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Parish Council Minutes – 8th March 2021


Present: Mrs J Stephenson (Chairman), Mrs J Gully, Mr P Baxter, Mrs D Custance, Mr M Daniels, Mr S Filer, Mrs S Grimes, Ms J Flower, Mr T Heaford, Mr T Jones, Mrs T Jones & Cllr P. May (B&NES) and Mrs H Richardson (Clerk) and 5 Member of Public

15.1 Public Submissions: A resident spoke in opposition to the planning application 21/00419/EFUL: Resourceful Earth, specifically in relation to the increased vehicle movements. Two residents spoke in opposition to the Planning Application 21/00606/FUL Land Adjacent to River Chew, Huntstrete Lane.

15.2 Apologies: None

15.3 Declarations of Interest: Mr M Daniels (15.10b)

15.4 The Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 8th February 2021 were agreed as a true and fair record. The Chairman will sign them at the next available opportunity.

15.5 An update on District Matters. – Cllr. May reported that B&NES have approved a 5% increase in council tax. 14% has been put aside to tackle climate emergency and £2.6 million has been cut from adult services. Tourism Bath has been removed and put under Bristol. Concern has been raised that WECA are not planning to consult further on the Spatial Development Strategy (SDS) during the process.

15.6 Updates on current matters:

a) Vintage Phone Box – The Miners Welfare have been advised to put an access agreement in place and so they will send a draft for the Parish Council to approve.
b) Allotments – There are still some outstanding payments to chase and the bills will be sent out for 2021-22 this month.
c) Environmental & Climate Emergency working group – Report previously circulated. The Working Group sought clarification from the Parish Council regarding the proposed Volunteer Tree Champion Role. It was agreed that the proposed role should be an informal role guiding activities with trees and not concerned with insurance / safety of trees. The Climate Group has been formed for a year now and the Parish Council expressed their thanks to all members of the working group for their time and efforts.
d) Dog/Litter bins – Have been installed a local business has paid for an additional 4 bins making a total of 10.
e) Memorial Hall – the committee have not met as the hall is closed.
f) Clerks Appraisal – The Staffing Committee reported that they had held and appraisal for the Clerk
g) Liveable Neighbourhoods – The Ward Councillor had consulted with the Liveable neighbourhoods working group and submitted an application to B&NES. The Application had previously been circulated.
h) PCAA – A case management conference is taking place which will determine how the Inspectors examination will go.

15.7 Matters for Discussion / Decision

a) The Parish Council have received 6 suggestions for the use of the CIL Funds. It was agreed that all proposals should be put forward to a parish consultation in the Village Hall once lockdown is lifted. The options so far, are: Extending the village green; a new public car park area on the village hall playing fields; Renewables Energy Audit; Outdoor Gym Equipment; Creation of a footpath between the Village Hall and the School; Improvements to the Village Hall Kitchen. It would be publicised that any alternative suggestions should be submitted to the Parish Council by April 30th.
b) The Parish Council resolved to instruct the Clerk to sign the Parish Paths Agency agreement.
c) The Parish Council reviewed correspondence between B&NES Highways Officers and Mr Andrew Hillman of Birchwood House regarding a proposal to install bollards on Birchwood Lane to prevent anti-social parking obstructing the Lane. Mr Hillman has agreed to install the bollards and maintain them at his cost, for as long as he lives in Birchwood House. As requested by B&NES, the Parish Council agreed in principle to take responsibility for the future maintenance of the bollards (subject to the Parish Councils approval for the final design and layout) in the case of Mr Hillman moving out of the Parish.

15.8 Reports
a) The Clerks Report was accepted
b) The Chairman reported that she had attended a meeting which gave an update on vaccines.

15.9 Planning

a. Applications to consult:
i) 21/00419/EFUL: Resourceful Earth Ltd, Charlton Field Lane, Queen Charlton: Development of an Anaerobic Digester Facility (including retention of the existing Feedstock Reception Building, Digester Tank (x5), Storage Tank, CHP Engine (x4), Transformer, GRP Substation, GRP Technical Room (x5) and Gas Equipment) to produce both gas and electricity for injection into the local grid networks, alongside the restoration of the former Queen Charlton Quarry Site with ecological and landscape enhancements.
The Parish council resolved to OBJECT to this application on the basis that the vehicle movements will have a detrimental impact on residents and the proposals in Greenbelt will cause environmental harm.
ii) 21/00606/FUL. Land Adjacent To River Chew, Hunstrete Lane, Woollard: Change of use to dual use (agricultural/commercial) and site Shepherd’s hut used ancillary to Bell Farm Alpacas and as cafe (Retrospective). The Parish council Resolved to OBJECT to the planning application due to the negative impact reported by residents as a result of this retrospective application, and the sensitive location of the site.

b. Decision Notification:
i) 20/04269/FUL. 51 Hillcrest, Pensford: Erection of two storey side extension following demolition of existing single storey side extension and conservatory. APPLICATION PERMITTED

c. Other Planning Matters:
i) A Stable on Woollard Lane, being used as a dwelling was raised as it was subject to enforcement a few years ago, but the situation had not been resolved – The Ward Councillor would get an update.

15.10 Financial Matters
a) The Financial Report were accepted

March Payments were approved.

Payee Mark McMullen
Description Footpath Officer
Amount £80.00
VAT to reclaim –

Payee Mrs Helen Richardson
Description Clerk’s Salary + Jan reimbursement for Zoom
Amount £748.71
VAT to reclaim –

Payee HMRC
Description 4th quarter PAYE
Amount £637.10
VAT to reclaim –

Payee Parish News
Description Grant approved 14.7a
Amount £200.00
VAT to reclaim –

Payee Avon Local Councils Association
Description Subscription
Amount £278.51
VAT to reclaim –

Payee Sally Daniels
Description Reimburse Waste Bins and Allotment Gate
Amount £435.00
VAT to reclaim –

Total value of cheques: £2379.32

15.11 Items to carry forward to the next meeting: Footpath through the Rising Sun.

15.12 To note Future Meetings:
Parish Liaison – Wednesday 24 March, Wednesday 14 July or Wednesday 21 July, Wednesday 13 October 2021
West of England Mass Transit Project: Transforming the region’s transport network. Thurs 11 March at 1:30 – 2:30pm.
B&NES Rural Landscape Character Assessment Review and Landscape Strategy. Stakeholder Consultation Workshop : Tuesday 16th March.