted on the playing fields have been watered and weeded. Only 3 haven’t survived out of the 60 planted so good success rate.
Next meeting TBA for last week in September.
c) PCAA: Meeting next week.
d) The Clerks Report was accepted. It was reported that an election had been called to fill the vacancy and B&NES would lead on the process. The election was likely to be held at the end of October.
e) The Chairman circulated a letter from a resident covering a number of issues including overgrown hedgerows, parking and safe route to school.

20.10 Items to carry forward to the next meeting: Enforcement (Caravan Wick Lane, Stables Woollard Lane & Yurt on High Street)

20.11 To note Future Meetings: tbc


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