Parish Council Minutes – 8th February 2021


Present: Mrs J Stephenson (Chairman), Mrs J Gully, Mr P Baxter, Mrs D Custance, Mr M Daniels, Mr S Filer, Mrs S Grimes, Ms J Flower, Mr T Heaford, Mr T Jones, Mrs T Jones & Cllr P. May (B&NES) and Mrs H Richardson (Clerk) and 1 Member of Public

14.1 Public Submissions: – A resident asked the Parish Council for support as he is experiencing problems with inconsiderate parking on Birchwood Lane blocking access to and from his home. He is frequently blocked from getting to his home and has to help rescue stranded vehicles that have got into difficulties in the muddy verges. (Discussed in 14.7b)

14.2 Apologies: None

14.3 Declarations of Interest: None

14.4 The Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 11th January 2021 were agreed as a true and fair record. The Chairman will sign them at the next available opportunity.

14.5 An update on District Matters. – Cllr.May reported that having read more of the Local Plan Update the Parish Council may wish to make representation regarding the greenbelt and the village boundary when the first draft comes out in May. He has been speaking to a resident on the A37 who believes that pollution levels are increasing, but B&NES are saying that levels have dropped. B&NES are proposing a 2% rise in council tax plus 3% for adult services and the Ward Councillor is pressing for more investment in Rural areas. Recent Covid reports of 800 cases per 100,000 has improved and the latest report shows 250 cases per 100,000. The Ward councillor will be working with the working group to produce the liveable neighbourhoods document.

14.6 Updates on current matters:
a) Vintage Phone Box – The Parish Council agreed to purchase the phone kiosk for £1 and therefore take responsibility for the insurance.
b) Allotments – Invoices are ready to send out. .
c) Environmental & Climate Emergency working group – Report previously circulated.
d) Dog bins – Ready to install. Agreed to pay for emptying bin at Village Hall @ £18 +VAT each time while the Village Hall is not using the bins. A lock is being added to the bin store.
e) Memorial Hall – the committee have not met as the hall is closed.
f) Litter picks – Bags and litter picks have been delivered, and arrangement has been made with B&NES to collect gold bags. The whole of the Parish is covered by volunteers, however it was noted that the verges of the A37 on Hursley Hill was still a mess- The Ward Councillor will raise this with B&NES
g) PCAA – minutes of the meeting on 28th January have been circulated. A consultation on night flying is running currently as the airport have submitted an application to increase flying at night.

14.7 Matters for Discussion / Decision
a) The Parish Council approved a grant of £200 towards the printing costs for the Parish News
b) The Parish Council discussed the issues experienced in Birchwood Lane due to inconsiderate parking. The Ward Councillor agreed to speak to the relevant Cabinet Member with the support of the Parish Council. The Ward Councillor also suggested that Birchwood lane and the Junction with the A37 should be raised in discussions about Liveable Neighbourhoods (14.7c)
c) The Parish Council agreed to form a Liveable Neighbourhoods working group to consider the main issues to raise and report back to the Ward Councillor. The members of the working group are Sue Grimes, Mike Daniels, Paul Baxter and two residents.
d) It was reported that ongoing investigations were being carried by out by B&NES as a resident is repeatedly putting dog poo bags down the drains along Hillcrest.

14.8 Reports
a) The Clerks Report was accepted
b) The Chairman reported that she had received a quote for the proposed parking at the Memorial Hall and it would be discussed next month
c) It was reported that the Chairman attended the ALCA meeting on 3rd February. There is a vacancy for an assistant to the Chief Officer of ALCA. A presentation on what ALCA does for Parish Councils will be given at the next ALCA meeting.

14.9 Planning
a. Applications to consult: None
b. Decision Notification: None
c. Other Planning Matters: None

14.10 Financial Matters

a) The Financial Report were accepted

February Payments were approved.

Purpose for Expense Chq No. Amount VAT Recover
Tudor Environmental Litter Pickers (Retrospective) £118.80 £19.80 Y
Mark McMullen – Footpath Officer £80.00 N/A
Mrs Helen Richardson – Clerk’s Salary – Jan& Reimbursement for Zoom £724.01 N/A
H Richardson Reimburse Titan Internet Domain Registration and Hosting £360.00 £60.00 Y
Total value of cheques £1282.81

14.11 Items to carry forward to the next meeting: Options for the CIL Funds

14.12 To note Future Meetings:
Parish Liaison – Wednesday 24 March, Wednesday 14 July or Wednesday 21 July, Wednesday 13 October 2021 ALCA – 3rd February 2021.

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