Parish Council Minutes – 14th December 2020


Present: Mrs J Stephenson (Chairman), Mrs J Gully, Mr P Baxter, Mrs D Custance, Mrs S Grimes, Ms J Flower, Mr T Heaford, Mr T Jones, & Cllr P. May (B&NES)(Part) and Mrs H Richardson (Clerk) and 4 Members of Public

12.1 Public Submissions: – The chair of the School Governors asked the Parish Council to support the proposed safe walking route to school to be discussed in item 12.7a

12.2 Apologies: Mr M Daniels & Mrs T Jones,

12.3 Declarations of Interest: Mr P Baxter (9ai)

12.4 The Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 9th November 2020 were agreed as a true and fair record. The Chairman will sign them at the next available opportunity.

12.5 An update on District Matters. – Cllr May reported that he has been involved in a number of enforcement issues in the village. Paul has arranged a meeting with residents & the Highways officer after questioning the highways response to the planning consultation for the development at the Orchard. The Ward Councillor is pushing B&NES to spend more resources in Rural Areas with regards to Liveable Neighbourhoods. B&NES are reviewing their Commercial Estate as income has reduced significantly since the start of the Covid-19 Pandemic. The WECA Consultation for the Local Plan is closing imminently. B&NES have discussed the reorganisation of governance in Somerset but decided not to merge to create one large Unitary Authority. Taxis may now be included in the Clean Air Zone in Bath. B&NES are now considering budgets and the effects of the Pandemic. The Business support grants have been extended and available to small business.

12.6 Updates on current matters:
a) Vintage Phone Box – Position still needs to be finalised. The ownership of the kiosk was discussed, and it was agreed that if required, the Parish Council would be willing in principle to take ownership of the kiosk to ensure its future maintenance and insurance requirements.
b) Allotments – No report
c) Environmental & Climate Emergency working group – Report previously circulated, they are looking for a volunteer tree warden and would advertise on the website.
d) Dog bins – No update
e) Memorial Hall -, the committee voted to support the safe footpath link to the school, and also supported the proposal for the extra parking provision for general parking.
f) Litter picks – more litter picks & bags were requested. Current availability of litter picks will be established, and a proposal will be put forward for the next meeting.
g) PCAA – The Airport have submitted a large amount of new information ahead of their appeal and we have been asked to resubmit our comments. Bristol City Council have now withdrawn their support for the expansion as it does not meet climate change targets. To be discussed in Planning: 12.9iv

12.7 Matters for Discussion / Decision
a) The Parish Council agreed to support the proposal to create a safe walking route between the Memorial Hall Field & the school; and would like to work in partnership with the school to progress the project.
b) Two alternative proposals are being developed to put to a village consultation on how to spend the CIL money.
c) The Climate & Emergency Working Group presented a proposal from Bath & West Community Energy to carry out an audit to establish the different options to develop a renewable energy scheme in the Parish. No expenditure from the Parish Council was required as the Working group are applying for grants for the costs (£3206.25 + VAT). The Parish Council agreed that the Working Group should continue to apply for grants on behalf of the Parish Council provided there was no commitment to match funding.
d) The Parish Council approved a donation of £100 to the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) for this year’s subscription

12.8 Reports
a) The Clerks Report was accepted
b) The Chairman reported new batteries & Pads had to be purchased for the Defibrillators and so they were taken off-line for 24 hours but all is operational again. Umang Patel had been awarded Runner up in the Chelwood Rotary Club awards.
c) The Chairman attended the ALCA meeting on 3rd December where they discussed the changes to planning due to shortage of green space, the current Covid Restrictions and looking at how slavery is addressed in reference to Black Lives Matter. Next meeting 3rd February.
d) The Report from the Tennis Club was received and it was reported that they are fundraising for a replacement hut.

12.9 Planning

a) Applications to consult:
i. 20/04295/TCA.: The Former Thomas A Becket’s Church, Church Street, Pensford. Yew(T1) – Crown Reduction. The height of the tree will remain the same. Width of the canopy after the works would be 40ft approx. The Parish Council agreed that they had NO OBJECTION
ii. 20/04269/FUL: 51 Hillcrest, Pensford. Erection of Two Storey side & Rear extension following demolition of existing single storey side extension and conservatory. The Parish Council agreed that they had NO OBJECTION to this application.
iii. 20/04412/LBA: 189 Publow Lane, Woollard. Internal alterations for remodelling and refurbishment. The Parish Council agreed that they had NO OBJECTION.
iv. 20/P/2896/APPCON: Bristol Airport, North Side Road, Felton, Wrington. Submission of addendum to Environmental Statement and associated documents by Bristol Airport Limited in relation to its appeal against the decision of North Somerset Council on 13/3/20 to refuse planning application 18/P/5118/OUT.
The Parish Council agreed to submit their previous response and update it to state that a Climate & Ecological Emergency had been declared and to highlight our main concerns which were traffic noise and night flights.

b) Decision Notification:
i. 20/4012/TCA 2 Hillside, Publow Lane, Woollard: T1 (Willow) – Cut back lateral branches emanating from main trunk angled at approx. 40 degrees by approx. 3m. NO OBJECTION
ii. 20/03785/TCA: 144 High Street, Pensford. T1 (Eucalytpus gunnii) – Removal of dead wood, crown reduction of over extended branches by 2m NO OBJECTION
iii. 20/3846/FUL: 39 Hillcrest Pensford.Erection of 1 no 4 bed dwelling. PERMIT

c) Other planning Matters
i. I) UPDATE FROM Resourceful Energy Anaerobic Ltd: The letter was from a PR Company and was vague and so it was agreed that the Clerk should resend the Parish Councils response to the previous application and ask that our concerns are addressed.

12.10 Financial Matters
a) The Financial Report were accepted

b) December Payment were approved.

d) The 2021-22 budget was previously circulated. The Clerk would arrange an informal Zoom discussion to go discuss the budget in detail.

12.11 Items to carry forward to the next meeting: None

12.12 To note Future Meetings:
Parish Liaison – Wednesday 24 March, Wednesday 14 July or Wednesday 21 July, Wednesday 13 October 2021 ALCA – 3rd February 2021.

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