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Concern about a rapid rise of Covid Cases in Clutton, Pensford & Temple Cloud.

B&NES have contacted us directly as they have seen a rapid rise in the number of Covid cases across Bath and North East Somerset. The Clutton, Pensford, and Temple Cloud areas are particularly high, with a rate of over 800 new cases per 100,000 in the week ending 6th January. This is mostly in people aged between 20-59 – those of working age. We are asking you to work with us urgently to contain this rise in cases.

Residents in these areas, as elsewhere, must stay at home and leave only for essential purposes such as:

• Work – where it is unreasonable for you to do your job from home
• Absolutely necessary shopping
• Exercise
• Health care

It is against the law to meet socially with family and friends, unless they are part of your household or support bubble. People cannot leave home for recreational or leisure purposes such as sitting in a park or a social meeting.

We are currently seeing a big increase in Covid-19 infection rates in the Pensford area. It’s very important that now, more than ever, you follow the rules and stay at home, protect the NHS. and save lives.

You should only leave home if it is absolutely essential. Do not travel if you can work from home. Covid-19 case numbers are on the increase in the Pensford area. We need your help to get them down. Please, stay at home.

In the last two weeks, Covid-19 case numbers have risen dramatically in the Pensford area. Please remember that you must self-isolate if you, or anyone in your household or bubble, has COVID-19, the symptoms of COVID-19, or is waiting for a test result.

More information can be found at www.bathnes.gov.uk/coronavirus. The Community Wellbeing Hub can also help with food, medicines and other support. It can be contacted on 0300 247 0050.

Covid kills – let’s keep working together to drive the numbers down.

This notice is issued by the Parish Clerk, on behalf of Publow with Pensford Parish Council